Read Programming Python Online

Authors: Mark Lutz

Tags: #COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python

Programming Python (223 page)

Python System Modules
sleep call,
Forking Processes
Simple Animation Techniques
Using time.sleep loops
Using time.sleep loops
Using multiple time.sleep loop threads
timeit module,
Python System Modules
timer objects,
Preview: GUIs and Threads
Tix extension toolkit,
Python GUI Development Options
tkinter Extensions
Ideas for Improvement
Python GUI Development Options
tkinter Extensions
HList widget,
Ideas for Improvement
Tk GUI library,
Python/tkinter for Tcl/Tk Converts
Tk widget class,
tkinter Coding Alternatives
The End of the Tutorial
Toplevel and Tk Widgets
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Menus
Top-Level Window Menus
coding example,
tkinter Coding Alternatives
destroy method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
exporting methods,
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
The End of the Tutorial
Toplevel and Tk Widgets
iconbitmap method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
iconify method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
maxsize method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
menu option,
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Menus
Top-Level Window Menus
protocol method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
quit method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
title method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
withdraw method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
tkinter module,
GUI Basics
GUI Basics
Preview: GUIs and Threads
Python GUI Development Options
tkinter Pragmatics
tkinter Documentation
tkinter Extensions
tkinter Extensions
Implementation structure
Programming structure
tkinter Coding Basics
Geometry Managers
tkinter Coding Alternatives
tkinter Coding Alternatives
Configuring Widget Options and Window Titles
Configuring Widget Options and Window Titles
Standalone Container Classes
The End of the Tutorial
Time Tools, Threads, and Animation
Other Widgets and Options
Where to Go from Here
(see also specific widget classes; widgets)
after method,
Preview: GUIs and Threads
coding alternatives,
tkinter Coding Alternatives
tkinter Coding Alternatives
coding basics,
tkinter Coding Basics
configuring window titles,
Configuring Widget Options and Window Titles
createfilehandler tool,
Time Tools, Threads, and Animation
tkinter Documentation
Where to Go from Here
extensions supported,
tkinter Extensions
tkinter Extensions
Other Widgets and Options
GUI Basics
GUI Basics
Python GUI Development Options
tkinter Pragmatics
geometry managers,
Geometry Managers
implementation structure,
Implementation structure
programming structure,
Programming structure
underscore character,
Standalone Container Classes
widget classes supported,
The End of the Tutorial
TkinterTreectrl third-party extension,
Ideas for Improvement
Windows with Both Menus and Toolbars
Windows with Both Menus and Toolbars
Using images in toolbars, too
Using images in toolbars, too
GuiMaker: Automating Menus and Toolbars
BigGui: A Client Demo Program
PyDemos Launcher Bar (Mostly External)
PyDemos Launcher Bar (Mostly External)
PyGadgets Launcher Bar
PyGadgets Launcher Bar
This Chapter’s Strategy
This Chapter’s Strategy
Menus and toolbars
Multiple Windows and Status Messages
Multiple Windows and Status Messages
GuiMaker: Automating Menus and Toolbars
BigGui: A Client Demo Program
displaying in windows,
Windows with Both Menus and Toolbars
Windows with Both Menus and Toolbars
images in,
Using images in toolbars, too
Using images in toolbars, too
PyDemos Launcher Bar (Mostly External)
PyDemos Launcher Bar (Mostly External)
This Chapter’s Strategy
Multiple Windows and Status Messages
PyEdit text editor,
Menus and toolbars
PyGadgets Launcher Bar
PyGadgets Launcher Bar
This Chapter’s Strategy
Multiple Windows and Status Messages
Toplevel widget class,
The End of the Tutorial
Top-Level Windows
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Protocols
Custom Dialogs
Independent Windows
Top-Level Window Menus
Top-Level Window Menus
Hiding and redrawing widgets and windows
Hiding and redrawing widgets and windows
Hiding and redrawing widgets and windows
Hiding and redrawing widgets and windows
Hiding and redrawing widgets and windows
Wrapping Up Top-Level Window Interfaces
Wrapping Up Top-Level Window Interfaces
automating building windows,
Wrapping Up Top-Level Window Interfaces
Wrapping Up Top-Level Window Interfaces
custom dialogs,
Custom Dialogs
deiconify method,
Hiding and redrawing widgets and windows
destroy method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
dialogs and,
The End of the Tutorial
Top-Level Windows
Top-Level Window Protocols
iconbitmap method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
iconify method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
Hiding and redrawing widgets and windows
independent windows,
Independent Windows
lift method,
Hiding and redrawing widgets and windows
maxsize method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
menu option,
Top-Level Window Protocols
Top-Level Window Menus
Top-Level Window Menus
protocol method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
quit method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
state method,
Hiding and redrawing widgets and windows
