Pleasure Bound - Complete (82 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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Immediately he pulled her from the booth and against him. Shivers of excitement rippled through her as he pressed his hard bulge intimately against the juncture of her thighs. Her pussy clenched and she creamed. Tonight she’d purposely not worn underwear, eagerly anticipating a repeat performance of that gut-clenching oral session on the bar over a week ago.

“You look really nice in that dress, Jenna.”

She tingled at his words. Tonight she’d opted to wear a cream-colored lace dress with a halter bodice, which accentuated her breasts, tied at the waist for shaping and a billowy skirt that flowed with her body as she walked.

“Come on, I’ve got a little surprise for you,” he whispered softly. A beautiful smile lifted his lips and a sharp tug of warmth yanked at her heart.

“What are you up to?”

Suddenly everything about him seemed to intensify. His eyes became greener, his breathing faster.

“There’s only one way for you to find out. Are you game?”

For a split second she hesitated. Instincts told her if she went with Sully Hero now, then there would be no turning back. She’d lose her heart to him all over again.

She thought about saying no. That she wasn’t game for whatever he had in mind for her.

“I’m game,” she whispered. Desperation and curiosity made her give in and she allowed him to lead her down the hallway.

At the back door, he pulled a thick green sweater off a hook.

“You’re going to want to wear this, it’ll get chilly where we’re going.” She slipped her arms into the sleeves of the sweater. The material felt warm and snug as it wrapped around her. It smelled of Sully and it felt as if he were embracing her.

He removed an umbrella from a stand and once they were out the back door, he popped the umbrella over them. It wasn’t much protection from the warm spray of the late spring rain that slapped her face as he led her down the dark alley. The rain did nothing to cool the heated excitement building inside her as Sully and she walked across the secluded street and into the local park that hugged the ocean beach where they’d first made love.

In the distance, she noticed the white gazebo near the beach edge. It was well-lit, twinkling with pretty, white miniature lights indicating something was going on at this late hour. Maybe a party in the rain?

She drew her attention to Sully.

Silver raindrops glistened on his tanned arms, beaded his sexy five o’clock shadow, and landed on his full lips. Her nipples pulsed at the sight, remembering how wonderful his mouth had felt on her breasts when he’d suckled her in her shop. Her pussy trembled as she remembered the scorching touch of his mouth suckling her clit, licking her pussy lips, his tongue dipping into her vagina.

Suddenly he let go of her hand and turned to her.

She gasped as he dropped the umbrella and the rain came down on her, the unexpected wetness took her breath away. Without warning, his large fingers speared themselves into her tangled hair and he eased her head backward, exposing her lips for him. Hard heat from his body slammed into her as he pulled her against him.

“Jenna,” he whispered. His hot breath caressed the cool raindrops on her lips as he brushed his warm mouth ever so slightly against hers.

The erotic touch made her knees weaken and she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. He groaned as she pulled gently on the wet strands of his short hair.

Oh, yes, she’d missed this. Missed touching him, being close to him, feeling safe and loved in his arms. She missed the sexy, masculine scent of man that was so distinct and unique to him.

“Widen your legs for me, Jenna.”

Her head spun as she did what he wanted. Her legs trembled and she moaned softly as his warm fingers slipped up her dress and glided along the insides of her thighs.

He touched her labia, tenderly circled her clit until she was breathing harshly. Then he touched the plug.

“You wore it.” Surprise laced his voice.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“You understand what wearing the plug means? That you’ve agreed to be initiated into the Ménage Club? That afterwards you’ll be asked to make a commitment to the Club and to me?”

Oh, sweet mercy, he was actually talking the commitment word, even after they had been apart for so long.

She nodded, pushed her lower half closer to his stroking fingers.

“Despite the Club, you’re mine, Jenna. No matter who else takes you, understand?”

She understood what he was saying. He would be bringing her to that exclusive club where she would be expected to be intimate with a third.

“But first we need to talk,” he said.

Frustration grabbed her as he pulled away. Once again he clutched her hand, his hot palm seared into hers.

“Sully?” What the hell was going on?

“Let’s go see the surprise I have for you.”

Shit! She thought his touching her, fucking her in the park in the rain would be the surprise.

He settled the umbrella over them again and led her down the path, all the while his masculine smell mingled with the fragrance of rain. The dual scents wrapped around her creating tension in her pussy.

Through the silvery rain, she noticed that well-lit gazebo again. As they drew closer, she could hear the buoys clanging out on the water and the ocean waves crashing over the nearby sandy beach.

Was this the surprise? Making love in a gazebo that overlooked the ocean beach where they’d first consummated their relationship?

That certainly would be romantic. They were also walking in the rain. Both were prerequisites for the hero she was looking for in her napkin ad.

Her heart picked up a mad tempo when they stepped up the wooden stairs, out of the rain, and walked into the windowless structure. She stopped short at the tiny, intimate table for two placed in the middle of the gazebo. The table setting looked absolutely gorgeous splashed with silver cutlery and a bright red tablecloth. In the middle sat a bottle of pink bubbly and beside it a clear crystal vase laden with ruby-red tulips.

She swallowed. Red tulips were her favorite flowers.

“Oh my gosh, what’s this?”

“It looks like some couple is getting pretty romantic,” Sully whispered as he pressed against her backside and snapped the umbrella closed. Rain poured past the gazebo openings in dripping sheets and echoed noisily on the roof.

They were isolated and in an intimate setting. From here, she could visualize the dark patch of grass hugging the beach, mere feet away, where they’d made love for the first time.

