Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl (23 page)

BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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+ Attack hit. +POISON DMG. Falcon Vij damaged stone deer for 1516.


+ Attack hit. +POISON DMG. Falcon Aya damaged stone deer for 1523.


+ Attack hit. +POISON DMG. Falcon Vij damaged stone deer for 1536.


+ Attack hit. +POISON DMG. Falcon Aya damaged stone deer for 1523.




+Vijaya has killed the stone deer.


+ Party has gained 1000 exp



“Nice that was impressive... So Vijaya, do you just watch your falcons? You just point out your target and wait until your falcons kills it?”



“Yeah! Impressive isn’t it?”



“Yes, your falcons are impressive. But you could have participated as well. From now on I want you to use your bow and arrows, and help out your falcons. If you would have used your arrows. You could have saved them from making the last two attacks. The stone deer only has 7,000 HP.”



“Oh… Okay Smoke. I’ll do that next time.”



Just as Sharanga was about to show her abilities. A pack of spined coyotes started coming out from the deeper parts of the forest.



The spined coyotes, were about two meters in length and when on all fours had a height of around one meter. They had spiny bones protruding on their backs, that looked to be really sharp.



A total of 500 spined coyotes came out.  They formed a semicircle around their party. This is Smoke’s first time encountering them, so he decided to ask the Hunters if they’ve had a chance to hunt them before.



As it turns out. This was also the Hunters’ first time encountering the spined coyotes. Smoke thought that this was a great opportunity for them, to try out some of the formations he had come up with.



He asked Sharanga to set up a perimeter of traps just in front of them. While Sharanga was setting up the traps. He asked them to send all of their falcons to the 12 o’clock, 10 o’clock, 2 o’clock directions.



All of them were equipped with their poison arrows. They fired at the spined coyotes that their falcons’ were targeting.



The moment one of their poison arrows hit its marked spined coyote. Its life bar appeared and indicated that it has (10,734/13,000 HP).



Smoke’s idea was to use the falcons in place of a tank. The falcons were very agile and took no hits from the spined coyote. Smoke’s target was the entire pack.



He aimed his arrows towards the sky. Making a high parabolic arc. Hitting the spined coyotes on the back.



In less than 30 minutes all of the members in the pack were poisoned. Since the Hunters had the ability ‘Scourge of the Beast’  they had a 15% increased damage against the spined coyotes.



Making their average damage against the spined coyotes at 2200. Except for Vijaya who spent some of her stats on Intelligence. She only made an average damage of 1100.



Some of the spined coyotes formed a train like formation and ran straight at them. With this formation only the spined coyote in the front took damage.



As the monsters drew nearer. The spined coyotes got caught in Sharanga’s traps. They were caught in some kind of bear trap.



Sharanga also kept on resetting the traps once the caught monsters were dispatched. They needed the traps as a pseudo defensive wall.




The 5 falcons were used as diversions. The spined coyotes that were leading the train like formation, were always targeted by the falcons, which caused them to deviate from the direct path towards Smoke and his private army.



The battle against the pack of spined coyotes lasted  up to 2 hours. The monster drops from their hunt were composed of  ‘coyote’s bladed spines & spined coyote’s pelts’.



Smoke and his private army of Hunters started collecting their loot, the used arrows, and the used traps. They recovered all of their arrows, gathered 500 coyote’s bladed spines and 800 spined coyote’s pelts.



He was satisfied with their performance. It took longer than he anticipated but then again this was their first time hunting together.



Checking for the location on his map. They traveled onwards in high spirits, towards Ignizoc Forest.



Darius had told him that there were only a few ember sprites remaining in Ignizoc Forest. Yet they still had to be wary of them. They are playful little critters that can change their temperament in a snap of a finger.



As they faced the entrance of ‘Ignizoc Forest’ the party rested. Shortly all the members of the party started sharpening their arrows with the ember stone.



Seeing as that 5 people sharing one small ember stone was inconvenient. Smoke decided, to start preparing some medicinal deer stew.



It took them almost 30 minutes, in order to enchant all of their arrows with fire. With all the preparations completed the group headed inside the Forest of Ignizoc.



Most of the forests in this area had poor lighting because of the thick overgrowth in trees. Yet somehow in Ignizoc Forest, you could clearly see everything.



Smoke noticed that some of the trees were emitting some low radiating light. This must have been the reason for the great illumination in the forest.



The falcons flew near them and mostly perched on top of the branches in the trees. With Smoke’s ‘Cunning of the Dire Fox’ they could detect any monster that would come within range.



As they progressed further inward. He sensed four unknown monsters. They felt really small. As they stealthily headed in the direction of the unknown presence.



The party saw 4 tiny flying red fire balls. Making different kind of shapes in the air, as an after image of light was left behind their flight path.



Upon further examination the 4 flying fire balls were actually the ember sprites. They looked like little tennis balls on fire, that had eyes and a mouth.



Smoke signaled the rest of the party to stay clear from the ember sprites. They continued with caution towards the center of the forest.



