The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance (16 page)

BOOK: The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance
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she stared at My chest as I stroked her cheek. “Oh,” she replied.

My brow rose at her tone. “Oh?”

“i’m not sure what else i can say, Sir. It’s not every day a sub hears her . . . her . . . her Master declare He’s well-off.”

she finally said it. micah called Me her Master, and My heart fucking swelled. Good girl.

she’d been hesitant and I wondered why. micah had never been in a serious long-term D/s relationship. I chalked up her lack of addressing Me as her Master to her level of comfort. I told her I would never demand anything from her, and I meant it. Respect was always earned, always.

“I guess one could say that, but I don’t view Myself that way. My money is tied up in investments and a variety of accounts collecting interest, but I don’t rely on it. I live within My means. My condo is My biggest expense. That’s the only time I’ve used My trust fund—to purchase My dream home, design it to My specifications, and furnish it as I saw fit. It’s My pride and joy and I’d like to share it with you.”

“Can i be honest, Sir?” she replied.

“Of course you can; it’s what I always prefer.”

“i’m no slouch. i’m pretty headstrong and i can hold my own, but You’re intimidating. Although we’ve been in our dynamic for a bit and i enjoy our time together, i’m still confused as to why You even want me. i realize i have a lot to offer a Man but knowing what i know about You, i don’t get why You’re asking me to move in. There are so many others You could have. i’m so far outside the scope of what You’re probably used to that i have to wonder, why me?”

I stared at her hard. Was she fucking serious? Not this shit

micah was a goddamn spitfire, but right then she was somewhere in between attitudinal and self-deprecating, and I didn’t like it one bit.

she was amazing. Why the hell wouldn’t I choose her? Women. I never could fully figure them out.

I didn’t just choose her, she chose Me as well. This wasn’t one-sided.

“I told you, micah, I want your face to be the first and last thing I see every single day. I don’t care about other submissives and what they may or may not be doing. I only care about what
doing. i find you beautiful. you have a beautiful spirit. you’re hardworking, you’re kind, you’re playful, your intellect keeps Me on My toes. you intrigue Me like no other. Are those enough reasons?” I’m sure My tone had some bite to it, but I wanted her to stop the doubt.



“Yes, Sir, i agree to accept the terms of the trial run. Six months it is.”

I kissed her forehead before My lips parted in a wide grin.

“I’ll hire movers in the morning.”

I kissed her forehead again before she turned in My arms and My warm body covered hers.

“Are you ready to go sleep?”

“Yes i am. So very ready.”

“Good night, micah.”

“Good night, Master.”

This—this is exactly what I wanted for the rest of My life.


It was strange knowing that in a matter of days i’d wake up to my Master every morning. His presence had been missed in my home despite Him leaving a little more than twenty-four hours ago. He’d left that morning under oath that He would handle everything.

True to His word, movers were waiting outside my apartment building when i hit the curb to leave for work the following morning.

He wasn’t joking.

i assumed i’d have at least a few more days to wrap my head around this, but my Master had other ideas. This was a huge step and marked the beginning of our life together. Well, the six-month trial run of our life together.

While i was at work, the movers spent the majority the day packing up my apartment. The furniture, cookware, dinnerware, and kitchen appliances remained but everything else went to my Master’s condo.

A variety of thoughts weaved their way through my mind—mainly, how bad my last attempt at cohabitation had failed. i kept reminding myself that this was different. Sir was different. i knew there was no comparison. i tried not to think too hard about it as i handed a box of my belongings to the movers.

This was it. my apartment was now sterile. i was going to miss my cozy haven, but i was excited for the next phase of our relationship.

* * *

We’d been living together for almost two months but we’d been in our dynamic for twice as long. Things had been going well, we were good partners, but i was frustrated beyond belief. He hadn’t touched me sexually other than oral sex.

Well, my Master
proficient in oral sex, and with those damn clit vibrators. On one of the rare occasions we attended a private party, Sir exposed me to a few new and exhilarating experiences . . . and my nemesis.

