Pleasure Bound - Complete (38 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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Leaning over, Virgin inhaled the sensual scent drifting off his body. He smelled of sweat, sex and male. It was a tantalizing combination that urged her to continue with her seduction.

She sucked his hard nipple into her mouth as if it were a succulent berry.  It quivered as she laved her tongue around his areole, then she sank her teeth into his flesh.

He cursed beneath his breath.

The taste of his nipple in her mouth and the sexy sound of his thick voice unleashed a desperate need in her. 

She cut his nipple loose and placed a cool watermelon chunk over it too.

Trailing light touches with her lips she felt the bands of chest muscles ripple against her mouth and she angled toward his other nipple. Pushing aside the other chunk of watermelon she nipped his cool flesh.

He moaned again and her pussy muscles spasmed in response.

Sliding her mouth from his flesh, she trailed more touches up his damp hard chest, along the side of his hot neck, over his strong jaw line and to his sensually curved lower lip.

He whimpered as she suckled at his mouth. His lips were soft and demanding. Blood pumped heated arousal through her veins. Her breasts tingled with the need to be squashed against his hard chest, yearned to be cupped by his large hands.

When he tried to force his tongue between her teeth, she slipped away, replacing her mouth with her nipple.

He latched onto her like a starving male, his dangerous teeth nipping aggressively at her tender flesh. Virgin cried at the unexpected pleasure-pain searing through her breast and pulled away.

The teasing glint in his eyes made her inhale sharply.

“You going to fuck me or tease me all night?” he asked.

“I’ve only just begun my seduction, male.” Virgin whispered as she grabbed another chunk of watermelon. Using the cool fruit she caressed the burning bite on her throbbing nipple.

“Hurt?” he asked.

“A little.”

“Give me your other one.”

She hesitated. The lust darkened his eyes wonderfully and she knew the passion poison was once again working it’s magic on Buck Hero.

“You won’t be sorry,” he prodded. His breath grew raspier, louder. “I want to suckle your breasts, Virgin. I want to taste your flesh.”

Mesmerized by the seductive tone of his voice, she rubbed another cool chunk of watermelon on her untouched nipple before offering herself to him once again.

His mouth eagerly latched onto her nipple and she cried out a sharp teeth once again nipped at her tender flesh. This time she didn’t draw away and allowed the pleasure pain from the male’s hot mouth to sift through her.

Grabbing another piece of watermelon chunk she slid it to the area where the male’s searing mouth clutched her nipple. Brushing the cool treat gently over his upper lip, she watched him suckle her breast.

Arching her back, she pushed her body closer against his head, relishing the expert way his teeth nipped painfully and quickly stoked the fire with his hot velvety tongue. A tongue that zipped out of his mouth and captured the juicy piece of fruit caressing his upper lip. With an expert swiftness, he sucked the watermelon into his mouth and pressed the cool flesh against her burning nipple.

She sighed as the delightful treat eased the fire. Soon however the fruit grew warm and the male chewed it quickly.

“Your pussy,” he whispered against her breast. “I want to taste you.”

Was he serious? The male wanted to taste her? Down there? She stared at his flushed face and knew he indeed spoke the truth.

She grew eager to experience the feel of his hot velvety tongue stroking her down there but first she wanted to try something new.

Heart pounding with excitement, she climbed upon the bed and straddled her feet to both sides of his head. Bending over, she then grabbed a nice sized wedge of watermelon from the basket and slid the fleshy part of it between her legs. She moaned softly as the cool treat pushed her labia lips apart. 

Down below Buck emitted a dangerous growl. “Are you coming down here or are you putting on a tease?”

Virgin’s pulses skittered at the heat shining in Buck’s eyes. She wanted to feel his thick tongue plunge into her but she also wanted to tease him a little too.

“I’m having sex. I don’t know about you,” she said as she continued to glide the luscious watermelon slice back and forth against her quivering clit.

He cursed and squeezed his eyes shut as if he were in pain.

“Are you afraid you aren’t up for a show?” Virgin challenged softly.

His eyes snapped open and he groaned.

“You’re killing me here, Virgin,” he complained.

“Die later, male.”

His eyes glazed with hunger as he stared up between her legs while she sawed the cool wedge back and forth in pleasing movements and ground her hips in a carnal teasing gesture showing off what he was missing.

Sticky wetness saturated her inner thighs as she rubbed the thick wedge in quicker movements. The coolness did little to stifle the burning lust growing between her legs. She could smell her arousal intermingle with the watermelon’s sweet scent. Could hear her shallow whimpers. Felt the pleasure of an oncoming climax.

“Come down here. Come inside my mouth,” the male urged sensing what was happening to her body.

Shifting the wedge of watermelon aside, she quickly squatted over his flushed face.

His long pink tongue flicked out and speared savagely against her swollen passion nub. It sent a sharp jolt of energy pooling hot and heavy inside her lower belly.

“You taste so unbelievably good,” he chuckled from beneath her. “Sex and watermelon. Fantastic combination. We’ll have to do it more often.”

Before she could agree, his tongue fondled her labia lips, swirling magic circles around and over her clit. Dangerous sensations threatened to consume her. She bit her lip in a desperate effort to stave off the oncoming climax. She wanted to hold onto this beauty for as long as she possibly could.

“I guess I’ll have to work a little harder for my meal,” he growled.

She whimpered as his mouth clamped over her clit. His lips drew her plump labia lips into his hot mouth.  At the same time his tongue thrust deep into her moisture slick vagina.

A dark, primal lusty moan escaped her mouth as his thick tongue pulsed in and out of her wet pussy in teasing strokes as if it were a miniature cock.

