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Authors: Mark Lutz

Tags: #COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python

Programming Python (222 page)

Adding Pictures and Generating Tables
Table tags
Using Tables to Lay Out Forms
Debugging CGI scripts
Persistence Options in Python
Making databases and tables
Using table descriptions
Loading Database Tables from Files
Python versus SQL
Table load scripts
Table display script
Table display script
creating with SQLite,
Making databases and tables
description considerations,
Using table descriptions
Adding Pictures and Generating Tables
Table tags
laying out forms,
Using Tables to Lay Out Forms
Debugging CGI scripts
loading from files,
Loading Database Tables from Files
Python versus SQL
ORM support,
Persistence Options in Python
table display script,
Table display script
Table display script
table load script,
Table load scripts
Text tags
Advanced Text and Tag Operations
Canvas object tags
Table tags
Submission page
More on form tags
Advanced Text and Tag Operations
Submission page
More on form tags
Canvas object tags
Table tags
Text tags
Tcl language,
Python/tkinter for Tcl/Tk Converts
Enter Python
Telnet service,
Transferring Directories with ftplib
POP: Fetching Email
telnetlib module,
Python’s Internet Library Modules
tempfile module,
Python System Modules
Writing CGI Scripts in Python
Other Approaches
Templating with Replacements and Formats
server-side languages supporting,
Writing CGI Scripts in Python
Other Approaches
with replacements and formats,
Templating with Replacements and Formats
testparser module,
The Expression Grammar
Adding a Parse Tree Interpreter
text files,
The File Object Model in Python 3.X
Binary and Text Files
Unicode encodings for text files
Unicode encodings for text files
End-of-line translations for text files
End-of-line translations for text files
Unicode and the Text Widget
Supporting Unicode in PyEdit (ahead)
Text-mode files and buffered output streams
buffered output streams and,
Text-mode files and buffered output streams
end-of-line translations,
End-of-line translations for text files
End-of-line translations for text files
Unicode encoding and,
The File Object Model in Python 3.X
Binary and Text Files
Unicode encodings for text files
Unicode encodings for text files
Unicode and the Text Widget
Supporting Unicode in PyEdit (ahead)
text payload encodings,
Text payload encodings: Handling mixed type results
Text payload encodings: Using header information to
Unicode decoding for text part payloads and message
text processing and language analysis,
Strategies for Processing Text in Python
String Method Utilities
More on the holmes expert system shell
Regular Expression Pattern Matching
Scanning C Header Files for Patterns
XML and HTML Parsing
Extracting plain text from HTML (revisited)
Advanced Language Tools
Adding new buttons in new components
Custom Language Parsers
Parsers Versus Python
PyCalc: A Calculator Program/Object
advanced language tools,
Advanced Language Tools
Adding new buttons in new components
custom language parsers,
Custom Language Parsers
Parsers Versus Python
PyCalc program,
PyCalc: A Calculator Program/Object
regular expressions,
Regular Expression Pattern Matching
Scanning C Header Files for Patterns
strategies for,
Strategies for Processing Text in Python
string method utilities,
String Method Utilities
More on the holmes expert system shell
XML and HTML parsing,
XML and HTML Parsing
Extracting plain text from HTML (revisited)
Text widget class,
The End of the Tutorial
Programming Scroll Bars
Programming Scroll Bars
Programming Scroll Bars
Programming Scroll Bars
Programming the Text Widget
Text tags
Text indexes
Text marks
Text tags
Text tags
Text tags
Text tags
Text tags
Text tags
Adding Text-Editing Operations
It’s called “Simple” for a reason: PyEdit (ahead)
Unicode and the Text Widget
Supporting Unicode in PyEdit (ahead)
Advanced Text and Tag Operations
Advanced Text and Tag Operations
Advanced Text and Tag Operations
Handling HTML Content in Email
Ideas for Improvement
advanced operations,
Advanced Text and Tag Operations
Advanced Text and Tag Operations
The End of the Tutorial
get method,
Text tags
index support,
Text indexes
mark_set method,
Text marks
Programming the Text Widget
Text tags
PyMailGUI program and,
Handling HTML Content in Email
Ideas for Improvement
search method,
Text tags
tag support,
Text tags
tag_add method,
Text tags
tag_bind method,
Advanced Text and Tag Operations
tag_delete method,
Text tags
tag_remove method,
Text tags
text-editing operations,
Adding Text-Editing Operations
It’s called “Simple” for a reason: PyEdit (ahead)
Unicode and,
Unicode and the Text Widget
