Read Stay Online

Authors: Hilary Wynne

Stay (12 page)

“My God, Alexa. What are you trying to do to me?” Julian’s question comes out in short gasps. It might be a rhetorical question, but I answer a

“Turn you on, I hope.” That I’m able to make this strong, powerful man lose control is positively exhilar

“I couldn’t be more turned on right now. I want you so much it actually hurts. But I want you naked in my bed, not

And with those words, he lifts me off of him and sets me next to him. We sit there for a moment as we each try to catch our breaths and come back down to earth a little. Julian stands first. He is right in front of me, and his massive erection is right there on display. I can’t help but stare. I want to reach over and unzip his pants and take him in my mouth. And as if he can read my mind, he takes a step back. I look up at Julian and see nothing but unadulterated lust in his

His voice is a raspy whisper. “Yes, please. L

I’m in serious trouble. He. Is. So. Fucking.

He offers me his hand. I take it, and he pulls me up to him. He holds me close for a minute before he turns and walks toward the doors. I grab my purse and let him lead me wherever he wants to take me. We’re quiet in the elevator, and Julian only barely holds my hand. I now know my touch does the same to him as his does to me. We’re both hanging on by a thread here. Our craving for each other is intense and unfulfilled. We exit the hotel out a back door. I’m thankful because I don’t want any more deterrents on my way to his bed. I’m pretty sure he lives in Sofi, in one of the Bywater properties, but there are two, and I don’t which one. We walk toward Collins, and I wonder where he parks his car. He answers my question before I ask it. That keeps happening, and it’s freaking m
e out.

“I live on South Point Drive. I don’t always drive here, and today I went for a run and came straight here. You may not make it in those shoes. I’m going to grab a

I smile at him and nod appreciatively. We’re on Twelfth, and that’s at least like fourteen blocks. Not only will my feet not make it, but the quicker we get to Julian’s the quicker we’ll be naked in hi
s bed.

“My feet thank

Julian winks at me, and my heart

Despite the fact it’s almost one o’clock in the morning, we have no problem getting a cab right away. The driver even knows Julian, and I darkly wonder if he’s used to picking him and a date up on a regular basis. I hate that I keep letting negative jealous thoughts enter my mind, but I can’t seem to help it. I’m having all these new feelings, and I really don’t want to be just another notch on his belt. Unfortunately, my negativity gains a little traction, and the warm, relaxed comfortable feelings that embraced me just moments ago are being pushed into the shadows. I straighten up and shift slightly away from Julian. I even try to pull my hand from his, but he doesn’t let go. I can’t even look at him as I try to fight these little demons off. My God, this is exhausting. I wonder if Julian can see the high-speed thrill ride my emotions are on. Up, down, twist, turn, fast, slow. He’s been able to read me all night, so it’s really not a surprise when he squeezes my

, A

I don’t want to look at him, but he forces me to by putting his hand on my chin and turning my face toward him. He’s leaning his head back on the seat, and he looks so peaceful. He has been so attuned to my body I’m sure he senses my discomfort. I expect him to say something reassuring to me, but he doesn’t. He just slowly shakes his head, telling me no, not to go wherever I just did in my mind. It’s the perfect gesture, and I’m amazed at how well he responds to my needs. All of them. I offer a small smile and lean back into him. He exhales d

Chapter Twelve

Ten minutes later, we pull up in front of a large condo building. The Bellavista, aptly named for its beautiful ocean, bay, and skyline views. I’ve been in this building once before but only in the lobby and in one of the meeting rooms. It was about six months ago, and I was here for a marketing South Beach sales professionals meeting. I was as in awe at the beauty then as I am right now. It’s the crème de la crème of properties in South Beach. I love the property I work at, and W&M builds a good product, but this is at a whole other level. My company is getting ready to break ground on a similar building a few blocks over from here, and my dream is to end up working

Julian greets the doorman and a few others working in the building as we walk in. It’s pretty quiet at this time of night, and we’re the only nonworkers in the lobby. Julian notices me taking everything in and asks me what I

“It’s stunning in here, Julian. I’ve been here once, for a meeting a few months ago, and I thought so then. But now, when it’s empty, you can really see the amazing architectural det

I point out several things I like, and Julian seems impressed with my know

“Those are great compliments coming from the competition. You’re totally selling this place, and we’re only in the lobby. Maybe we need to steal you away from

“It’ll never happen, Julian. Working together would be dangerous. You don’t want a sexual harassment suit filed against you, do you?” I think about one of our earlier conversations when I joked about his bartenders offering kisses with each drink. It seems so lon
g ago.

“Have I been sexually
you, Alexa?” he asks in a seductive

He gets his desired effect as tingles run through my body. “Not yet, Julian, but I can dream, can
’t I?”

