Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl (28 page)

BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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But then he realized that all those jobs focused on Magical Side. He wanted a job that was more on the side of Physical Strength. He thought to himself that he'll  just have to come up with something.



"Smoke, rise into the stars and witness its magnificence."



Smoke was still lost in thought about the advance form of the hidden job when he was immediately teleported to outer space.



He was floating outside the world of ZECTAS. He saw how huge it was. He also noticed that the seas and oceans that divided the continents were not that far apart.



ZECTAS looked more like the earlier time of Earth. When it still had the super continent called Pangea, except that at the center of the continent there was a big ocean that separated the kingdoms.



He thought that this must be what they called the great lake. They should have called this the great ocean surrounded by the kingdoms.



As he was watching ZECTAS he was teleported once again, and he was made to see the galaxies. Stars and planets were passing by like flashes of light.



A lot of things came to his mind as he saw the marvelous universe. The comets, planets, and the stars. Everything was too much for words that he couldn't describe the emotions that filled his being.



He felt powerful yet insignificant at the same time. He was but a speck of dust in this infinite universe. But from watching everything he also felt like he had the power to be its protector.



A bright light flashed and he was instantly teleported back onto the platform inside the hidden room of his cellar.



"How was the view? Empowering and Humbling, right?"



Smoke thought that this virtual reality world was too real to be more than just a game, but Darius had sensibly described what he was feeling as he saw the grandeur of the universe.



"Smoke, it is with great delight that I welcome you into our brotherhood. Our brotherhood of Beggars!"



+ Job Change!!!
You have successfully changed your job into a
HP has increased by 10,000 HP
Mana has increased by 10,000 HP
STR has increased by 20
AGI has increased by 20
INT has increased by 10
DEX has increased by 10
Beggars Info:
NPCs will either loathe and hate you because of your appearance  or
pity you and try to help you as if you were their blood brother.
* Armors and accessories will appear shabby, even if you use a mithril armor crafted by GodHand Dwarvius.
* Players get fame points by spitting on you or by feeding you, depending on their alignment.
* Players will not turn into 'Killers' if they kill you within Kingdoms that promote the killing of beggars.
* Earning Charisma is twice as hard.
Beggars Abilities:
Beggar's Adaptation:
Level: Beginner Level 1
Experience: (0/1,000)
* Can bypass job requirement on items/weapons/abilities/quests/events
  - When using the adaptation ability:
  > Can only use LVL * 25% of the weapons damage
  > Can only use LVL * 25% of the abilities potential
  > Can only use LVL * 25% of the items potential
Where: LVL => Beginner:1 => Intermediate:2 => Advance:3 => Master:4
Level: Beginner Level 1
Experience: (0/1,000)
* Can ask NPC to give gold or information.
* Success of ability depends on charisma, luck, LVL of ability, and intimacy with NPC.



Smoke was astonished at his hidden basic job. He got the hidden job of a Beggar! As he checked out his black modified dexterity armor. It now looked like a black shabby armor. He truly looked like a beggar.



Even though his armor became tattered, he was still very happy with his job. He could now equip the item drop that he got from the Fecund Lizard Matron, the green dual knives, 'Tails of the Virile and Fecund Lizards'.



He could also read the books that he couldn't read before because of specific job requirement. The possibilities were boundless.



In the midst of his excitement, Smoke noticed that there was another placeholder inside the hidden room. He wondered what it was for. His curiosity got the better of him.



"Darius, what is this placeholder for?"



"Oh... That is for the sixth family token."




Secrets of Nanahuatl Village



Filled with uncertainty, Nash finished his last modifications on his eighth video. He had been fiddling with it for quite some time since his last video only got him another check for $10,000.



His seventh video was about the time when he fought the iron golem and at the end of the video he showed the other players that he had acquired a symbiote, Dark Ember Sprite, Igniz.



This was Nash's usual plan of enticing his audience since the process of creating a symbiote was not found in any of the forums.



