Pleasure Bound - Complete (78 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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“Exactly what’s that?”

“It was used by men with…erection problems.” Of which, Sully still had no problem in that area, if the huge, quickly growing bulge between his legs was any indication.

“And the smaller opening at the other end?”

“To allow the sperm through and into a woman’s vagina.”

“Very nice invention. Which leads me to my next question.”

“Wh-What’s that?”

He’d placed The Penis Stiffener onto the bureau and maneuvered himself in front of her. His body heat slammed into her like a seductive lover as both his arms came around to her sides, his hands settling on the bureau, effectively holding her hostage.

Oh boy.

“Why the interest in antique sex toys, Jenna? Why the ad on the napkin last night?”

Your sexual tastes have changed, Jenna. Big-time! Are you dating anyone special? Will you let me fuck you right now, right here? Or will you turn me away?
He hadn’t said anything, but she could literally hear his unspoken words and questions sizzle through the air between them.

“Actually, it really is none of your business.”

His scorching gaze once again traveled to where her breasts were pushing violently against her granny dress as she tried desperately to inhale fresh air. But his strong, masculine scent was everywhere, calling to her, telling her to move closer to him.

“Actually, I think it is my business,” he whispered.

His large hands suddenly lifted and she exhaled a slow, aroused breath as he ran his fingers through her hair, holding her head hostage.

Her heart thumped as his lips parted. “As a customer, I have every right to know where you get your information from and why your interests lie in antique sex toys.”

He leaned closer. Her pulse skipped erratically and she received an awesome view of the gold flecks in the dark green of his eyes. His erotic scent swarmed her. Encouraged her to part her lips in answer.

He was a bastard to do this to her. But what a hunky bastard.

He came down.

His lips were warm. Oh, so damned warm. His mouth smoothed over hers in such an intimate caress her knees weakened.

In a split second she was torn. Torn by her need to be with him again. Torn by her fear of being hurt again. Her need won out.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, partly to keep herself from dropping to the ground as her knees continued to melt, but mostly because she didn’t want him to pull away.

She loved the silky feel of his short hair brushing against her hands. Enjoyed the way her fingers tingled as she touched the bare flesh of his sinewy neck, the hot, male muscles of his strong shoulders.

His mouth savored her. His carnal-shaped lips sliding, tasting, exploring, sending raw desire coursing through her mouth. Her breasts. Her pussy.

Damn! He made her feel so aware of her sexuality as his tasty mouth held hers captive. She was enjoying this so much it made her heady. Made her want to hop up onto the bureau. Made her want to spread her legs and allow him to come inside her.

“I’ve missed kissing you, Jenna,” Sully whispered as he licked her tingling lips with his moist tongue.

Before she could tell him she missed him too, his mouth latched onto hers again. His strong, delicious tongue pushed past her lips and slid against her teeth. His breath was so hot against her face. The yearning to have his cock buried deep inside her grew even stronger.

She should be pushing him away, pounding her fists against his solid chest, demanding to know why he’d come back to town when he’d told her he would never return.

Instead, she melted against his hard length. Responding. Returning a tentative kiss. As she kissed him back, he groaned a virile sound of unleashed passion. Jenna’s pussy pulsed at the erotic sound.

His hands slid from her tangled hair and his long, tender fingers trailed down the side of her neck. A moment later, she could feel his fingers fumbling with the granny buttons on the front of her dress. She wanted to help him, but his intoxicating kisses kept her from moving, kept her trapped and at his mercy.

Mild air pressed against her bare shoulders and she realized he was trying to push the garment down her shoulders. Reluctantly she let go of his neck and dropped her arms, splaying her hands onto his narrow waist, allowing him easy access.

Her breath stilled as his big fingers worked the front clasp on her lacy bra. When her breasts fell free, hot hands cupped them. The sensual touch fried her blood. The heat of him made her cry out. He quickly drowned her sob as his mouth captured hers once again.

Instantly any resolve she may have had about not letting him near her vanished as his masculine burn zipped through her flesh.

“You’re tense, Jenna. Too tense. Are you afraid of me?” His softly whispered words against her mouth made her shake her head in response.

“Do you mind me touching your breasts?”

Again she shook her head, staring into his startling green eyes, wondering why he was being such a darned gentleman when, instead, she wished for him to be fierce with her as he’d been in the past, craving him to caress her breasts and take her roughly the way he’d always done.

He pressed the top of his forehead against hers, a past indication that she should look down. Watch what he did to her breasts. The gesture was all too familiar and suddenly it felt as if they’d never been apart.

Oh, God, she should be pulling away. Telling him exactly where he should go. Instead, she looked down as she’d always done in the past. Looked down and watched the erotic sight that had always sent hot, jumbled need shooting through her.

Her body shook with remembrance as his palms held her breasts captive. His fingers and thumbs tweaked her aching nipples, drew them out until they were rosy red. Until exquisite pleasure-pain erupted. Until that invisible line of erotic longing burn straight down her lower belly and deep into her clenching pussy.

The son of a bitch always knew just what buttons to push to turn her on or, in her case, what nipples to squeeze to make her hot and hungry. To make all coherent thoughts fly to the wind.

Oh, yes! This felt so heavenly! Much better than her nipple clamps.

His long fingers massaged her mounds, traced her areolas until Jenna swore her breasts felt twice their normal size and her nipples were peaked, aching to be touched some more.

He licked her lips, her cheeks, her neck, moving due south. Long, erotic strokes, his moist tongue dabbing at her flesh like little blades of fire. Wet fire that also erupted inside her pussy.

When his tongue swiped across one of her nipples, her bud tingled from the warmth. The need to have his mouth feast upon every inch of her flesh was so great she could literally feel the raw tingling sensations of need slide through her, take her over.

