Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl (32 page)

BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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The horde of tiny black smoke imps piled on top of Kumbaba and started attacking him. He responded by placing both of his hands on the ground and with his open palms against the floor exerted all of his strength against it.



Kumbaba caused the ground to collapse. Creating a deep pit fall below. The fog from the black smoke imps was slow to descend downwards.



He jumped below and with his body out of the fog he was able to activate his abilities. Immediately he created a barrier that enclosed the whole horde of black smoke imps.



Just as Kumbaba finished creating the barrier, the broken Khmali sword pierced through his heart. In reflex his near death ability activated which created a spherical barrier around his body with a diameter of 200 meters.



Everything inside Kumbaba's barrier was frozen in time. Giro didn't know about this ability and was stuck there with his father.



But they would only be frozen for a few seconds as Kumbaba's body started to glow. The real suicide attack was now being executed.



Every single particle inside the spherical barrier was disintegrated into nothing, leaving only an empty underground cavern.



"This was how my best friend Kumbaba died. Rendah was supposed to take command after Kumbaba. But he feared for the safety of his family. He was afraid that something similar would happen to them. He left Nanahuatl Village and gave the family token to one of his subordinates. He gave it to Amon Swift the great great great great grandfather of Jovas Swift. If you recall Jovas was one of the men who died trying to help Condortl."



"Wait. If Amon Swift was that old. Wouldn't that make you at least 500 years old?"



"Yes, I lied about my age. The truth is I really don't know how old I am anymore. After that incident I created a wall completely sealing the chamber holding the repository of essence diamonds. The years went on. Demutig, Aiden, and Humilde all died of old age. All the clan heads in the village have changed. I'm the only one left out of the six protectors. The new clan heads were not told about the Repository of Overflowing Power. Since the Guardias didn't find them worthy."



"I have an impertinent question. If you don't want to answer it I'd understand. How come the rest of the protectors died and you're still alive?"



"You see the power of these essence diamonds are transferred into beings born in this world. Both you and I have some fragment of that power. This is the natural way of obtaining the power of the essence diamond. If the individual devotes himself to it. He could start to harness the power of that fragment and learn how to grow the power. Of course each individual has their own specialty. So does the essence diamonds. There are some essence diamonds that endow a person with great insight like the white and green diamond while others are given the power of healing like the red and pink diamonds. The real source of all these essence diamond is on the island of the great gods. I'm not sure how the Guardias de Tiempo got a hold of this Repository. All I know is that they are right. No one should have this power. Unfortunately no one has the power to destroy these essence diamonds as well. The Guardias used to house the repository in their temples. But no matter which temple it was placed. There was always a Magical Templar who would be tempted to obtain its power."



"Alright, but you didn't answer my question as to why you're still alive and the other protectors are dead."



"You see my fragment comes from the power of the purple essence diamond. Which gives us the ability to master time and space. That's why I won't be dying of old age."



The chamber of knowledge's shifting lights took them to Nanahuatl Village about 7 years ago.



"Anyway, The past hundred years as the sole protector has been peaceful. Until about 7 years ago. The miners in the coal mine started getting sick. I investigated the issue post haste. I found that the miasma from Giro's battle with Kumbaba remained and had cracked the barrier that Kumbaba created containing the black smoke imps. I reinforced the barrier but the miasma had already spread throughout the whole village. Families started moving out. As everyone got sick. Sadly, for the weaker families that stayed, they were killed by the poison from the miasma. The Guardias de Tiempo tried to help me by sealing the coal mines completely. That's why you can see that immovable boulder in front of the mine's entrance. Both the Guardias and myself created another barrier sealing the mine entirely. But the miasma in the village could not be removed easily. The Guardias decided to activate their contingency plan."



The whole village of Nanahuatl was engulfed in a barrier. Everything inside the village became transparent. The whole village literally looked like a ghost town. Monsters like the horned rabbit and armored armadillo started walking through the village. Smoke didn't understand what was happening.



"The Guardias de Tiempo trapped us in Limbo. Because of this the life force of everyone in the village was being drained. I knew that I had to do something to save the remaining residents in Nanahuatl. I offered two thirds of my entire being in order to feed everyone. As a result I'm reduced to this level. My current level is now only 300. We stayed in that state for a long time. Until the day you arrived. When I saw you I thought I saw Giro revived! But as I looked upon you closely I knew that you weren't him. If you remember I was barely able to move but everyone else stayed in a coma like state. It took 7 years for the poison in the miasma to disperse. If you hadn't returned and given me food. I don't think Nanahuatl Village would have survived."



The chamber of knowledge returned to total darkness. Only the light emitting from the casting circle remained.



"If you hadn't returned and fed me. I think everyone would've died. You see, I can no longer step out of the village. One of the conditions for sealing the miasma was to be within the premises of the village at all times. Before you arrived the perimeter covering the village was reduced to one third of its total land area. I couldn't fish in the river. I couldn't even hunt horned rabbits. All the food supply had been eaten. I was barely surviving on spices."



The chamber then showed Nanahuatl Village to the day that Smoke first arrived.



"After you fed me the perimeter of the village started growing again and after we fed the residents some of my energy returned to me. Although my level is still at 300 but I could feel my energy coming back. I think you know everything after that."



"I see. So, that's where the sixth family token is located and that's the whole story of Nanahuatl Village?"



