Read Programming Python Online

Authors: Mark Lutz

Tags: #COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python

Programming Python (219 page)

shell variables,
“I’d Like to Have an Argument, Please”
Shell Environment Variables
Fetching Shell Variables
Changing Shell Variables
Shell Variable Fine Points: Parents, putenv, and getenv
Wrapping C Environment Calls
Wrapping C Environment Calls with SWIG
“I’d Like to Have an Argument, Please”
Changing Shell Variables
Shell Environment Variables
environment settings,
Shell Variable Fine Points: Parents, putenv, and getenv
Fetching Shell Variables
wrapping calls,
Wrapping C Environment Calls
Wrapping C Environment Calls with SWIG
ShellGui tool,
ShellGui: GUIs for Command-Line Tools
A Generic Shell-Tools Display
A Generic Shell-Tools Display
Application-Specific Tool Set Classes
Adding GUI Frontends to Command Lines
Room for improvement
Non-GUI scripts
Non-GUI scripts
GUI input dialogs
GUI input dialogs
adding GUI frontends to command lines,
Adding GUI Frontends to Command Lines
Room for improvement
application-specific tool set classes,
Application-Specific Tool Set Classes
ShellGui: GUIs for Command-Line Tools
generic shell-tools display,
A Generic Shell-Tools Display
A Generic Shell-Tools Display
GUI input dialogs,
GUI input dialogs
GUI input dialogs
non-GUI scripts,
Non-GUI scripts
Non-GUI scripts
shelve files,
Persistence Options in Python
Shelve Files
Using Shelves
Using Shelves
Storing Built-in Object Types in Shelves
Storing Class Instances in Shelves
Storing Class Instances in Shelves
Changing Classes of Objects Stored in Shelves
Shelve Constraints
Underlying DBM format portability
changing classes of objects,
Changing Classes of Objects Stored in Shelves
Shelve Constraints
Underlying DBM format portability
Persistence Options in Python
Shelve Files
standard operations,
Using Shelves
storing built-in object types,
Storing Built-in Object Types in Shelves
storing class instances,
Storing Class Instances in Shelves
Storing Class Instances in Shelves
usage considerations,
Using Shelves
shelve module,
Dictionaries of dictionaries
Using Shelves
Using Shelves
Using Shelves
A Console Shelve Interface
A Console Shelve Interface
A GUI Shelve Interface
Future directions
A Web-Based Shelve Interface
Future directions
Ideas for Improvement
Shelve Files
Using Shelves
Using Shelves
Objects are unique only within a key
Updates must treat shelves as fetch-modify-store
console interface,
A Console Shelve Interface
A Console Shelve Interface
dictionary-of-dictionaries format and,
Dictionaries of dictionaries
Using Shelves
Using Shelves
GUI interface,
A GUI Shelve Interface
Future directions
open method,
Using Shelves
pickle support and,
Shelve Files
PyMailGUI program and,
Ideas for Improvement
unique objects and,
Objects are unique only within a key
usage considerations,
Using Shelves
web-based interfaces,
A Web-Based Shelve Interface
Future directions
writeback argument,
Using Shelves
Updates must treat shelves as fetch-modify-store
shutil module,
Python System Modules
Other os module file tools
additional information,
Other os module file tools
Python System Modules
signal handlers,
Preventing zombies with signal handlers on Linux
Preventing zombies with signal handlers on Linux
signal module,
Python System Modules
alarm function,
Python System Modules
pause function,
signal function,
Interprocess Communication
Interprocess Communication
Silverlight framework,
Python GUI Development Options
SimpleEditor class,
Adding Text-Editing Operations
Using the clipboard
Composition versus inheritance
It’s called “Simple” for a reason: PyEdit (ahead)
clipboard support,
Using the clipboard
Adding Text-Editing Operations
inheritance support,
Composition versus inheritance
It’s called “Simple” for a reason: PyEdit (ahead)
SIP system,
Other Extending Tools
Smalltalk language,
Enter Python
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol),
SMTP: Sending Email
SMTP Mail Sender Script
Sending Email at the Interactive Prompt
Manipulating both From and To
Sending Email at the Interactive Prompt
Sending Mail by SMTP
Using the Send Mail Script Outside a Browser
date formatting standard,
Manipulating both From and To
mail sender script,
SMTP Mail Sender Script
Sending Email at the Interactive Prompt
SMTP: Sending Email
PyMailCGI program,
Sending Mail by SMTP
Using the Send Mail Script Outside a Browser
sending email at interactive prompt,
Sending Email at the Interactive Prompt
smtplib module,
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Unicode in Python 3.X and Email Tools
SMTP: Sending Email
A Console-Based Email Client