He laughs as we walk into the elevator. I notice there are only a few floors listed on the call buttons. I’ve heard the Bellavista has certain floors where the units are so large there are only a few of them. I assume Julian has a primo unit, but then I wonder if he would have such a large one seeing as he’s single and lives alone. I quickly realize that I actually don’t know if he does live alone. I’m pondering these questions when I feel Julian’s lips on my neck. He had been standing behind me. He’s obviously a person who doesn’t like to share his personal business in public. As in no PDA. But the minute we get alone, he lets loose. He spins me around, and within seconds of the doors closing, he’s all over me. His lips, his tongue, his hands. I feel his touch everywhere. He takes my breasts in his hands and caresses them firmly. I moan into his mouth as he sweeps his fingertips over my swollen, erect nipples. We stumble into the wall, and he pushes his erection into me. I grab his ass and pull him toward me. I’m so turned on that I’ll fuck him right here if he wants. I don’t want to wait anymore. This foreplay has been going on for hours now, and I’m more than ready for the real

I hardly register the bell going off and the elevator doors opening. Julian pulls himself away from me, and I instinctively grab him and pull him back toward me. I run my hands up and down his sides, needing to feel him beneath my hands. With a moan and a little peck on my lips, he pulls away again and exits the elevator. I follow him out, grabbing at his hand so I can continue to touc
h him.

There are three doors in the little lobby we have entered into. Julian walks toward one and opens it with keys he pulls from his pocket. He leads me through two large, dark cherry doors into a large foyer. The floors are white travertine tile, and there’s a dark wood entry table off to one side where Julian sets his keys. Straight in front of me is what I’m assuming is the living room. There are floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the water. The moon is shining brightly and cuts a swath of light across the tile

“I’d give you a tour, Alexa, but I really can’t wait any longer to get you n

Julian gives me a sweet kiss and picks me up into his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist and he carries me the short distance down the hall and into his bedroom. He doesn’t say anything and doesn’t try to kiss me again. His gaze is hot and full of longing. He’s holding me tightly against him, as if he’s afraid I’ll try to get away. I don’t want to go anywhere except wherever he’s taking me. I officially lost any desire to fight these feelings of doubt I had the minute he kissed me in the elevator. For tonight, I’m his, and I don’t want to wait anymore. His heart is beating rapidly, and his breathing is heavy. I can sense he’s also through wa

The room we enter has no lights on, and Julian makes no motion to flip the switch that’s next to the door. I quickly see it isn’t really necessary because the moonlight and the lights of the city glitter and shine through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows that also make up one whole wall of this room. I’m amazed by this incredible view, and I want to see it up close. I unwrap my legs from around Julian’s waist and wiggle out of his arms. He seems hesitant to let me go and does so slowly. I move toward the window to get a better look. It’s literally breathtaking. We’re thirty stories high, and it’s almost like being outside under the open night sky. I can see for

“Opened or closed?” He’s referring to the blinds on the wi

“Open.” I want to see him in the moon

I’m scared to say anything else, and I sense Julian is as well. Our usual conversations are filled with teasing and sarcastic banter. Those words don’t fit this setting. The air is thick with our need for each

Julian walks up behind me and gently turns me around so I’m facing him and moves me closer to a solid wall. I’m thankful he doesn’t press me against the glass. I look up at him and see his eyes are filled with desire. The sheer intensity of his stare makes me take a small step backward, and I feel the wall behind me. This isn’t the first time Julian has towered over me in this position, and my mind races back to the night in the hallway at the club. His presence makes me feel protected, and once again I’m amazed by the different feelings he inspires in me. Julian places one of his hands above my head on the wall, bracing himself over me. His other hand starts to work on the button on my pants. We’re just staring at each other, lost in each other’s eyes and barely touching. I’m in awe of his restraint. I’m fighting everything I have inside me not to reach out and touch him. Something in his eyes tells me he needs to be in charge and that he needs me to understand and respect his dominant nature. I’m dying for his lips to be on mine. They’re still swollen from our earlier make-out session, and I’ve been aching for him to kiss me since we walked out of the elevator. I tilt my head further up to meet his and lick my lower lip as an invit

“Mmm, Alexa,” he murmurs as he bends down and softly runs his tongue between my slightly parted lips. He stops there though and pulls back, never taking his eyes off of mine. That isn’t exactly what I had in mind, and the ache in my body intens

Once he has the button on my pants undone and the zipper pulled down, he slips his hand in and lets his fingers graze lightly over the silk of my panties. We moan simultaneously. I feel a rush of heat fan out from between my legs, up through my stomach and into my aching breasts. My nipples are so hard they actually hurt. I know he can instantly feel how wet he has ma
de me.

He’s barely touching me, and I’m trembling. I feel his touch everywhere. As sexually intense as things have already been between us, it was nothing compared to what I’m feeling now. I feel
by my need for him. It’s too intense. I’m falling apart in front of this man, and I don’t want him to see it. I feel completely naked even though I’m still fully clothed. I try to avert my

“Please, baby, look at me. The want and need in your eyes drives me crazy. I know you can see what you’re doing to me.
Por favor, mírame a los ojos
He’s begging me not to look away
How does he always know the perfect thing t
o say?

