The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance (22 page)

BOOK: The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance
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“Thank you, Pamela,” I replied nervously. Shit, would they just tell Me everything was okay? I needed to know that they wouldn’t give Me any crap when I asked micah to marry Me. Regardless of what they said in this moment, I
going to ask her. I sought their permission as a courtesy, but even if they didn’t give Me their blessing, it wouldn’t deter Me. I asked out of respect for micah. I know she wanted her family to accept Me as Mine had accepted her.

“Do you promise to honor her, Rick, and always do right by her? That means even when you both are mad as hell with each other,” Pamela inquired.

“Yes, ma’am. I swear it.”

Pamela nodded at My declaration and Monroe chimed in, “You know if I say yes to this, Rick, I’m handing over my responsibilities to you. Not all of them, but the day-to-day stuff. As Micah’s father, I can only do so much for her, but as the man in her life, you’re responsible for a whole lot more. It becomes your job to see that she’s happy and cared for. It becomes your primary responsibility to be there for her when she’s hurt and in need of affection and protection. If you bring children into the world, that love for her just expands. Asking my daughter to be your wife is something that will change you both. Don’t ask for our blessing unless you’re absolutely sure.”

It sounded like I was going to get a thumbs up. I hoped everyone was on board, but I was still unsure where everyone stood.

“I’m absolutely sure, Monroe. In all My thirty-seven years on this earth, I’ve never been more certain about anything in My life.”

“Well then, you have my blessing,” He said, standing to shake My hand. “That’s one hell of a rock you got for my baby girl.”

Goddamnit, her father gave Me a yes. I was feeling mighty high. Fathers are usually the toughest people to win over, but he said yes. I’ll be damned, he said yes.

“Thank you so much for your blessing, Monroe. micah deserves the best, Sir.”

Pamela walked over to Me and stood on her tip toes to kiss My cheek. “As long as you put many smiles on her face every day, you have my blessing sweetheart. Be good to my girl, Rick.”

“Thank you, Pamela. I promise to do just that,” I said, beaming.

A unanimous yes from the parents. One left to go.

Darren reluctantly stood up from the sofa and looked at Me. He was maybe an inch shorter than Me, but if I didn’t know any better, I’d think he played pro ball. The guy was solid and staring daggers at Me. He walked over and extended his hand before breaking into a smile. “As long you’re not playing some jungle-fever shit, you have my blessing. But if you hurt her, I know where you live and will make your life hell.”

“Darren! What did I say? You watch your mouth!” Pamela squealed.

I laughed and pulled him into a bro hug. “Thanks man. This means a lot. No need to make My life hell. I promise to do right by your sister.”

“So when do you intend to pop the question?” Monroe asked.

“New Year’s Eve. So you can understand why I needed your blessing sooner rather than later.”

“Understood. Well, good luck to you, and call us after,” Monroe responded.

“I will. You have My word.”


my Master and i spent the entire day doing something i would’ve never suspected He would take an interest in. We landed in New York City after an overnight flight and spent a few hours sleeping in. When we awoke, we had a midmorning fuck-a-thon, a shower, and a light snack, then Rick asked me what i’d like to do for the remainder of the afternoon.

For the longest time, i’d been wanting to go to Barcade, but kisa and i could never manage to sync our schedules and make the trip to Brooklyn, so i suggested my Master and i go instead.

Barcade, a microbrewery in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, featured vintage arcade games and a variety of tasty beers. We hopped on the subway, which was a feat in itself, since my Master was never one to utilize mass transit. Once we made it to Brooklyn, He indulged His silly side and gave me a piggyback ride in the partially melted snow from the train station to our destination.

Riding on Him those few blocks, i laughed so hard my sides ached. He threatened to drop me more than a few times before we made it the brewery, but i knew He would never make good on His threat. i was seeing a side of my Master i hadn’t been privy to. He was lighthearted and, dare i say, fun. Not to make it seem like Sir was a stick in the mud, but He was much more into partaking in cultural activities like the opera and ballet as opposed to the more mundane aspects of New York City nightlife. He wasn’t much for bar-type atmospheres. Don’t get me wrong, my Master would let loose whenever an opportunity presented itself, but rarely did i get to see Him in such a whimsical mood. He’d been more carefree in the past two days. i wondered what brought on the change, but i was pretty sure the Cali sunshine had something to do with it. It had that effect on people.

