The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance (12 page)

BOOK: The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance
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Why the sigh? I was honestly confused. she seemed excited to see Me and said she enjoyed last night. Women—so goddamn frustrating.

“Please take a cab, I don’t want you on the subway at such a late hour. Once you call Me and let Me know you’re en route, I’ll wait in the lobby and take care of the cab fare.”

I bent down to give her a kiss good-bye. I couldn’t help imagining My face between her thighs. This woman did all kinds of shit to My head—the big one and the not-so-little one.

“I’ll see you tonight,” I whispered in her ear.

she licked her lips.

That lone gesture made Me want to push her up against a wall and fuck her silly. I had plans for micah, but I needed to keep the head above My shoulders in the game and not let the head below My waist cloud My judgment.

Cupid was taunting Me.

Was this love at first sight? I didn’t know. Lust was certainly prevalent.

I could fall for her—I was falling for her. Moving at micah’s pace was going to be agony, pure agony.

she gave Me one last peck on the lips.

“Thank You again for lunch and the flowers. i’ll see You tonight, Honey,” she said loud enough for the guard to hear before turning on her heel and heading to the elevators. she glanced back to give Me a wink before disappearing from My view.

The silly grin micah inspired turned into a taunting smirk when My gaze shifted to the security desk. Jim stood there staring daggers at Me.


i was still reeling from Rick’s surprise appearance. i can’t believe He took time out of His day to bring me lunch and flowers. Inwardly, i was squealing like a teenage girl.

Rick didn’t just bring any flowers, He brought the most beautiful red roses i had ever had the pleasure of receiving. His impeccable taste didn’t truly surprise me; His clothing and His home were aesthetic and now i could add His choice of florists to the growing list.

i wasn’t sure what to make of His request to see Me tonight. i was excited but still reserved. Hell, i was still processing all that happened.

i had called kisa early this morning, while i was in a cab en route to my apartment after leaving Rick’s. First i had to let her know that i was okay because i didn’t check in last night, and then i wanted to share all the details of my amazing night.

kisa hung on my every word but not before reprimanding me for not calling her sooner. i apologized profusely. It had never been my intention to worry her, but knowing kisa, she would never let me live that down.

While i sat in my office eating the lunch Rick brought me, i recalled kisa’s words.

“micah, i’m really happy for you. Things sound like they went really well last night, but i wouldn’t be a good friend if i didn’t tell you to be careful.”

“Careful? He wouldn’t hurt Me, kisa. i don’t get that vibe from Him.”

“i wasn’t referring to physical harm. It sounds like you’re getting emotionally attached to this Guy. Don’t go too fast too soon, micah. i know you’re a die-hard romantic, but take it easy, chica.”

Was she serious?

she fucked Doms every which way from Sunday trying to find her glass dick, but she was telling me to slow down? Cinderella had nothing on kisa. The fairy-tale princess was an amateur.

i loved the woman like a sister, but she should have given me some credit. i wasn’t some glassy-eyed ditz.

While i valued kisa’s opinion, i was offended that she would think i wasn’t using good judgment. What happened last night wasn’t the norm for me. It wasn’t something that i did, ever. i may scene with Men at clubs, but it doesn’t get this personal. It’s
this personal. kisa was well aware of how out of character this was for me. i have a hard and fast rule: Never get emotionally invested. But it was clear from the way things were going with Rick that that rule had changed.

“kisa, when have you ever known me to spend the night with a Man i barely knew, allow Him to tie me up, blindfold me, eat me out, and then spoon me and treat me as if i were the most precious gem on the face of the earth? Hmm?”

kisa huffed and attempted to get in a rebuttal but i cut her off before she had the chance. “Would ‘never’ be an accurate response?” i asked.

i paused and took a deep breath. i was upset that she would think so little of me.