I keep my focus on him but try to concentrate on something else besides these intense emotions that are grabbing me. Julian’s hand under my panties and his fingers on my sex do the job. He leans down for a minute and runs his tongue up the V in my shirt, leaving a hot trail of his breath between my breasts. His touches are so deliberate and so powerful, yet so slow and gentle. He strokes his index finger gently up and back through my cleft. I’m so wet that his finger glides effortlessly through my slickness. He pauses momentarily each time he gets to my clit and pushes down a bit harder. He slips his finger just inside me with each pass too. I can’t help but sway my hips back and forth to his rhythm. Each time I rock into him, I feel his erection, and I’m aching to touch him. I bring my hand forward to caress his dick, and he quickly pulls his hips

“Not yet, Alexa. Just feel me touching

Um, Okay
I’ll go with

Julian is enjoying owning and controlling my desire and is keeping himself completely focused on me. He still hasn’t looked away. I feel so taken care of. He still keeps his hips and his dick away from me but bends his head down so that his lips are right next to m
y ear.

“Mmm, that’s it, baby. You’re so wet for me. So soft. So tight. I bet you’re so sweet. As soon as I make you come with my fingers, I’m going to do it again with my tongue and then again with my dick. I want to taste you. I can’t wait to be inside of

That makes two
of us.

His seductive tone matches his touch and his voice is so smooth he makes his X-rated words sound like poetry. He’s a conductor, and he’s orchestrating my pleasure tonight much like he did the first night at the club. As much as I’m enjoying it, I want and need to be more in control. And I need to

“Then make me come already,” I growl as I slip my hand inside my pants and grab his hand. Wow. I know I’m beyond turned on, but I had no idea how wet I am. I can feel my juices on my fingers as I try to force his hand to stay on my

He chuckles at my impatience. “Okay, bossy girl. I promise I know what I’m doing, Alexa, but it’s sexy as hell that you want to help me get you off. Because you seem so determined, I’ll let you help me tonight. And one day really soon I’m going to sit across the room from you while you sit in a chair naked, and I’m going to watch you get yourself

Oh my God. What a v

With those words, he guides two of my fingers inside my channel and pushes my palm down on my clit. His hand is firmly cupping mine. Of course I’ve touched myself before, but it was nothing compared to the feeling I get as Julian guides my fingers in and out of my sex and over my clit. “Yes, Julian. It feels too good. I’m so close, so close,” I murmur breathl

Julian rubs my fingers hard against my clit. “Come for me, baby, that’s it. Le
t go.”

And I do. I shudder and close my eyes as the waves of my orgasm race through me like molten lava. My knees buckle. Julian keeps our hands on my sex until the last ripple of pleasure rolls through my body. He slowly pulls our hands out together and places my hand down by my side. I grab at a table near me to help me keep my balance, and I lean hard back into the wall to try to keep from crumpling to the ground. Holy hell, that was fucking incredible. I open my eyes and look at him from under heavy lids, my eyes reflecting the intensity of the orgasm he just ga
ve me.

“Wow, if you’re going to keep giving me orgasms like that, I can’t be standing. It’s becoming hazardous to my health.” He smiles and responds by putting the fingers that were just in me into his mouth and licks them. Holy shit, that’s

“Now I want to really taste you.” I must either look shocked or embarrassed, and he tries to put me at

“Don’t be embarrassed, baby. You taste so sweet. I knew you w

Julian takes my hand and finally leads me over to his huge bed. It’s a good thing. I need to sit or lay down. My legs are like Jell-O. He sits me down on the edge of the bed and kneels down in front of me and begins to unbuckle my sandals. He has gotten quiet again. One minute he’s whispering dirty nothings in my ear, and the next he’s like a mute. It intrigues me. And scares me because I have no clue what he’s thinking. As he slips off my sandals, he caresses my feet tenderly. He has pulled his own socks and shoes off as well. Julian runs his hands up my legs to my waist. I lift my hips up as he tugs my pants off. When he reaches up to the hem of my shirt, I sto
p him.

“Uh uh. I want to see you too, and I’ve been very pat

A low moan comes out of his mouth as I slowly unbutton his shirt and slide it off his shoulders. I run my hands over his smooth, muscled chest and flat stomach, tickling him with my fingernails. My god, he’s beautiful. I’ve been picturing in my head what his naked torso would look like for weeks now, but the reality is way better than my fantasies. He clearly work
s out.

“My turn now.” Julian grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it quickly over my head. He deftly reaches around and unhooks my bra, leaving me naked except for my pa

“You are so beautiful, Lexie.
Tan hermosa
.” That’s the first time he has called me Lexie. He’s using my nickname now. I’m not sure why I notice and why it matters to me, but it does. What’s happening between us is definitely intimate, but he’s made everything seem so much more per

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