Unfortunately, his audience got tired of his customary mysterious videos. The appeal of finding out the secret process of gaining a symbiote was gone.



The reason being that almost no one was able to solve the riddle of his videos. Also when his videos are compared against that of Tristan's and Amahan's, those videos spoon fed the users with a ton of useful information.



Nash kept tabs on his two rivals. He found that their video posts had some kind of theme.





Tristan's latest series of posts were more like a documentary. It was about how he raised his private army to 300 NPCs. He originally started out with just 30 NPCs. They mostly consisted of Wizards, Snipers, Assassins, and Paladins.



He first visited the Academia’s advance jobs. There, he coerced the NPCs by promising them a hefty salary of 100,000 zecs per month and a bonus depending on their contribution to certain quests. He pointed out that it had to be this high in order to quickly increase the intimacy with the NPC and have a loyalty of above 50+ once they have joined the private army.



After going on various quests with these 30 NPCs, Tristan had raised their intimacies to 80+. At that range the NPC's salary could be reduced to about 25%. Of course Tristan did no such thing.



Instead he sent the 30 NPCs to the basic job centers of their respective fields. There he had them pick out at least 10 candidates to join his private army. He also instructed his NPC's to promise them 20,000 zecs per month if they were to join him.



Tristan, Aurora, and Bones together with the gathered NPCs focused on monster hunts and quests that would rapidly increase the levels of the NPCs with the basic jobs.



With the places to train plotted out, the NPCs easily got the requirements needed to get their advance jobs. Tristan instructed them to get their advance jobs and assured them a salary of 60,000 zecs per month.



Because he was the one responsible for increasing their levels their loyalties had also increased to 80% and thus they agreed to the said amount.



The original 30 NPCs still continued on with their same salary and were inducted as Captains to Tristan's private army.



From the salaries alone Tristan had an upkeep of 19,200,000 zecs. If you were to include the maintenance of equipments, food, and lodging for his private army, it would sum up to about 30,000,000 zecs a month!






Amahan and his guild the Decane were still in the newly discovered Northern Kingdom of Aquilomentl. From their last post that displayed the location of the entrance to Aquilomentl, a horde of players from the North came to the said location.



Amahan's series of video posts were about the strategic locations in Aquilomentl, places where in players would get the most experience and the expensive undead loot.



Players continued to head to the locations that Amahan had been posting from all three kingdoms of,  Mictaztl (Northern Kingdom), Matotl (North Eastern Kingdom), and Chanmotzl (North Western Kingdom).



There were guilds that had at least 1,000 of their members join in on the expedition to the north...



Merchants and Traders quickly seized this opportunity, having various Cooperatives of Merchants and Traders to establish rally points.



As the players increased their numbers the threat of the monsters attacking decreased as well. Mini-Rally Encampments were set up as the players heading to the north just kept on increasing everyday.



If you were in one of these encampments you would have thought that you've stepped into a medium sized village. The encampments had stalls from various Merchant Shops, Blacksmith Shops, Appraisal Shops, and First Aid Centers.



All of these encampments gave 2% of their profits to the Decane guild. Decane had signed a deal with the Commercial Community (composing of Merchants, Blacksmiths, Tailors, Appraisers, Alchemists, and other production jobs) to create this business opportunity.



In the main cities, the Commercial Community has a tax of 15% in all of their business transactions. Offering the Decane Guild a 2% incentive was a bargain.






Nash's eighth video displayed his victory against the murlocks and the lamias. But this time he showed the prowess of his private army.



He showcased the combination of the Range Sieger and the series of Hunter attacks as they took on the thorny devil lizards head on.



The Range Sieger is a hidden job. There were already a number of players who had gotten it but no one had really displayed its power and potential.



He was confident of his private army. He thought that with the military precision that they displayed as the army of murlocks and lamias came at them was enough to give Decane a run for their money.



