Read Programming Python Online

Authors: Mark Lutz

Tags: #COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python

Programming Python (213 page)

os.path module,
Python System Modules
Tools in the os Module
Common os.path Tools
Common os.path Tools
Common os.path Tools
Common os.path Tools
Common os.path Tools
Common os.path Tools
Common os.path Tools
Handling private files and errors
Handling client path formats
abspath function,
Common os.path Tools
Python System Modules
isdir function,
Common os.path Tools
isfile function,
Common os.path Tools
join function,
Common os.path Tools
samefile function,
Handling private files and errors
split function,
Common os.path Tools
Handling client path formats
tools supported,
Tools in the os Module
Common os.path Tools
Common os.path Tools
Output class,
Redirecting Streams to Python Objects
output files,
Output files
output stream buffering,
Redirecting input and output with subprocess
Output stream buffering: A first look
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
deadlocks and flushes,
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Pexpect and,
Redirecting input and output with subprocess
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
program exits and,
Output stream buffering: A first look
pty module and,
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Pack class,
One More for Old Times’ Sake
packer geometry manager,
Geometry Managers
Widget Resizing Basics
Layout: Packing Order and Side Attachments
The Packer’s Expand and Fill Revisited
Comparing grid and pack
Comparing grid and pack
Combining grid and pack
Combining grid and pack
Making Gridded Widgets Expandable
combining with grid,
Combining grid and pack
Combining grid and pack
Geometry Managers
expand and fill options,
The Packer’s Expand and Fill Revisited
grid comparison,
Comparing grid and pack
Comparing grid and pack
layout system,
Layout: Packing Order and Side Attachments
making expandable,
Making Gridded Widgets Expandable
resizing widgets,
Widget Resizing Basics
Packing Widgets Without Saving Them
Packing Widgets Without Saving Them
Packing Scroll Bars
scroll bars,
Packing Scroll Bars
widgets without saving,
Packing Widgets Without Saving Them
Packing Widgets Without Saving Them
paging script example,
A Custom Paging Script
PanedWindow widget class,
Other Widgets and Options
parallel processing,
“Telling the Monkeys What to Do”
Forking Processes
Spawned child program
A process-based alternative: multiprocessing (ahead)
Program Exits
Thread Exits and Shared State
Interprocess Communication
The multiprocessing Module
Why multiprocessing? The Conclusion
Other Ways to Start Programs
The os.startfile call
A Portable Program-Launch Framework
Other System Tools Coverage
Spawning Clients in Parallel
Preview: Denied client connections
Why multiprocessing doesn’t help with socket server
Why multiprocessing doesn’t help with socket server
“Telling the Monkeys What to Do”
forking processes,
Forking Processes
Spawned child program
IPC support,
Interprocess Communication
multiprocessing module,
The multiprocessing Module
Why multiprocessing? The Conclusion
portable framework,
A Portable Program-Launch Framework
program exits,
Program Exits
Thread Exits and Shared State
socket server portability and,
Why multiprocessing doesn’t help with socket server
Why multiprocessing doesn’t help with socket server
spawning clients,
Spawning Clients in Parallel
Preview: Denied client connections
starting programs,
Other Ways to Start Programs
The os.startfile call
system tools coverage,
Other System Tools Coverage
A process-based alternative: multiprocessing (ahead)
Internet addresses (URLs)
Passing parameters in URLs
Passing parameters in URLs
Passing Parameters in Hardcoded URLs
Passing Parameters in Hardcoded URLs
Passing Parameters in Hidden Form Fields
URL Query Parameters
Hidden Form Input Fields
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
passing in hidden fields,
Passing Parameters in Hidden Form Fields
passing in hidden form fields,
Hidden Form Input Fields
passing in URLs,
Passing parameters in URLs
Passing parameters in URLs
Passing Parameters in Hardcoded URLs
Passing Parameters in Hardcoded URLs
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
Internet addresses (URLs)
URL Query Parameters
parent process,
Forking Processes
Parsing Command-Line Arguments
Parsing packed binary data with the struct module
Parsing packed binary data with the struct module
Python Internet Development Options
Python Internet Development Options
email: Parsing and Composing Mail Content
Summary: Solutions and workarounds
Parser decoding requirement
Parser decoding requirement
“See Jack Hack. Hack, Jack, Hack”
Parsing with Splits and Joins
Parsing and Unparsing Rule Strings
More on the holmes expert system shell
XML and HTML Parsing
XML and HTML Parsing
XML Parsing in Action
Other XML topics
Regular expression parsing
HTML Parsing in Action
Extracting plain text from HTML (revisited)
Advanced Language Tools
Custom Language Parsers
Custom Language Parsers
The Expression Grammar
The Parser’s Code
Adding a Parse Tree Interpreter
Adding a Parse Tree Interpreter
Adding a Parse Tree Interpreter
Parse Tree Structure
Exploring Parse Trees with the PyTree GUI
Exploring Parse Trees with the PyTree GUI
Parsers Versus Python
binary data,
