Read Stay Online

Authors: Hilary Wynne

Stay (11 page)

Wow. Did a man just tell me he’s paying that close of attention to my shoes? Ramon, one of my coworkers, is gay, and he always notices my shoes. We actually go shoe shopping together. If Julian had not used the word sexy in his description, I might be concerned. I swear Julian can read my mind because the next thing out of his mouth is, “No, I’m not gay. I just happen to like nice shoes myself, and yours have been hard to

I giggle and respond, “Well Julian, we just may be a match made in he

I’m totally referring to our shared love of expensive shoes, but I don’t think Julian is when he softly replies, “We just may be, Alexa, we just ma
y be.”

We sit like that for a while just listening to the music and enjoying the beautiful night and each other’s company. Julian is holding one of my hands, and when I shift a little, I see the hint of the tattoo I noticed earlier peeking out from under his watch. It feels like it would be okay to ask what it says now. I rub my fingertip over the part I can see an
d ask.

“What does your tattoo

Julian takes a deep breath and exhales before he answers. I’m already regretting asking because I’m sure he’s going to tell me it’s the name of an ex-girlf

“Isabelle,” he says softly. “My sister. She died of cancer when she was sixteen and I was twenty-one. She also would have been twenty-six this

I squeeze his hand. “I’m so sorry, Julian.” I quickly realize my comment about him only having one sibling was also not completely accurate. I don’t want to sound uncompassionate, but I really don’t want to start talking about people who have died. Brady’s death isn’t even a year old, and the anniversary is quickly approaching. I wait for Julian to say something else about it, but he obviously doesn’t want to stay on this topic e

“How long have you been working for W&M?” Good. Work. A safe subject. He obviously knows the company well enough to refer to it by its ac

“About a year and a half. I kind of fell into the job through Shannon’s uncle, and it’s been great. I love working t

“They have a good product. Not as nice as ours, but still good.” Julian’s voice is light

“What do you do for Byw

“I’m on the board of directors and head up acquisitions, but I try to stay out of day-to-day operations. The hotel is my main f

“Are the hotel and condos run separately?” I hope I don’t sound too nosy. I’m in the business and genuinely inter

“I own the majority share of the hotel myself, so it’s my baby. The rest of the company is wholly family o

He’s thirty and owns the hotel himself? I figured it was part of the Bywater port



“To be so young and have accomplished this. This hotel is fantastic.” I hope he can hear the sincerity in my voice. I think he does because his face lights up, and he starts talking about the

“It’s been in my family since the fifties. My great-grandfather on my mom’s side bought it when there was nothing down here. He was Cuban and owned one in Havana as well. Her family all came over right after the revolution, and this was all they had left. It was pretty run down and mismanaged for years. My dad’s family is originally from Argentina. They’re wealthy and have been involved in some pretty big property development and real estate businesses both in Argentina and here for years. My mom is an only child, and my grandparents gave the hotel to my parents as a wedding present. The Bauers kept trying to convince my mom to sell the hotel, but my
had never wanted it to leave the family, so she honored that. He always believed South Beach would become what it is today and that it would be worth a fortune one day. It caused a lot of issues between my parents because it hasn’t always been a sound business investment. I spent a lot of time here growing up, and it’s full of great memories for me. I’ve always loved this place, and when I ‘officially’ joined the business after college, it was with the intent to make this one of the hottest spots in South Beach. I had some of my own money, borrowed the rest, and convinced my mom to sell it to me. Some members of my family backed me, and that’s why Bywater owns 30 percent. The rest is

I watch Julian intently as he talks about the history of this place. I see so many emotions cross his face as he talks about the different members of his family. There are definitely stories there. I also hear and see the pride he feels for fulfilling his grandfather’s v

“Has it always been called Hotel Del M

“No, that was my idea. It was called Las Palmas before I took it over. Marco was my
’s name.” It’s so obvious Julian and his grandfather were very close, and I’m touched he would honor him tha
t way.

“And the names of the bars and restaurant? Do they have special meanings

“Are you sure you want to hear all of this? I feel like I’m doing all the tal

“Yes, Julian. Aren’t we getting to know each other here?” I think to myself it would be fine if he wanted to stop talking because I can think of a hundred other things he can do with this mouth. I keep my naughty thoughts to myself though. He smiles and cont

loved looking at the stars. I think if she would have had an opportunity to get a college education she would have studied astronomy. Orion and Ursa are constellations, and I remember her telling me about them. I really think she would have enjoyed sitting outside on the rooftop looking at Orion. I named the nightclub Stellar for two reasons. The first is because it relates to stars, and second because my
used to always tell me that when businesses provide stellar service, they’re successful. I honestly think it was a word he heard when he was first learning to speak English, and he liked the way it sounded. He used it all the

“Wow, Julian. You’ve honored your grandparents beautifully.” I mentally add sentimental and family oriented to my growing list of Julian’s good qual

“We just finished all the major renovations a few months ago, and everything turned out perfectly. It’s finally the place my
always envisioned.” He stares off into the distance, and I imagine he’s embracing a memory of his grandf

“I haven’t seen the whole hotel, but what I’ve seen is awesome, Julian.” I mean every word. “The vibe here is g

“I’ll have to give you a full

“I’d love that.” I have no idea when this tour may happen, but if it’s tonight I’m kind of hoping it starts and ends in one of the bedrooms. I’m not gonna lie. I’m totally enjoying this get-to-know-you portion of the program, as Julian called it, but I’m dying for Julian to put his hands on me. It feels like forever since he’s kissed or really touch
ed me.