Sending Email and Attachments
Ideas for Improvement
Implementation Overview
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Unicode in Python 3.X and Email Tools
SMTP: Sending Email
pymail script and,
A Console-Based Email Client
PyMailCGI program and,
Implementation Overview
PyMailGUI program and,
Sending Email and Attachments
Ideas for Improvement
smtpmail script,
SMTP Mail Sender Script
Sending Email at the Interactive Prompt
Python Internet Development Options
Persistence Options in Python
Using Object Pickling
Other Integration Topics
integration considerations,
Other Integration Topics
persistence options,
Persistence Options in Python
pickled objects and,
Using Object Pickling
Web services support,
Python Internet Development Options
socket module,
Python System Modules
Sockets: A First Look
Socket use cases
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Socket Programming
Binding reserved port servers
Python System Modules
Sockets: A First Look
Socket use cases
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Socket Programming
Binding reserved port servers
socket objects,
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Server socket calls
Server socket calls
Server socket calls
Client socket calls
Client socket calls
Client socket calls
Running the select server
Making Sockets Look Like Files and Streams
bind method,
Server socket calls
close method,
Client socket calls
connect method,
Client socket calls
Server socket calls
listen method,
Server socket calls
makefile method,
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Making Sockets Look Like Files and Streams
send method,
Client socket calls
setblocking method,
Running the select server
Interprocess Communication
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Socket basics
Socket basics
Sockets and independent programs
Socket use cases
Adding a GUI As a Separate Program: Sockets (A Second
Adding a GUI As a Separate Program: Sockets (A Second
Sockets and pipes: Compare and contrast
What we will cover
Python Internet Development Options
The Socket Layer
Machine identifiers
Socket Programming
Socket Basics
Client socket calls
Server socket calls
Server socket calls
Transferring byte strings and objects
Client socket calls
Running Socket Programs Locally
Running Socket Programs Remotely
Socket pragmatics
Socket pragmatics
Spawning Clients in Parallel
Preview: Denied client connections
Talking to Reserved Ports
Binding reserved port servers
Forked processes and sockets
Making Sockets Look Like Files and Streams
Sockets versus command pipes
Sockets versus command pipes
basic functionality,
Socket basics
Socket basics
The Socket Layer
Socket Basics
Client socket calls
client calls,
Client socket calls
command pipes and,
Sockets versus command pipes
Interprocess Communication
What we will cover
development options,
Python Internet Development Options
forked processes and,
Forked processes and sockets
independent programs and,
Sockets and independent programs
looking like files and streams,
Making Sockets Look Like Files and Streams
Sockets versus command pipes
machine identifiers,
Machine identifiers
output stream buffering and,
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
pipes and,
Sockets and pipes: Compare and contrast
practical usage considerations,
Socket pragmatics
programming support,
Socket Programming
running programs locally,
Running Socket Programs Locally
running programs remotely,
Running Socket Programs Remotely
Socket pragmatics
server calls,
Server socket calls
Server socket calls
spawning clients in parallel,
Spawning Clients in Parallel
Preview: Denied client connections
spawning GUI as separate programs,
Adding a GUI As a Separate Program: Sockets (A Second
Adding a GUI As a Separate Program: Sockets (A Second
talking to reserved ports,
Talking to Reserved Ports
Binding reserved port servers
transferring byte strings/objects,
Transferring byte strings and objects
use cases,
Socket use cases
socketserver module,
Running a Web Server
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Standard Library Server Classes
sorted function,
Coding alternatives for adders and sorters
source code lines, counting,
Counting Source Code Lines (Visitor)
Sending Messages
Ideas for Improvement
SPARK toolkit,
Advanced Language Tools
spawned programs,
Changing Shell Variables
Adding a GUI As a Separate Program: Sockets (A Second
Adding a GUI As a Separate Program: Sockets (A Second
Adding a GUI As a Separate Program: Command Pipes
Other uses for threaded pipe GUIs
Spawning Clients in Parallel
Preview: Denied client connections

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