Pleasure Bound - Complete (36 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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Suddenly his hands cupped her ass and he pressed her tightly against his body. The length of his inflamed cock sizzled like a brand against the naked flesh of her inner thighs. She widened her legs in an attempt to straddle his powerful hips.

Opening her mouth, his tongue, brutal and swift forced its way past her teeth, touching her with long sure strokes that ignited a magnificent blade of lightning between her thighs.

She’d never felt this way in her entire life.

Suddenly she was drowning. Dragged under by a current of carnal pleasure she couldn’t get out of. Didn’t want to get out of.

She wanted this male.

She wanted him now.

When she reached down to grab his cock, the male’s hands clamped around her wrists, holding her hands captive. Slowly he lifted her arms over her head and using one hand, he held her wrists tightly there.

Unable to move her hands, Virgin felt a singe of panic.

Was she doing the right thing allowing the male full reign?

Passion poison was dangerous even with the gentlest of males and the fierce way his lips were roving all over her mouth showed he wasn’t a gentle male.

A large hand slid between their bellies, slipping into her shorts. The instant his hot thumb rubbed her clitoris, she bolted.

Oh Goddess of Freedom

Is this what she’d been missing? Is this what she’d given up so she could better the lives of other women? Women who didn’t even want her help?

His mouth dove away and he buried his bristly cheek into the sensitive area between her shoulder and her neck.

“What the hell is happening to me?” his tormented cry shot straight into Virgin’s heart.  Guilt sifted through her pleasure.

“It’s the passion poison,” she explained. “Just give into it. Fuck me.”

“Are you sure you want this?” His voice was barely restrained, barely audible.

He needed to fuck her to live.

She needed him alive to carry out her plan.

“Yes.” She whispered.

A finger slid deep into her vagina and Virgin jolted at the wonderful intrusion.

This was the first time she’d been so close to a male. The first time a male’s finger had ever been inside her.

And it felt so good.

Unbelievably delicious.

Another finger impaled her drenched channel and Virgin trembled beneath him.

“You’re so wet. So ready,” he whispered. “I have to look at you.”

Within a blink of an eye he rolled off her.

* * * * *

Yanking her to her weak legs, he quickly shoved her to the nearby table set in the middle of the room. His lusty gaze sparkled with such intense heat she almost cried out from anticipation.

“On the table,” he growled into her ear.

She didn’t even have a chance to question what he was saying when his large hands cupped her ass cheeks. His fingers dug into her flesh as he lifted her off her feet in one swift motion and plopped her down on top of the table.

Confident fingers slid beneath her waistband. Swiftly he pulled her garment down her legs and off. Grabbing her ankles he lifted them high, spread them wide apart and placed her feet firmly against his hot muscular shoulders. Cool air hit her clit with such a wonderful caress she cried out from the seductive impact.

Her eyes widened with shock and her vaginal muscles spasmed with excitement as he steered his pulsing male flesh straight toward the juncture of her legs. 

His cock seemed even bigger now. Bigger and longer than she’d ever seen it.

Oh stars above! He was going to impale her with

A momentary pang of terror once again gripped her until she remembered why she was allowing him free reign.

Grasping the edges of the table with her fingers, she held on for dear life.

The mad lust in his eyes subsided briefly as he fought the effects of the passion poison. It frightened her to know he was so powerful. At the same time it excited her. His pent up passion would be so potent when he finally released it.

And he would also release control. Eventually all passion infected males did.

“Don’t be afraid. Please, don’t be afraid,” he chanted.

“I’m not scared.” She lied and chanted the words with him.

His long fingers gripped the base of his solid erection and he slowly moved his engorged cock between her legs.

She was terrified. And so excited she couldn’t even think straight.

“I need to be inside you so bad. I need to fuck you so bad. I can’t stop myself anymore.”

“I’m not asking you to stop,” she whispered trying to ease the anguish bruising his face.

He aimed the bulging tip of his cock at her vaginal opening. Her desperate grasp on the sides of the table increased as his thick head parted her labia lips.

Beneath her right foot, his powerful shoulder muscles flexed violently as his right hand settled between her legs and his thumb massaged her puffed-up clitoris.

Oh yes! What a wonderful feeling.

Warmth pooled in her belly. Moisture seeped from between her widespread legs and her pleasure mounted until she couldn’t help but gasp with delight.

Lifting her head she found his eyes dark and glazed as he hesitated. His jaw was clenched tightly. A vein throbbed violently in his neck.

He was still fighting the passion poison. Still trying to hold himself back. Trying hard not to hurt her.

“Fuck me, please,” she urged, wanting to be penetrated.

At the sound of her voice, his willpower ebbed away and with surprisingly careful restraint he sunk his throbbing male flesh into her channel.

The tremendous pressure made her vaginal muscles scramble frantically to accommodate his monstrous size. Yet the silky way his thumb continued to seduce her clit encouraged more moisture to soften the way.

His shaft was hard, searing hot and oh so long. In silence she endured the pressure, the unbelievable fullness and watched in stunned fascination as his massive flesh slowly disappeared inside her.

It was the most erotic sight she’d ever seen.

His breathing grew harder and rougher as her vaginal muscles clenched around him like a second skin.

“Oh man, you feel so unbelievably beautiful,” he ground out.

