Read Programming Python Online

Authors: Mark Lutz

Tags: #COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python

Programming Python (215 page)

(see also spawned programs)
chaining with pipes,
Chaining programs with pipes
Sockets and independent programs
Starting Independent Programs
redirecting streams to,
Redirecting Streams to Files and Programs
Coding alternatives for adders and sorters
Python Internet Development Options
The Protocol Layer
Port number rules
Clients and servers
Protocol structures
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Pickle Details: Protocols, Binary Modes, and _pickle
client/server considerations,
Clients and servers
The Protocol Layer
development options,
Python Internet Development Options
pickle module and,
Pickle Details: Protocols, Binary Modes, and _pickle
port number rules,
Port number rules
standards overview,
Python’s Internet Library Modules
structural considerations,
Protocol structures
PSF (Python Software Foundation),
Other Database Options
PSP (Python Server Pages),
Python Internet Development Options
Keeping display and logic separate
Extensions to the CGI Model
pty module,
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
putfile module,
Playing the Monty Python theme song
PY extension,
Avoiding DOS consoles on Windows
py2exe tool,
Python GUI Development Options
PyArg_Parse API function,
Running Code Strings with Results and Namespaces
Calling Python Objects
Py_BuildValue API
Calling Python Objects
PyCalc program,
PyCalc: A Calculator Program/Object
Building the GUI
Building the GUI
Running code strings
Extending and attaching
PyCalc—A “Real” Calculator GUI
Running PyCalc
Running PyCalc
Evaluating expressions with stacks
Evaluating expressions with stacks
PyCalc source code
Using PyCalc as a component
Using PyCalc as a component
Using PyCalc as a component
Adding new buttons in new components
Adding new buttons in new components
adding buttons,
Adding new buttons in new components
Adding new buttons in new components
building GUI,
Building the GUI
CalcGui class,
Running PyCalc
Evaluating expressions with stacks
as component,
Using PyCalc as a component
Using PyCalc as a component
Evaluator class,
Evaluating expressions with stacks
extending and attaching,
Extending and attaching
PyCalc: A Calculator Program/Object
Building the GUI
PyCalc—A “Real” Calculator GUI
Running PyCalc
running code strings,
Running code strings
source code,
PyCalc source code
Using PyCalc as a component
PyClock program,
PyClock: An Analog/Digital Clock Widget
A Quick Geometry Lesson
A Quick Geometry Lesson
Running PyClock
Running PyClock
PyClock Source Code
PyClock Source Code
PyClock: An Analog/Digital Clock Widget
plotting points on a circle,
A Quick Geometry Lesson
A Quick Geometry Lesson
Running PyClock
Running PyClock
source code,
PyClock Source Code
PyClock Source Code
widget support,
Py_CompileString API
Precompiling Strings to Bytecode
PyCrypto system,
POP Password Encryption
Manual data encryption: PyCrypto
PyDemos launcher toolbar,
PyDemos Launcher Bar (Mostly External)
PyDemos Launcher Bar (Mostly External)
This Chapter’s Strategy
Multiple Windows and Status Messages
PyDict_GetItemString API function,
The C Embedding API
Running Strings in Dictionaries
PyDict_New API function,
The C Embedding API
Running Strings in Dictionaries
PyDict_SetItemString API function,
The C Embedding API
Running Strings in Dictionaries
PyDoc system,
Paging Documentation Strings
PyDraw paint program,
PyDraw: Painting and Moving Graphics
Running PyDraw
PyDraw Source Code
PyClock: An Analog/Digital Clock Widget
PyDraw: Painting and Moving Graphics
Running PyDraw
source code,
PyDraw Source Code
PyClock: An Analog/Digital Clock Widget
widget support,
PyEdit text editor,
Frame- and Menubutton-Based Menus
Supporting Unicode in PyEdit (ahead)
PyEdit: A Text Editor Program/Object
Running PyEdit
Menus and toolbars
Running program code
Multiple windows
Multiple windows
Other PyEdit examples and screenshots in this book
PyEdit Changes in Version 2.0 (Third Edition)
Font dialog
Undo, redo, and modified tests
Configuration module
PyEdit Changes in Version 2.1 (Fourth Edition)
Modal dialog state fix
Cross-process change tests on Quit
New Grep dialog: Threaded and Unicode-aware file tree
Grep Unicode model
Update for initial positioning
Improvements for running code
Unicode (Internationalized) text support
Unicode options and choices
More on Quit checks: The event
PyEdit Source Code
User configurations file
Windows (and other) launch files
Main implementation file
PyPhoto: An Image Viewer and Resizer
Embedding PyEdit in PyView
Embedding PyEdit in PyView
Sending Email and Attachments
changes in version 2.0,
PyEdit Changes in Version 2.0 (Third Edition)
Font dialog
