Pleasure Bound - Complete (76 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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She sighed and frowned as disappointment worked its way through her. “That’s about it. But at the top of the list he definitely has to be a white picket fence kind of guy.”

Meaning a man who wouldn’t run out on her no matter how badly they fought. A man who wouldn’t walk away no matter how many times he said he loved her. A man so unlike Sully.

“He sounds absolutely delicious,” Meemee cooed. “Not many of those types around town these days.”

“Can I get you two ladies anything else?”

Sully Hero’s deep voice sailed through the air and gripped Jenna, heating her pussy so wickedly, she almost moaned aloud. God help her, she always reacted so deliciously toward his masculine voice, even after all this time apart.

“I’d like another beer, Sully.” Meemee grinned. “And please don’t call us ladies. There are no ladies in this booth.”

Sully’s intense green gaze zeroed in on Jenna. “You sure about that?”

Jenna got his meaning loud and clear. As far as he was concerned, she was a pure lady, no wildcat in her.

“So, Sully,” Meems said apparently noticing the tension burning through the air. “Take a look at this ad Jen and I are working on. Give us a man’s opinion. If you saw it in the newspaper, would you answer it?”

Horrified, Jenna helplessly watched as Meemee, with a sly grin plastered across her face, handed Sully the napkin with the ad on it.

Meems had set her up! Bitch!

“A Hero Wanted,” Sully read, and cocked an eyebrow at Jenna.

“Jenna came up with that one.”

“She did, did she?” His hot look rammed her and ripped her breath away.

“Actually, the ad is hers,” Meemee admitted, and winked at Jenna.             

Satisfied pleasure zipped through her as his eyes widened. Obviously he was shocked at what Meemee had written for her, proving yet again his opinion about her being straightlaced hadn’t changed.

“The ad is private. If you wouldn’t mind…” Jenna said coolly and held out her hand, expecting him to give the napkin back, but he ignored her and kept reading.

“White picket fence-type, old-fashioned gal needs a man who loves to walk in the rain…” He continued on in silence then cleared his throat, and said in a somewhat strangled voice, “Must be well-hung. Eight inches at least.”

Oh, heavens! Was this embarrassing or what? Was he remembering the one time she’d mustered up the courage to measure Sully’s cock just for fun? He’d been exactly eight glorious inches long and two inches thick.

She threw Meemee a hateful glance. A look that promised her best friend she was in big trouble. Meemee, however, seemed unfazed and smiled.

Damn her!

“Sex toys, huh?” Interest tinged Sully’s voice.

Heat sparked her cheeks and curled like wildfire through her from tip to toes.

Oh, boy, it was getting too hot in here. She needed another beer. An ice-cold one. A frozen one would be even better. Then she could roll the frosty bottle over her suddenly too-tight breasts and aching nipples. Not to mention sliding it against her suddenly feverish pussy.

But until that could happen, she’d settle for grabbing her ice water glass and resting it against her flaming cheeks. She eyed the glass on the table and the delicious-looking, half-melted ice cubes floating around at the top, resisting the urge to dip her finger inside, grab a cube and run it between her hot pussy lips.

“Someone to teach you to be sexually adventurous?”

There was that tinge of surprise in his voice again. A sudden inhalation of his breath as he continued. “Romance, light bondage, anal…”

He stopped—obviously he was reading the “ménages are welcome” part.

Would he think she was being too promiscuous by mentioning all those things? Or would he take the hint that she was now interested in being with him and willing to join the Ménage Club to fix their nonexistent relationship?

Her face grew hotter.

“So? What do you think, Sully?” Meemee asked, thankfully coming to her rescue. The tone of her voice sounded so sweetly innocent, as if she hadn’t set the whole thing up.

“I’m sure there would be lots of guys answering this type of ad,” Sully replied, and placed the napkin in front of Jenna. She didn’t hesitate to snap it up and crunch it in her hand, hiding it from his smoldering gaze.

“You sound like every guy’s wet-dream girl…but can you deliver if someone answers the ad?” he asked.

His bold question made her stiffen in her seat. The son of a bitch had just insulted her by insinuating she wouldn’t deliver.

She forced herself to relax. Sully had no intention of answering her ad—he was too busy flirting with his big-boobed, leggy, blonde bitch clients at the bar.

“Oh, I’m sure whoever answers my ad will be quite satisfied,” Jenna purred, enjoying the wild spark flaring in his eyes. “It’s just too bad my hero hasn’t come along yet. He’s missing out on a lot.”

“Perhaps,” Meemee broke in softly as she thoughtfully fingered the mouth of her almost empty beer bottle, “her hero is standing right beneath her nose and she doesn’t even know it yet?”

Good one, Meems.
She threw Meemee another hateful glance. The last complication she needed in her life was sexy Sully Hero. He would have her in his bed twenty-four/seven just as he’d tried to do years ago. Not that she would necessarily mind this time around. This time she didn’t have her overly protective grandparents waiting for her to come home. They’d always asked her where she’d been and what she’d been doing. Her relationship with her grandparents hadn’t been an open one about sex, so she’d always lied and said she’d been out with Meemee. Although she’d been twenty at the time when she’d met Sully, she’d still been living with her grandparents and feeling it was her duty to help her grandmother take care of her grandfather after he’d suffered a devastating stroke several years prior.

Now as he stood beside the table, she eagerly awaiting his answer. None came as a pretty, long-legged blonde waitress suddenly interrupted them.

God! What was it with Sully and all these blonde women?

“Boss, the cook is threatening to quit again,” she said in a flirty voice.

Sully looked as if he might say something to Jenna and she held her breath, anxiously waiting like a pathetic dog for him to give her a glimmer of hope that they just might have another chance. Instead, he simply nodded and left with the waitress.