He withdrew slowly and then plunged into her warm channel with one solid thrust, impaling her.

Fire raged throughout as her vaginal muscles seized his thick intrusion throwing her immediately into a climax. It slammed into her with such a mind-sucking force, she could do nothing but throw her head back and gasp at the brutal waves washing over her.

The pleasure was unbelievable!

Her eyes squeezed tight. Heated blood roared in her ears.

He continued to thrust his hard shaft in and out of her in fast steady strokes. Every thrust smothered her with more pleasure. Flooded her body with a desire she’d never known before. A desire to have this male’s swollen rod drive deeper into her.

Deeper. Faster.

“Harder,” she groaned.

Instantly he obeyed. His strokes became harder, ruthless, more demanding.

White-hot shards of pleasure slammed through her writhing body. He continued to slide his shaft in and out of her. Taking her harder with each and every stroke. Sucking sounds snapped through the air as he continued to mate with her. He kept plunging his thick cock in and out until she cried out from the beautiful orgasms crashing over her.

Finally his rod stiffened and a torrent of his white-hot liquid shot deep into her. Her vaginal muscles spasmed yet again and she milked him mightily of his seed.


Chapter Four


Buck winced as her sharp nails dug painfully into his shoulders urging him not to withdraw his shaft from her sweet wet channel.

“Don’t,” she whispered.

At the sound of her softly spoken words guilt slammed into him making his cheeks flame with embarrassment.

Oh man. What had he done?

He’d actually lost control of his senses. Fucked a beautiful stranger.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done this to you. Everything is happening too fast. This isn’t normal,” he stammered.

“You needed to do it. It is the passion poison controlling you.”

“That’s no excuse. I should have left the instant you freed me. The instant I realized I was losing control whenever I looked at you.”

He stared down between her legs, to where his cock lay buried deep inside her. 

“And this is how I’ve repaid you.”

Although he felt disgusted for losing control, seeing himself lodged inside her hot cavern made a shiver of erotic bliss zip through him.

The pleasure frightened him. He’d never felt this way about a woman. Let alone a stranger, a woman who smelled of delicious sex. A woman who’d given him the best blow job of his life, not to mention the best fuck he’d ever encountered.

And he wanted more from her. Much more.

He shook the sensual thoughts from his fogged brain.

“This is happening too fast. Way too fast. I have to leave.” Having said that, he couldn’t find the courage to dislodge his shaft from her warm cavern. It felt so damn right being inside her, so unbelievably perfect.

“It is too dangerous for you to leave.”

“Why? You think we were followed?”

He gazed in alarm at the nearby leaded window, expecting a shadow to be there, watching them.

Nothing moved.

“I haven’t heard anything. I just want you to fuck me again.”

Words every man wants to hear, but from a complete stranger?

“I really am wiped. Tired.” He lied. Actually he felt great, quite ready to go at it with her again.

Her grip tightened over his shoulders. The desperation in her warm hands made him nervous. The fear in her eyes made him inhale sharply.

“What’s wrong?” he asked slowly, not quite sure he wanted to know.

She inhaled deeply as if gathering her courage. Her luscious breasts heaved deliciously in front of him. Instantly his shaft hardened inside her.

So much for hoping he’d been miraculously cured from this passion poison. He’d never been able to get hard so soon after his release with other women. Obviously the drug was still very much alive in his system.

“I think it’s time you gave me that antidote.”

“I’m the antidote.”

“What?” Surely she was joking.

“To the passion poison. I’m the antidote.”

Buck blinked with disbelief trying to figure out if she was kidding.

“Fucking is the antidote for passion poison,” she explained.

Shock ripped through his insides. He’d never heard of such a thing. Fucking a woman would heal him?

“You’re crazy!”

Before she could stop him, he withdrew his hard shaft from her sweet channel and pulled away.

“I can’t believe I fell for this. There is no passion poison antidote, is there? You just wanted to use some poor sap to give you a good time. And I bloody well fell for it. You must be some sick twisted nymphomaniac.”

Even as he said it, he knew it wasn’t true. She wasn’t a nympho. He was the sicko. His massive erection proved it.

Panic prompted him to grab the sheet off the nearby bed. Twisting it around his waist, he covered himself, and then headed for the door.

“If you leave, you will die.”

The firmness in her voice, made Buck stop dead in his tracks.

“You feel well enough now,” she continued. “But that will change soon.”

“How so?”

“Right now the most prevalent sensation on your mind is having sex again, right?”

She was right. He was thinking about fucking her again. But damned if he was going to do it!

“Soon you will enter Phase Three. If we don’t copulate during that phase-“

“Bull! If I’m infected with some sort of poison, my brothers will find the cure.”

“There’s no time. We have to mate again. You must follow your urges.”

“This is ridiculous.”

“If we don’t have sex-.”

“I’m not buying into this crap!” he snapped.

“Are you not aroused?”

Aroused was an understatement.

“Please stay.”

“I have to leave.” God, did he ever have to get out of here.

He took one step forward and stared at the door.

It was his escape hatch, a way to leave this insanity, a way to leave her.

Call him stupid, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to go out that door.

Oh man! He wanted her again. Wanted to sink his cock into her delicious warmth. To kiss her pretty pink lips and catch her gasps of arousal into his mouth.

“I will tell you everything about the passion poison. Then you will understand,” she prodded.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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