The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance (23 page)

“micah, I believe Theodore is waiting for you to be seated,” He replied.

i turned back to the elegant table where our waiter stood patiently waiting for me.

This was going to be one interesting New Year’s Eve dinner.

her Master

micah’s engagement ring was burning a hole in My goddamn pocket. We’d just finished dinner, and I was a nervous wreck. It was a struggle to maintain a cool and calm demeanor.

micah didn’t seem to think anything was amiss. i’m sure kisa would’ve said something if My behavior was a little off. After dinner, micah excused herself to use the ladies’ room with kisa in tow.

My pretty girl was predictable. I knew she was fishing for the reason kisa was here tonight.

Including kisa in My proposal idea came to Me on our trip back from California. With micah’s family being so far away, I knew once I proposed, My pretty girl would want to share the news with someone close to her. Since her family wasn’t near, kisa was the next best thing.

Planning this night helped Me develop a newfound respect for kisa. Initially, she wasn’t a fan of Mine, but I didn’t take it personally. she was very protective of micah and wanted the best for her, a true sign of a genuine friend. they’d experienced their fair share of assholes, and, well, kisa was still experiencing them.

From what micah had confided in Me, kisa had been on a quest for a suitable Dom but continued to come up empty. I’d have to refer her to a few Friends. Although I had no clue what kisa was into, I could think of a few Guys to introduce her to. If nothing else, she’d at least get some decent playtime and have an experience she’d likely never forget.

The ladies returned from the restroom, and i signaled to kisa with a subtle look that it was showtime. I was certain, despite micah’s numerous pleas, kisa didn’t spill the beans about My plan for the evening.

I wanted tonight to be extra special. It’s not every day You propose to Your submissive. When micah looked back on this night, I wanted her to remember perfection. I was never really a fan of New Year’s Eve, but it symbolized a new beginning. People have a habit of making resolutions they never stick to, but I wanted to start My year off on the right foot. I wanted micah to know that I wanted to spend the rest of My life with her. That was sure to bring in good luck for a new year.

kisa got the hint and cleared the table. Theodore followed suit. As they worked to clean the table, My attention traveled to micah’s cleavage.

Goddamn, I made a good choice with her dress selection. It looked as if it was molded to her body and the white looked remarkable on her complexion. Taking the last sip of her champagne, My sweetheart offered her empty glass to Theodore, who placed it onto the cart before he and kisa were on their way.

“Would you like dessert?”

she dabbed her mouth with her napkin before responding, “No, Sir. i couldn’t possibly eat another bite.”

“Hmm, not even chocolate-covered strawberries?” I teased.

she laughed. “No, not even chocolate-covered strawberries. But if we could take some home, that would be great Sir.”

“I can make that happen. I can even think of interesting ways to use the extra chocolate sauce.”

micah, in a predictable move, cast her eyes on her hands, which were clasped in her lap. I found it amusing that whenever I taunted her with a sexual innuendo, she’d clam up. My pretty girl was a highly sexual being, which was such a goddamn turn-on, but I brought out her shyness as well, and it was adorable.

I never tired of ruffling her feathers. Despite all the dirty shit we had done and all the soft limits I had pushed, she still became embarrassed when I made naughty innuendos.

I had fucked her throat with unyielding force, yet she blushed at the mention of what I could do with chocolate sauce. Fucking adorable.

“Since we’re here and we have this wonderful view, micah, let’s take advantage of it and head up to the observation deck. We’ll have the best view in the city as the ball drops.” I glanced at My watch and noticed it was quickly approaching midnight. “We have about fifteen minutes.”

micah nodded, indicating she was into the idea. “Sure, Sir, that sounds nice.”

I stood up to help her out of her chair. Theodore and kisa appeared with our coats. As I assisted micah with putting on her coat, kisa winked and mouthed to Me,
Good luck
. Luck? I didn’t want to sound too cocky, but I don’t think I needed much luck. Sure, I was nervous, but I had a feeling that this would go smoothly.

We lived together, met each others families, and did everything else a couple tends to do. What else was left? Granted, our relationship progression was unconventional, but c’est la vie.

