The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance (15 page)

BOOK: The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance
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“micah, what are you talking about?” I asked. “Why are you not in your presenting position?”

“It’s no excuse, but i’m a mess, Sir. i just got home from the museum about an hour ago and i was getting ready for bed. i’m sorry for my appearance,” she said, stepping from behind the door.

I laughed. It was a dick move, but I laughed hard.

Little rods peeked out from under the scarf micah had covering her head. she was also bare-faced and wearing an oversize Snoopy T-shirt.

she stood with her head bowed while I chuckled.

I closed and locked the apartment door and made My way over to where she stood. Tilting her chin up, I made her look at Me.

“micah, I’m sorry for laughing. I wasn’t expecting to see you this way, but I find it adorable . . .” I gently grabbed her hands and brought them to My lips. “you’re adorable.”

she gave Me a soft smile, but something in her eyes said she was still uneasy.

“I’ll excuse you for not presenting properly. I should’ve called, sweetheart. I’m actually in the wrong here.” I kissed her palms and held her hands to My lips. “Why didn’t you remind Me that your exhibition opening was tonight? I would’ve called in a few favors to get a shift change.”

she didn’t respond, but her face displayed a look of uneasiness.

“Hey, I can tell something’s on your mind. Tell Me what’s bothering you. Remember, we agreed to open communication.”

“i’m menstruating, Sir. i’m not sure if that’s the reason for Your visit tonight, but i am near the end of my cycle. i’m a little later than usual, i guess due to stress. i can provide You with oral services, but i’m unavailable for You in a mutual capacity.”

I still hadn’t fucked her. Excuse Me,
made love
to her. Ultimately that’s what I wanted to do. I ate her pussy regularly and she gave Me some of the best blow jobs I’d ever encountered, but micah and I hadn’t yet crossed into territory outside of oral sex.

The Pill was fully effective, and we could forgo condoms if we were at that stage, but after eight weeks, I still wasn’t ready. No matter how much My dick willed it to happen. I had no desire to
fuck her.

“I’m not here for that, and I remembered your cycle was around this time, sweetheart. At least I remembered that. I’ve just been swamped, but I wanted to see you, to hold you. My shift ended a little while ago and all I want to do is take a shower and fall asleep with you beside Me. I really do feel guilty about stopping by so late and missing your big event.”

she bit her lower lip.

We usually slept in the same bed after something of a sexual nature occurred, so for Me to show up without wanting anything but to sleep next to her—I think it scared the shit out of her. Hell, it scared Me. she was the only person I constantly thought about.

“That sounds nice. After the evening i’ve had, i would love to be held.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked.

she stood looking down at her feet, tugging on the hem of her T-shirt. My eyes were drawn to the Snoopy graphic as I waited for her response.

“Perhaps we can talk about it later, after You’ve had some time to relax as well. May i take Your jacket, Sir?”

I shrugged out of My jacket and handed it to her. she hung it in the hallway closet before showing Me around. Sad that this was the first time I saw where My pretty girl laid her head when she wasn’t with Me.

The cozy one-bedroom home fit micah to a tee. The décor, bohemian chic with a vintage edge, mirrored her personality.

“Would You like something to drink, Sir? Or something to eat?”

Almost one in the morning and the little vixen was all about seeing if I was satisfied. That’s My girl.

“No, I’m fine for now. I’d just like to shower. If you could leave a glass of water by the bed for Me, that would be preferred.”

“Yes, Sir. As You saw, the bathroom is down the hall. i’ll go get You a towel,” she said, walking into her bedroom.

That damn Snoopy T-shirt was the cutest thing I’d seen in a while. Amazing. Even completely dressed down, I still found micah sexy as hell, roller rods and all. Yeah, I was in deep.

Some people were wary of falling in love with their submissives, but I wasn’t one of those types.

I wanted love.

I wanted to love only her.

So why hadn’t I said those three words yet? It wasn’t “too soon.” You feel how You feel. Love had no timetable. I couldn’t condense love into a flow chart. Love couldn’t be dissected and replicated. It was wild and unique for each of us.

I guess I hesitated because I wanted the words to just roll off My tongue.

Whenever I confessed My feelings, the sentiment would be organic, absolute, and reciprocated.

I had a lot on My mind and spent the entire time in the shower thinking too hard.

