The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance (14 page)

BOOK: The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance
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My release was so close.

But I couldn’t. I wouldn’t do it.

What I felt for her was way past lust and infatuation. I had just asked the woman writhing beneath Me to put her trust in Me, but I was holding back.

For the past few years, I’d been selfish and used women for nothing more than My sexual pleasure. I had detached My emotions from the act, but now I wanted to feel. I wanted to let the connection flourish. I was already in deep when it came to micah. My actions reflected My intent but I needed to be able to say three words that would show her My heart.

My fingers’ quick pace brought a look of utter pleasure to micah’s face as I drew them in and out of her.

micah gripped My hand, attempting to remove My fingers from between her toned thighs.

My mouth encircled her erect nipple. I swirled My tongue around her beautiful, dark areola. I traveled across her body, leaving warm, wet kisses on her flesh before giving equal attention to the other breast.

“P-p-please Sir, i’m—i’m close. i’m trying not to cum.”

I continued to flick My tongue over her left nipple while My fingers worked their magic. “I like this game, micah,” I taunted through a mouthful of breast. “you are not to release until I say so.”

I removed My fingers from her channel and spread her legs for better access. micah’s pussy glistened with her arousal. Fuck. I dove in, lapping away at her creamy center.

I teased micah’s swollen clit, goading her and enjoying every moment.

God, she fucking tasted amazing.

micah’s hands grasped My hair, trying to push Me away.
Oh no, baby, not yet. I want to keep you on the edge just a little bit longer.
The more she tried to push Me away the more I took that as a challenge. micah would soon learn that the more she attempted to fight Me, the more tortuous things would become for her.

Adding to her torture, I reached up to pinch her nipples while slowly sucking her clit. Using My tongue, I parted her pussy lips before plunging deeper inside of her. There was no stopping the hungry growl that ripped through My chest. Going down on My woman was a big aphrodisiac for Me.

micah was hysterical. she wriggled and thrashed, all with her thighs clamped around My head. This shit was fucking thrilling. I laughed, enjoying the vibration against her sex. That just sent My pretty girl into begging mode. “Please, Sir, please. May i cum? Pretty, pretty, pretty please, may i? Please!”

I glanced up to look at her face. her hysteria only heightened My arousal. her eyes were hooded and she looked to be both insanely satisfied and exhausted.

I shifted My body to get a better angle. Oh, the fun was just beginning.

“No, you may not.” I wouldn’t let her off the hook that easy. I continued My tongue assault while holding micah’s wildly bucking hips down. she tried her best to escape My hold.

Spread out on My sheets, wild and begging for release with My face buried in her sweet pussy, micah was so far from the poised professional she portrayed earlier.

she shrieked and pleaded. Tightening her legs around My head and shoulders, she stuttered, “Please, S-S-Sir, please!”

Between her cries of passion and gushing pussy, I was on the verge of losing My load. Coming in My underwear stopped when I was thirteen—no way was that shit ever happening again. I had to maintain self-control.

Ever the Gentleman, I needed to grant micah her release before I even thought about getting off.

“My pretty girl, cum for your Master,” I said, taking one last lick down her slit.

Watching micah cum was a gorgeous sight. she arched her back and completely lost it. Strong tremors erupted from her body as she writhed and whimpered.

her moans were the sweetest sounds.

I was once again thrilled that I was able to get her to squirt. I can’t tell you how fucking delightful it was to get a woman so excited that she squirted. I knew My tongue skills were great, but when that happened, it was one hell of a boost to the ego.

I licked up the last bit of her essence before kissing the soft, tender flesh of her inner thighs.

she removed her hands from My hair and rose up on her elbows to watch Me.

My eyes met hers. micah’s chest was heaving and her eyes shone brightly in the candlelight.

I continued My trail of kisses up to the juncture of her thighs, releasing a long, contented sigh as I rested My cheek against her hip and closed My eyes.

As micah calmed down, so did I. Our breathing fell into sync, chests rising and falling as if we shared the same lungs.

her hand returned to My head, and her fingers raked through My hair.