We arrived at Barcade and started with a few games of pinball followed by air hockey, and concluded with intense battle rounds of Ms. Pac-Man and Centipede. i’m very serious about my classic video games. We also drank a few beers and indulged in a basket of curly fries and burgers while reflecting on our holiday in Cali, since we both slept during most of the flight.

When we arrived back at our condo, it was close to seven o’clock. my Master informed me that He made plans for us for the evening and i had forty-five minutes to get ready. The clock was ticking. i wasn’t informed as to what we would be doing, but i was told it would be a surprise i would never forget.

After showering, flat-ironing my hair in record time, and applying my makeup to perfection, i left the bathroom to select my dress choice for the evening. my options weren’t easy. i had to choose from one of two dresses my Master had purchased for me as Christmas gifts. One was a stunning off-the-shoulder teal number. It fell just above my knee and had a split up the side that didn’t leave much to the imagination. The other was longer and white with gold embellishments along the scoop-neck collar. It did wonders for my cleavage. i wondered if my Master had help picking out the dresses. my instincts told me no, since He had such impeccable taste, but i secretly wondered how He was so in tune with what was new and hip in women’s attire. It was unusual yet mildly appealing.

i selected the white dress; i had the perfect pair of gold stilettos to complement it. To be honest, not only did i choose the white because of the cleavage incentive, but it looked great against my rich complexion. i was sure my Christmas gifts set my Master back a couple thousand dollars. i balked at the extravagance but He reprimanded me, stating that since it was a holiday, He wanted to be generous.

i humbly accepted His offerings without further comment.

Just as i was zipping myself into the dress, Sir entered our bedroom. He opted to get ready in the guest room so we’d be on time for our evening plans. i had a tendency to take quite a long while to get ready and was pretty sure He had enough of my bathroom hogging.

He approached me and then wrapped His arms around my waist, delivering one of His soul-stirring kisses that momentarily stripped me of breath.

“you look beautiful, micah. Stunning, actually,” He said, slowly pulling away from me.

Despite the fact that my lips were no longer joined to His, His presence lingered like a phantom touch.

“I’m glad you selected the white dress. I have to be honest, I liked that one much better than the teal, although they’re both flattering on your figure.”

“Thank You, Master,” i replied, bowing my head.

“Are you ready to go?” He asked.

“Yes, Sir, i just have to grab my purse and i’m ready.”

“Great, I’ll meet you by the front door in five minutes,” He replied, exiting our bedroom.

Once Rick left the bedroom, my stomach suddenly decided to do the wave. i was nervous and i immediately wanted to barf, but i wasn’t about to spoil a dress that likely cost a grand. i was never a fan of New Year’s Eve. It was one of those holidays that i’d much rather skip. People made such a big deal over a few moments in time. Who cared what happened at midnight? Unnecessary pressure was placed on couples to make the evening special. i would have preferred to stay at home snuggled on the couch with my Master in my pajamas, but He made plans for us and wanted to ensure that we rang in the New Year in style. He hadn’t revealed what we would be doing. Whatever it was, i’m sure it wouldn’t disappoint.

* * *

We stood outside of New York City Center and my Master fought through throngs of people to get us a cab. Trying to catch a cab a few blocks away from Times Square on New Year’s Eve is next to impossible, but luck was on our side. We’d just exited the venue after watching a performance of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. i loved Ailey, and i was surprised when my Master informed me once we left our apartment that we would be spending the earlier part of our evening enjoying a performance before heading to a late dinner.

Despite the fact that it had snowed earlier in the week, most of it had melted. It was unseasonably warm in New York City for this time of year. i think we brought back some of the California sunshine. The weatherman said the high was fifty degrees, which is practically beach weather in late December.

We could have easily walked to our destination since the weather was so pleasant, but i was grateful that my Master thought ahead. i completely forgot about the sky-high stilettos i was wearing. Even if our destination was only a few blocks, i would be in a serious amount of pain by the time we arrived. Once we were situated inside the cab, He tenderly caressed my hand and linked His fingers with mine while instructing the cabbie to head to the Empire State Building. Traffic was a horrendous nightmare, but i was content just being with Him.