After a long day, My muscles relaxed as the hot droplets rolled down My skin. Everything here was micah-size. Washing up was a challenge. If My big body wasn’t knocking over body washes and loofahs, I was getting tangled in the shower curtain.

micah tapped on the door. “i brought Your towel, Sir.” her voice held a remnant of laughter. she must have heard Me fumbling in here.

I peeked My shampoo-covered head out of the shower. “Thank you.” Water and soap threatened to get into My eyes. I reached up to brush the moisture from My face, nearly knocking the shower rod off with My elbow.

micah let out a squeak and then gaped at Me, all previous amusement dried up.

“I’ll be in the bedroom in a few minutes,” I said before turning to dip My head under the spray.

I toweled off and righted everything I’d disturbed in micah’s bathroom before realizing I had nothing to wear. Fuck. And micah had collected My discarded clothing before she scurried away. Oh well, it’s not like I hadn’t slept in the nude before.

Tonight was different. We’d be in micah’s bed. she’d seen Me in the buff on numerous occasions—this shouldn’t be any different—but micah could be skittish. It was best to let her set the rules for her home, but I wasn’t going to say anything if she didn’t.

With the towel snugly wrapped around My waist, I headed to the bedroom. micah was already tucked under the covers and had her back to Me. I removed the towel from around My waist and hung it on the knob of her closet door before slipping under the covers and pulling her body close to Me. “you awake, pretty girl?” I whispered.

“Yes, Sir.”

I wrapped My arms around her waist and listened to her breathe.

“micah, this was what I needed tonight.
are exactly what I needed,” I whispered while kissing the back of her scarf-covered head. I inhaled her sweet scent, a mixture of lemon and lavender.

“i’m glad i could provide You with comfort, Sir.”

“That you did. I really am sorry about tonight, sweetheart. I doubt I could ever apologize enough to assuage My guilt. Did everything go over well?”

“Yes. For the most part, yes, things went well. i’m honestly glad it’s over.”

I heard what she was saying but it was hard for Me to concentrate on her words. I kept thinking about how good it felt to have her in My arms. I wanted this every day.

With My schedule, it was impossible to see micah daily, but I had an idea. An idea that could benefit us both but would also give Me unfettered access to My pretty girl.

“micah, look at Me.”

she slipped out of My embrace, turning her body to face Me. “Yes, Sir?” she replied.

“Move in with Me.”

she looked at Me wide-eyed. Not exactly the reaction I was expecting, but okay. . . .

“i-i’m sorry, Sir, will You please repeat that?”

“Move in with Me, micah.”

There was a brief pause before she stammered out a reply. “i-i-i can’t, Sir.”

Definitely wasn’t anticipating that. It would’ve been nice if her shooting Me down hadn’t come so quickly.

I tried not to sound too hurt. “And why can’t you? In our contract, you had no opposition to us living together. What’s the problem now that I’m presenting you with the opportunity?” Pain twisted in My gut, forming a knot of frustration.

“i’d have no opposition to living with You if i were collared, Sir.”

Oh, I was getting agitated. What the fuck? Was she serious? Living arrangements were explicitly discussed in our contract. Correction, I wasn’t agitated—I was fucking livid.

“What do you think the end game is here, micah? Why do you think I’m doing this?” I responded as calmly as possible.

“But i’m not collared, Sir. Not to mention i’m a bit wary of the proposal.”

I quirked My brow at her last statement. “What’s that supposed to mean? Speak freely, micah, and hold nothing back.”

“i like my apartment, Sir. i’ve been in Spanish Harlem for the last six years. my rent is stabilized, which is unheard of in this day and age, and i like my neighborhood. i’m not sure i’m ready to give that up without a collar or another type of commitment.”

“By ‘another type of commitment,’ I’m assuming you mean marriage?”

“Yes. i also wonder why You want me to move in with You. Why now? Isn’t it a bit too soon?”

I was pissed. While everything seemed like a great idea in My mind, it was clear I wasn’t really thinking things through.

micah had very good questions and I wanted to be able to give her some decent answers. The concept of time was important in some instances, yet had absolutely no relevance in others. You couldn’t fit feelings into a box. You also couldn’t turn the motherfuckers off. They came and You dealt with them. Nothing about what was developing between micah and I fit into a neat box.

