Pleasure Bound - Complete (84 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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His hand dropped down to brush her wrist. Erotic sensations spiraled through her at the intimate caress. Lacing her fingers with his, he led her to the bed.

He kneeled on the mattress and climbed on. She followed suit, finding the mattress soft and welcoming beneath her hands and feet.

“Come closer. Onto your knees. In front of me,” he said softly. She couldn’t believe she was actually shivering with so much anticipation as she did what he asked. Nothing had even happened yet and there she was trembling like a freaking virgin on her wedding night. In a way she was, wasn’t she? She hadn’t made love with Sully in years.

She inhaled sharply as he lifted his hands and speared his fingers through her hair. His touch was gentle, loving, and the sensations running through her scalp felt so…erotic.

“I’ve missed you so much, Jenna. Missed touching you. Loving you. Being with you.”

“Me too,” she whispered enjoying the sensual way he played with her hair.

“Touch me, Jenna.”

Her fingers sifted through silk as she touched his scalp. He gave a primal growl. The sound made her heart pound with maddening speed.

“Do you see how your touch affects me, Jenna? You’ve always made me feel like no other woman has ever has.”

At the mention of another woman she couldn’t help but tense, the familiar pang of raw anger sifted to the surface. He noticed her reaction but said nothing. Instead, his fingers touched her scalp, massaging in soft, sensual circles that had her momentary anger melting away.

Suddenly she felt as if she were a nervous new mare in a stallion’s harem. The stallion brushing against her, testing her willingness to mate, smelling her, wanting her, but also sensing he needed to go slow so as not to frighten her off.

“You will always be the only woman for me, Jenna. Even when I’m with others at the Ménage Club, you will be number one.”

Why was he doing this to her? Why was he talking about other women when he knew it upset her so badly? Again that familiar raw anger she’d never cared for but couldn’t seem to stop seeped through her. She felt an instantaneous need to bolt or, better yet, slap him for even thinking about other women when he was there with her.

“Shh, Jenna. Easy. Remember why we are here. This is how it will be if you join the Club, sweetie.”

His masculine fingers were still stroking, trying to soothe her as he massaged her scalp in erotic little circles. Tender touches that sent delicious little tingles down the back of her neck and into her shoulders. Shoulders she hadn’t even realized were tense.

“The Ménage Club deals with exposure therapy, Jenna. Exposing us to something that bothers us. Exposing ourselves over and over again until all our insecurities are gone and we are both immune to the thing we feared the most. Do you understand?”

She nodded, but damned if she wasn’t still pissed off at him.

And getting just a wee bit turned on at the sensual way his fingers were now brushing the sides of her face and tracing her lips.

“Did you know that our mouths are one of the more sensitive parts of our body? Kissing someone combines three of our senses. Taste, touch and smell.”

Jenna swallowed as he leaned closer. His green eyes were sexually charged, his lips parted slightly.

“You smell so good, Jenna. Sweet and sexy like my woman should smell.”

Her heart thumped out of control as with the tenderest of touches he held her bottom lip while he kissed the sensitive inner curve between her neck and shoulder. The featherlight touch assaulted her senses.

“You’re soft as velvet and you taste like candy—very addictive candy.”

“Keep those compliments coming,” she murmured as the familiar slow burn unraveled between her legs. She arched closer to him, allowing him to plant tiny erotic kisses along her collarbone until she was whimpering beneath the electrical sensations flaming through her.

This was one of the reasons she’d never been able to stay with a man for too long in relationships after Sully. None of them ever made her feel as he did. None of them could make the hot need for sex race through her veins like Sully could.

“Keep touching me,” he whispered. “This Initiation is for both of us.”

She blinked, suddenly realizing her hands were still tangled in his soft curls.

God! She’d been so selfish! Taking from him and not giving anything back.

Following his lead, she began her own technique of soft, little massages against his scalp that had his breath quickening just like hers.

She smiled at how easily he responded to her touch. How easily he radiated love when he looked at her. How easily he made her body ache for him.

