Pleasure Bound - Complete (33 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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He moaned out loud at the torturous impact.

Was this reaction an effect of the passion poison? Or something else?

The scent grew thicker, more intense. It curled deep into his lungs.

Lust cascaded over him in dark, sensuous waves until he felt as if he might scream out loud from his arousal.

A wave of fear zipped along his nerve endings. What in the world was happening to him? He’d never felt so aroused, so eager to be mounted, so emotionally aware in his life.

Without warning, a warm silky hand clamped firmly over his mouth. He blinked in surprise as he discovered a woman staring down at him with piercing pale blue eyes.

Another blonde.

Just his luck

The strange panicky feeling zipped away as he realized she wasn’t a part of the group of women who’d captured him.

He would have remembered this jewel.

His pulse skittered as he noted a quiver of arrows peeking over a sensually curved shoulder and a bow in her hand.

A female version of Robin Hood. How nice.

The flickering firelight seeping through the open doorway touched the gentle contours of her silky skin. Her hair was shoulder-length. Bangs feathered the tips of perfectly arched dark eyebrows.  Long black lashes framed her wide set eyes.

She possessed a pretty pert nose. A rosy blush swept across high cheekbones. And she had a sensually curved cupids arrow mouth that made him suddenly realize he wanted her sexy lips on him.

All over him.

A flush of savage heat streaked through his veins and he suddenly realized his whole body felt as if it were on fire.

He wanted to claim this woman. Wanted to pull her against him. To impale her, to thrust his swollen cock deep into her warm cavern with firm, challenging strokes until the sexual tension in his body eased.

Oh boy. The passion poison was working big time.

Dizziness assailed his senses as she placed a finger to the curves of her lips gesturing him to remain silent.

Buck nodded numbly.

Lifting her hand from his mouth, she said nothing as she continued to peer down at him. Her hot gaze trailed a scorching path over his face. He could almost feel the petal softness of her luscious lips caressing his mouth. Could sense the sexual tension blossoming between them. Noticed the curves of her breasts swell against the sheer garment that barely covered her lovely mounds. Even her nipples, nestled in the middle of dark areoles, seemed to stab at the delicate green material in an effort to escape and be taken by his mouth.

Sexual awareness surged proudly through him as her hungry gaze swept over the width of his shoulders, over his muscular chest and downward to rest on his throbbing cock.

The tips of her pretty lips tilted upward with an appreciative smile and then suddenly she whipped her attention to the open doorway.

He followed her gaze and noted with growing unease the six females had stopped dancing. Standing around the bonfire, they chattered anxiously as they poured their blood from the small bowls into a large one being passed around.

The newcomer’s sweet smile promptly vanished and she moved quickly toward the open door.

Her movements were graceful yet determined as she scuttled on hands and knees across the ground. He fought to slow down his heavy breathing as he noted a firmly rounded ass barely concealed by sheer see through shorts. The dark crack of her buttocks shimmered before his eyes and he groaned inwardly at the thought of plunging his aching shaft into her warm vagina from behind.

Oh yeah, he really did prefer blondes.


Chapter Two


Oh Goddess of Freedom

One look into his lust-filled eyes and Virgin had almost changed her mind about rescuing the male. She’d never seen an infected male gaze at a woman quite that way. The look had sent an unexpected jolt of sexual awareness shooting through her. Liquid heat quickly pooled between her thighs leaving her with a craving for more of those delicious looks.

When she’d seen the virgins inject the passion poison into him her hopes of using him to achieve her own goals had faltered. Her first instinct had been to wait until the females were done with him and then snatch him away.

But the chances of one virgin killing him immediately after the traditional couplings made that idea too risky. She needed him too badly to simply leave him here to die at their hands.

Squatting beside the hide-house doorway, she studied the six females. A gentle wave of homesickness washed over her as she recognized their young faces. Back then the Yellow Hair girls had been developing into women. Now here they had captured their first male for the traditional Virgin Dance.

It hurt her to think she would ruin their fun by crashing their party and taking him away from them. They were chattering with such excitement at the prospect of mounting the male she really couldn’t blame them for being so happy. He was an exceptional specimen with the longest, thickest cock she’d ever laid eyes on.

Her heart picked up speed as she peeked back at the captive. Firelight illuminated his naked spread-eagle figure. Perspiration dampened his flushed skin, enhancing his muscular physique. For the briefest moment she wondered how it would feel to be embraced in those strong muscular arms, to touch his flushed face and press her lips against his luscious mouth.

Or better yet to straddle his powerful thighs and guide his thick erection deep to her.

Virgin closed her eyes and gave herself a mental shake.


She couldn’t sit here thinking these silly thoughts. She had a male to kidnap.

The cheerful chattering of the girl-women ripped Virgin’s attention back to them. She watched as they sipped the traditional Sacred Drink from the large wooden bowl.

“Do we have to tell the elders that he’s a talking male when they come to witness the fucking ceremony?” One of the Yellow Hair youngsters asked as she licked the red sacred mixture from her lips and passed the large bowl to the next virgin.

“There are bounties on the talking males heads,” another young woman said. “Of course we need to tell them. The elders have said a few sex slaves escaped from last year’s Slave Uprising. That male has to be one of them.”