I glance at my watch and can’t believe it’s already a little after midnight. I reach to get my phone from my wristlet and notice I just got a text from Shannon. I forgot I had put it on silent. Good thing I ch

What’s up? we’re ready
to go.

a sec

Crap. I’m not ready for this night to end. Julian reads my expre


“Yep. I didn’t drive tonight, and my friends want t
o go.”

I don’t say much more because I’m hoping Julian doesn’t want the night to end either and will offer up a sol

“Tell them I’ll take you

“Are you sure, Julian? I live in Coconut G

He flashes me a small, “I’m up to no good” smile. “
Alexa. Our night’s not over

k God.

Julian will bring me



have fun. Be safe. Btw Luke looking for you. He’s really upset. WTH hap

I realize Julian intercepted me before I had a chance to tell them what happened with

He’s being a dick about Julian and I told him so. He’ll get ov
er it.

. ttyl

I look again and see three missed texts from Luke. He must be feeling bad. They were all sent in the last

Where are y
ou at?

C’mon Lex, come
see me

Seriously? Are y
ou ok?

I’m still mad at him, and I’m going to be a bitch and not respond. I know he’s worried, and I don’t care. He’ll text Shannon or Marissa, and they’ll let him know I’m okay.

I turn my phone off and give my attention back to Julian. He’s standing up. I’m not sure if I should get up o
r not.

“All good?” I know he’s wondering what I was texting but doesn’
t ask.

“All great.” That makes him

“Are you interested in getting out of here? I’ve been here since ten this mor

I have no idea where he wants to go, but I’d go anywhere with him. I’m hoping our next location has
a bed.

“Where do you want t
o go?”

“My p

I nod.

“Good. I need about thirty minutes to check a couple things out before we leave. Are you okay waiting here fo
r me?”

I really don’t want him to leave me again, but I don’t want to seem

“Sure, just don’t forget me. I’m not sure how to get out of

I’m joking with him, but his reply is serious. “If I could forget you, I’d have done it by now. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you fell on me in the stair

Before I have a chance to respond, he leans over and gives me the sweetest little peck on the lips. His lips are full and soft, and I immediately feel the warmth from his kiss spread throughout my body. I want more, but he pulls

“I’ll be right back, A

I lie on the couch and stare at the fire. I feel like I’m in a dream. Despite the situations with Luke and the supermodel, this night has turned into something special. And it’s not over yet. The best part is I can’t imagine it’s going to end before Julian and I are naked. I close my eyes and visualize us together. Just the thought of him kissing me and caressing me sends shivers down my spine, and I tingle with anticipation. Relaxed as I am, my senses are all totally heightened. I quickly conclude it was probably not a great idea for Julian to leave me alone with my thoughts. I’m absolutely in a tug of war with myself. My body and my heart are being pulled toward Julian in a way that hasn’t ever happened to me. I’ve been in love before, and I certainly have been in lust, but there’s something different about the intensity and depth of what I’m feeling now. My head keeps sending warning flares into the mix, telling me I’m on dangerous ground with this man already, and I briefly consider leaving before he comes back. But I can’t get my body to cooperate, so I remain

I’m lost in my thoughts when Julian comes back to get me. I hear the click of the doors opening, but I don’t move or open my eyes. I’m sure it looks like I’m asleep, and for a moment I stay still as I imagine his gaze on me. I hear his voice abo
ve me.


I open my eyes, and Julian is staring down at me with that same reverent look he had in the hallway a few weeks ago. The same one that had me looking for an escape. The same uneasiness I felt then passes through me, and I can’t figure out what about his stare is making me so uneasy. I’m going to fight through it. I push myself up to my feet and stand in front of him. I turn my face up to him and thread my fingers throug
h his.

“Kiss me, pl

I say the words softly and pleadingly. I’m aching to feel his lips on mine, and I’m searching for a way to bring the physical aspect of our relationship back into the dynamic. It’s feeling too emotional between us, and I’m uncomfortable. I half expect him to tell me no. He has withheld himself from me all night and has proven his restraint. I would’ve let him have his way with me the moment I saw him in the lobby earlier had he tried. I don’t want to wait for this anymore, and I’m not feeling shy abo
ut it.

I’m not sure if it was the way I asked him or the fact we’re touching, but something has helped him decide we’re past the just-talking portion of the program now. Julian leans down and brushes his lips against mine. He starts to pull back, but I just can’t let him. I let go of his hand and reach up around his neck. I pull him to me and press my mouth to his. Hard. I open my lips and slide my tongue into his mouth. What happens next can only be described as something similar to a dam breaking. All of the lust and need we’ve been holding back tonight races through our bodies, and we hold on to each other as if we might drown in these feelings. Julian’s lips and tongue find their way to my neck and my face, and he marks me with his longing. His mouth is hot and wet on my skin. Our tongues are battling as each of us tries to control the tempo and pace of our kisses. I can feel his muscles tighten as desire courses through him, and I melt into his strong body as he pulls me to his chest. I’m on fire, and nothing could keep me from this man in this moment. Julian takes a step back and sits down on the couch. He pulls me down onto his lap, and I spread my legs so I’m straddling him. We both groan loudly when his erection makes contact with my sex. We’re fully dressed, but heat radiates through our clothes, and I can’t help but grind into him. Our mouths never lose contact. I lift myself on and off of him in my own rhythm, teasing and apparently torturing him with my simulated fucking. His hands are on my waist, and he fights me to control the rhythm. He lifts his own hips and thrusts up into me, mimicking a move I’m hoping he will be using on me

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