Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl (25 page)

BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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"Smoke, I'd like to re-introduce to you Sharur Attrayant and Jinggu Attrayant. After they became archers they took on the advance job of Range Siegers."



"Hello, Sir Smoke, I'm Sharur. A pleasure to meet you once again. We are deeply honored to be in your presence. We have heard of your recent accomplishments from everyone in the village."



"I am called Jinggu, Sir Smoke. We're sorry we couldn't come sooner."



"No problem, you don't have any obligations to come to me at all. Also, I wouldn't call losing miserably against the murlocks as an accomplishment. The stories you heard must have been exaggerated."



"I don't think so. Didn't you single handedly free Condortl Village? Jinggu doesn't like to talk much but both of us idolize you, Sir Smoke."



"You guys can drop the Sir. I prefer Smoke. Do you guys really think I'm great? Let me tell you that the first member of my private army lost his left arm. Because of my foolishness, we failed our first mission. So do you guys still think I'm great?"



"I'm sure that you were placed in a very difficult situation. Yet despite that, you were still able to bring back Sir Adder alive right?"



"Yes, he's still alive. But right now he's training far away . I know that he'll come back stronger. I have to be stronger too so that no one in my private army will die."



"Smoke, we are not afraid of death as long as we know it is right and just. We also know that when we follow you we will find what we are looking for."



"So, Smoke, will you accept these two into your private army?"



"It is my honor and privilege to accept both of you into 'our' private army. I'm reminded of my own brothers whenever I see brothers as brave as you two."



+ Sharur Attrayant has joined your Personal Army.
 Sharur Attrayant
is one of Darius' students. He is one of the eight teens who stepped
forward as they were moved by the heroic actions of Smoke.
 Level: 68
 Job: Range Sieger
 Loyalty: 100
 Favorite Weapon: Heavy Ballista
 Equipped Weapon: Heavy Ballista
 Cooking Ability:  Able to cook simple meals.
 Armor Pierce:   Ignores 80% of target's armor
 Far Sight:        Increases range by 500 meters
 Spiral Pierce:    Increases the spiral rotation of the bolt and it's penetration and damage.
+ Jinggu Attrayant has joined your Personal Army.
Attrayant is one of Darius' students. He is one of the eight teens who
stepped forward as they were moved by the heroic actions of Smoke.
 Level: 68
 Job: Range Sieger
 Loyalty: 100
 Favorite Weapon: Heavy Ballista
 Equipped Weapon: Heavy Ballista
 Cooking Ability:  Able to cook simple meals.
 Armor Pierce:     Ignores 80% of target's armor
 Far Sight:        Increases range by 500 meters
 Spiral Pierce:    Increases the spiral rotation of the bolt and it's penetration and damage.




"Wow, you brothers have the same abilities. Are you guys twins? Also, you guys have the features of an elf but I've never seen a green elf before. What kind of elves are you?"



"Yes, that's right. We are twins. Our mother was an elf, while the person who raped her was an ork... We are called Orkelves. However neither orks nor elves would take us in. Mother had to seek refuge here in Nanahuatl as she was shunned by the people of her village."



"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. I didn't mean to pry. I'm sorry if I've brought back some bad memories."



"No, you haven't. Our mother was the bravest person we knew. She brought us to be respectful and strong. She loved us both with all her heart. Before she died she made us promise to be protectors of the weak and to be true to her teachings."



"I'm sure your mother would be very proud of you two. I hope I won't lead you astray. However, there may come a time where in I have to perform some shady acts. My number one priority is my vengeance against a certain person, and I have vowed to do whatever it takes to achieve that. If ever you feel that you are not following the teachings of your mother, please tell me. I don't want you to compromise your promise with her."



"Of course, following the teachings of our mother has always been our way of life. But both Jinggu and I feel the same aura that our mother emitted coming from you. Looking at you, we somehow feel at home."



"Umm. I guess I'll take that as a compliment. By the way this little guy here is called Igniz. I'm sorry for not introducing him earlier. He's a dark ember sprite. He's also my symbiote."



"Yeah, we have been wondering about him for a while as well. I thought areas near ember sprites are really hot?"



"Oh, he's mastered how to suppress his heat. Now he's just a floating light show."



"Now that you guys are done with the introduction. Sharur, Jinggu, would you two perhaps like to show Smoke your abilities?"



"Of course! Master Darius, can we please ask you to use your abilities?"



"Sure, as long as it's inside the village then I can help you."



The twins carried the same weapon as well. Two heavy ballistae. The ballistae were almost all tall as them, at around 6 feet in height and 200 pounds in weight.



Smoke was impressed to see them carrying such heavy range weapons. The ballistae looked like mini catapults. He wondered just how strong these Orkelves were.



For safety purposes, they went to one of the remote part of the village, the grounds before the entrance to the coal mines. Here, the twins asked Darius to create a strong fortress-like wall. The wall had to be about 40 meters in width.



Darius complied with their request. He used his ability 'Earth Wall' to create a sturdy wall. Afterwards, they asked Smoke to examine the wall. He found that the wall passed their requirements. It was about 40 meters in width and had a thickness of about 2 meters. He was then told to go to their side to see the target from the distance they were standing at.



When they were roughly 500 meters away from the wall, they asked Smoke to try and hit the target from there. Promptly, Smoke answered that he couldn't hit the target  since it was out of his range. He didn't bother to try.