title method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
withdraw method,
Top-Level Window Protocols
Hiding and redrawing widgets and windows
traceback module,
Exception Details
Debugging CGI scripts
Error Pages
The Mail Selection List Page
CGI scripts and,
Debugging CGI scripts
Exception Details
PyMailCGI program and,
Error Pages
The Mail Selection List Page
transferring directories,
Transferring Directories with ftplib
Refactoring with classes
transferring directory trees,
Transferring Directory Trees with ftplib
Downloading Remote Trees
transferring files,
FTP: Transferring Files over the Net
Transferring Files with ftplib
Adding a User Interface
Using urllib to Download Files
Using urllib to Download Files
Transferring Files to Clients and Servers
More Than One Way to Push Bits over the Net
to clients and
Transferring Files to Clients and Servers
More Than One Way to Push Bits over the Net
over the Internet,
FTP: Transferring Files over the Net
Using urllib to Download Files
Using urllib to Download Files
with ftplib,
Transferring Files with ftplib
Adding a User Interface
Trigger_Event function,
Registration Implementation
try/finally statement,
Ensuring file closure: Exception handlers and context
ttk extension toolkit,
Python GUI Development Options
tkinter Extensions
tuple tree stacks,
Optimization: Tuple Tree Stacks
Optimization: Tuple Tree Stacks
Turbo Gears tool collection,
Python Internet Development Options
Twisted framework,
Python System Modules
Python Internet Development Options
Running the select server
Python System Modules
Python Internet Development Options
server options,
Running the select server
type command (Windows),
What’s a shell command?
underscore (_),
Standalone Container Classes
Unicode encoding,
Other String Concepts in Python 3.X: Unicode and bytes
The File Object Model in Python 3.X
Binary and Text Files
Unicode encodings for text files
Unicode encodings for text files
Handling Unicode Filenames in 3.X: listdir, walk, glob
Unicode policies: File content versus file names
Unicode policies: File content versus file names
Printing Unicode Filenames
Printing Unicode Filenames
Unicode and the Text Widget
Supporting Unicode in PyEdit (ahead)
New Grep dialog: Threaded and Unicode-aware file tree
Grep Unicode model
Unicode (Internationalized) text support
Unicode options and choices
Unicode in Python 3.X and Email Tools
Unicode, Internationalization, and the Python 3.1 email
Parser decoding requirement
Parser decoding requirement
Text payload encodings: Handling mixed type results
Text payload encodings: Using header information to
Message header encodings: email package support
Message header encodings: email package support
Message address header encodings and parsing, and header
Message address header encodings and parsing, and header
Workaround: Message text generation for binary attachment
payloads is broken
Workaround: Message text generation for binary attachment
payloads is broken
Workaround: Message composition for non-ASCII text parts is
Workaround: Message composition for non-ASCII text parts is
Unicode issues for attachments, save files, and headers
Unicode decoding for full mail text on fetches
Unicode decoding for text part payloads and message
Version 3.0 Unicode support policies
Version 3.0 Unicode support policies
Ideas for Improvement
Implementation Overview
The Send Mail Script
Using Shelves
Strategies for Processing Text in Python
additional information,
Strategies for Processing Text in Python
DBM files and,
Using Shelves
email and,
Unicode in Python 3.X and Email Tools
email package limitations overview,
Unicode, Internationalization, and the Python 3.1 email
file policies,
Unicode policies: File content versus file names
handling filenames,
Handling Unicode Filenames in 3.X: listdir, walk, glob
Unicode policies: File content versus file names
Internationalized headers,
Message header encodings: email package support
Message header encodings: email package support
mailtools utility package,
Unicode issues for attachments, save files, and headers
Unicode decoding for full mail text on fetches
Unicode decoding for text part payloads and message
message address headers,
Message address header encodings and parsing, and header
Message address header encodings and parsing, and header
message composition issues,
Workaround: Message composition for non-ASCII text parts is
Workaround: Message composition for non-ASCII text parts is
message text generation issues,
Workaround: Message text generation for binary attachment
payloads is broken
Workaround: Message text generation for binary attachment
payloads is broken
Other String Concepts in Python 3.X: Unicode and bytes
Binary and Text Files
Unicode encodings for text files
Unicode encodings for text files
parser decoding requirement,
Parser decoding requirement
Parser decoding requirement
printing filenames,
Printing Unicode Filenames
Printing Unicode Filenames
PyEdit text editor,
New Grep dialog: Threaded and Unicode-aware file tree
Grep Unicode model
Unicode (Internationalized) text support
Unicode options and choices
PyMailCGI program and,
Implementation Overview
The Send Mail Script
PyMailGUI program and,
Version 3.0 Unicode support policies
Version 3.0 Unicode support policies
Ideas for Improvement
text files and,
The File Object Model in Python 3.X
text payload encodings,
Text payload encodings: Handling mixed type results
Text payload encodings: Using header information to