Angling his head between her shoulder and neck she watched as he ran a pink tongue along the top of her shoulder, caressing her skin and leaving behind a trail of wet fire.

Jesus! That felt good!

He eased away from her. She found herself leaning toward him. Tasting his broad chest, kissing one of his puckered brown nipples. His breath caught and she shyly drew the tight bud into her mouth, gently laving it with her tongue, exploring the tiny ridges until the nub felt hard and hot inside her mouth.

“Jesus, Jenna.”

His hands were on her shoulders, easing her sexy garment down her arms and over her waist, his fingers instantly heating everywhere he touched. She enjoyed the tingling sensations of his intimate caresses and could not stop herself from kissing the soft, damp curls on his broad chest and inhaling his intoxicating scent deep into her lungs.

He’d always smelled so manly. Tonight was no exception.

She hadn’t even realized her breasts had burst free from her cups until his warm hands palmed them. Looking down, she found his thumbs rasping her nipples. Her thighs tightened in response. Her pussy clenched in wicked anticipation. She felt so hot and wet. So on fire. The incredible sensations made her moan.

“You sound so sexy when you make that noise, Jenna. I want to bring more of those sensual sounds out of you tonight. Every night.”

His hands roamed over her breasts, exploring her generous curves, his thumbs moving rhythmically while his mouth locked over hers in carnal, possessive movements pushing more cries from her. He slid his tongue into her mouth, caressing her gums, avoiding her own eager tongue.

The avoidance only made her want him more.

Splaying her hands against his chest, she loved the way his damp, hot muscles moved beneath her fingertips. She slid her hands onto his hard, muscular shoulders and eased his robe off, allowing it to puddle around them on the bed.

He returned the favor and slid her chemise off her. She wiggled her legs and feet until it slipped onto the mattress.

“I’m going to make love to you like I’ve never done before, Jenna,” he breathed against her lips. Then he was easing her down near the foot of the bed and close to the side edge. It was an oddly curious position and, before she could ask why she was being placed in this way, his succulent mouth fused with hers once again, the heat of his upper body washing intimately against her. His hands released her breasts and smoothed over her rounded belly curling into her belly ring. He pulled gently, just enough to bring an erotic chord of sensation shimmering through her tummy.

“I’m going to brand you tonight. Make you mine. Mark you for the Club,” he said. As he moved closer, he sucked a nipple into his mouth. He wasn’t gentle as he’d been in her antiques store. Instead, he was eager and harsh, his tongue moving in seductive swirls against her hardening bud.

“Oh, God!” She just about came off the bed as his sharp teeth suddenly nipped at her tender flesh and his fingers tweaked and plumped her other nipple.

He kissed the aching tip then sucked it into his mouth again. His tongue laved it, washing away the pleasure-pain. He did the same to her other nipple, nipping and laving, leaving her hot and bothered, pleasure washing through her. He lowered his lethal lips over her belly, making her clench her tummy muscles as he headed for parts south.

Her hips arched to him as he spread her legs and climbed in between them. His eyes were so dark and fierce she could barely breathe.

She’d expected him to go down on her, to dip his head between her legs and suckle her clit and pussy, but to her disappointment he didn’t. Instead, she noticed something in his hand.

A vibrator! And straps dangled off it.

She swallowed as her mind exploded with delicious scenarios along with a touch of fear.

The vibrator was huge. Just as big, if not bigger than his cock.

“Just so you know, the vibrator is self-lubricating so I can use it in your sweet ass later.”

Oh boy.

“Your pussy is so beautiful, Jenna,” he whispered as he positioned himself between her widespread legs. “Flushed red like a tulip with luscious, silky petals waiting to be opened.”

Wicked sensations tore through her as he touched her. His possessive fingers parted her labia, the warm head of the vibrator slid into her wet vagina. She fought for breath as the item filled her, stretched her, sank deep inside her. Closing her eyes, she moaned softly as the clitoris stimulator pressed snugly onto her aching flesh. A moment later soft straps went around her thighs holding the sex toy in place.