There were some stone deers that came their way and was dealt with quickly as all of the hunters fired simultaneously. Just like how they attacked the horned rabbit before. Their synchronized attack was still an amazing sight to see.



Smoke felt like he was already at Tristan’s level when they first met. However he knew that right now he was still no match against Tristan, since he was more than twice, Smoke’s current level.



They reached the center of Ignizoc Forest. As usual there was a clearing in the center of the forest. The trees surrounding the center were radiating a much brighter light than the other trees.



He signaled his private army to stop. He swiftly climbed one of the trees. He felt that the tree was extremely warm.



From on high, Smoke examined the entire clearing. He saw no sign of an iron golem. All he saw were groups of silver rocks.



At the opposite of the clearing he saw 6 red ember sprites. But this time there was a different colored floating tennis ball. 1 of the ember sprites had a dark purple color.



Curious to see a different colored ember sprite, he focused his attention towards them. He noticed that the other 6 red ember sprites were pushing the dark purple ember sprite around.



He wasn’t certain of what was actually happening, yet somehow he felt that, the different colored ember sprite was being bullied. He stood his ground and continued to observe them.



As the 6 red ember sprites continued pushing the odd colored ember sprite into the clearing. Smoke felt his anger rising. He remembered Donny being pushed around at school.



He dashed towards the group of ember sprites. The Hunters below just saw him leaping down from the tree and sprinting towards the clearing.



All of them got on their feet and started running after him. The falcons flew off from the branches that they were resting on.



Before Smoke could stop the red ember sprites’ bullying. The group of silver rocks started to move. It started to take shape. They weren’t silver rocks. But rather, it was the iron golem that Darius had built!



The iron golem was awoken by Smoke’s presence. It stood tall at 2 meters. It tried to strike Smoke down, with its bulky right hand. He dodged it with ease. The iron golem’s missed strike caused a deep hole on the ground.



The Hunters immediately let loose their fire arrows. All of them targeted the iron golem’s right shoulder joint. Each arrow making its mark consecutively.




+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Thyrsus damaged iron golem for 1128


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Sharanga damaged iron golem for 1118


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Vijaya damaged iron golem for 685


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Ichaival damaged iron golem for 1326


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Ichaival damaged iron golem for 1328


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Ichaival damaged iron golem for 1335


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Ichaival damaged iron golem for 1317



Ichaival’s ability ‘Phantom Arrows’ adds an extra 3 arrows making a total of 4. The right shoulder joint of the iron golem started to loosen. It also displayed its life bar (111,763/120,000 HP).



Smoke retreated towards the opposite direction of the group of Hunters. He told them to send their falcons to distract the iron golem as they take the formation that Smoke had already planned.



As the falcons made attempts of attacking the iron golem’s head. The four hunters separated and headed to their designated locations.



Smoke and the Hunters formed a 5 point star. As they completely surrounded their target, they continued on hitting the right joint shoulder of the iron golem.



+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1329.


+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1332.


+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. Damage 531.


+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1319.


+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1325.


+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. Damage 519.


+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1356.


+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1339.



+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Thyrsus damaged iron golem for 1128


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Sharanga damaged iron golem for 1118


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Vijaya damaged iron golem for 685


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Ichaival damaged iron golem for 1326


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Ichaival damaged iron golem for 1328


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Ichaival damaged iron golem for 1335


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Ichaival damaged iron golem for 1317



 The iron golem was confused as the fire arrows came at him from all directions. His lifebar dwindled down to (94,476/120,000 HP).



The focus fire on the iron golem’s right shoulder started to show. Its right arm was now barely attached.



Smoke's damage was much lower compared to the Hunters'. But his attack speed was a whole different level. Even with all four of the Hunters, they couldn't match his 8 hits.



Together with his private army, they continued on their torrent of fire arrows.



+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1305.


+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1311.


+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. Damage 529.


+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1291.


+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1313.


+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. Damage 530.


+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1366.


+ Attack hit iron golem. FIRE DMG. CRITICAL HIT. Damage 1299.



+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Thyrsus damaged iron golem for 1156


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Sharanga damaged iron golem for 1109


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Vijaya damaged iron golem for 710


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Ichaival damaged iron golem for 1377


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Ichaival damaged iron golem for 1365


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Ichaival damaged iron golem for 1363


+ Attack hit. +FIRE DMG. Ichaival damaged iron golem for 1351




The iron golem was left with (77,098/120,000 HP). It tried to run towards Smoke. It was so focused on Smoke that it didn't even notice the dark purple ember sprite that was pushed in its way.



However Smoke saw the bullied ember sprite. He stopped attacking the iron golem and tried to grab the dark purple sprite.



Sadly even with Smoke's fast movement speed. He didn't make it in time. The small ember sprite was trampled by the iron golem.



As the iron golem's feet squashed its tiny body. The monster reflexively jumped backwards. It couldn't stand the heat that the ember sprites radiated.



As it fell to the ground, its right arm finally gave out and detached itself from its shoulder. As the Hunters saw this. They switched their target to the right leg.



The iron golem had a hard time getting up. As the 5 falcons kept on distracting it. It finally got itself to sit up.
BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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