Pleasure Bound - Complete (85 page)

It was a great invention, allowing him peace of mind. He needed the time because he wanted to make love to Jenna until she was screaming and begging to join him in the Ménage Club and pleading to give their relationship another try with the help of a third.

As he heard a nearby door whisper open behind him, he couldn’t stop himself from tensing. The next few minutes would be the most important part of tonight’s Initiation. If they were to continue their relationship, now was the time for Jenna to face her worst fear.

Would she bolt? Or would she accept what was about to happen to him?


Jenna was thoroughly enjoying the sultry sensations of Tony’s hands smoothing over her breasts, the slow, erotic tremors of the vibrator buried deep in her cunt and the gentle yet erotic pulse of the clit stimulator massaging her clitoris. Everything kept her aroused, sexually tense and on the edge.

The thing that turned her on the most, however, was the way Sully looked at her with a combination of such love and lust it made happiness hug her heart.

And then she detected movement behind him.

Noticed a pair of feminine arms clad in black fishnet curl over his shoulders, reaching for his nipples.

A tingle of uneasiness zapped through her as one of her worst fears was suddenly staring her right in the face.

Another woman had her hands on her man! And Sully appeared to be enjoying it!

She tried to calm the frantic beating of her heart as she watched. Whoever stood behind Sully, whoever was touching him so sensuously, tweaking his nipples until they became erect and red and hard, and had him moaning with arousal, wasn’t showing herself.

Hurt slashed through her at the thought that someone else besides herself could bring out those sensual moans. But when she looked into his eyes and continued to see the love shining there just for her, despite another woman touching him, she began to feel something else nudge away her anger.


A craving to join the woman in pleasuring Sully. She tried to get up, to break free of the bonds that held her wrists captive, but the soft binds only dug into her flesh, preventing her from going to him.

In response, Tony’s hands simulated what the woman was doing to Sully. Pleasure-pain burst through her as he pinched her nipples. Perspiration dotted her forehead as the vibrator, as if sensing her increase in tension, began a mad pulse, effectively taking her thoughts off Sully and the woman, and back to her own sensations. The increased stimulation made her cry out, made her legs spread wider, her hips arch higher in anticipation. She hoped Sully would see her distress and come to her rescue by plunging his cock into her.

He didn’t come.

She could tell he wanted to. Could see him move his wide chest against the woman’s exploring hands, watched the woman holding him back.

She’d expected to feel hatred for the mysterious woman. Instead, she felt joy at the pleasure splashing across Sully’s face. She expected to feel anger at Tony for not releasing her bonds and allowing her to go to her man, instead, she felt immense pleasure beneath his hands.

God! This Ménage Club sure knew what they were doing!

When the mysterious woman finally showed herself, Jenna exhaled a sign of relief. It was Meemee! And she’d changed from her flirty dress into a seamless, black fishnet, open-crotch body stocking that illuminated all her sexy feminine curves.

Despite her wanting not to feel anger toward her best friend at roving her hands over Sully, now that she knew the identity of the woman, Jenna felt the sharp blade of pain and betrayal slip through her. To her surprise, it wasn’t as bad as she’d thought it would be.

She could handle this. She could handle whatever was coming next.

Chapter Six


Sully could feel his need to get to Jenna growing as Meemee’s seductive touches slipped downward. When her long, slender fingers gently cupped his rock-hard balls, he heard both himself and Jenna cry out.

He hadn’t even realized he’d closed his eyes but, at the sound of her outcry, his eyes snapped open and he sucked in a hell of a sharp breath.

Tony had maneuvered himself between Jenna’s legs. He’d removed the straps from the vibrator and was now plunging it slowly in and out of her tight slit.

Jenna’s face was contorted in erotic bliss. The sight of her squirming beneath Tony’s ministrations, unable to break from her bonds, made his breath come faster. The smell of her arousal made him swear softly.

Never in his life had he ever wanted a woman like he wanted to be with Jenna now.

As if sensing his need, Meemee’s fingers wrapped tighter around his balls, holding him in place, preventing him from rushing to Jenna, preventing him from pushing Tony aside and plunging into her, bringing her the relief they both craved.


The look of mixed pleasure and desperation splashed on Sully’s face tortured her, burned her with a need so deep she swore it shot straight into her very soul.

Although another woman was stroking his cock, making him swell and grow hard with arousal, he still kept looking at her, the lust and love mingling in his eyes. Lust and love for her!

She could see Sully’s hands were clenched. Noticed he wasn’t touching Meemee. Why not? Why was he refusing to bring Meemee any arousal?

Jenna watched the sensual way her best friend moved her fishnet-clad breasts against Sully’s sinewy arms, the way her eyes were glazed over as she looked at Tony between Jenna’s legs as he continued to plunge the vibrator into her.

Despite Sully’s inattention, she could see Meemee was highly aroused.