"I wouldn't say that it was the whole story. But it does contain the highlights of the village. You know, after telling you that story. I feel like a great thorn has been removed from my chest. So, let's move on to the Beggar profession."



Smoke was still in a daze. He was still absorbing everything that he had just learned. Yet he also wanted to know about his Beggar job.



"Yes! Please go on."



"From the book of secret societies. You now know that there are a lot of them out there. Heck I don't even know if some new secret society has been formed. Since I've been stuck in this village. Anyway, we belong to the 'Verum de Mendicantibus' the Brotherhood of Beggars. I don't know who came up with the nickname Brotherhood when we have females in that society as well. Oh, where was I? Yes, the Brotherhood is spread all throughout Zectas. There are five levels of the Beggar profession. Right now you belong to the first level. You're a plain Beggar. The next level would be the job called Beggar Evocati. The levels are determined by the stones embedded in the Beggar belts that we wear."



Darius shifted a part of his robe and revealed his belt. He showed Smoke his Beggar belt. It held nine black stones.



"Whenever you want help from a fellow Beggar you just show him your belt. However you have to conceal your belt at all times and only show them to fellow Beggars. You can tell that person is a beggar by shaking their hands this way."



Darius held out his hands and motioned for Smoke to give him his. Darius then showed Smoke the secret handshake.



"But wouldn't a spy take notice of this and copy this secret handshake?"



Right after Smoke said those words a light emitted from Darius' body. He then took notice that the same light was emitting from his.



"Oh, the handshake was a hand seal to activate this spell."



"Yes, even if a spy were to follow the handshake this light would not appear if you weren't a Beggar."



"Awesome! Now I really feel like I belong to a secret society. So where is our HQ?"



"Hmm. That's kind of a hard question. Since we are so spread out we don't have a particular HQ. Well, we used to have one. When he was still active as an Imperator. Currently, there are just nine individuals who have the job Beggar Legati. That is the level below Imperator. Until we get another Imperator. These nine are now the current leaders of the 'Verum de Mendicantibus'."



"So how do I level up my job? What should my level be in order to get it? Do I go to an academia or something?"



"Our Beggar job is a bit different than the other professions. We don't get to go to the next level by fulfilling a certain level requirement. We get to go to the next level according to the 'contributions' that we have given to the Brotherhood."



"What kind of 'contribution' are we talking about? Is it the monetary kind?"



"Hahaha. You would think that right? Well, to be honest some of the Beggars did use their money to create enough influence to make the 'contribution'. But mostly 'contribution' means the knowledge or intelligence you have given the Brotherhood. Acts of stabilization in a place of chaos, maybe by saving a city or at least several villages of the main cities. Heroic acts that affects the whole world of Zectas."



"So, I have to become famous enough that other Beggars know about my great deeds?"



"Yeah, I guess if you put it that way. Yes that's right."



"That means I'll be stuck with 25% capacity of all equipments. Great!"



"I never said that our job would be easy, but that's how great things are. They start by being really difficult. Okay, that's it for the Beggar job. I want you to discover the rest of the job yourself. Here you now deserve to have this."



Darius gave Smoke his own Beggar belt as he had not yet received one. His belt only had one black stone embedded on it.



"What?! But that was too short. Who are the nine Beggar Legati? Are they in one of the main cities? What happens if I lose this belt? Come on, that was too short!"



While listening to Smoke begging for more information about the Beggar job, Darius' face suddenly turned serious. Smoke fell silent and stopped pleading.



"Smoke, As the sole living protector of the repository of overflowing power, I was given the authority to find my successor. I find you to be the most suitable candidate. I trust that you will not succumb to the temptations of absolute power. Therefore I ask that you help me get rid of the black smoke imps and the remaining miasma inside the enclosed mines. Will you accept this quest?"


+ Quest: Clear the mines of Nanahuatl
    World Quest
    Level: S
The mines has been infested with black smoke imps and the remaining
miasma from Giro and Kumbaba's battle. Clear the mines of these things
and reinforce the barrier protecting the 'Repository of Overflowing
    Quest Reward:
    Darius joins your private army.
    Accept the Quest? [YES/NO]



"Yes! Absolutely! I will not give in to that temptation. You can count on me to clear that mine out!"



Darius smiled and stepped out of the casting circle. He waved his hands and the wall leading outside opened by shifting downwards.










Smoke immediately went to the entrance of the mines. There he stood in front of the immovable colossal boulder.



He asked Jinggu and Sharur to take a break from gaining the poison resistance stat. He ordered the twins to join him as he wanted to verify something. He stepped aside and gave the signal to the twin Orkelves.



At once the twins released their flame bolts targeting the gigantic boulder. TTUUUK TUUUK. Dust covered the whole area.



As soon as the dust settled Smoke saw that the boulder took no damage at all. He went closer to the boulder and felt it with his hands.


This is an impenetrable boulder. Only the High Magical Templar's ability 'Gravija' can remove this boulder.



He knew that a level S quest was still far from his reach. But he still felt better knowing there was a way to free Darius from being stuck in the village and have him join his private army.






Smoke has come to terms with his decreased attacking power. He had just learned from a book that there was a monster near Nanahuatl Village whose bones would make a great arrow shaft.



He had scheduled his private army to accomplish their special assignments after one week. So it was just Adder and Igniz that would accompany him.
BOOK: Zectas Volume I: Enigmatic Village of Nanahuatl
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