Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl (27 page)

BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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+ Atk hit. +POISON DMG. Falcon Aya damaged Matron: Aquaria for 839.


+ Atk hit. Falcon Thyr damaged Matron: Aquaria for 421.


+ Atk hit. Falcon Ranga damaged Matron: Aquaria for 411.



After the exchange, the lamia boss still had (82,905/120,000 HP) left.



Smoke retreated a bit as he tried to catch some of his breath. He wasn't used to fighting melee anymore and realized it wasn't as easy as he has remembered.



When Smoke retreated the lamia boss returned to use her glacial spikes instead of her claws that she used when Smoke was near her.



He knew that he had to go back into her space once more. He had to do it to disable her from using the glacial spikes and reduce the potential damage that she could inflict on his private army, as well as increasing the damage that his private army could inflict on her.



Smoke was about to rush into her again when he noticed that the lifebar of the lamia boss was decreasing rapidly.



+ Atk hit. +LIGHTNG DMG. BACK ATTACK. Adder damaged Matron: Aquaria for 8612.


+ Atk hit. +LIGHTNG DMG. BACK ATTACK. Adder damaged Matron: Aquaria for 8598.


+ Atk hit. +LIGHTNG DMG. BACK ATTACK. Adder damaged Matron: Aquaria for 8602.


+ Atk hit. +LIGHTNG DMG. BACK ATTACK. Adder damaged Matron: Aquaria for 8609.



It was Adder! He was carrying a really thick, double bladed sword. It looked like three mantis blades were fused together, creating one end of the sword while the other end had the same three mantis blade fused together.



At the center, where the two handles of the composite mantis blade sword were welded together,  was a shimmering stone that emitted a shade of light yellow. It was a spark stone!



Smoke couldn't believe his eyes. Adder came back stronger than ever. Adder has done the impossible. Double bladed swords were classified under Two-Handed Swords yet there he was using only one hand.



Adder was swinging the double bladed mantis sword effortlessly. He even managed to make a four hit strike with that huge weapon.



The lamia boss turned around to see who was causing the damage. The moment she exposed her back to Smoke and everyone else was the moment of her death.



+ Your party has dealt a fatal blow to Lamia Matron: Aquaria.


+ Your party killed the Lamia Matron: Aquaria.


+ Your party gained 180,000 exp.



He sprinted to pick up the item drop of the lamia boss.



+ Acquired rare bracelet: 'Armband of the Water Lamia'.



Smoke looked back at the entrance of the cave to see if there were still murlocks and lamias coming out. Seeing as that there weren't any left he threw another bag up into the air which Igniz exploded.



The bag blew up into a cloud of purple dust, Calling everyone to gather at the mobile archer tower. While the rest of the private army were heading towards the archer tower, Smoke walked towards Adder with a big smile on his face.



He noticed that Adder was also wearing the specialized earmuffs so he knew Adder couldn't hear anything that Smoke was saying. Smoke just motioned for him to join them under the archer tower.



After gathering under the tower, the rest of Smoke's private army bowed before Adder. They have deep respect for him. They had heard the story of how he sacrificed his left arm to protect Smoke.



Smoke waited for 30 minutes to see if there were any stragglers left from the cavern. After waiting for the self imposed time, he checked to see if there was any smoke left from the mandragora flowers. From on top of the waterfalls, he saw that the smoke had already dissipated.



He then signaled for Adder and Ichaival together with his falcon to follow him into the cave. The moment they were inside the great cavern they saw that it was littered with lamia scales, murlock scales, and a few murlock spears.



Smoke motioned for them to start collecting the item drops. Before Ichaival started, Smoke asked him to attach the note to his falcon and send it outside. The note indicated that the battle was over and that the members outside should start collecting the loot as well. It took them about 30 minutes to finish up inside.



After returning to the surface, Smoke gave a quick glance at his private army to check if anyone had any serious injuries.



He then removed his earmuffs, which everyone followed. At a lost for words, he then gave a triumphant roar!






Everyone joined in and screamed at the top of their lungs to celebrate their victory.





On the way back to Nanahuatl Village, Smoke started interviewing Adder on what he had been doing all this time and how he came up with that epic weapon.



"Well, I was thinking that I should carry some sort of shield in order to be a proper tank. But then I realized that I'm a warrior of Condortl. We don't carry shields. We wield giant swords. So I thought, why not make a sword that was thick enough to be a shield?"



"And that's how you came up with this humongous weapon? It's really impressive and where did you get that spark stone?"



"The moment I regained consciousness, I asked Darius about how to increase my damage against the lamias. He told me about the spark stones. As we were discussing things, I came up with the idea of making the composite mantis blade. Apparently, he was excited at the idea. He wanted to try making another composite weapon after he made your composite bow. He then told me to ask James Jackal about the spark stone."



"James Jackal had a spark stone?"



"Apparently. So I asked him to give me the stone, which he gladly did. Darius then started crafting this magnificent weapon. He called this double bladed sword 'BlitzTod'."



"Wow, he gave it a name. So there aren't any penalties? Like -30 Strength?"



"Nope, none at all. Aside from the Lightning enhancement from the spark stone, it even has +20 Strength."



"What?! Oh, I guess Darius must have gotten better at making composite weapons. Maybe I should ask him to make me another bow."



Home-bound, Smoke and his private army continued on their journey, listening to Adder's story on how he managed to gain the ability 'Grip of the Silver Gorilla' which enabled him to master his weapon 'BlitzTod'.