Parsing packed binary data with the struct module
Parsing packed binary data with the struct module
command-line arguments,
Parsing Command-Line Arguments
custom language parsers,
Custom Language Parsers
The Expression Grammar
The Parser’s Code
Adding a Parse Tree Interpreter
Adding a Parse Tree Interpreter
Adding a Parse Tree Interpreter
Parse Tree Structure
Exploring Parse Trees with the PyTree GUI
Exploring Parse Trees with the PyTree GUI
Parsers Versus Python
adding parse tree interpreter,
Adding a Parse Tree Interpreter
Adding a Parse Tree Interpreter
expression grammar,
The Expression Grammar
parse tree structure,
Parse Tree Structure
parser code,
The Parser’s Code
Adding a Parse Tree Interpreter
parser comparisons,
Parsers Versus Python
PyTree GUI and,
Exploring Parse Trees with the PyTree GUI
Exploring Parse Trees with the PyTree GUI
Custom Language Parsers
“See Jack Hack. Hack, Jack, Hack”
email content,
email: Parsing and Composing Mail Content
Summary: Solutions and workarounds
HTML support,
Python Internet Development Options
XML and HTML Parsing
HTML Parsing in Action
Extracting plain text from HTML (revisited)
parser decoding requirement,
Parser decoding requirement
Parser decoding requirement
recursive descent,
Advanced Language Tools
Custom Language Parsers
regular expression support,
Regular expression parsing
rule strings,
Parsing and Unparsing Rule Strings
More on the holmes expert system shell
with splits and
Parsing with Splits and Joins
XML support,
Python Internet Development Options
XML and HTML Parsing
XML Parsing in Action
Other XML topics
The POP Password Page
Escaping Mail Text and Passwords in HTML
Escaping Mail Text and Passwords in HTML
POP Password Encryption
Rolling your own encryptor
POP Password Encryption
Rolling your own encryptor
escaping in HTML,
Escaping Mail Text and Passwords in HTML
Escaping Mail Text and Passwords in HTML
PyMailCGI password page,
The POP Password Page
pattern matching,
Regular Expression Pattern Matching
(see regular expressions)
pattern objects (re module),
First Examples
Performance: Saving thumbnail files
Performance: Saving thumbnail files
Ideas for Improvement
The Web Versus the Desktop
The Web Versus the Desktop
Customization: Performance Monitors
More on performance analysis
More on the holmes expert system shell
PyMailCGI program and,
The Web Versus the Desktop
PyMailGUI program and,
Ideas for Improvement
The Web Versus the Desktop
saving thumbnail files,
Performance: Saving thumbnail files
Performance: Saving thumbnail files
stacks and,
Customization: Performance Monitors
More on performance analysis
string object methods and,
More on the holmes expert system shell
threads and,
Perl language,
Enter Python
In the Final Analysis…
HTML file permission constraints
Handling private files and errors
CGI scripts and,
Handling private files and errors
HTML constraints,
HTML file permission constraints
Adding Persistence
Adding Persistence
Persistence Options in Python
DBM Files
DBM Details: Files, Portability, and Close
Pickled Objects
Pickle Details: Protocols, Binary Modes, and _pickle
Shelve Files
Other Shelve Limitations
The ZODB Object-Oriented Database
The Mostly Missing ZODB Tutorial
SQL Database Interfaces
SQL Resources
ORMs: Object Relational Mappers
ORMs: Object Relational Mappers
DBM files,
DBM Files
DBM Details: Files, Portability, and Close
object relational mappers,
ORMs: Object Relational Mappers
ORMs: Object Relational Mappers
options available,
Persistence Options in Python
pickled objects,
Pickled Objects
Pickle Details: Protocols, Binary Modes, and _pickle
programming considerations,
Adding Persistence
Adding Persistence
shelve files,
Shelve Files
Other Shelve Limitations
SQL databases,
SQL Database Interfaces
SQL Resources
ZODB system,
The ZODB Object-Oriented Database
The Mostly Missing ZODB Tutorial
Peters, Tim,
The End of the Demo
Pexpect package,
Python System Modules
Redirecting input and output with subprocess
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
output stream buffering and,
Redirecting input and output with subprocess
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Python System Modules
PhotoImage widget class,
The End of the Tutorial
Fun with Buttons and Pictures
Windows with Both Menus and Toolbars
pickle module,
Using Pickle Files
Using Pickle Files
Using Per-Record Pickle Files
Using Per-Record Pickle Files
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Ideas for Improvement
Pickled Objects
Using Object Pickling
Using Object Pickling
Pickled Class Constraints
Pickled Class Constraints
More on the holmes expert system shell
background information,
More on the holmes expert system shell
Pickled Class Constraints
Pickled Class Constraints
Using Pickle Files
Using Pickle Files
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Pickled Objects
per-record pickle files,
Using Per-Record Pickle Files
Using Per-Record Pickle Files
Pickler class,
Using Object Pickling
PyMailGUI program and,
Ideas for Improvement
Unpickler class,
Using Object Pickling
pickled objects,
Persistence Options in Python
Pickled Objects
Using Object Pickling
Pickle Details: Protocols, Binary Modes, and _pickle
Persistence Options in Python
Pickled Objects
usage considerations,
Using Object Pickling
Pickle Details: Protocols, Binary Modes, and _pickle

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