“Why tell anyone who he is?” The tallest of them spat.  “He’s a male and he has the best looking cock I’ve ever seen. That’s all that matters to us. Besides, what the elders won’t know won’t hurt them. We’ll simply bind him with a ball and gag. And besides that, much fun awaits with this male and I’m not letting the passion poison go to waste. Nor am I breaking tradition by allowing the male to live afterwards.”

Another Yellow Hair chimed in. “Did you see how big he is? I don’t even know if I can stuff his entire cock inside me. But I sure am going to try.”

All six of them giggled.

Another virgin asked, “How long before the male will be sexually obedient enough to fuck?”

“As soon as the elders show up which will be soon. Hurry and finish the traditional drink and then we can pick sticks. The one who draws the shortest gets to go in there first.” 

Virgin’s gaze flew to the eastern horizon where she noted the thin gray streaks of dawn. Morning was approaching fast and they needed to be long gone before daylight hit and the elders arrived.

She scampered back to the male.

Her breath backed up in her throat as the sensual curve of his lips lifted into a sweet smile the instant he saw her.

Oh sweet Goddess of Freedom!

His smile sure made her heart do some mighty strange flips.

“I need you to be very quiet or they’ll hear. Do you understand?” she asked.

He nodded.

From the scabbard strapped to her right leg, Virgin slid out her knife and quickly cut the ties that bound his legs and arms.

His skin felt sizzling hot to the touch as she slid her hands beneath his arms and helped him into a seated position. 

“Thank you,” he whispered.

The sound of his deep masculine voice frightened her and suddenly she realized the danger she’d put herself in by releasing him from his bonds.

In her haste to get to the male, she hadn’t thought of her safety. Hadn’t thought of anything but capturing him.

She struggled to push aside her fear. She needed to keep her focus. Needed to stick to the plan. Needed to calm down.

“Quickly. You must stand so we can leave.”

He nodded weakly and moved carefully as he struggled to his feet. He took one step forward and buckled to his knees, a hot curse on his lips.

Virgin stiffened at the outburst, half expecting the young women to hear his outcry and come running into the hide-house. The laughter outside continued and Virgin exhaled a sigh of relief.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

“Just give me a minute.”

With her heart pounding violently in her ears, Virgin kept a watch on the door hoping one or all of the women didn’t notice that their passion-infected male was now loose.

A highly dangerous situation when a male wasn’t tethered, but well worth the risk if her plan worked.

“Ready,” he whispered.

“Follow me.”

Virgin stepped through the rip she’d cut in the back wall to gain entrance to the shelter.

The male stumbled after her.

His breathing sounded too harsh, his face too pale in the early morning moon-glow.

Instinctively she knew he was hurting more than he was letting on.

Had she made a mistake coming for him? Was he going to get her re-captured and sent back to prison and those horrid impregnating machines?

Not if she could help it.

Slipping her hand against his hot palm, she firmly pulled her new captive into the surrounding forest.

* * * * *

They ran for what seemed an eternity, but Virgin figured it must only be twenty or so minutes since she’d stolen him from the Yellow Hairs.

He held tightly to her hand as she led him through the dense forest. So tightly that she could feel every searing inch of his hot fingers interwoven with hers. He possessed long fingers and a strong hand. Strong enough that he could crush her bones if he’d a mind to do it.

For an instant she was paralyzed once again by fear for her safety, but the terror quickly turned to concern.

Sweat drenched his entire body. His skin was pale. His breathing labored.

Virgin frowned.

It irritated her that she should feel sympathy for her captive. But she couldn’t help it. This prized male would come in very useful.

At the next small meadow they encountered she called a halt.

He didn’t waste any time plopping onto a nearby fallen log dragging her down beside him.

While he rested, Virgin listened intently for evidence that they were being followed. She heard nothing except his harsh gasps.

His shoulders shuddered heavily with every breath. Damp wisps of golden brown hair dropped over a perfectly shaped forehead hiding his eyebrows from her view. Dark lashes framed his tightly closed eyes.

His nose was not too short. Not too long.

A dark shadow of bristle covered parts of his face giving him a dangerous appeal. His nostrils flared wildly as if he were a stallion who’d just spent hours fucking his mares.

She fully understood why the male panted frantically. In its initial stages passion poison sapped energy from all body parts slowly drawing it to the sexual centers. Soon he would enter the second phase where he would feel a renewed strength but it would be centered on sex, not escape.

The signs of the oncoming second phase were already there, the pale glow to his skin, erratic pounding of his pulse in his thick-corded neck and the frantic panting.

Her gaze dropped to the sparkling droplets of sweat glistening in his golden-brown chest hairs. How would those hairs feel beneath her fingertips as she slid her hands over his hot sweaty flesh? 

Following the fine golden-brown dusting that arrowed down the middle of his flat stomach, Virgin locked her eyes to the area between his widespread legs and to the most beautiful set of balls she’d ever seen.

They were perfectly shaped. Big. Hard looking.  She couldn’t stop her mouth from watering at the seductive sight.

That’s when she noticed the cock ring practically strangling his pulsing penis. He wouldn’t be able to travel fast until that problem was quickly taken care of. And there was only one way she could think of to get that cock ring off him.

“What are you doing?”  The male cautiously asked as she dragged her knife from the scabbard.

His eyes were a magnificent brown color and full of lust which encouraged a sweet flutter to scream through her belly. Her unwanted reaction toward him irritated her.

“That!” she snapped and pointed her knife at his erect cock, “has got to go.”

He cursed and turned himself from her view.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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