Jenna held her breath as she watched Meemee’s fingers grope Sully’s rigid, captive cock. His flesh seemed a darker purple with the bondage gear. Even his eyes were a darker green than she’d ever seen before.

She whimpered through a growing sensual haze as Meemee’s aroused gaze crashed into hers. They held eye contact for a moment and, within that short span of time, Jenna felt happiness, gratefulness and thankfulness that her friend would actually do something so extreme to help Jenna get over her jealous tenancies, helping Sully and her get back together. She also gave a silent thanks to the Ménage Club for being considerate enough of her fears in not throwing a perfect stranger at her and Sully during their first night there.

Best of all, no negative feelings lingered as she watched her best friend step to Sully’s side. Meems brushed her curvy breast like a wanton hussy against Sully’s muscular arm.

Meemee kept watching her. Gazing at her as if she were testing her to see if Jenna was angry or not at seeing Meemee with Sully.

When Meemee gave Tony a nod, Jenna felt the mattress move and realized she’d passed the test. At least this time.

She whimpered at the sensitivity in her breasts as Meemee left Sully and both she and Tony came to her sides, each latching their hot mouths onto her nipples.

Oh, God! She’d never felt anything like it. Pleasure coursed through her as their tongues swirled around her buds, their teeth nipped gently and suckled hard, making her just about climax on the spot.

She needed Sully between her legs now.

And she meant now! Wanted Sully whispering endearments into her ear. Thrusting his rigid cock into her. Telling her he loved her.

Through her erotic haze, she saw Sully come toward her.

She groaned at the sight of him.

Powerful. Strong. Magnificently aroused. And he wanted her!

She couldn’t stop herself from whimpering. Couldn’t stop the flames engulfing her as Sully came over her. His fingers wrapped around her ankles bringing her legs up and spreading them wide allowing her feet to dangle over his shoulders.

She cried out as he removed the soaked vibrator from her pussy. A moment later she felt the lubricated vibrator slip into her ass. It entered easily thanks to the self-lubricating feature Sully had mentioned and the state-of-the-art butt plug she’d worn for most of the last week in preparation for this night. The vibrator filled her anal canal with such heated pressure she couldn’t help but blow out a breath. Sully wound the straps around her thighs, again holding the vibrator securely inside her. The item shivered to life, sending tremors of pleasure and pressure shimmering inside her.

Oh, God! That felt unbelievably good!

He didn’t need to arouse her any further. It was as if he knew it.

With a wicked grin, his fingers sank into her thighs like heat-seeking missiles and he spread her legs wider, thrusting his large, thick cock into her in one swift plunge.

Magnificent explosions rattled her.

She screamed. Came apart.

As she cried out her release, Sully’s immense thrusts became harder and, with Meemee and Tony’s mouths sucking her nipples, Jenna could do nothing but rock with the pleasure.

His thrusting increased.

Sensations continued to spiral all around her.

She moaned.

Heard Sully groan.

Heard Tony groan also. Felt his mouth leave her breast. Heard a cry from Meemee as her friend’s mouth left her other breast.

The mattress beside her began to move. She could hear Meemee whimper. Heard flesh slapping against flesh and assumed Tony was now fucking her best friend on the bed beside her.

As she came down from her climax, she could barely open her eyes, the sensual haze draped so heavily over her. Yet she was able to watch as Meemee, her fishnet-clad body on all fours, was being fucked by Tony.

God! What an erotic sight!

It only added to her pleasure and she rocked her hips as yet another climax gathered speed.

She trembled as she watched Sully. His eyes were mere slits, heavy with lust. His chest muscles heaved as both the vibrator and he continued to piston his delicious cock into both her openings, stuffing her as she’d never been filled before.

Her vagina tightened again, began to spasm. She couldn’t keep the erotic sensations from coming.

And, boy, did they come.

She came again. Her mind shattered. Her body exploded in a carnal bliss that was even more powerful than the last orgasm.

She rode the magnificent waves.

Rode them hard.

From somewhere far away she heard Sully shout and felt his gush of release as he came inside her.

* * * * *

“Wake up, sleepyhead,” The soft sound of Sully’s voice made her grin. She loved it when he sounded so quiet and gentle. It was a direct contrast to the way he made love to her.

It was a wonderful combination. A combination she absolutely adored.

Stretching her sore limbs, she smiled at Sully Hero as he lay beside her on the bed watching her. There was no sight of Meemee or Tony. They were thankfully alone.

She needed to discuss what had just happened. Needed to tell him she’d enjoyed it immensely. Wondered if he had too.

“Was it as good for you as it was for me?” he asked. Reaching out, he skimmed a calloused finger along the side of her chin. Her skin tingled at his touch and she wanted more from him. Knew instinctively he wanted more too.

“I can’t believe I’ve missed this sort of pleasure all these years,” she admitted, reaching out to touch his firm lips. Lips meant for kissing, for suckling, biting.