Text widget and,
Unicode and the Text Widget
Supporting Unicode in PyEdit (ahead)
unique function,
Finding Directory Differences
unittest framework,
Running the Test Driver
Unix platforms,
Shell command limitations
Parsing Command-Line Arguments
Redirecting Streams to Files and Programs
Forking Processes
Greps and Globs and Finds
Python GUI Development Options
Preventing zombies with signal handlers on Linux
Preventing zombies with signal handlers on Linux
HTML file permission constraints
changing permissions,
HTML file permission constraints
executable scripts,
Parsing Command-Line Arguments
find shell command,
Greps and Globs and Finds
forking support,
Forking Processes
preventing zombies,
Preventing zombies with signal handlers on Linux
Preventing zombies with signal handlers on Linux
programming user interfaces,
Python GUI Development Options
redirecting streams,
Redirecting Streams to Files and Programs
shell command limitations,
Shell command limitations
urllib module,
Using Query Strings and urllib
Using Query Strings and urllib
Using urllib to Download Files
Using urllib to Download Files
The urllib Package Revisited
Invoking programs and escaping text
Other urllib Interfaces
Implementation Overview
CGI script support,
Using Query Strings and urllib
Using Query Strings and urllib
client-side scripting,
The urllib Package Revisited
Invoking programs and escaping text
downloading files,
Using urllib to Download Files
Using urllib to Download Files
PyMailCGI program and,
Implementation Overview
urlretrieve interface,
Other urllib Interfaces
urllib.parse module,
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Invoking programs and escaping text
Writing CGI Scripts in Python
Internet addresses (URLs)
Python HTML and URL Escape Tools
Avoiding conflicts
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
CGI scripts and,
Writing CGI Scripts in Python
Python’s Internet Library Modules
invoking programs,
Invoking programs and escaping text
PyMailCGI program and,
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
quote_plus function,
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
URL escapes,
Python HTML and URL Escape Tools
Avoiding conflicts
URL formatting,
Internet addresses (URLs)
urlencode function,
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
urllib.request module,
Python Internet Development Options
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Using urllib to Download Files
The urllib Package Revisited
Running Server-Side Examples
Testing outside browsers with the module urllib.request
Testing outside browsers with the module urllib.request
Testing outside browsers with the module urllib.request
HTTP “Cookies”
Handling cookies with the urllib.request module
Running This Chapter’s Examples
Using the Send Mail Script Outside a Browser
HTML Parsing in Action
CGI scripts and,
Running Server-Side Examples
cookie support,
HTTP “Cookies”
Handling cookies with the urllib.request module
downloading files,
Using urllib to Download Files
Python’s Internet Library Modules
The urllib Package Revisited
HTML parsing and,
HTML Parsing in Action
PyMailCGI program and,
Running This Chapter’s Examples
Using the Send Mail Script Outside a Browser
screen scraping support,
Python Internet Development Options
testing browsers with,
Testing outside browsers with the module urllib.request
Testing outside browsers with the module urllib.request
urlopen method,
Testing outside browsers with the module urllib.request
Ideas for Improvement
Internet addresses (URLs)
Internet addresses (URLs)
Using minimal URLs
Passing parameters in URLs
Passing parameters in URLs
Passing Parameters in Hardcoded URLs
Passing Parameters in Hardcoded URLs
URL Query Parameters
Step 1: Sharing Objects Between Pages—A New Input Form
More on HTML and URL Escapes
Avoiding conflicts
HTML and URL conflicts: &
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
Reading mail with direct URLs
CGI script escape conventions,
More on HTML and URL Escapes
Avoiding conflicts
HTML conflicts and,
HTML and URL conflicts: &
Using minimal URLs
Step 1: Sharing Objects Between Pages—A New Input Form
passing parameters,
Passing parameters in URLs
Passing parameters in URLs
Passing Parameters in Hardcoded URLs
Passing Parameters in Hardcoded URLs
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
PyMailGUI program improvements,
Ideas for Improvement
query parameters,
URL Query Parameters
reading mail with,
Reading mail with direct URLs
Internet addresses (URLs)
Internet addresses (URLs)
user interaction,
Submission page
More on form tags
More on form tags
Response script
Passing parameters in URLs
Passing parameters in URLs
Passing Parameters in Hardcoded URLs
Passing Parameters in Hardcoded URLs
Checking for Missing and Invalid Inputs
Checking for Missing and Invalid Inputs
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
checking for missing/invalid inputs,
Checking for Missing and Invalid Inputs
Checking for Missing and Invalid Inputs
form tags,
More on form tags
More on form tags
passing parameters in URLs,
Passing parameters in URLs
Passing parameters in URLs
Passing Parameters in Hardcoded URLs
Passing Parameters in Hardcoded URLs
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
response script,
Response script
submission page,
Submission page
uu module,
Python’s Internet Library Modules

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