Every muscle in her body grew taut.

Her heart raced. Her breasts bounced with each tortured breath.

His tongue thrusts became firmer.

Heat suffused her entire body. Her pussy clenched violently and a climax sizzled through her womb. It slammed into her, sucking her into an all-consuming release that had her gasping for air, as it washed over her in a seductive haze.

Instinctively, she gyrated her hips drawing herself deeper into the rewarding pleasure as his tongue pummeled her with ruthless strokes. Her vaginal muscles clenched violently around his tongue and she could feel her cream flowing into his waiting mouth.

When the climax finally faded away, Virgin breathed deeply, her flushed body weakening. Pulling her trembling hips back, she then settled her ass on his heaving hot chest.

“You look so beautiful when you climax,” he commented after a few moments.

Virgin opened her eyes and noted his lips were glistening brightly from her release.  The sight of it made the familiar warmth spread through her belly again. Her mouth went dry and her heart pounded up a storm. She knew exactly what she wanted.

“I want your cock.  I want it now,” she breathed.

His pupils dilated with arousal and he answered with an animalistic growl. It was a loud sound that sliced through her making her shiver with want.

As she angled her body upward, she was now allowed full view of his lust hardened purple shaft.  It jerked wildly and Virgin blew out an aroused breath anxious to be impaled.

“Dammit I want you so bad too. I’ve never wanted a woman as bad as I want you,” he whispered.

It was strange hearing those words on a male’s lips. Words said especially for her. It unleashed an odd happiness inside her heart.

Suddenly she wanted to bring him the same pleasures he’d given her, wanted to show him how much she enjoyed having sex with him.

Squatting down over his pelvis, Virgin hissed as his bulging head slid into her wet channel. Her vaginal muscles clenched tightly around him. The erotic feeling of fullness weakened her and she let her legs crash beneath her allowing his thick cock to sink furiously into her.

The instant his thick balls slammed against her flesh, Virgin leaned forward digging her fingers into his thickly muscled shoulders eagerly accepting his violent upward thrusts.

Her body hummed with beautiful sensations and a climax built quickly.

Their unified cries and groans of pleasure split the air and pulsed around them as they both fought for their release. Perspiration dampened her skin. Her body stiffened as the orgasm quickly overwhelmed her. The sheer beauty of the gratification made her dizzy. The odor of their sex flooded her nostrils and she wanted to feel his succulent mouth upon hers.

Bending forward, they were now belly to belly. Her nipples brushed against his chest muscles and she attentively touched his hot lips.

The male responded immediately. He took her mouth fiercely, sparking more pleasure throughout her innermost core.

She tasted her come in his mouth. It made her heady with need.

With a renewed desperation she thrust her hips harder against his sleek body, lifting and then crushing down upon his swollen cock with a renewed burst of energy.

In response the male groaned wickedly into her mouth. His eyes were now closed tightly. His heart pounded violently against her chest.

Her fantastic orgasm was long and convulsive subsiding slowly to a dull roar and she realized he kept pumping frantically upwards.

He had finally given up control to the passion poison. His violent bucking frightened her, but there was no pain as his long thick penis thrust in and out. There was only the beautiful fluttering of another orgasm as it built quickly deep inside her body.

This climax hit her hard, harder than any previous ones.

She gasped into his mouth as the spirals of pleasure slammed over her. She gave into it. Gave up control.

All her tumultuous emotions cascaded around her in one bright waterfall of beautiful sensations. She wanted to cry. She wanted to laugh. She wanted to scream.

Her mind and body were shattering into a thousand blissful pieces and then all the emotions and sensations drew together into one magnificent spasm of pleasure that made her cry out shamelessly. Dimly she heard the male’s hoarse shout as he unleashed his hot release deep into her woman’s core.

* * * * *

The sweet soreness between Virgin’s thighs throbbed as she watched Buck Hero’s sleeping naked figure with a growing affection. She’d never known a male could bring a woman so much pleasure. If she had, she might have considered giving up all the hard work she’d gone through to achieve Queen and High Queen status.

But in the end her status in the community was gone anyway. Now she was a fugitive. Freshly escaped from prison and on the run.

And she had an educated male on her hands. A male who was alive and almost cured. A male she could use for her own benefit.

She could now set her plan into motion. Yet she hesitated.

The thought of betraying Buck Hero left a sour taste in her mouth.

But it was something she had to do. There was no other way.

Except for telling him the truth.

Virgin closed her eyes and shook her head.

There was a chance he would say no to helping her. And if he said yes and they couldn’t come up with another plan, he’d leave and she’d lose her only bargaining chip.

Slinging her quiver of arrows and bow over her shoulder she lifted the door latch and slipped out into the hot afternoon sunshine.

She took a step forward then stopped at the sound of rustling in the bushes about forty feet away.

Was someone there?

She went very still and listened intently.

The rattling in the bushes stopped abruptly and Virgin relaxed. She’d probably spooked a deer or a panther. They were always lurking around in the bushes and drinking from the nearby streams.

Besides no one knew about this hideout, except for the people who had helped her escape and they would never betray her in giving her away to the authorities. She had nothing to worry about.

At least not yet, she thought when she spotted the dark ominous clouds stalking toward the mid-afternoon sun.

Her hand dropped to the hilt of the knife strapped to her thigh making sure it was easily accessible. If she needed it, she knew she wouldn’t hesitate to use it.  She also knew if she didn’t leave now, she would never do what needed doing to get the ball rolling on her plan.

With a heavy heart and double-checking to make sure the coast was clear, Virgin slipped into the bushes and headed toward her mission of betraying Buck Hero. 

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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