It brought back a rush of memories. Of their naked bodies intertwined beneath the summer moonlight. Her cry of pain when he’d first entered her, the wickedly delicious sensations that had followed.

She also remembered their fights and it suddenly made her feel very unsure of herself. Maybe she’d made a mistake by coming here? Maybe things couldn’t be worked out between them?

“We should get out of here before the couple comes back,” she whispered.

She made a move to go but his fingers intertwined with hers, holding her firm. “No need to run. The couple is already here.”

Shoot! Why did she know he was going to say that?


“Shhh, let’s just eat and talk.”

That’s the last thing she wanted to do right now. Part of her wanted to run away, part of her wanted to stay and ask him to do naughty things to her… Heck, her mind was twisting with confusing thoughts. Had he forgotten about the butt plug buried in her ass? Had he forgotten what had happened between them in the past?

He slid out a chair and gestured for her to sit. Suddenly he looked way too serious and fear dashed through her. Now that it was finally happening—that Sully was finally going to talk about them—she was unsure of what she wanted.

Did she want to join the Ménage Club? Did she want another man touching her? Did Sully want that? Would a third person in their relationship actually help get them together? Could something so controversial as the Ménage Club actually work and get them
keep them together?

With all those questions fluttering around in her head, her brain said “absolutely not”. Joining a club was not the answer. On the other hand, her heart and her body were saying something totally the opposite.

Yes, she wanted to learn to trust Sully. Yes, she wanted to try ménages with him. And what better way for her to learn to trust him again than by having a third in their bedroom? Gosh, it sounded so crazy that it just might work!

Then there was that one hundred percent success rate she’d heard about.

“This all seems so…extreme for me,” she admitted, feeling overwhelmed that Sully Hero was actually talking to
about reigniting their relationship.

“Just hear me out, Jenna. If you don’t like what I have to propose, you can walk.”

She nodded and sat down, the butt plug pushing up her behind, reminding her of what she’d agreed to do just by wearing it and coming here.

Beneath the table, she intertwined her fingers nervously.

“You said we’d talk, so talk.”

“Let’s eat first.” He made a grab for the chilling champagne bottle.

“No, Sully. You talk or I walk.” There was no way she was going to fall for this romantic dinner. She needed to hear his proposition. Needed to make herself believe she wasn’t dreaming.

“Okay, but first let’s have some champagne.”

“You’re stalling, Sully.”

He smiled. God! He looked so damn sexy, with his hair all wet and curly, as if he’d just stepped out of the shower and his hand… She watched his long fingers wrap around the bottle of pink champagne and imagined him touching her, parting her pussy lips, his head lowering between her legs as he’d done back at the bar last week. Jenna stifled a moan and swallowed at the carnal flutter rippling through her lower belly.

He filled both their goblets and handed her one.

“A toast. To pink champagne and romantic red tulips.” His eyes were dark and sparkled with lust and something else… Hope?

A voice of reason told her to get the hell out of there before she entered a world of ménages. A world she knew nothing about. Instead, she clinked her glass against his then sipped the sweet, cool liquid.

Very nice. She sipped some more. The bubbles burst against her tongue with wonderful explosions and she closed her eyes, enjoying the fruity palate. She could already feel the alcohol warming her blood, making her flush. Champagne always did that to her, even with just a few simple sips.

“Let’s see what kind of food we have for our dinner, shall we?”

More stalling!


He lifted the elegant silver lid holding her plate hostage and she gasped in surprise at the luscious-looking, steaming hamburger, fries and a sprig of decorative parsley.

“No way,” she said, shaking her head with surprise.

“What? You expected something else?” He sounded hurt, but amusement played in his eyes.

“Anything but your grandmother’s famous burgers and fries.” Another favorite of hers. When Jenna and Sully had gone out together, having dinner at Sully’s grandparents every Sunday was a fun time. His grandmother always made delicious burgers, fries and salads.

He folded his muscular arms over his wet shirt, illuminating his nipples beneath the wet cloth. Oh boy. The erotic way those muscles played as he moved made a dangerous wave of desire race through her.

Rein it in, Jen. Rein it in.

That’s when she realized where his lust-filled eyes had strayed to.

She looked down and realized she hadn’t buttoned the sweater. It hung wide open, revealing her own damp clothing hugging the generous curves of her breasts. Her peaked nipples were also outlined, special thanks to the rain that had whipped against them earlier when he’d lowered the umbrella. She hadn’t worn a bra tonight, had wanted to make it easier for his hands to touch her, so he was getting a real eyeful.

Her face warmed at the sight of her large nipples pressing against the cream-colored dress—she could even see the dark outline of her areolas.

She should be over this shy bit with Sully, shouldn’t she? She wanted him. He obviously wanted her. So why was she feeling…embarrassed?

“I’m starved,” he said. His voice sounded low, husky and seductive as if he were saying he was starving for her, not food. To her disappointment, he picked up his burger and started munching away.

This time it was her turn to watch him. To stare at the scrumptious way his lips wrapped around the burger, the seductive way the tips of his mouth curled upward as he smiled at the taste of it, obviously enjoying the robust flavor.

Her tummy growled.

He laughed.

“Come on, eat. Why are you so tense? I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.”

Great! How was she supposed to eat after he said something like that?

Her stomach growled again.

Sully lifted an eyebrow. “Are you going to eat? Or do I have to feed you myself?”

Oh wouldn’t that go over well, having his long, luscious fingers touching her mouth as he finger-fed her bits of burger and fries. She wanted to have his fingers in her mouth, her sucking his fingertips, licking the taste of him from her lips.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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