“Did you enjoy the performance, micah?” He inquired.

i couldn’t contain my smile even if i wanted to. “Yes, Sir, it was phenomenal. i had no idea You were interested in Ailey.”

He lifted our joined hands to His lips and planted a soft kiss on the back of my hand.

“micah, you underestimate Me so. I like variety of things, but I have a feeling you have Me pegged as some uptight asshole. I do let go, you know.”

As much as i tried to stifle my laugh, i failed miserably, and a chuckle escaped my lips. He raised His brow, which i interpreted as Him wondering what i found amusing. Well, i didn’t have to wait long for the confirmation.

“Wait a minute—you actually believe that I’m uptight?” He inquired.

i wasn’t sure how to respond to that so i sat quietly as my teeth grazed my lower lip.

“micah, I’m waiting for your answer,” He said, lifting my chin to meet His gaze.

i was hesitant to respond because the last thing i wanted to do was have my Master feel as if i were insulting Him, but He had always asked for honesty and open communication.

“Well, You’re kind of a workaholic, Sir, and the only time i really see You let loose and relax is when we’re in the playroom.”

“I beg to differ, pretty girl—you see Me let loose
the playroom too,” He replied, His tone dripping with sexual innuendo.

The pointed look He gave me ignited a searing heat between my thighs, causing me to shift my position. i knew exactly what He was referring to. The Man was turning me into an exhibitionist.

“In any case, I’m not uptight. I enjoy lots of things. I’m anxious to explore more, but I haven’t had a partner to indulge with. Now that I have you, that will change.”

“Of course, Sir,” i whispered. He always had a knack for riling me up, but now wasn’t the time to give in to my innermost desires.

After an incredibly long journey, which on a normal day would’ve been a five- to ten-minute cab ride, we arrived at our destination thirty minutes later. The driver pulled up to the Empire State Building; my Master paid the fare before helping me out of the cab. Linking my arm with my Master’s, we made our way to the entrance of the building.

It never dawned on me that we would actually be entering the Empire State Building. i thought our plans would include dining at a nearby restaurant, but Sir actually planned for us to be inside the landmark building, although i had no idea how that would happen. It was after 10:30 p.m. on New Year’s Eve. Of course, my curiosity was piqued.

“Sir, how will we make it inside? It’s New Year’s Eve, i think the building is closed, and . . .”

“Shh, pretty girl, I’ve got it covered and FYI, the building isn’t closed, sweetheart. Normally, this place would be flooded with people wanting to get a glimpse of the city and watch the ball drop, but I’ve made special arrangements for the evening. It cost a pretty penny, but it was well worth it,” He said as we approached two men who stood at the revolving doors.

“Doctor Thomas, it’s a pleasure to have you here this evening,” said the man at the door. “Everything has been prepared to your specifications. You can go on up.”

“Thanks, Mike, much appreciated,” my Master commented, directing me through the revolving doors.

What on earth was going on?

* * *

i stepped out of the elevator to behold one of the most spectacular sights i had ever witnessed. The room was, in a word, astonishing. my Master transformed the floor, which was one level below the observation deck, into a majestic vision. Beautiful bouquets of red and white roses were displayed. A path of rose petals guided us into the room while candlelight cast a soft glow all around.

A waiter dressed in a tuxedo stood next to an immaculately set table for two. kisa, dressed in a French maid uniform, sauntered past us to stand next to the waiter.

i did a double take to be sure she was really there.

“kisa? What the hell are you doing here?” i asked, my voice rising to an insane pitch. i was utterly confused.

she looked as if it were perfectly normal for her to be there. “i’m here to assist Theodore,” she said while motioning toward the gentleman standing next to her, “and make your New Year’s Eve memorable. We’ll be your wait staff for the evening. Just relax and have fun, micah. Trust me,” she said, winking.

What the hell was going on? i turned to my Master for answers and He simply smirked. Yep, something wicked this way comes.

BOOK: The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance
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