Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl (30 page)

BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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He took on three more rounds from the three rabid raccoons' attacks. His lifebar became (11,214/36,850 HP). Since he did not have any ability to attack with his legs and with only 30% left of his life he called for Adder and Igniz to eliminate the monsters that were attacking him.



The three rabid racoons were killed in under 4 seconds. Adder took down two while Igniz dealt with the last rabid raccoon.



Smoke ordered for the two of them to protect him for the next 2 minutes since it took that long for his life to fully recover.



Normally when sitting down and using the 'medicinal deer stew' it would take about 10 minutes in order to completely heal.



However, now that he has found a new medicinal recipe from one of the books that he read, the recovery time has been reduced to one third.



The recipe is called: 'medicinal curry', its ingredients are potatoes, yellow medicinal herbs, fish, deer meat, coconut, jaggery, garlic, and jalapeño.



The spices are still in short supply so he can't make too many of this new dish. The effects of the dish are 1% recovery rate and 'burned status' which meant 150 damage/second. The effects also last for 30 minutes. Since Smoke has gained fire resistance of up to 50% he didn't take any damage from 'the burned status'.



He didn't want to take any unnecessary recovery periods. So he opted to try dodging just one rabid raccoon.



- Attacked by rabid raccoon. MISS. damage: 0.


- Attacked by rabid raccoon. MISS. damage: 0.


- Attacked by rabid raccoon. MISS. damage: 0.


- Attacked by rabid raccoon. MISS. damage: 0.


- Attacked by rabid raccoon. MISS. damage: 0.


- Attacked by rabid raccoon. MISS. damage: 0.



Still handicapped by the two books. Smoke just kept on dodging the rabid raccoon. 20 minutes have passed and the effects of his 'medicinal curry' had ran out. He asked for Igniz to take out the rabid raccoon.



"Time to recharge guys. Let's head out to the plains and eat some curry."



As they settled down to rest. Adder started preparing the meal. Once everything was set. They started eating. Seeing that Smoke can't use both his hands he had asked Igniz to become his pseudo spoon.



Igniz would create a small fire shield and scoop down the curry and feed it to Smoke. This made the curry a little bit hotter but he found the temperature to be just right.



"Wow, Igniz sure seems to be pretty useful."



"I know, I just asked him if he could feed me somehow and he was the one who came up with that ember spoon."



"I wish I had an ember sprite. Or anything that could replace my missing left arm."



"Yeah, about that I've been looking for books on limb restoration for humans... and I'm afraid that all I found was creating prosthetic limbs. Of course you need a specialized craftsman in order to make moveable limbs."



"I see, well I'm in no hurry to get prosthetic limbs. Although I may miss my left arm but if it weren't for that I wouldn't have been driven to learn the ability 'Grip of the Silver Gorilla'. There are still a couple of good things that came out of that unfortunate incident."



"In any case, I'll still keep on looking for ways of getting you a better arm. Okay? You good to go? Let's head back."



The experience gained from one rabid raccoon was barely visible. Yet the progressbar from the ‘Agility of the Horned Rabbit’ increased by .003% when Smoke dodge against the three rabid raccoons.



He decided to stick with dodging three monsters. He just needed to think of it as being attacked by one rabid raccoon that happens to be on three sides at the same time.



After three hours of repetitive training he gained a better understanding of the rabid raccoons' attack pattern. The damage that he gets in a ten minute time span has been reduced from 6,000 to 4,000.



It was after 12 hours of doing the same routine that he managed to drop the attacks to a measly 1,500 within 10 minutes.



Working hard really paid off. His supplies for making the 'medicinal curry' were almost running out. So he really needed to clear the three rabid raccoons without getting hit ASAP.



With the damage that low he could confidently switch to the old recipe the 'medicinal deer stew'. His ability 'Agility of the Horned Rabbit' needed just 20% more before reaching Advance Level 5.



On his second day of training, a pleasant surprise popped up. He received a system notification for his efforts.


+ Cunning of the Dire Fox has increased to Advance Level 1!
 Detects Enemy Presence from 330 meters away.
 * Advance effect unlocked:
    > Sensing the blood lust of attackers increases dodge rate by 10



He made a winning pose and raised both books up in the air. Now he could step up his game and try dodging 4 rabid raccoons at once.



After only getting misses from the four monsters for an hour. He decided to increase them to six. The moment he added two more rabid raccoons into the mix he started receiving damage.



However the damage was still below the healing rate of the 'medicinal deer stew' so he continued the pace at six rabid raccoons.



The progressbars on the books displayed that they would be completed in the next forty five minutes. Yet the experience bar from his 'Agility of the Horned Rabbit' remained at 96.5%.



"Well, my real purpose here was to kill time while I acquired these books' knowledge anyway. Looks like I'll just have to increase 'Agility of the Horned Rabbit' some other time. Adder, Igniz it's time to head home! Hurry up and finish these monsters."



Smoke had already estimated the travel time required for their return. Igniz was happily orbiting around Smoke once more while he was running with the two books still held tightly in his hands.



As the borders of Nanahuatl Village came into view so did the progressbars of the book came to completion.