Many strategies were shown in this video post, but Smoke still stuck to his plan of keeping most of his information a secret, such as the acquisition of knowledge from books, the location of Nanahuatl Village, and his job.



However, at the end of his video post he included the part where in Sharur called out his name. Before everyone would just call him supernovice. But now they would come to know him as... Smoke!



With this he had hoped that it would entice the players to start reviewing his videos once more. He desperately needed to make 200,000,000 views.



A few hours after Nash posted his eighth video a forum thread became viral. The thread kept getting comments every second. It's subject was 'Tristan vs. Amahan vs. Smoke'



Tristan is definitely better than those two wannabes. So
what if Amahan has the highest level. He doesn't have Tristan's private
A battle royale between those three would be a nice
sight to see. But I think Smoke's level is still too low to be much of a
competition. But if they bring their whole guild and private armies,
there might be some challenge there.
Each one of them
hasn't displayed 100% of their full power. I'd like to see what the
outcome would be if they all gave it their best.
I'm with
Amahan on this one. Tristan's just displaying how rich he is. If he
can't pay that private army of his he won't stand a chance. Well he
still has DracoRicco for back up. But I'm confused is this just players
and their private army or guild and all? What are the rules for their
I must say if it's one on one I'm with
Tristan. Amahan's specialty is against the Undead. If he would fight
against Smoke. Even with Smoke's lower level he can still take out
Yeah, I'm not 100% sure about this but I think
that Amahan and his Decane are just using the players as pawns in
clearing up the new found kingdom. I find it really suspicious why his
giving out specific locations in the map. If it's a great hunting
ground, wouldn't you want to monopolize that place for your guild?
It's Tristan for sure hands down. Those two can't even hold a candle against him.
Master Smoke!!! I still can't get over the fact that I now know your
name! I'm sure that even if your level is lower than Tristan’s and
Amahan’s you will find a way to defeat those two. No matter what the
rules of your battle would be. Please tell us your location so we could
join your guild Master Smoke!
I'm not too sure
that Smoke's level is that low either. I think he should be in the late
80s or early 90s. With that insane attack speed and attack damage. He
has to be at least level 85.
Tristan... Tristan... Tristan... Tristan...
Maybe all three of them can join in an arena fight. All major cities
hold arena battles right? Why not have them fight there?
For one all three of them are located in different parts of Zectas.
Amahan is in the North, Tristan is in the East, and Smoke well... I
don't think he is in those two places. Maybe the Western or the Southern
Master Smoke... Will be victorious! Tristan and Amahan can't do anything against him.
Tristan's just insanely rich. An average player who has a level of 100+
can earn 5 million zecs in a month. That's with consistently doing C
level and above quests with a mountain of loot. Tristan's last video
showing that he spends 30 million zecs for his private army alone makes
me raise a question. Is that what he uses the fees in his DracoRicco
guild for? For Amahan, I heard from a reliable source that he gains 2%
from all of the encampments in the north. For Smoke, well he's still
pretty much of a mystery but I'm sure something is up with him as well.
I think Amahan could take on another player in PVP. I don't think he
would be dumb enough to focus on just one type of monster. The world of
Zectas is so vast and has many varieties of monsters. Anyway I'm sure
Amahan can take on Tristan and especially Smoke.
undecided on who would win but the fact remains that having those three
fight would be a fight worth seeing. I mean I'd pay to watch those three
Tristan is still currently the only player with a
City. He has the highest known members of a private army. He has taken
on a legendary dragon. What are Amahan’s   accomplishments? Besides
discovering some kingdom that could be discovered by anyone who would
have stumbled upon it. Now for this clown of a character named Smoke.
It's just so pathetic that he would try to join in on this fight.
Aside from Tristan showing off how rich he is. Has he ever done a quest
that he did on his own? I think that Smoke is a better player than him.
Have you forgotten that he managed to free that village all by himself?
I think the real challenge for Amahan would be Smoke and not Tristan.
However in the end the only winner that I can see emerging from this
fight would be Amahan!
BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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