Pleasure Bound - Complete (80 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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She swallowed against the ache of touching him, tried to dampen the desire swirling around her.

It didn’t work.

She dropped her truck keys. Barely heard them clatter to the floor as his mouth came down hard on hers. Harder than the gentle kiss he’d given her in her shop earlier that day. The erotic sensations threw her off balance and instinctively she melted against him.

Gosh! This was the Sully she remembered.

Demanding. Seductive. Fierce with his need to pleasure her—to take pleasure from her.

His lips claimed hers, kissed hers until any focus she might have had disintegrated. Until fire raged through her. Until her knees wobbled and her legs gave out.

On her cry, he caught her. Caught her in his strong, naked arms and carried her to the bar where he hoisted her onto the counter.

She reached out and curled her fingers over the strong, sinewy muscles in his shoulders, spread her legs quickly as his hands touched her knees and he pushed her dress up around her waist.

His hot gaze immediately zeroed in on her belly ring and the tiny gold chain she’d strung through it and wore around her waist. The chain always made her feel feminine and pretty. Always gave her that little satisfaction she knew something that no one else knew about her.

Until now.

Her body hummed at the sight of dark lust splashing in his eyes. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. She held her breath as he slipped his little finger through the ring and pulled gently, forcing her to move even closer to him.

Masculine heat splashed all around her, his sexy scent made her so hot for him she had to blow out a breath.

“I love this new, daring side to you, Jenna.”

“I do too,” she admitted.

His finger let go of the ring and he traced a scorching line down her abdomen to touch her thong.

“I’ve wanted to do this for so damn long,” he whispered as his fingers clenched the material and he quickly removed the garment from her, baring her pussy to him.

He swore softly as he noticed she was nude down there. She’d taken to shaving only recently. Perhaps because deep down in her soul she’d held hopes that this day would someday come. Now it was here and her heart hammered violently in her ears and frantically pounded against her chest.

His hands softly stroked her inner thighs, moved inward to her pussy. Sharp sensations ripped through her and she trembled at the intense arousal his tender touches created. Her mouth dropped open in a silent gasp as a finger slid over her sensitive clit.

Immediately she creamed.

He grinned.


He continued.

Slowly sliding. Making her cream harder.

Watching. Pinching softly. Watching.

She burned. Oh, God, did she burn.

Her breath went ragged when his finger slid inside her wet pussy.

She shivered, overwhelmed by his touch. He collected her juices. Used it to massage her ultra-sensitive clit. Lightning strokes of pleasure zipped through her.

Her orgasm was coming already. So quickly.

He shifted and she blinked against the carnal haze enveloping her, moaned as he sat on the barstool, his hot breath exploding against her quivering pussy as his head came down between her spread thighs.

Her lips parted and she could hardly breathe as his tongue slipped inside her vagina.

Touching, stroking, and probing while his finger continued the wicked seduction of her clit.

It felt so good!

She tensed as he worked her. Her eyes closed as the pleasure waves cascaded over her. Her pussy muscles contracted around his tongue. His tongue branded her vagina—his finger tortured her clit.

Instinctively she clamped her legs around his head. The increased pressure was exactly what she needed. She exploded on a cry, loving the pleasure surging through her. Thrusting her pelvis forward into his face, she gyrated her hips mercilessly. She rode his head hard while his lips worshipped her pussy.

He sipped on her labia. Nibbled on her clit and she twisted and whimpered, her hands clenched tightly into fists. Every nerve ending sizzled and she fought to breathe into the pleasure.

When the spasms ebbed, she let her head to loll. Allowed her legs to be pried from around his head.

She sat there on the bar, breathing in and out as she tried desperately to catch her breath.

Man, she felt so weak.

Damn! That felt so good!

She wished she could open her eyes, but she couldn’t. They were so heavy lidded. Sully breathed heavily, his breaths caressing her pussy as she kept her legs open to him.

“You always were as weak as a kitten after a climax. It always tamed you, allowed me to do whatever I wanted to you on those occasions when you let me.”

She was surprised by the anger etching his voice. “The things I’ve wanted to do to you, Jenna. Things you wouldn’t let me do.”
Until now
. He hadn’t said it, but the silence that followed said those two words for him.

From somewhere far away, outside her increasing erotic haze, Jenna could hear a phone ringing. Could hear a familiar man’s voice echo on the answering machine, a voice she couldn’t quite remember.

“Sully? You there? Come on. Pick up the phone, I’m in trouble.”

The despair in the man’s voice urged Jenna to open her eyes. Sully’s gaze was dark and lusty. His lips wet with her cream.

“Ignore him,” came Sully’s strangled voice as his head descended again.

Oh my gosh! He was going down on her again!

Her pussy quivered with anticipation.

“Sully, answer the damn phone. I need your help. I’m in jail.” There was a pregnant pause and that’s when she realized who was calling. It was Tony, Sully’s best friend. Tony was in love with a woman who wanted nothing to do with him and was now with another man. Sometimes he ended up in jail when he drowned his sorrows in booze and became uncontrollable, even violent.

“Come and bail me out, will you? You gotta come fast. You know how I hate spending the night in jail.”

Sully frowned and cursed, his heavy breathing split the silence of the barroom.

“You better answer.” Jenna said softly as her bearings slowly returned.

“If he’s in jail, I bet there’s a woman involved,” Sully growled as he slipped off the barstool and headed for the phone.

Probably a redhead. Tony had always preferred redheads. Especially the one he let get away.

“I’m going to have to bail him out, Jenna,” Sully growled as he dialed. “Feel free to stay.”
So we can pick up where we left off.
Again he didn’t say the words, but his carnal look told her everything she needed to know.