Undo, redo, and modified tests
Configuration module
configuration module,
Configuration module
font dialog,
Font dialog
PyEdit Changes in Version 2.0 (Third Edition)
undo, redo, modified tests,
Undo, redo, and modified tests
changes in version 2.1,
PyEdit Changes in Version 2.1 (Fourth Edition)
Modal dialog state fix
Cross-process change tests on Quit
New Grep dialog: Threaded and Unicode-aware file tree
Grep Unicode model
Update for initial positioning
Improvements for running code
Unicode (Internationalized) text support
Unicode options and choices
More on Quit checks: The event
improvements for running code,
Improvements for running code
modal dialog state fix,
Modal dialog state fix
new Grep dialog,
New Grep dialog: Threaded and Unicode-aware file tree
Grep Unicode model
Quit checks,
Cross-process change tests on Quit
More on Quit checks: The event
PyEdit Changes in Version 2.1 (Fourth Edition)
Unicode text support,
Unicode (Internationalized) text support
Unicode options and choices
update for initial positioning,
Update for initial positioning
embedding in PyView,
Embedding PyEdit in PyView
Embedding PyEdit in PyView
examples and screenshots,
Other PyEdit examples and screenshots in this book
Frame- and Menubutton-Based Menus
PyEdit: A Text Editor Program/Object
Running PyEdit
menus and toolbars,
Menus and toolbars
multiple windows,
Multiple windows
Multiple windows
PyMailGUI program and,
Sending Email and Attachments
running program code,
Running program code
source code,
PyEdit Source Code
User configurations file
Windows (and other) launch files
Main implementation file
PyPhoto: An Image Viewer and Resizer
launch files,
Windows (and other) launch files
main implementation file,
Main implementation file
PyPhoto: An Image Viewer and Resizer
PyEdit Source Code
user configuration file,
User configurations file
Unicode support,
Supporting Unicode in PyEdit (ahead)
PyEnchant third-party package,
Ideas for Improvement
PyErrata website,
Other Approaches
PyEval_CallObject API function,
The C Embedding API
Calling Python Objects
PyEval_EvalCode API function,
Precompiling Strings to Bytecode
PyEval_GetBuiltIns API function,
Running Strings in Dictionaries
PyForm example,
PyForm: A Persistent Object Viewer (External)
PyForm: A Persistent Object Viewer (External)
PyFort system,
Other Extending Tools
PyGadgets launcher toolbar,
PyGadgets Launcher Bar
PyGadgets Launcher Bar
This Chapter’s Strategy
Multiple Windows and Status Messages
PyGame package,
Graphics and gaming toolkits
PyGTK package,
Python GUI Development Options
PyImport_GetModuleDict API function,
The C Embedding API
PyImport_ImportModule API function,
The C Embedding API
Running Code Strings with Results and Namespaces
Calling Python Objects
Py_Initialize API
Running Code Strings with Results and Namespaces
PyInstaller tool,
Python GUI Development Options
pyjamas toolkit,
Python GUI Development Options
pymail console client,
A Console-Based Email Client
Running the pymail Console Client
Updating the pymail Console Client
Running the pymail2 console client
Why PyMailGUI?
A Console-Based Email Client
Running the pymail Console Client
Why PyMailGUI?
Updating the pymail Console Client
Running the pymail2 console client
PyMailCGI program,
“Things to Do When Visiting Chicago”
The PyMailCGI Website
Implementation Overview
Implementation Overview
Implementation Overview
New in This Fourth Edition (Version 3.0)
New in the Prior Edition (Version 2.0)
New in the Prior Edition (Version 2.0)
New in the Prior Edition (Version 2.0)
Presentation Overview
Running This Chapter’s Examples
Running This Chapter’s Examples
The Root Page
Configuring PyMailCGI
Configuring PyMailCGI
Sending Mail by SMTP
The Message Composition Page
The Message Composition Page
The Send Mail Script
The Send Mail Script
Error Pages
Common Look-and-Feel
Using the Send Mail Script Outside a Browser
Using the Send Mail Script Outside a Browser
The POP Password Page
The Mail Selection List Page
The Mail Selection List Page
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
Security Protocols
The Message View Page
The Message View Page
Passing State Information in HTML Hidden Input Fields
Escaping Mail Text and Passwords in HTML
Escaping Mail Text and Passwords in HTML
Processing Fetched Mail
Processing Fetched Mail
Reply and Forward
Deletions and POP Message Numbers
Alternative: Delete on load
Utility Modules
External Components and Configuration
External Components and Configuration
POP Mail Interface
POP Password Encryption
Rolling your own encryptor
Common Utilities Module
Web Scripting Trade-Offs
PyMailCGI Versus PyMailGUI
The Web Versus the Desktop
The Web Versus the Desktop
Other Approaches
Other Approaches

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