I opened My eyes to find My pretty girl examining Me.

“Hi,” I whispered, nearly losing Myself in the bottomless depths of her eyes.

her fingers never stopped their soothing massage against My scalp while she stared at Me like I had the answer to all the universe’s problems in My eyes; I would give anything for her to always look at Me that way. To look at Me as if she were just as in love with Me as I was with her.

she sighed and spread her lips into a glorious smile. “Hello, Sir.”


i love Him.
There, i said it.

For the most part, i could detach myself from the act of sex, but with Rick, i couldn’t.

They say sex is better when you’re in love, and despite kisa’s warning to keep my feelings in check, i fell hard and fast. i might regret it later, but for now, i loved Him.

i was madly in love with Rick Thomas, and it only took a few days. Days! Who falls in love in a matter of days? This gal. i was in deep.

i’d never been one of
women. Sure, i was the sappy, romantic type, but i hadn’t been in many long-term relationships. For one reason or another, every guy i’d dated had never been interested in settling down.

my longest relationship ended a little over a year ago, and since then my dating life had been a bust.

Brent and i were together for three and a half years; it wasn’t my first interracial relationship. my philosophy was simple: i was interested in men who were interested in me.

If They happened to be Dominant, even better, but ultimately, a genuine connection mattered more to me than anything else.

Anyhow, Brent and i lived together, but whenever i would mention marriage or next steps in our relationship, he would change the subject. Not to mention that i always felt like Brent thought he was doing me a favor by indulging in kink.

He didn’t treat me horribly, but sometimes it felt like we were in two separate places.

i dated a lot after college, but Brent was my first real post-college adult relationship. We tried to do what was expected—essentially we played house—but when it came to the next phase, we just couldn’t close the deal.

Brent was bad for me. i was never fully myself when i was with him, and if there’s anyone you should be yourself with, it’s your partner. i always got the feeling that he judged me for my interests.

Relationships take a lot of effort.

i felt like i gave more time and attention to our relationship than Brent did. i tried to be the doting girlfriend and make it work. i don’t believe in simply giving up.

When it came to kink, Brent’s lack of interest and sometimes flat-out disgust would make me feel horrible about myself. There was nothing wrong with me liking what i liked and asking my partner to share that with me, but i had always been the one to concede.

We were missing that extra layer of intimacy. That soul-deep connection. We didn’t want the same things in or out of the bedroom, but we were familiar. Not necessarily comfortable, but not entirely uncomfortable.

Brent wasn’t a bad guy, he just wasn’t
guy. To prove i had no hard feelings, i was kind enough to stay with kisa for a few days while he packed up his stuff. i didn’t think tossing him out of my apartment in anger after years together was the way for us to separate.

In the year since Brent and i broke up and he moved out, i had a series of bad dates and had faced the fact that i probably wouldn’t ever find the kind of love i was seeking.

i wanted what i wanted and i was no longer willing to settle. my guard was always up. i would never accept the first Guy who had similar interests. i needed to protect myself.

But then Doctor Rick Thomas appeared out of thin air as my Knight in Shining Armor. He saved me, literally.

Now i was confused.

How do i continue our dynamic without showing my true feelings so soon? We were still in the early stages, but as my training progressed, i knew i’d fall farther down the rabbit hole.

Thankfully, i had the exhibition to keep me occupied. Rick would also be on rotation for the next few days, so i’d have a little bit of breathing room to work out my feelings.

The plan sounded really great in my head.

Deflect, deflect, deflect.

her Master

Weeks passed and My days continued as usual, although I thought about that night at My condo with micah, a lot.

What happened between us was some powerful shit.

I had never felt that strongly about a woman since, well, never. Even samantha and I didn’t have the kind of connection that micah and I had already developed.

After several weeks together, neither of us brought up what had transpired that night—the night I firmly declared Myself her Master.

A few days later, a mutually beneficial contract was agreed upon and signed with little reservation. she belonged to Me and I to her. Our journey would surely take us down an exciting path and exceed many expectations.