“micah, calm down. Don’t get upset. i’m just trying to provide some perspective. i hope this is it, i really do, but guard your heart. If He’s true, He will work for you. He will want to earn you. Don’t invest too much in Him until He proves Himself worthy. And if you’re not ready for this, leave now before you’re in too deep.”

kisa may have her priorities screwed but she was right. If Rick was serious about me, He would do whatever possible to make it work between us. i just had to be smart about it and let His actions speak for themselves. So far, He was doing well. Really, really, really well.

i had to stop pulling back. He was trying, and i couldn’t keep sending mixed messages. i wanted something real, and if Rick was the One to give it to me, i had to let Him in and not be afraid to let go.

But was He it for me?

* * *

It was approaching 10:45 p.m. and i was exhausted. Going over the mountain of paperwork Joan dropped off earlier had kept me in the office until a little after nine. i had to be escorted out of the museum by an armed guard. Rarely had i ever worked that late, but when Cruella beckoned before an opening, you listened. Two of my staffers also stayed late to make the process go that much faster. Bless their little hearts.

The distance from my place to Rick’s wasn’t far, and with the late hour, you’d think the cab would practically fly there. But New York is the city that never sleeps; there was always something popping off. The crosstown drive should have taken fifteen minutes, tops. Tonight it took twice as long.

Time and my overactive mind were not good company. When the cab finally pulled up to Rick’s building, my nerves almost had me begging the cabbie to turn around.

Before i could open my mouth, a kindly looking middle-aged man opened the cab door and welcomed me to the building. The man barely finished his sentence before the smooth bass of the Man that had been in my head all day interrupted him.

“I’ll take it from here, Paul.” Rick’s smiling face filled my vision and i forgot my own name. He reached in and handed the driver a twenty. “Keep the change.”

i gathered my purse and overnight bag before Rick took my hand and helped me from the cab.

“Doctor Thomas, would you like me to bring your guest’s bag to the elevator?” the door attendant asked.

“No, that won’t be necessary, Paul. By the way, this is micah, micah foster, My girlfriend. You’ll be seeing her around a lot more.”

Paul raised a curious brow, and my stomach chose that exact moment to do a mini somersault.

From the look on Paul’s face i could tell Rick didn’t use the title of “girlfriend” often. He also mentioned that He didn’t bring women to His playroom, so i assumed that meant His apartment in general. This was big. i felt pretty damn special.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Micah,” the door attendant said, extending his hand.

i reached out to shake it. “Nice to meet you as well, Paul.”

“You two have a good night,” Paul said before we made our way through the lobby.

“And you as well, Paul,” Rick replied while taking my overnight bag in one hand and placing the other on the small of my back. Once we reached the elevators, He removed His hand from my back and pressed the button. Almost immediately, one set of elevator doors sprung open. He allowed me to enter first, following closely behind.

As soon as the doors closed, He was all over me.

Rick delivered a trail of feather-light kisses along my jawline and neck. His kisses continued, each one more needy than the last. my nipples perked up. He soon changed His path, and His lips forcefully met mine.

i welcomed the invasion. What we were doing was on the verge of illicit, but i hadn’t a care in the world.

Rick slowly pulled away from my lips. “Hi, micah,” He whispered, nibbling my top lip. His hardened frame felt wonderful against me. “I’ve been thinking about you since I left the museum.”

He had obliterated my personal space. i didn’t mind, not one bit, especially since He smelled so damn good, like the outdoors. His scent evoked memories of apple-picking, pumpkin farms, and hiking. i loved it. It made me feel safe. i leaned into Him further, inhaling deeply.

“Hi, Sir,” i replied, barely able to catch my breath.

Before i could get another word out, His tongue once again probed my mouth. We stood inside the elevator kissing for what felt like an eternity before Rick finally released me and pushed the button for the twenty-fifth floor.

He rested His back against the elevator panel and pulled a handkerchief from His back pocket. Wiping His mouth, He rid Himself of my lipstick. “I apologize if I was a bit aggressive, micah. I was just anxious to see you.”

i licked my lips, suddenly so very thirsty under Rick’s heavy stare. i cleared my throat. “There’s nothing wrong with that, Sir. It feels good to be wanted.”

“micah, you have no idea how badly I want you.”

i wasn’t certain how to respond, so i remained quiet.

Rick released a slight chuckle before placing the handkerchief back into His pocket.