He grinned and dragged her against him, kissing her mouth, possessing her, making her feel like she was his princess. His mate.

“Me neither,” he breathed as he broke the intoxicating kiss.

“The pleasure can be yours for at least another year,” Tony’s voice drifted through the open bedroom doorway.

He was fully dressed. Wearing an expensive-looking pair of brown slacks and a Polo shirt, he looked quite serious. Meemee stood there also. Fully dressed in a pretty, flowery dress that enhanced all her feminine curves. It made her look really sharp, yet she had the same serious look on her face as Tony.

For a brief moment embarrassment flushed through her. Both Tony and Meemee had kissed her breasts, suckled her nipples. Her friend had watched as Tony had done intimate things to her.

Both had heard her cries of passion as Sully had made love to her.

However the embarrassment quickly dissipated as she told herself they were all perfectly healthy adults looking to help Sully and her get back together using unconventional means.

“As you know, Jenna, Sully came to the Ménage Club to ask us to help make your relationship last forever.”

She snapped her gaze back to Sully, who smiled and nodded his head.

“The reason he did it was so he could not only get you back into his life but he also wants to learn how to keep you in his life and how to keep you happy. If you wish, we at the Ménage Club will proceed with both of you over the next year until you both are comfortable with your sex lives as well as the rest of your relationship.”

Wow! Getting mind-blowing sex like she’d just experienced with Sully would be awesome. She’d never felt so good. So relaxed. So eager to be with him again.

Unfortunately, the excitement she felt didn’t reflect on his face. He wore the same somber expression as Tony and Meemee.

Her tummy rolled. Obviously, what they were offering her was too good to be true.

“What’s the catch?”

They all smiled and immediately her tenseness evaporated.

Tony held up some papers. “In my hand I have two contracts. One for you. One for Sully. What I am about to ask of you both will require an impulsive answer. There will be no time to discuss it amongst yourselves. Little time to think. Little time to react. Only time for a quick decision based on your primal instincts—instincts that will come straight from your hearts and not from your brains. This decision will be in effect for one year. This contract I am about to ask you to sign is what makes the Ménage Club 100% successful with bringing impossible relationships together.”

“Gosh, you make it sound so serious,” Jenna whispered, suddenly feeling the need to hold Sully’s hand. It was as if he were thinking the same thing and intertwined his fingers with hers. She felt his power soar through her and knew instantly she could handle anything as long as she had Sully with her.

“What’s the question?” Sully asked. His voice was a low whisper tinged with anxiety and hope.

“First, I will give you all the details. Each of you will be asked to sign a contract I am holding. As I mentioned, it will be in effect for one year. You will be asked to remain quiet about this club. Anything that is said here stays here. If you meet someone you feel may benefit from the Club, you do not automatically tell them about this Club nor do you invite them here. First, you must come to one of us and we will discuss it amongst ourselves and give you an answer. Is that understood?”

Both Jenna and Sully nodded.

“Good. Okay, the contract will be between each of you and the Ménage Club. If you sign these papers, then for one year you will come to the Club every night and experience what you’ve experienced here tonight. You will be required to pleasure each other with the help of a third and sometimes a fourth. Sometimes it will be me, sometimes it will be Meemee and then when you are both comfortable, others will also help. We at the Ménage Club each have our own specialties. You will experience them all…if you sign the contract. During the year, if either of you or both of you decide not to pursue your relationship, it will mean you have broken your contract as well as your mate’s contract. This means dire consequences to both of you. It will be in both your interests to not break the contract once it is signed.”

“What’s in the contract, Tony?” Sully asked.

“If you and Jenna sign it, you will in effect be agreeing to what I’ve mentioned. Coming here for a few hours every evening. And I mean every evening. Days and the rest of the nights will belong to the both of you. You will do with that time what you wish. You can see each other or not see each other outside of Club hours. You can fight as much as you wish, but in the end, you must come to the Club and learn to pleasure each other and discuss your relationship and the reasons for your fights with the third and/or fourth assigned to you at that particular time. Statistics have proven that many fights and disagreements between couples have been worked out during their sex sessions. In your case, you will have a third with which to discuss any personal problems.”

“Like our very own marriage counselor?” Jenna asked.

“Exactly,” Tony agreed. “But before you agree, you must also realize you will face many challenges with a third. Questions will arise. Both of you will wonder if the third is a better lover than you are? Is he or she a better conversationalist? A better problem solver? These are just a few of the questions and insecurities. They are perfectly normal. Bring any problems you encounter immediately to light to your partner and with your third. Do not let it fester. You will be much better off in the long run. Trust will be learned and earned during this year. Pleasure will be learned. Our research has indicated that thrusting a third into your particular relationship will eventually allow you to trust each other. We gave you a taste of it tonight.”

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