I looked forward to all our future held. micah gifted Me with her trust, her devotion, and her emotional and spiritual growth. I promised to lead her down an honorable path and be her Protector, her Lover, her Teacher, and her Friend. We were bonded. Of course, she had the freedom to change her mind and ask to be released at any time, but it was My hope that such a thing would never occur.

As micah’s training progressed, she proved herself to be everything I could ever have hoped for in a submissive.

As much as I attempted to create a sense of normalcy for our dynamic, My work put Me in a position where I could not turn down requests to cover shifts and guest lectures. I kept waiting for My pretty girl to crack, but so far she hadn’t, even though her training was oftentimes piecemeal.

Guilt had become the prevailing emotion whenever I thought of her; I had to get a handle on My schedule before micah developed feelings of neglect.

What You didn’t want was a resentful submissive. I made time for micah as much as possible, but I had to be better. You didn’t have a submissive sign a contract if You weren’t serious about Your shit. Rules and expectations were written out for a reason.

I hadn’t seen micah in person in more than a week, and telephone calls weren’t nearly as satisfying. Although My shift had just ended and I was tired, I had to see My pretty girl.

In the time we’d been together, I hadn’t once visited micah’s apartment, so I hopped a cab across town and headed to Spanish Harlem.

It was completely rude of Me to show up unannounced, but I didn’t care. I needed to see her with My own eyes—FaceTime was for the fucking birds. I paid the cabbie and climbed the steps of her building. The brisk breeze had Me eager to wrap Myself in micah’s warmth. I rang the buzzer twice and waited. A couple of minutes passed before her voice squeaked out of the silver box.

“Yes? Who is it?” she asked.

“micah, it’s Me. Ring Me up, please.”

“Sir?” she asked, her tone full of surprise. Who wouldn’t be surprised at an unexpected visitor at 12:20 a.m. on a weeknight?

Guilt rolled in. I really felt like shit for not calling. Granted, I had the final say in what was acceptable, but it would have been fair to consider micah’s evening. What if I had woken her up? What if she had retired early because she had to be at the museum earlier than normal?


The museum.

Shit, shit, shit.

Tonight was the opening of her exhibition, and I’d missed it. Goddamnit, I’d missed it.

I couldn’t believe I’d gotten so sidetracked. Why didn’t micah remind Me? Surely she had to have known I would’ve made adequate arrangements to attend. At least I hoped she knew. I would’ve loved to have been there to see My pretty girl shine.

“Yes, micah, it’s Me,” I replied, trying to keep My tone even despite feeling like a dick.

The buzzer rang, granting Me entry. micah’s building was a walk-up, and of course her apartment was located on the top floor of the four-story building. A little cardio after work never hurt. her place was nice, well-maintained, and in a decent part of Spanish Harlem. she chose wisely.

When I arrived at the top floor, I found her apartment door cracked a bit. Ever the Gentleman, I knocked before I entered. she gave Me shit about leaving My door unlocked when I went to fetch her in My lobby, but she did the same in a far less secure building? Oh, we’d be talking about this.

“micah?” I called out, slowly pushing the door open. I expected to be greeted by a sleepy and slightly pissed-off woman, but instead she stood behind the door, using it as some sort of shield.

I couldn’t get a good look at her and every time I attempted to move closer, the door swung farther back, blocking her from My advances.

“micah, what’s wrong? I apologize for not calling. Were you sleeping? Why didn’t you remind Me that tonight was your opening? you know I would have been there, right?”

There was really no excuse, but I needed her to understand. “My days have overlapped. I would have loved be there and show My support.”

I was so concerned with My faux pas that it didn’t register that micah wasn’t in her presenting position. It did however register that I was talking to her through a fucking door.

her voice was small and muffled. “Sir, i wasn’t expecting You to visit. i’m not in a presentable state to greet You. Please forgive me.”

she didn’t acknowledge My apology for missing her big night, and now she was asking for forgiveness for not being presentable? Something was off.

As stipulated in our contract, micah would be expected to greet Me by kneeling at My feet, resting on her haunches with her palms down on her thighs.

BOOK: The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance
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