Instantly the toy began an erotic pulse, making her vagina clench and cream with heat. He was now sliding his hand up her right arm, his gaze holding her, mesmerizing her. His fingers tingled against her flesh. Curled around her wrist, bringing her arm above her head.

He kissed her on the nose, his eyes twinkling with arousal as he brought her other arm up over her head pinning both her wrists beneath one hand. Holding her there. Holding her captive.

Reaching above her head, he seemed to search for something beneath the covers.

“Sully?” She wanted to know what he had there, the curiosity burning her alive.

“Shh, don’t talk. Just feel, Jenna. Let your mind soar. Let your body respond.”

Something soft snapped around her wrist and then the other. She heard the clink of chain, knew instinctively he’d bound her.

Light bondage, just as she’d asked for in her “A Hero Wanted” ad.

“I love you, Jenna. Now I’m going to show you just how much.”

Tears sprung to her eyes and joy shot through her heart. Sweet Jesus, she’d waited so long to hear him say those three words again. She wanted to tell him she loved him too when she felt the mattress near the top of her head move.

Someone had joined them!

She angled her head up and found Tony looking down at her. His straight white teeth flashed against his tanned face in a wide smile of approval. Lust gleamed in his dark brown eyes. She could swear her flesh tingled as his searing gaze raked along her naked length, taking in her plus-sized curves, her belly button ring and to the vibrator inside her pussy. “You did well, Sully. How are you feeling, Jenna?”

Aroused? Excited? Confused at being so eager to see Tony there with her?

All of the above?

“At a loss for words?” Tony chuckled. “Just relax, Jenna.”

Relax! My God! Her breath was coming faster as she caught sight of his bare chest, naked abdomen and…

Tony’s calloused palms shocked her flesh as they slid over her collarbone then slipped over her swollen breasts. His masculine fingers knew exactly where to touch her, how to squeeze her nipples in such a beautiful way that pleasure and pain mixed perfectly.

She looked down and saw Sully’s eyes sparkle magnificently as he watched Tony touch her. Her breasts tingled beneath Tony’s sensual massage and a line of arousal zipped from her nipples right down to her sex toy-filled pussy. In response, her quivering, wet vaginal muscles clenched tightly around the vibrator nestled deep inside her.

“Go ahead, Sully,” Tony whispered.

Sully’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed. He kept his eyes on her as his own breaths came through his open mouth in short, raspy gasps. In an erotic slowness that had her mesmerized, she watched Sully get off the mattress. He stood at the foot of the bed in front of her and unsnapped the side snaps. His thong loosened and fell away, making her eyes widen at the spectacular sight.

Sully’s cock was already well-engorged and stiff with arousal. His mushroom-shaped head was fully released from its sheath, flushed purple with a dot of pre-come at the slit. But that’s not what captured her immediate attention, though. What really gripped her and her soaked pussy was the fact Sully’s cock was nestled in full bondage gear.

* * * * *

He’d never seen anything more erotic in his life. The woman he wanted with every breath of his being was splayed out in front of him, his best friend’s hands roaming over her breasts like a seductive lover’s, ripples of muscles clenched in her belly and a vibrator was tucked snugly inside her vagina keeping her on edge while he prepared for the next phase of their Initiation. The way her mouth was slightly parted as she panted harshly through her arousal had his cock pulsing against the restraints of the cock cage Tony had given him.

The leather cock strap was worn behind his balls with a divider strap that separated his scrotum enhancing his two perfectly shaped swollen spheres. The harness and divider were made of soft, supple black leather with a chrome cock ring that he’d slipped over his shaft before coming into the room. The ring held his erection tightly and prevented him from coming right on the spot. The cock cage as well as the cock ring also had a new state-of-the-art feature. Both would expand and grow with his cock if it became necessary, the erotic grip was rumored to allow him to keep a hard-on for as long as he needed without spewing or injury to his cock.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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