Supporting Unicode in PyEdit (ahead)
xscrollcommand option,
Programming Scroll Bars
xview method,
Programming Scroll Bars
yscrollcommand option,
Programming Scroll Bars
yview method,
Programming Scroll Bars
text-mode transfers,
Uploading Site Directories
this module,
The End of the Demo
Thread class,
The threading Module
_thread module,
Python System Modules
Basic usage
Basic usage
Basic usage
Other ways to code threads with _thread
Running multiple threads
Running multiple threads
Synchronizing access to shared objects and names
Synchronizing access to shared objects and names
Synchronizing access to shared objects and names
Waiting for spawned thread exits
Waiting for spawned thread exits
Coding alternatives: busy loops, arguments, and context
Coding alternatives: busy loops, arguments, and context
allocate_lock function,
Synchronizing access to shared objects and names
basic usage,
Basic usage
Basic usage
coding alternatives,
Coding alternatives: busy loops, arguments, and context
Coding alternatives: busy loops, arguments, and context
Python System Modules
running multiple threads,
Running multiple threads
Running multiple threads
start_new_thread function,
Basic usage
synchronizing access,
Synchronizing access to shared objects and names
Synchronizing access to shared objects and names
waiting for spawned thread exits,
Waiting for spawned thread exits
Waiting for spawned thread exits
ways to code threads,
Other ways to code threads with _thread
threading module,
Python System Modules
The threading Module
The threading Module
Other ways to code threads with threading
Synchronizing access to shared objects and names
Synchronizing access to shared objects and names
Preview: GUIs and Threads
Thread exits in GUIs
Python System Modules
The threading Module
The threading Module
synchronizing access,
Synchronizing access to shared objects and names
Synchronizing access to shared objects and names
thread exits in GUIs,
Thread exits in GUIs
timer function,
Preview: GUIs and Threads
ways to code threads,
Other ways to code threads with threading
“Telling the Monkeys What to Do”
The _thread Module
Coding alternatives: busy loops, arguments, and context
The threading Module
Synchronizing access to shared objects and names
The queue Module
Running the script
Preview: GUIs and Threads
Preview: GUIs and Threads
More on the Global Interpreter Lock
A process-based alternative: multiprocessing (ahead)
Thread Exits and Shared State
Thread Exits and Shared State
Thread Exits and Shared State
Thread Exits and Shared State
Anonymous pipes and threads
Using Threads with tkinter GUIs
Using Threads with tkinter GUIs
Using multiple time.sleep loop threads
Threads and animation
Thread exits in GUIs
Updating GUIs within threads…and other nonsolutions
New Grep dialog: Threaded and Unicode-aware file tree
Grep threading model
Threading Servers
Threading Servers
New in Version 3.0 (Fourth Edition)
Threading Model
Threading model implementation
advantages using,
animation and,
Threads and animation
anonymous pipes and,
Anonymous pipes and threads
exit considerations,
Thread Exits and Shared State
Thread Exits and Shared State
Thread exits in GUIs
global interpreter lock and,
More on the Global Interpreter Lock
A process-based alternative: multiprocessing (ahead)
GUIs and,
Preview: GUIs and Threads
Preview: GUIs and Threads
Using Threads with tkinter GUIs
Using Threads with tkinter GUIs
Updating GUIs within threads…and other nonsolutions
potential usage downsides,
PyEdit text editor,
New Grep dialog: Threaded and Unicode-aware file tree
Grep threading model
PyMailGUI program and,
New in Version 3.0 (Fourth Edition)
Threading Model
Threading model implementation
queue module,
The queue Module
Running the script
servers and,
Threading Servers
Threading Servers
shared state,
Thread Exits and Shared State
Thread Exits and Shared State
“Telling the Monkeys What to Do”
_thread module,
The _thread Module
Coding alternatives: busy loops, arguments, and context
threading module,
The threading Module
Synchronizing access to shared objects and names
time.sleep loops,
Using multiple time.sleep loop threads
Creating Image Thumbnails with PIL
Scrolling and canvases (ahead)
Scrollable Canvases and Image Thumbnails
Scrolling images too: PyPhoto (ahead)
Scrolling images too: PyPhoto (ahead)
(see also PyPhoto image program)
Creating Image Thumbnails with PIL
Scrolling and canvases (ahead)
scrollable canvases and,
Scrollable Canvases and Image Thumbnails
Scrolling images too: PyPhoto (ahead)
time module,
Python System Modules
Forking Processes
Simple Animation Techniques
Using time.sleep loops
Using time.sleep loops
Using multiple time.sleep loop threads

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