When we entered the loft, my Master rested His hands on my shoulders and pulled my coat off, handing it to a slave who was working at the coat check. The clatter of the party rose and bounced off the high ceilings. There were so many people, most of whom had turned their focus on Rick once we stepped farther into the loft. There were a few Men and Women who greeted Him with congratulatory handshakes and claps on the back.
Congratulations, it’s a sub!
Our contract had been finalized months ago, yet this was the first time we’d been to a private party. Sir and i had spent the past several weeks, when we weren’t buried in work, with our faces buried in each other’s laps.

“Are You going to show her off tonight?” a Man who seemed vaguely familiar asked Rick as if goading Him.

my Master’s hand pressed against the small of my back, urging me forward. “micah, this is Master Otho.”

i kept my eyes downcast until Rick placed my hand in the other Man’s. When i looked up, recognition dawned, and my face must have shown it if Master Otho’s warm laughter was an indication. Master Otho was married to Mistress Sybil, and together they were
preeminent lifestyle couple in the tri-state area. i’d seen pictures—highly staged pictures—but people look much different in person.

“she is lovely, Master Rick. Sybil and the others are eager to see how micah’s training has been progressing.” Master Otho shot a look at Sir and then brought my hand to His lips. “Welcome, micah.”

“Thank You, Sir.”

Rick and Master Otho led me through the party, stopping every few feet to be introduced to other Dominants and Their subs or slaves.

In public, the differences between a submissive and slave were more stark. Yes, no one was to approach me without my Dom’s permission, and Sir had the definitive say in what we did, but i was still very much my own person in this dynamic and could function independently of Him. We had established very clear rules in our contract but were open enough with one another to leave room for our relationship to grow and change. my Master firmly and lovingly guided me to and through new situations. Some experiences were more successful than others, and Rick had no issues making adjustments when things might have gone too far for either of us.

The slaves, both men and women, we were introduced to had to be told to greet us or take a drink and so on. Their Dominants dictated every single moment when they were together.

i admitted to having
slave tendencies; however, Rick did not have full authority over
aspect of my life. i didn’t want that, and i didn’t believe a 24/7 Total Power Exchange was something He’d ever been interested in. It would mean that as His slave, i would have no rights or say-so whatsoever. While my goal was always to serve Him and make sure His needs were met, i enjoyed the freedom of making my own decisions.

While i would never knock a sub or slave for their choices, that extreme simply wasn’t right for the D/s dynamic Rick and i had developed over these past couple of months.

We sat on a low sofa with another couple who were enamored with Sir. Everyone we spoke to addressed Him as “Master.” The level of respect and admiration that swelled around Him was a bit intimidating.

my Master ran His hand up and down my spine and then drew me closer to His side. “Are you enjoying yourself, sweetheart?” He whispered in my ear, making me shiver.

i nodded. “Yes, Sir, but it’s all so different from the playroom,” i answered while watching Mistress Sybil and Master Otho move to the center of the room.

“you’ve been doing so well, micah. May I show you off a little bit?”

He knew i wasn’t very much into public scening, but He really wanted this.

“Yes, Sir.”

my Master stood and extended His hand, pulling me to my feet. He led me to the center of the room where He then whispered something to Mistress Sybil. She stepped away, winking at me before disappearing behind a screen.

Master Otho stepped away as well, but returned to hand Rick a cord of rope.

Taking His time, my Master placed me in a variety of positions that allowed Him to drag the rope over my skin, forming intricate knots. He bound my limbs with care, forming the knots on erotic pressure points. The roughness ignited an even more powerful response than the silk scarves He used when we were in the playroom. The feeling of the natural fiber on my skin was heavenly. All of this was new to me. i had never experienced Shibari but always wanted to. i had no idea it was an interest of Sir’s.

i tried not to cry out from both the pain and pleasure i found in the scratch and pinch of the rope. To be bound in such a way was both terrifying and freeing. my Master satisfied my curiosity about rope bondage and gave me one of the most amazing experiences i had ever encountered. Well, an amazing experience until my high was quickly crushed by the the taunting of a clit vibrator.

