Read Programming Python Online

Authors: Mark Lutz

Tags: #COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python

Programming Python (218 page)

BOOK: Programming Python
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SAX parsers,
XML and HTML Parsing
SAX parsing
Scale widget class,
The End of the Tutorial
Scales (Sliders)
Scales and variables
Scales (Sliders)
Scales (Sliders)
Scales (Sliders)
Scales (Sliders)
Scales (Sliders)
Scales (Sliders)
Scales (Sliders)
Scales (Sliders)
Scales and variables
Scales and variables
command option,
Scales (Sliders)
from_ option,
Scales (Sliders)
The End of the Tutorial
Scales (Sliders)
Scales and variables
get/set methods,
Scales (Sliders)
label option,
Scales (Sliders)
resolution option,
Scales (Sliders)
showvalue option,
Scales (Sliders)
tickinterval option,
Scales (Sliders)
to option,
Scales (Sliders)
variables and,
Scales and variables
Scales and variables
scanner function,
File Scanners
Scanning the Standard Library Directory
Scanning the Standard Library Tree
Scanning the Module Search Path
Scanning the Module Search Path
Scanning the Entire Machine
Scanning the Entire Machine
Scanning C Header Files for Patterns
Scanning C Header Files for Patterns
C header files for patterns,
Scanning C Header Files for Patterns
Scanning C Header Files for Patterns
Scanning the Standard Library Directory
directory trees,
Scanning the Standard Library Tree
entire machines,
Scanning the Entire Machine
Scanning the Entire Machine
module search paths,
Scanning the Module Search Path
Scanning the Module Search Path
Scheme language,
Enter Python
SciPy package,
Other Extending Tools
screen scraping,
Python Internet Development Options
Testing outside browsers with the module urllib.request
Test data script
Script start-up pointers
Data format script
Data format script
Utility scripts
CGI Basics
A Custom Paging Script
Running Shell Commands from Scripts
Shell command limitations
Current Working Directory
CWD and Command Lines
Current Working Directory
Command-Line Arguments
Parsing Command-Line Arguments
Parsing Command-Line Arguments
Shell Environment Variables
Shell Variable Fine Points: Parents, putenv, and getenv
Standard Streams
Redirecting input and output with subprocess
Running the script
Using start in Python scripts
A Regression Test Script
Running the Test Driver
Refactoring with functions
Refactoring with functions
Refactoring with classes
Refactoring with classes
Web Scripting Trade-Offs
Other Approaches
Automating with scripts and modules
Automating with scripts and modules
SQL Utility Scripts
Using the scripts
Using the scripts
Using the scripts
(see also CGI scripts; client-side scripting; Internet-related
scripting; network scripting; server-side scripting; system
programs; system scripting)
automating queries,
Automating with scripts and modules
Automating with scripts and modules
command-line arguments and,
Command-Line Arguments
Parsing Command-Line Arguments
command-line mode,
Using the scripts
Using the scripts
current working directory and,
Current Working Directory
CWD and Command Lines
custom paging script,
A Custom Paging Script
data format script,
Data format script
Data format script
Current Working Directory
queue module example,
Running the script
refactoring with classes,
Refactoring with classes
Refactoring with classes
refactoring with functions,
Refactoring with functions
Refactoring with functions
regression test,
A Regression Test Script
Running the Test Driver
running shell commands from,
Running Shell Commands from Scripts
Shell command limitations
shell variables and,
Shell Environment Variables
Shell Variable Fine Points: Parents, putenv, and getenv
SQL utility,
SQL Utility Scripts
Using the scripts
standard streams and,
Standard Streams
Redirecting input and output with subprocess
start command in,
Using start in Python scripts
start-up pointers,
Script start-up pointers
test data script,
Test data script
Unix platforms and,
Parsing Command-Line Arguments
utility scripts,
Utility scripts
Web tradeoffs,
Web Scripting Trade-Offs
Other Approaches
Scrollbar widget class,
The End of the Tutorial
Listboxes and Scrollbars
Programming Scroll Bars
Programming Scroll Bars
Packing Scroll Bars
The End of the Tutorial
Listboxes and Scrollbars
packing scroll bars,
Packing Scroll Bars
Programming Scroll Bars
set method,
Programming Scroll Bars
ScrolledCanvas class,
Scrolling Canvases
Scrolling Canvases
ScrolledList component class,
Listboxes and Scrollbars
ScrolledText component class,
Adding Text-Editing Operations
Composition versus inheritance
search paths, CGI scripts,
Installing CGI scripts
search_all script,
Visitor: Walking Directories “++”
searcher function,
A Python Tree Searcher
searching directory trees,
Searching Directory Trees
A Python Tree Searcher