Meemee slapped her hands onto the table in front of her and shook her head with wonder at her.

“Shit, Jenna. He is so fucking hot! Why did you let him go?”

“Meems, please, I already told you why we split up.”

“Yeah, I know you said it was all those fights you two had. For instance,
hang-up about your weight—
insane jealousy about other women who looked at him—
inability to enjoy sex without feeling a tad guilty whenever he wanted to try anything but the missionary position. But Sully came back
, Jenna, after saying he’d never come back. And he even bought the bar. Maybe he came back for you?”

“You’re dreaming, Meems. He didn’t come back for me.”

If he had, he would have approached her by now. Wouldn’t he?

“Then why would he come back here of all places? Why return to the one place he swore he’d never come back to when you two broke up?”

She’d been thinking about that herself. “I’m sure his reasons are personal.”


“I mean it is none of our business why he came back here, understand?”

“Loud and clear.” Meemee grinned wickedly. She sucked back the last of her beer, leaving Jenna with the idea her friend had something else up her sleeve. Something she wasn’t going to like.

* * * * *

Hero Wanted

White picket fence-type, old-fashioned gal needs a man who loves to walk in the rain.
Must be well-hung. At least eight inches long. Two inches thick. Sharp green eyes. Clean-cut. Dark brown, short hair…a homebody, white picket fence type of guy.

Sexual requirements—gentle yet untamed lover. Sexually adventurous who will train to be same.

Must be romantic, enjoy sex toys, into anal play, interested in mutual light bondage, ménages are welcome.

Sully lifted the crinkled napkin off the night table from where he’d left it before taking his cold shower and pressed it against his nostrils, inhaling Jenna’s sweet, seductive scent. His heart picked up speed and his shaft hardened with exquisite need.

Christ! Her feminine aroma always did that to him. Always made his mind whirl out of control, made him want to tangle his fingers through her luscious hair, made him want to stare into her bright blue, sparkling eyes that reminded him of storm clouds every time they’d fought—and they’d fought a lot.

Nonetheless he’d never gotten enough of staring into her eyes. Never got tired of stroking his hands along her voluptuous, silky, plus-size curves and sinking his fingers into her fleshy hips when he thrust his cock into her tight pussy.

She made him want to explore her every curvy crevice. Taste every part of her. Tonight at the bar he’d watched her perfectly shaped eyebrows arch with irritation as he’d read her Hero Wanted ad. He’d wanted to grab her, tug her upstairs, throw her on his bed and lose himself inside her tight pussy. Just as he’d been able to do in the past.

Being away from her had been hell. He’d found that fact out shortly after he’d left her.

Even with NASA inventing spaceships that could use small amounts of hydrogen to fuel rockets into exploring space, allowing him to travel extensively throughout the galaxy and do what he’d always dreamed of doing, he’d missed her. The new, safe rockets as well as the invention of hyperspace travel had made it easy for NASA to put out the call for men and women who were interested in space exploration to join the NASA team of astronauts. Training was minimal, training pay fantastic and the computers took care of everything on the spaceships. All he had to do was make sure the cameras recorded everywhere he went on the planets.

Although training was exciting and the subsequent contract of space exploration had been intriguing, he hadn’t been able to get Jenna MacLean out of his mind. He’d barely gotten through the past four years without wanting to pick up the phone every day and talk to her and tell her he still loved her but, of course, that had been out of the question. They’d broken up and the last things they’d said to each other hadn’t been pretty.

Recently, when a plum, top secret NASA assignment to explore the newly discovered planet named Paradise using a highly specialized warp speed, hydrogen spaceship was dropped in his and his cousins’ laps, he’d backed out at the last minute—backing out and coming back to Hideaway to plunge his entire life savings into this bar and secure the assistance of Tony and his Ménage Club to help him get Jenna back.

He blew out a frustrated breath as he drew the scented napkin away from his face and once again read the scribbled words.

The physical description on the ad was definitely him, but what about the rest? Had the two women simply been goofing around? Or had Jenna left it on the booth table for him to find on purpose? Or maybe she’d simply forgotten to take it along with her after the girls had left?

Jenna wanted a white picket fence kind of guy. By purchasing this bar and preparing the apartment upstairs, would she consider him white picket fence material? Would she ever trust him not to leave her again? He’d seen the pain, the hurt in her eyes every time she looked at him.

The mistrust made his gut twist in agony. So much so, he couldn’t even bring himself to apologize to her.

Could he trust himself not to impulsively take off again if things didn’t work out between them? Jenna had a jealousy streak that had made them fight like cats and dogs. He knew it stemmed from her insecurity of being overweight and the fact that he had tons of women who were his friends. But that’s all they were—friends.

She hadn’t been able to get used to the idea that he wanted
. Only her. No matter how many times he’d told her he’d always been physically attracted to plus-size women, the green-eyed monster of jealousy had just sat between them.

He’d watched Jenna tonight. Snuck peeks at her as one of the women from the Club had flirted with him. He’d seen the way Jenna’s blue eyes had sparked with that familiar anger when she’d looked his way. Obviously her jealousy hadn’t changed. If they got back together, it would only be a matter of time before they were fighting again. It would just be the same old song and dance. Fights just weren’t his cup of tea.

One thing he knew for sure though, he wanted Jenna with his very heart and soul.

One thing he didn’t know for sure was had he done the right thing in asking for help from the Ménage Club without asking her first?

He eyed the phone and resisted the impulse to pick up the receiver, call her and ask if she was still as interested in him as he was in her.

Maybe he should just throw the want ad napkin away? Maybe he should just sell the bar and get the hell out of town?

Maybe he should just go and take another cold shower.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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