The twins nodded at his answer. They then took out the heavy ballistae from their backs. The ballistae had a foldable tripods. They unfolded the tripod and placed the piercing bolt into the slider. The total process for setting up the ballista took less than a minute.



Seeing that Smoke was watching them in anticipation of the results, the twins released their bolts in an interval of two seconds.



Jinggu's spinning bolt smashed the earth wall that Darius built. A few seconds later Sharur's bolt completely destroyed the wall.



Each of their damage against the created wall was above 7,000. Smoke was grinning broadly as he saw the high damage.



"Wow! So that's what a range sieger is capable of! You can most definitely break down a castle wall with that much damage. But how long does it take you to reload?"



"On an average it takes about 10 seconds. But Jinggu's best time is at 5 seconds while mine is at 6 seconds."



"This is perfect! This is what I've been looking for. Come on, we have to find everybody else. I want to tell the rest of the members."



It took about 30 minutes for Smoke to explain his plan against the murlocks. After sharing his plan, he then told everyone to start doing their assigned tasks. It should take them at least 3 days to accomplish everything.



No matter what Smoke was doing inside the village, you could always catch him carrying a book with him all the time. He wanted to acquire as much knowledge as he could.







The seven party group headed towards the mouth of Murray River. Smoke led the way as he was already familiar with the terrain.



Before leaving, Smoke and his private army practiced drill exercises for silent missions. Smoke had everyone equip their specialized earmuffs made by James Jackal.



They were inside the territory of the powersaw crickets. Sensing the crickets near by, Smoke ordered the party to stop. He used Igniz's special ability and enchanted everyone's arrows and bolts with fire enhancement.



Using his hands, Smoke signaled Thyrsus to instruct his falcon to check further ahead for the locations of the other powersaw crickets.



Thyrsus has the ability 'Falcon Vision' which enables him to see what his falcon sees. After confirming the locations of the powersaw crickets, he plotted them out in the map that Smoke brought out.



As Smoke had anticipated, the powersaw crickets had distance of about 15 meters from one another. This was their defensive formation. If one of them got attacked, they would create loud sounds indicating to fire at its location.



They positioned themselves behind the blind spot of the first powersaw cricket in the outer defensive wall. Smoke and the rest of the Hunters fired simultaneously.



Because the powersaw crickets were not particularly weak against fire, the arrows and bolts enhanced by Igniz only gave them a 15% increased damage. Thanks to the the Hunters ability 'Scourge of the Beast', they also had a 15% increased damage as the powersaw crickets were classed as beast type monsters.



Their combined attack resulted in an accumulated damage of over 24,000, which gave them an overkill bonus exp since the powersaw cricket only had a maximum HP capacity of 12,000 HP.



While they dealt with the powersaw crickets in the map. Sharur and Jinggu were the ones targeting the powersaw cricket of out everyone elses' range.



The twin Orkelves followed protocol and attacked the same target. Their accumulated damage was around 14,000. Just enough to kill a powersaw cricket at once.



Employing the same strategy, Smoke and his party continued on hunting the monsters. In less than an hour, the powersaw crickets in the area were all wiped out.



After passing the territory of the powersaw crickets, they then entered the lands of the thorny devil lizards.



Here, Smoke signaled for Jinggu to join him. While Sharur joined the Hunters, Smoke divided the twin Orkelves with good reason. The armor of the thorny devil lizard was so thick that ordinary arrows couldn't penetrate it directly.



They would have needed to find its weak spot and aim there. This strategy was time consuming and needed a tank for it to be effective.



However, now that Smoke has the defense piercing abilities of Sharur and Jinggu, they could aim for the thorny devil lizards from the front.



The twin Orkelves were instructed to make the first shot against the thorny devil lizards. After an opening has been made, Smoke and the Hunters would shoot at that created weak spot.




+ Atk hit. +ARMOR BRK. FIRE DMG. Jinggu damaged thorny devil lizard for 7126.



+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1379.


+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. Damage 563.


+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. Damage 559.


+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1382.


+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1379.


+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1375.


+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1386.


+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1379.



+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1379.


+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1382.


+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1379.


+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. Damage 562.


+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1385.


+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1386.


+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1389.


+ Atk hit thorny devil lizard. FIRE DMG. Damage 558.



+ Your party has dealt a fatal blow to the thorny devil lizard.


+ Your party has killed the thorny devil lizard.


+ Your party has gained 8,000 exp.




The thorny devil lizard had a total HP of 24,000. With their combined attacks they were able to dish out 25,948 damage points, enabling them to kill the armored beast around ten seconds.



Smoke checked on the progress of the Sharur and the Hunters. He saw that they were able to deal with their own target about the same time.



At this rate, the 60 members of the thorny devil lizards pack no longer threatened Smoke. The monsters tried rushing them, but the traps that Sharanga placed in advance held back the advancing beasts.



The party targeted the ones that were not caught in the trap. Moving like well trained soldiers, Smoke's private army dealt with the thorny devil lizards in under 30 minutes.



Smoke asked everyone to gather their projectiles and the loot that the lizard had to offer. He also asked Thyrsus to send his falcon in advance to look for other packs of thorny devil lizards. He needed them to hunt at least ten packs of those beasts.
BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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