SearchVisitor class,
Visitor: Walking Directories “++”
Visitor: Walking Directories “++”
Using mimetypes guesses for SearchVisitor
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL),
Security Protocols
Directories, string formatting, and security
Directories, string formatting, and security
Configuring PyMailCGI
Security Protocols
POP Password Encryption
Rolling your own encryptor
password encryption and,
POP Password Encryption
Rolling your own encryptor
PyMailCGI program and,
Configuring PyMailCGI
Security Protocols
web-based interfaces and,
Directories, string formatting, and security
Directories, string formatting, and security
select module,
Python System Modules
Multiplexing Servers with select
Summary: Choosing a Server Scheme
Python System Modules
multiplexing servers,
Multiplexing Servers with select
Summary: Choosing a Server Scheme
sendmail program,
SMTP: Sending Email
Permuting Sequences
Permuting Sequences
Reversing and Sorting Sequences
Data Structures Versus Built-ins: The Conclusion
Permuting Sequences
Permuting Sequences
Reversing and Sorting Sequences
Data Structures Versus Built-ins: The Conclusion
serial port interfaces,
Using a reusable form-layout class
Pickled Objects
server-side databases,
Server-Side Databases
server-side scripting/processing,
Python Internet Development Options
Clients and servers
Server socket calls
Server socket calls
Forking Servers
Why multiprocessing doesn’t help with socket server
Threading Servers
Threading Servers
Multiplexing Servers with select
Summary: Choosing a Server Scheme
A Simple Python File Server
Using a reusable form-layout class
“Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave”
“Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave”
Writing CGI Scripts in Python
Running Server-Side Examples
Viewing Server-Side Examples and Output
The Server-Side Examples Root Page
Transferring Files to Clients and Servers
More Than One Way to Push Bits over the Net
Other Approaches
(see also CGI scripts; PyMailCGI program)
development options,
Python Internet Development Options
forking servers,
Forking Servers
Why multiprocessing doesn’t help with socket server
Internet applications and,
Other Approaches
multiplexing servers with select,
Multiplexing Servers with select
Summary: Choosing a Server Scheme
“Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave”
protocol considerations,
Clients and servers
Python file server,
A Simple Python File Server
Using a reusable form-layout class
root page examples,
The Server-Side Examples Root Page
Running Server-Side Examples
Viewing Server-Side Examples and Output
server socket calls,
Server socket calls
Server socket calls
templating languages,
Writing CGI Scripts in Python
threading servers,
Threading Servers
Threading Servers
transferring files,
Transferring Files to Clients and Servers
More Than One Way to Push Bits over the Net
Implementing Sets
Implementing Sets
Built-in Options
Set Functions
Supporting multiple operands
Set Classes
Set Classes
Optimization: Moving Sets to Dictionaries
Timing the results under Python 3.1
Adding Relational Algebra to Sets (External)
adding relational algebra,
Adding Relational Algebra to Sets (External)
built-in options,
Built-in Options
classes and,
Set Classes
Set Classes
Implementing Sets
functions and,
Set Functions
Supporting multiple operands
moving to dictionaries,
Optimization: Moving Sets to Dictionaries
Timing the results under Python 3.1
operations supported,
Implementing Sets
shared memory,
Interprocess Communication
Shared memory and globals
Shared memory and globals
mmap module,
Interprocess Communication
multiprocessing module and,
Shared memory and globals
Shared memory and globals
threads and,
shared state,
Process Exit Status and Shared State
Thread Exits and Shared State
Thread Exits and Shared State
forking processes and,
Process Exit Status and Shared State
threads and,
Thread Exits and Shared State
Thread Exits and Shared State
shell commands,
Running Shell Commands from Scripts
What’s a shell command?
Running shell commands
Communicating with shell commands
The subprocess module alternative
The subprocess module alternative
Shell command limitations
Shell Command Exit Status Codes
Exit status with subprocess
Greps and Globs and Finds
communicating with,
Communicating with shell commands
What’s a shell command?
exit status codes,
Shell Command Exit Status Codes
Exit status with subprocess
Greps and Globs and Finds
Shell command limitations
os module support,
Running Shell Commands from Scripts
Running shell commands
subprocess module alternative,
The subprocess module alternative
The subprocess module alternative
BOOK: Programming Python
5.29Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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