Unknownst to Smoke and his private army, there was a pair of cold yellow eyes with black slits watching them. As they faded into the far off distance the figure hiding on top of the trees removed her hood.



She took out her magical golden plate of communication from her bag. She nicked her fingertip with her knife and dropped a few drops of her blood on the magical plate.



"High General Lizardo, the trap that we've set up against Smoke has failed. Most of the packs of thorny devil lizards were killed. Matron Aquaria and her army of lamias are all dead as well."



"What?! I thought that Aquaria was more than enough to dispatch an insignificant bug like him. I thought that he lost an arm during their last fight? Did he come back with an army?"



"No, High General Lizardo. It was one of his men that lost an arm. After his last defeat he brought four Hunters, two Range Siegers, and the man who lost an arm."



"My army of lamias were dispatched by just eight bugs?! This is beginning to annoy me! Spyteria, I want you to tell me where he'll be going next. We must prepare a better trap to torture him in."



“As you command, High General Lizardo.”









Finally back in Nanahuatl Village, Smoke dismissed his private army as he headed towards Peitro Fischer's house.



Only Adder stayed with Smoke as he was about to complete his river monsters quest and gain the last family token.



"Hi, Peitro, I've come to inform you that I've defeated all of the murlocks and the lamias that blocked the river ways. You can now safely reach the sea that you love so deeply."



"Thank you very much Smoke! I knew I could depend on you. But I didn't see any lamias when I encountered the murlocks."


+ Completed Quest: Wipe out the River Monsters
You have cleared the river ways towards the open sea by killing of all the monsters attacking everyone in the river.
 * Fischer Family Token
 * 100,000 exp



"Oh, they were sneakily hiding inside their secret hide out behind the waterfalls."



"Ahh. No wonder I couldn't see them. Though it's still strange that lamias would coexist with murlocks since they mostly compete for the same food source."



"Really? I didn't know about that. Well, anyway all of the monsters blocking the river are now dead."



"Great! Just give me a couple of minutes while I gather everyone."



Smoke had hoped that he would just give him the family token instead of the whole official process of calling his whole clan.



As the whole clan of the Fischers were gathered, Thyrsus included. Peitro stomped his foot to signify the start of the family token ceremony.



"Everyone, we are gathered here today to give honor and praise to our village hero, Smoke. He has taken it upon himself to get rid of the river monsters blocking our way to the sea. As such I, clan head of the Fischers, deem him worthy to be our next clan head. I hereby give our family token to our new clan head, Smoke."



Peitro handed Smoke a small wooden sculpture of a man fishing.



+ Received Fischers' family token


+ Family Token of the Fischers
You have cleared the river ways towards the outer seas.
The Fischers deeply appreciate this heroic act.
Family Tokens Count: (5/5)


+ Intimacy with the Fischers has risen to 'Blood Brothers'
      For your heroic act of clearing out the river monsters.
      You open the path towards the Sea once more.
      The Fischers will now follow your will as their new Clan Head.



"Thank you, everyone. I think I'm now the clan head of all the main clans in Nanahuatl. Hopefully I can guide you all to properly. Please feel correct me if you feel that I'm not doing it right..."



Applause filled the room. Everyone felt that with Smoke's guidance their village could return to its former glory or maybe even become a town or a city.








With all five family tokens, Smoke went to see Darius. Finally the long awaited hidden basic job of Nanahuatl will be his.



Darius was brimming with happiness as he saw Smoke approaching. Darius asked Adder to stay behind as they were going to a place that only the Smoke and Darius could enter.



Darius led Smoke to the house in front of the fountain, the biggest house in Nanahuatl, the house that they have given Smoke. Smoke was wondering what they were doing in his house. He thought maybe they had to get something else.



"Before going any further, may I ask you to leave Igniz behind. He is still a being with consciousness and that may cause a problem as we proceed with the ceremony."



Smoke asked Igniz to stay behind and play around the house or outside the fountain. Darius then led Smoke downstairs towards the cellar. Smoke had only been there once. He was just curious as to what was down there but saw nothing.



He did find that the cellar was not your typical cellar as it had 5 walls. The fifth wall was the one furthest from the stairs as it was completely on the opposite side.



As they entered the cellar, the walls began to glow. The cellar was illuminated by a sky blue light. Continuing further into the cellar, Smoke saw that the wall furthest from the stairs had changed. Instead of a plain wall there were five placeholders on the wall.



Darius then raised his right hand and pointed to the placeholders. Smoke understood that he should place the family tokens there.



As he placed each family token, the placeholder went down a couple of inches. It seemed as if the place holders were a lever of some sorts.



After placing the last family token, Darius pulled Smoke back a bit. The fifth wall started to shake as it began to sink down into the ground, revealing a hidden room.



The hidden room was surrounded by black stone walls. As they entered the room Smoke felt cold. At the center of the room there was an elevated circular platform that had rune carvings on its outer circle.



"Smoke, please step onto the platform."



Smoke obeyed his instructions. He was so excited to finally get the hidden job. He stepped onto the platform. As he did the runes surrounding the platform started glowing.



"Smoke, having presented the five family tokens of the main families in Nanahuatl Village. I, as the guardian of the village, find you to be a worthy person to gain Nanahuatl's hidden basic job."



Smoke thought that this was it. He was finally gonna be a Librarian. He thought what could be the possible advance jobs of a Librarian? Could it be a Scholar? Or perhaps a Sage?
BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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