His luscious mouth quickly latched onto a lollipop-sized nipple.

“Oh, sweet mercy!” she couldn’t help but cry out as intense heat zapped through her nipple sending her senses into hyperawareness. She bucked against his face. Instinctively she rubbed her breast against the roughness of his five o’clock shadow until her flesh burned and ached.

Until she breathed rapidly. Until lust ravished her senses.

God! He’d always made her feel so incredibly horny. Always made her lose control.

The sucking sounds of his mouth feasting upon her breast intermingled with the faraway sound of jangling bells. The sound barely registered upon her senses. At least not until she felt Sully’s lips stiffen against her aroused breast. She cried out in distress as his succulent mouth let her nipple go with a pop, and it slowly registered through her erotic haze exactly what the jangling sound entailed.

A customer.

Oh, my God!

She’d become so lost in her arousal she’d forgotten anyone could come into the antiques shop.

She pushed Sully away, trying hard to ignore his amused grin.

Anxiety gripped her as her gaze flew to the bedroom door, fully expecting someone to walk in on them. God! Wouldn’t her customer be shocked to find her there with her breasts hanging out of her dress, her nipples red and swollen from Sully’s suckling?

“I’ll take all of the items we talked about.” Although he sounded all business, as if nothing had just happened, she could hear his harsh breathing, could see the blush of redness in his lips, the swelling from their kisses. Her mouth probably looked the same.

And, good heavens, she could see the intense erection pressing against his jeans. Her customer would know what they’d been doing!

Get a grip, girl! Your grandmother’s stern principles are rearing their ugly head again. Who cares about what the customer thinks!

“Are you sure?” she said, her face heating as with trembling fingers she hooked up her bra and buttoned her dress, avoiding his searing gaze.

“Very.” He grabbed the cock ring and the other items he wanted to purchase and cradled them in his arms. He acted as if he belonged there, as if it were perfectly normal for him to come into her shop, feast upon her breasts and stand there with an armload of antique sex toys.

Confusion slammed into her.

For goodness’ sake! She’d just let Sully Hero seduce her breasts with his mouth! Why? Why had she allowed him to do what he wanted to do so damned easily? She should have protested. Should have pushed him away or, at the very least, slapped his face for making her succumb to these fantastic desires once again.

“We’d better hurry. You have a customer,” he prodded.

Shit! Her customer!

She had better get her ass in gear and quit lounging around in the bedroom, craving more of these unwanted attentions from him.

She had to act like a professional. This was a small town after all. If a client even suspected she and Sully were doing something inappropriate in one of her antique-laden bedrooms, it would be all over town within minutes.

She forced herself to snap into business mode. “If you’d like to follow me, I’ll ring up your purchases.”

“Sure thing.”

Jenna could literally feel his scorching gaze caress her ass as she walked down the hallway. A wonderful splash of excitement gripped her at the thought of him finding out she wasn’t as prim and proper as she’d once been. The thong she wore beneath her granny dress and the belly button ring she’d given to herself as a birthday present last year would attest to that fact. Stronger waves of desire swept through her at the thought of him pressing the egg-shaped Victorian-era butt plug into her virgin ass, as per the European doctor’s instruction. And then her Hero sliding his big, rigid cock into her vagina.

Pressing, pushing, pumping. Frantically thrusting his hips as he led both of them toward an exquisite orgasm.

Suddenly Jenna craved that frozen bottle of beer she’d been wanting last night in Sully’s bar when he’d read her ad on the napkin.

“Hello, Jenna, Sullivan,” came elderly Mrs. Hero’s soft voice as they erupted into the living room where she kept the cash register just beside the front entrance of her antiques shop. She noticed Sully’s grandmother’s eyes widen with surprise and his grandfather’s knowing smile when they spotted their grandson following her, his arms laden with antique sex toys.

Jenna’s face grew even hotter.

Shit! Was this embarrassing or what? Sully’s own grandparents witnessing what he was purchasing. He, however, didn’t seem the least bit fazed by their appearance as he grinned happily and dropped the toys onto the counter. He quickly gave his petite gray-haired grandmother a big bear hug and slapped his tall grandfather on his shoulder with affection as they greeted each other warmly.

As quickly as she could, Jenna grabbed the erotic toys and settled them on a chair behind the counter, out of sight. The last thing she wanted to do was mortify the couple, especially since they came from the same generation as her grandmother, where sex hadn’t been as free as it was today.

“Please, there’s no need to be embarrassed, dear,” Mrs. Hero said. Jenna’s face burned as three sets of Hero eyes looked at her. “We’ve been married for more years than either of your ages. Nothing surprises us, especially the fact that our grandson is purchasing such interesting items.”

She turned to look up at Sully, who towered over the petite woman. “Shouldn’t you be purchasing modern sex toys instead of antique ones?”

His grandfather chuckled as Sully frowned. Was that a blush teasing his cheeks?

Jenna bit her lip to prevent herself from laughing out loud. Confident, sexy Sully Hero could actually blush.

“I take it you’ve been keeping Jenna busy with those toys?” Mr. Hero, an elderly version of Sully’s sexy looks asked.

Oh, God! These folks sure did have an interesting sense of humor. They didn’t seem the least put off at Sully’s interest in sex toys.

“We’ve been having an interesting time of it. We were getting…reacquainted.”

“How exciting!” Both Mr. and Mrs. Hero grinned with approval.

Oh, no! She needed to change the subject and fast. The last thing she wanted was for them to get their hopes up. They’d always treated her so kindly, had expected she and Sully would eventually get married. They’d been devastated at the news of their breakup.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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