“Do I make you uncomfortable, micah? I get the impression that I do. When I express My desires, you do this thing where you withdraw and head into your own world. Might I ask what that’s about?”

Was He really trying to get into my head right now, when there was so much less risk involved with getting into my pants?

“i . . . uh . . . i think sometimes i’m just a little overwhelmed.”

“Hmm, I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed. If you ever need a moment, it’s important that you communicate that to Me.”

“Yes, Sir, i understand.”

The elevator stopped on His floor and the doors parted. Rick waited for me to exit first before walking ahead of me down the hallway. He paused, opening the door to His apartment, gesturing for me to enter.

“You left Your door unlocked, Sir?” i asked, turning to give Him a quizzical look as i stepped across the threshold.

Clearly, He was amused by my concern. “I live in a secure building, sweetheart. A quick trip downstairs to fetch you isn’t cause for concern. I get that it’s New York City, but I think we’re safe here. The annual fees I pay on this place say the safety of the tenants is a top priority,” He said while locking the door.

“Oh. i guess i’m just overly cautious.”

“And that isn’t a bad thing. I’d rather you were overly cautious than not.” His voice trailed down the corridor as He made His way toward the bedroom with my bag in tow.

i stood near the door, holding my purse and waiting for His return.

“Make yourself at home, micah. Head to the kitchen, I’ll be right there to make you something to eat. I’m sure you’re famished,” He yelled from the bedroom.

He was right: i was hungry. i hadn’t eaten much since the lunch He provided for me earlier in the day.

i removed my jacket and dropped it, along with my purse, on the couch before heading to the kitchen. Sitting on the granite countertop were a variety of takeout containers and a bottle of Merlot. i leaned against the counter, reading the label on the evening’s wine selection.

Rick entered the kitchen and removed two plates from the cabinet. i excused myself to wash my hands, returning moments later to see Him withdrawing utensils from the drawers.

“I hope you like Thai. It’s mostly vegetable combinations and rice noodles with different sauces. There’s also a side of brown rice. I didn’t think you’d want anything too heavy this late in the evening.”

“Thank You, Sir. I love Thai. And veggies with noodles is fine.”

He began filling both our plates while i went to take seat at the kitchen table.

“Wait a moment, micah,” He said before pulling the chair away from the table and waiting for me to sit down. Such a Gentleman.

“Thank You,” i replied just before He pushed my seat closer to table.

He smiled before returning to the counter to uncork the wine. Rick brought our food to the table and poured us both glasses of wine before finally settling into the seat across from me.

i dove into the curried mixture as if it were my last meal. i hadn’t realized how hungry i was until that moment.

He chuckled at how quickly i ate my portion. “Guess you were hungry, huh?”

“i’m sorry, i don’t usually pig out like that,” i replied before taking a few sips of wine.

“It’s fine. you’ve had a long day. Would you like more? There’s plenty.”

“No, thank You, Sir. This was good enough. i’ll just finish my wine.”

i sat watching Him eat until He finally broke the silence. “Did you happen to follow-up with your gynecologist today, micah?”

“Yes, Sir, i did. No appointment necessary. She was able to call in a new prescription to my local pharmacy, but i won’t be able to take the pills until next week, since my cycle begins later this week.”

“Good to know. What day do you expect it to start?”

“Around Wednesday, the twenty-fourth, Sir.”

“I’m keeping a mental note. And does your cycle usually last five days?” He inquired.

“Yes, Sir, it does.”

It was a good thing i’d already finished eating. The way i grew up, we didn’t talk about private functions at the dinner table. my brother and i were removed from family meals for dirty jokes and whatnot more times than either of us could count.

“I want you to know I take your hard limits very seriously, micah, so there will be no play or anything of a sexual nature while you’re menstruating. I want you to be comfortable when we’re together.”

Boy, was i thankful for that. During my period all i wanted to do was pull up my granny panties, then curl up into fetal position while eating chocolate and watching horrible B-movies on Netflix. So incredibly unsexy.

“Thank You, Sir, i appreciate that.”

i sipped my wine, silently watching Rick eat. i was content in the silence. Once He was done, He stood to clear the plates from the table.

BOOK: The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance
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