“It’s better if I go,” she said. She needed to be alone, needed to think.

“I’m sorry.” He looked it too. There was a disappointed grimace on his face.

She hopped off the bar.

Her legs trembled terribly as she slipped into her thong. Adjusting her clothing, she couldn’t stop a wave of anger whispering over her.

He’d already started chatting to the police on the phone and she felt…dismissed. She searched the nearby floor for her keys, found them then headed toward the back door, chastising herself for giving in so easily to her lusty cravings for him. If her grandmother were still alive, she’d be horrified at what she’d let Sully do to her. As it was, she was probably rolling over in her grave.

“I’ll walk you to your truck.”

He’d come up behind her, his hand braced against the small of her back as he followed her out the back door.

“I want to see you again, Jenna. I’ll be in touch.”

Before she could so much as mount a protest, his head lowered and his hot mouth seared against hers, capturing her in such a tender kiss that her legs just about gave out. She could taste herself on his lips, a cinnamony-musk mix she found erotic.

He broke the kiss and if he hadn’t helped her up into her truck, she surely would have sprawled to the alley pavement.

Sweet Mercy! He knew how to kiss!

“Go home. Get some sleep.”
So you’re well-rested for what I plan to do to you next time we meet
, his eyes said.

He tapped the hood of her truck and waved. With shaky fingers, she turned on her ignition and watched as he sauntered back into his bar. Heat radiated all around her as she watched him.

Blowing out a tense breath, she pressed her hot forehead against the cool steering wheel. Once again hot moisture was pooling between her legs and her pussy throbbed where his face had just been. Her inner thighs burned, compliments of where his five o’clock shadow had brushed so erotically. She resisted the urge to press her legs together, to bring herself off.

God! She’d just been eaten by Sully Hero!

What had gotten into her? And now she wanted more from him. So much more.

My, oh, my. She was in big trouble.

* * * * *

“Jenna MacLean, special delivery.”

Jenna looked up from the day-old blueberry muffin she’d been staring at while reliving the other night’s adventure with Sully to find her best friend Meemee grinning at her from the antiques store back room doorway. She wore her professional, homemade courier uniform; tan slacks and a tan shirt with a colorful nametag proclaiming
Meemee’s Courier

Gosh! She’d been so deep in thought, wondering why she hadn’t heard from Sully in the couple of days since their rendezvous on the bar that she hadn’t been aware of the jangle of the bell, signaling someone entering her shop.

“Hey, Meems, what’s up?”

“This.” She held up a small, slender package of about seven inches long by three inches thick.

Meemee was an entrepreneur in Hideaway. A jill-of-all-trades. Her self-employment jobs included a taxi service, gardening service, as well as the town’s only courier service. “The sender requests you open it immediately.”

“Who is it from?” Jenna asked when she found no return address on the lightweight item.

“You’ll know when you open the package.”

Oh, really? How intriguing!

Eagerness to see who was sending her a parcel had her virtually ripping the brown wrapping paper from the box. Who in this town would send her a parcel and instruct her to open it immediately? She did a mental check of the many antiques purchases she’d made. She had plenty on the way but none this small.

Jenna smiled. It had to be from Sully’s grandmother. The other day when Jenna had brought out the yellowware set, Mrs. Hero had clasped her hands together and fallen in love with it. Even Mr. Hero had sparkles in his eyes, no doubt remembering the early years of their marriage. They’d purchased the set along with the pretty tulip quilt she’d placed on the canopy bed, the bed in the same bedroom Sully Hero had had his way with her breasts.

God! Just thinking about him made her horny.

She redirected her thoughts back to the parcel. Had Mrs. Hero sent her some of those fresh-baked cornmeal muffins she was so famous for? Her mouth watered at the idea of having a couple of fresh muffins instead of the stale blueberry one she’d brought along for brunch.

Even as she opened the box, she knew it wasn’t from Mrs. Hero. It was way too small for muffins. Her mouth dropped open in shock as nestled snugly in blue tissue paper was a slim six-inch long, one-inch wide fuchsia-pink butt plug. On the side, written in bold black letters were the words MÉNAGE CLUB INITIATION.

“Oh, my God,” she blurted as shock hit her. It had happened. She’d received an invitation to join Sully at the Ménage Club.

“All right, confess, girlfriend,” Meemee said as she too peered inside the box.

“He answered the ad,” Jenna replied as her heart slammed up against her chest with such excitement she thought she would pass out.

“What ad?”

“With that cocksure grin plastered all over your face, Meems, I believe you know very well who answered what ad. And you are probably the one who took it out of my purse and gave it back to him.”

Meemee shrugged her shoulders and threw Jenna her famous pouty look. “I can’t help it if you disappear to go to the bathroom and I happen to need a napkin and look through your purse for one and find the one with your ad and accidentally left it on the table.”

“I should have known you were the one who took it!”

Her pout increased.

“What? I did something wrong? Oh! And look the plug comes with instructions.”

A cat-got-the-canary grin splashed over Meemee’s face as she quickly changed the subject and delicately lifted a paper from the tissue. “This heated, self-lubricating, six-inch butt plug can inflate to eight inches long and to two inches wide,” she read. “New superior technology allows the plug to quickly and comfortably inflate and deflate several hundred times a day, allowing a woman’s anal muscles to quickly become accustomed to the maximum size within a week.”

Meemee blew a stray blonde bang out of her eyes, fanned herself and looked down at Jenna with wide eyes. “Have mercy, best girlfriend, but he is well-hung. I’m so glad he fits at least that part of your ad.”

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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