I think My paternal grandparents perfectly illustrated that time didn’t matter much when the heart wants what it wants. My grandfather Jesse knew My grandmother for exactly two months before he proposed and they married. They were together for fifty-two years until My grandfather passed away during My sophomore year of high school. My grandmother passed a few weeks later. When you’re with someone for that long, I think you likely die of a broken heart. The love of her life was gone and she just couldn’t continue on without him.

I wanted that kind of love with micah. I wanted forever.

We climbed a few flights of stairs before we were greeted by the most awe-inspiring view. The wind whipped wildly as I held the door open for micah to step onto the observation deck. Although micah’s hair was pinned back from her face, it blew in the wind. It was a sight to see her thick mane sway to and fro; she had straightened it for the evening. It was beautiful. she was beautiful. I’d never been more certain about anything in My life. This woman held the key to My heart, and I wanted to be with her always.

As micah took in the view, My palms became sweaty while watching her.

This is what I get for talking shit about not needing luck. I think kisa jinxed Me. What I wouldn’t give for a shot of Jack Daniels right now. Although I was clearly a bundle of nerves, I was grateful for the excellent weather conditions. It seemed as if Mother Nature gave Me her blessing by providing Me with a clear and unobstructed view of Times Square and the island of Manhattan. Whatever direction we chose to look, twinkling lights surrounded us. It was pretty damn stunning. I loved My city.

I stood by the door of the observation deck for a moment longer, admiring micah before gripping her from behind. My arms wrapped around her waist as I snuggled against her body.

she leaned into My embrace.

Glancing at My watch, I noted the time—11:51. It was now or never.

I took micah’s hand and walked toward the center of the observation deck as the wind whipped around us. Releasing her hand, I took a few deep breaths. Shit. I silently prayed I didn’t fuck this up.

My sweetheart had her eyes trained on Me as I lowered Myself down on one knee.

This was the moment when I’d pour My heart out. I hoped she’d accept all I had to say. I’d never been this bare with anyone, but I couldn’t let fear win. she was vulnerable for Me every single day, I could express vulnerability for a few minutes.

micah stared at Me with her mouth agape. It finally dawned on her what was about to take place, and tears came to her eyes. I didn’t want to see her cry, but I knew they weren’t tears of sadness.

I took her hand in Mine, and the words came naturally. “micah, some months ago, after what was probably one of the worst days I’ve ever experienced in My medical career, I went to Spanxxx seeking refuge. I was angry. I was bored. I was lonely. I needed a distraction and was hoping to blow off some steam with a little play. Instead, I was gifted with more than I could have bargained for.

“I wasn’t looking to settle down; I could barely date. My work schedule was awful, not to mention, I wasn’t interested in the women I met. No one held My attention but you. you walked in and it was like a magnet was pulling Me toward you, micah. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I wanted to get to know you. My intention was to have a few words with you and take it from there, but things went so much further than I could’ve ever imagined.

“This is where I get new age-y,” I said, letting out a slight chuckle as I glanced up at her tear-streaked face. “I know you’re not much of a believer in Fate, but I am. I was at Spanxxx the night we met because I was supposed to be. I was meant to save you, micah. I love you and nothing in My life has ever felt as good as the love I have for you.”

I released her hand and reached into My pocket, pulling out the box that held the ring. micah stood before me trembling. I’m not sure if it was from the cold or the wind, but I just wanted to scoop her up and protect her from everything.

I opened the box to present the ring. The look on her face was worth every penny.

“micah marie foster, would you do Me the honor of becoming My wife and My submissive for life?”

Flashes of light brightened the sky as fireworks went off in the far distance. I supposed the ball had dropped, but it didn’t matter. What did matter was that there was no instantaneous yes. There was silence, a silence that likely lasted mere seconds but seemed like an eternity to Me.

I was honest.

I was succinct.

I was waiting for an answer.

she bum-rushed me, almost knocking me to the ground.

“YES! Yes, Sir. Yes, yes, yes, i’ll marry You!”

Well, damn. I smiled so hard My face hurt.