+ Secret Societies of Zectas
 * Made up of mythical races,
organizations and groups. There has been a lot of hearsay regarding them
but no one has been able to procure enough evidence to prove their
existence. The conspiracy theory is that they have been either absorbed
or were silenced by the society that they got too close to.
The Societies that conquered all of Zectas
- Celestial and Divine beings that created and ruled over Zectas.
> More information on the book entitled: 'Gods of Zectas'
- The most powerful and plentiful race at one point in Zectas.
> More information on the book entitled: 'The Terrible Lizards'
- Powerful giants who came close to having the power of Gods.
> More information on the book entitled: 'The Strongest Mortals'
The Societies that hold influence over Zectas
Guardias de Tiempo
mostly composed of the hidden job: Magical Templars. They are said to
be guardians of knowledge and time. They might hold the complete history
of Zectas' past present and future.
> More information on the book entitled: 'Guardias de Tiempo'
Verum de Mendicantibus
mostly composed of the hidden job: Beggars. They are said to be the
stabilizers of the world. They say that they are hiding in plain sight
and are a part of Society’s elites.
> More information on the book entitled: 'Verum de Mendicantibus'
Ladrones del Mundo
composed of branches of the thieves job: Vikings, Pirates, Raiders,
Marauders. They are said to be the cruelest thieves of the world.
Whenever they attack everything will be wiped out leaving only ruins.
> More information on the book entitled: 'Ladrones del Mundo'
Domitor Arva
composed of elite individuals who have gained the titles of Kings,
Imperators, Kaisers. They are said to be the rulers of the world.
> More information on the book entitled: 'Domitor Arva'
Inauditas Volucris
- composed  of HalfBeasts, and other HalfBreeds. They say that no place will accept them so they created a society of their own.
> More information on the book entitled: 'Inauditas Volucris'
- composed of self proclaimed heroes, where the individuals has an alignment of: Lawful Evil/Chaotic Good/Unbiased Justice
> More information on the book entitled: 'Vindicabo'
Charognards de la Lune
mostly composed of the hidden job: Moon Knights. They are said to be
the rulers of the night. They are a special group under the Vindicabo
> More information on the book entitled: 'Charognards de la Lune'




+ The Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
Ordered by the 'Guardias de
Tiempo'. There were six individuals who were tasked to create a village
around the 'Repository of Overflowing Power', to defend it from the
world. Least its powers by used for corruption.
These six
individuals brought along their families. They created the remote
village of Nanahuatl. It's lead founder was none other than the mighty
and undefeated  'Kumbaba'. No one could tell what his actual job was.
Since he displayed abilities unique to many jobs.
The 'Guardias
de Tiempo' knew that no one should have access to that much power. So
they chose the six most incorruptible individuals and made them its
The six clan heads disguised the repository as a
modest coal mine. They hired workers to excavate coal in the top layers.
While they created a special barrier to protect the forbidden power
Slowly the simple village of Nanahuatl started to grow
and prosper. New immigrants arrived and families started to increase in
their numbers.
In time the village came to be some small laid
back coal mining village. They had no clear military power but they had
impressive wards and walls to protect their small village.
village took in anyone who didn't have a home. The residents did not
judge anyone that would come into their village. Travelers found the
village friendly and welcoming.
As such the travelers became
resident and decided to stay in Nanahuatl Village. Some of them were
refugees, criminals, escaped slaves, or convicted prisoners.
was welcome. The village held a mysterious power of healing the souls
of its residents. The criminals and prisoners were reformed. They became
just and honest residents of the village.
Without noticing it,
Nanahuatl Village came to hold 9,000 residents. The six clan heads still
had control over the village but their children was a different story.
though the village was increasing in population, the Raiders and
Marauders still overlooked them since the village didn't look to be
With everything settled. Life in Nanahuatl Village continued to be calm, simple, and pleasant.
the 'Guardias de Tiempo' had complete faith in the six protectors, they
still created a fail safe. Just in case something terrible would
happen. They were very hopeful that such a dreadful day would never



+ Your total 'Acquired Knowledge' has increased your Intelligence by 10.



He couldn't believe what he was reading in the 'Acquired Knowledge' window. Nanahuatl Village held such a secret! Darius knew all of this all along.



His first memory of Nanahautl Village was an old run down ghost town. He wondered what terrible thing might have happened that caused the village to be such a desolate place.



The only way to find out is to ask Darius. He increased his pace and started sprinting for Darius' house. Acquiring the knowledge of those two books led to more questions than answers.



At the fountain in the village. Smoke asked Adder and Igniz to go to his house and sort out their supplies and the loot that they've gathered. He knew that Darius would ask them to leave anyway.



Smoke reached Darius' house and didn't bother to knock. He felt more familiar with him than the Manager of the Game Center, who he thinks as his second father.



"Darius, I'm coming in. You sure have a lot of explaining to do. Why didn't you tell me the truth about Nanahuatl Village? Also, the missing sixth family token, does it belong to Kumbaba? Darius? Darius? Where are you Darius?"



He had checked the kitchen, the library, and even the backyard but he didn't find Darius anywhere. He usually just hangs around his house.



The he remembered that Darius also had a cellar like the one in his house. He went back inside and rushed downstairs to the cellar.



Darius' cellar wasn't bare like his. The cellar was filled with books, potions and other equipments that he knew nothing about. Suddenly, one of the walls shifted down and Darius stepped out.



"Oh, I thought you'd be back after one more hour. I was just doing some tidying around my knowledge chamber. You know... for our 'talk'. Ahh, I can clearly see that you're flooded with questions. I told you that reading those two books would make the talk simpler."



Smoke knew that in games like these you have to fulfill certain requirements in order to activate certain events. Yet he was still pissed that Darius didn't tell him any of this stuff before. He thought that they were already close enough that he would tell him everything.
BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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