That fucking thing—evil but oh so pleasurable. The taunting lasted for at least thirty minutes before He finally granted me release.

We’d done so much, had come so far, but it had been almost five months and nothing. . . .


Not once had He ever initiated sexual intercourse.

i kept expecting it. i kept waiting for it. i wanted it, but it never happened.

i was eager to broach the topic but wasn’t exactly sure how to address it. Our contract stated that my Master and i would have sex whenever He saw fit, with the exception of the five days each month that i had my period.

Of course, i was horny even during my most unsexy time. i had nothing but dick on the brain.

Wake up, dick.

Shower, dick.

Eat breakfast, dick.

Get the picture?

my longing renewed each time His tongue would lave my cream and His fingers would penetrate my delicate flower.

Despite my Master getting off and getting me off night after night, i would go to bed unfulfilled.

Here i was, curled up under a hunk of a Man who wouldn’t fuck me. i’m an attractive woman, but i began to question if i turned Him on. It definitely did something to my self-esteem.

my negative thoughts were sometimes silenced by the way Rick would eye me as if He were a predator waiting to devour me. Those looks often tempered my anxiety.

i was patient, but if this kept up, i feared i might die from lack of penetration. While there had been no reported cases of any such thing happening, i think i was on target to becoming the first casualty.

* * *

my Master drew circles around my belly button with His finger as we lay in bed. Although we didn’t have sex, we did just have an incredibly satisfying experience.

my eyes drifted closed at the contentment that enveloped us.

“My nephews really want to meet you,” He said with His head pillowed on my breast, “so I promised everyone we’d spend the holiday at mom and dad’s.”

Since we’d been living together, it wasn’t often that Rick
me what we were doing. It was well within His rights as my Dom, but He almost always asked my opinion.

Truly, there was nothing to object to, but it would have been nice to be asked if i were ready to meet the rest of the Thomas family.

“What kind of things do they like? Should i come bearing gifts?”

my Master’s laughter vibrated the bed. “Caleb and William are seven and nine and the spawn of the devil himself.”

“Don’t say that. i bet they’re wonderful boys.”

“you haven’t met My brother. I don’t know how Steph—God bless her—puts up with Todd and his more evil mini-Todds.”

i sat up to give Him a stern look. “i can’t believe You,” i said through a laugh, swatting His shoulder.

“you know I adore those brats, sweetheart, but somebody’s gotta keep it real with them. That’s what uncle Rick is for.”

“Uncle Rick, huh?” i liked that. Sighing, i laid back down and raked my fingers through my Master’s hair and drifted to sleep.

* * *

Thanksgiving Day had arrived. If i thought the nerves i experienced during my exhibition opening were bad, this was unbelievably worse.

i stood in front of our bedroom mirror attaching a plum-colored pendant around my neck before putting the final touches on my makeup. my eyes tracked my Master in the mirror as He stepped out of the bathroom, making His way toward me.

Rick was the epitome of sleek.

A well-dressed Man was universally sexy, and my Master had sexiness down to a science. He donned a pair of navy dress pants and a crisp, white button-down shirt. In His left hand He held a medium-size black velvet box and in the other, a gray tie with hints of blue. His silver cuff links shone, completing the ensemble.

With a quizzical expression, i turned around to face Him. “Sir, may i ask what’s in the box?”

He ignored my question and gently set the black box on the dresser before handing me His tie. “Would you help Me with My tie, micah?”

“Of course,” i replied, biting my lip. Now i was even more curious. i tried to concentrate on making sure to form the perfect knot, but i was distracted by the presence of the velvet box.

He tried horribly to suppress a smirk; a playful Rick was always fun. He knew i was intrigued.

i finished tying the knot and smoothed out His shirt, my hands lingering on His defined pecs. “All done, Sir. It’s perfect,” i said, preparing to step away and return to my makeup.

He halted my progress, slipping His arms around my waist and pulling me closer to Him.

BOOK: The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance
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