Our relationship was accelerated because of My feelings. I was trying My best to pump the brakes and let things occur naturally, but I could be a pretty impatient Guy.

she deserved an answer despite My exasperation. “micah, as much as I try to control it, My work schedule is unpredictable. I’m working on making it better, but I don’t like stretches of time where we only can keep in contact via text messages, FaceTime, and phone conversations. That’s the best way to doom what we have going here.”

I stroked her cheek as she hung on My every word. Those brown eyes of hers held so much hope. I wanted her to understand why I wanted her with Me. Why I needed her.

“I want you to move in because I want you close to Me. When I go to bed, when I wake up, I want you near.”

micah hesitated before speaking. I loved that she was trying to be careful with her words, but I wanted to hear them without her tiptoeing around with tact.

“Go on, micah.”

“i understand Your point, Sir, but um . . .”

“you can speak freely, micah, there’s no need to feel that you can’t express yourself.”

she bit her lip. From her facial expression and continued hesitation, she was clearly thinking of how to best phrase her next statement. “Don’t You think it’s too soon, Sir, to want that kind of commitment? me living with You? i’d have to give up my apartment. i know You’re very balanced when it comes to decision-making, but respectfully, i don’t see how that’s fair.”

she was right, and what she asked made a lot of sense, which is why I had already thought about My plan of action.

“you’re right, micah, it is one-sided, so let Me offer an addendum—I do believe in being fair.”

I raised My brow, and she followed suit. Oh, there was that feisty I loved so much.

“you move in with Me and I’ll pay your rent and utilities for six months. Six months should be a good enough trial period to decide if this is something you want to do permanently. If, at the end of six months, you’re still uncertain, we can revisit the terms again. How does that sound?”

To Me it sounded fucking perfect, but I was more interested in what My pretty girl thought.

“May i ask a question first, Sir?”

“you may.”

“Doctors make good salaries, but depending on the field of study, that salary fluctuates. You’re an Attending Physician in the emergency department and an Assistant Professor. How is it that You are able to afford Your place, and now You’re offering to pay six months of my rent and utilities? Your condo isn’t small. Your neighborhood isn’t cheap. You don’t exactly live frugally.”

she possessed a look of defiance as the last couple of words escaped her lips. “Please tell me it’s not due to anything illegal, Sir. i don’t want to be associated with Anyone involved in illegal activity.”

I smirked. Smart line of questioning and valid. One thing I quickly learned about micah: she was very observant. she had a knack for watching and then later, when I least expected it, bringing up what was on her mind when the opportunity presented itself. I’m sure she wanted to ask about My salary sooner but there was never a time for us to discuss it in detail.

“There’s nothing illegal happening. I earn a decent salary as a Physician, but you’re right. I wouldn’t be able to afford My home, your rent and utilities, and My lifestyle in general on just that salary alone. you want the truth? Truth is, I’m a trust-fund kid . . . well, actually, My brother and I are trust-fund kids. My father is a retired neurosurgeon and My mother is an heiress. It’s not information I tend to share freely, but My mother’s side of the family’s wealth was acquired via a fleet of newspapers purchased in the mid-1900s. She’s not exactly a Rupert Murdoch type, but My mother’s shrewd business decisions over the years has ensured the family’s legacy continues. I guess you could say I’ve always had a silver spoon in My mouth, but I’ve never used it to My advantage. My parents always kept My brother and I grounded.”

micah let out a long breath. Wow, I guess she really did suspect that I was involved in some underhanded shit. Glad to clear up any misconceptions, but I wish she had asked Me about this sooner since it clearly bothered her.

she smiled at Me, her eyes somewhat hooded, indicating sleep was beckoning her.

“Luckily, Thomas is My mother’s married name, so she can remain under the radar unless some nosy reporter happens to snap her photo and she ends up in the Sunday
or the
Wall Street Journal
. I worked hard to prove I was capable of many things without money or prestige giving Me an advantage. I worked two jobs and had a lot of late nights in order to put Myself through medical school. I wanted normalcy. I wanted to know what hard work was. I became a Doctor because I wanted to make a difference and not be some suit whose only contact with those in need is by writing a check once a year. I mean, I give generously to My favorite charities, but I’m a hands-on kind of Guy. So you see, micah, I never have to work a day in My life, but I choose to because it makes Me happy. Having you move in with Me would also make Me happy. Very happy, actually.”

BOOK: The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance
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