I placed the ring on micah’s slender finger and admired how beautiful it looked.

she stared down at Me. “May i, Sir?” she asked.

I nodded. micah hiked up her dress and kneeled in front of Me. she was slightly below eye level due our height difference, but she leaned in and delivered a kiss that was honestly the sweetest thing I’d ever experienced. Oh, how the tables had turned.

“i will always kneel for You, Master, because i want to. Thank You for loving me the way i deserve to be loved.”


Late Summer 2014

her Master

After I proposed to micah, we were married a few months later. Actually, we decided on a destination wedding, on what would mark nine months together.

We wed on a beach in the Bahamas in a small ceremony with limited family and very close friends.

A few weeks before our wedding, we had a collaring ceremony in our apartment. Mistress Sybil, Master Otho, Mistress Carlisle, Josh, kisa, and a few other friends in the scene came. It was also small and intimate, but, in My eyes, carried more importance.

My duties as a Master and a Husband overlapped; My foremost duty was to protect and guide micah through everything life chose to toss at us. For the rest of My days, I would lead and she would follow.

As part of our collaring ritual, micah and I tattooed each other’s initials on the inner part of our ankles. Master Otho had many talents, and tattoo art was one. While everyone mingled after the ceremony, we snuck off to the playroom for our new ink.

As a token for micah to wear daily, I purchased a sterling silver T-bar closure chain necklace from Tiffany & Co. Only the best for My girl. Surely, a stainless steel collar would look a wee bit unusual at her place of employment, so the necklace was a wonderful substitute.

For My token, micah surprised Me with a Rolex. I hadn’t expected something so extravagant. It didn’t seem to be her style, but My sweetheart kept Me guessing, as always. micah had the words “Forever Your pretty girl, love, micah” etched onto the back. I’ve worn it with pride every day since.

Currently, I was watching micah, having just wrapped up a phone call with a colleague about a patient’s diagnosis. My everything just came down the slide with our twenty-two-month-old daughter, Perry, in tow.

Perry laughed and giggled in her mother’s arms. Every time I looked at her, I was amazed by the little person micah and I had created. Whenever I thought of her conception, My smile widened as memories played through My mind. That night I had received the best damn welcome home ever. We worked hard to create our bundle of animated joy.

My balls tightened at the thought.

Our Perry Elizabeth was beautiful. She inherited My light blue eyes, and they were stunning against her smooth, honey-brown complexion and wild, curly, brownish-blonde mane.

Genetics could be completely surprising. I never anticipated Perry would inherit My eye color. The blue darkened to blackish cobalt when she was upset, just like Mine, which happened often—like when micah and I refused to give her a cookie with her afternoon snack.

The day she was born, I stared at her tiny, wrinkly body and cried. I hadn’t cried since I attended My grandfather’s funeral. The closest I came was the day I saw micah walking down the aisle toward Me in her wedding dress. My eyes pooled with restrained tears—she looked like a princess. I was blessed.

I was never a very religious Man, but I was spiritual enough to realize that I’d been gifted with good fortune that brought a remarkable lady into My life.

Perry ran toward Me, her little arms flailing.

“Daaa-dee!” she screamed when I caught her and lifted her up.

“Hi, pumpkin,” I replied, kissing her chubby cheek. Moments like this made Me cherish fatherhood the most. The littlest things could brighten My day.

micah walked over to us, greeting Me with a kiss on the lips. I noticed the frown upon her face; she was clearly upset.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“Nausea, my Love. Coming down the slide with Perry just now brought on a major wave of queasiness. It came out of nowhere, and honestly, i feel like crap.”

she had taken to addressing Me as “my Love” in front of Perry. While micah and I were very much fulfilled in our lifestyle, we thought it best to give Perry and our future children a sense of normalcy at home. We saved the formalities for when we were alone, thus, micah’s submission was subtle when Perry was around.

What mommy and Daddy did behind closed doors was for us, and only us.

“Are you ready to go home?” I asked.

“I can make you some of that ginger tea you like. Maybe if you eat a few saltines, it might reduce the nausea.”

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