Read Programming Python Online

Authors: Mark Lutz

Tags: #COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python

Programming Python (209 page)

frozen binaries,
Future directions
Ideas for Improvement
FTP (File Transfer Protocol),
FTP: Transferring Files over the Net
FTP get and put Utilities
Playing the Monty Python theme song
Uploading Site Directories
FTP: Transferring Files over the Net
get and put utilities,
FTP get and put Utilities
Playing the Monty Python theme song
timeout errors,
Uploading Site Directories
FTP objects,
Downloading Site Directories
Uploading Site Directories
Uploading Site Directories
Uploading Local Trees
Uploading Local Trees
cwd method,
Uploading Local Trees
delete method,
Uploading Site Directories
mkd methods,
Uploading Local Trees
nlst method,
Downloading Site Directories
Uploading Site Directories
ftplib module,
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Transferring Files with ftplib
Adding a User Interface
Adding a User Interface
Adding a User Interface
Transferring Directories with ftplib
Refactoring with classes
Transferring Directory Trees with ftplib
Downloading Remote Trees
adding user interface,
Adding a User Interface
Adding a User Interface
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Python’s Internet Library Modules
transferring directories,
Transferring Directories with ftplib
Refactoring with classes
transferring directory trees,
Transferring Directory Trees with ftplib
Downloading Remote Trees
transferring files,
Transferring Files with ftplib
Adding a User Interface
Refactoring with functions
Refactoring with functions
Passing parameters in URLs
Set Functions
Supporting multiple operands
CGI scripts and,
Passing parameters in URLs
refactoring scripts with,
Refactoring with functions
Refactoring with functions
sets and,
Set Functions
Supporting multiple operands
threads and,
gaming toolkits,
Graphics and gaming toolkits
gcc command,
A Simple C Extension Module
generator functions,
The os.walk visitor
geometry managers,
Geometry Managers
Widget Resizing Basics
Layout: Packing Order and Side Attachments
Using Anchor to Position Instead of Stretch
Going modal again
Layout options: Gridding
Laying Out Larger Tables with grid
Comparing grid and pack
Laying Out Larger Tables with grid
Comparing grid and pack
Spanning columns and rows
Using grids and function calls
Going modal again
Layout options: Gridding
Laying Out Larger Tables with grid
Comparing grid and pack
Spanning columns and rows
Using grids and function calls
Geometry Managers
Widget Resizing Basics
Layout: Packing Order and Side Attachments
Using Anchor to Position Instead of Stretch
Comparing grid and pack
Laying Out Larger Tables with grid
getaddresses utility,
Message address header encodings and parsing, and header
getfile module,
A Simple Python File Server
A Simple Python File Server
FTP: Transferring Files over the Net
Download utility
Viewing Server-Side Examples and Output
Handling private files and errors
Uploading Client Files to the Server
More Than One Way to Push Bits over the Net
FTP: Transferring Files over the Net
Download utility
server-side examples,
Viewing Server-Side Examples and Output
Handling private files and errors
Uploading Client Files to the Server
More Than One Way to Push Bits over the Net
A Simple Python File Server
A Simple Python File Server
getopt module,
Parsing Command-Line Arguments
getpass.getpass method,
Transferring Files with ftplib
GIL (global interpreter lock),
More on the Global Interpreter Lock
More on the Global Interpreter Lock
The thread switch interval
Atomic operations
C API thread considerations
A process-based alternative: multiprocessing (ahead)
atomic operations,
Atomic operations
C API thread considerations,
C API thread considerations
More on the Global Interpreter Lock
More on the Global Interpreter Lock
multiprocessing and,
A process-based alternative: multiprocessing (ahead)
thread switch interval,
The thread switch interval
threads and,
Gilligan factor,
The “Gilligan Factor”
glob module,
Using Per-Record Pickle Files
Python System Modules
The glob module
The glob module
Handling Unicode Filenames in 3.X: listdir, walk, glob
Scanning the Standard Library Directory
Greps and Globs and Finds
Fun with Buttons and Pictures
button images,
Fun with Buttons and Pictures
Using Per-Record Pickle Files
Python System Modules
The glob module
glob function,
The glob module
Handling Unicode Filenames in 3.X: listdir, walk, glob
scanning directories,
Scanning the Standard Library Directory
searching directory trees,
Greps and Globs and Finds
global interpreter lock,
(see GIL)
global variables,
Arguments versus globals
Shared memory and globals
Shared memory and globals
Arguments versus globals
arguments versus,
Arguments versus globals
Arguments versus globals
multiprocessing module and,
Shared memory and globals
Shared memory and globals
Google App Engine,
Python Internet Development Options
Grail browser,
Running Examples in This Part of the Book
graph searching,
Graph Searching
Implementing Graph Search
Implementing Graph Search
Moving Graphs to Classes
Moving Graphs to Classes
Graph Searching
Implementing Graph Search
Implementing Graph Search
moving graphs to classes,
Moving Graphs to Classes
Moving Graphs to Classes
graphical user interface,
GUI Basics
(see GUI)
grep command,
Greps and Globs and Finds
New Grep dialog: Threaded and Unicode-aware file tree
Grep Unicode model
grid geometry manager,
Going modal again
Layout options: Gridding
Why Grids?
Grid Basics: Input Forms Revisited
Comparing grid and pack
Comparing grid and pack
Combining grid and pack
Combining grid and pack
Making Gridded Widgets Expandable
Resizing in grids
Spanning columns and rows
Laying Out Larger Tables with grid
Laying Out Larger Tables with grid
Using grids and function calls
combining with packer,
Combining grid and pack
Combining grid and pack
file download system,
Using grids and function calls
Going modal again
Layout options: Gridding
input forms,
Grid Basics: Input Forms Revisited
laying out larger tables,
Laying Out Larger Tables with grid
Laying Out Larger Tables with grid
making expandable,
Making Gridded Widgets Expandable
packer comparison,
Comparing grid and pack
Comparing grid and pack
reasons for using,
Why Grids?
resizing in grids,
Resizing in grids
spanning rows/columns,
Spanning columns and rows
GUI (graphical user interface),
GUI Basics
GUI Basics
Using OOP for GUIs
Using OOP for GUIs
Using OOP for GUIs
Getting Input from a User
A GUI Shelve Interface
Future directions
Coding the GUI
Future directions
Future directions
Future directions
Preview: GUIs and Threads
Preview: GUIs and Threads
GUI Programming Topics
GUI Programming Topics
Running the Examples
Python GUI Development Options
Python GUI Development Options
“Hello World” in Four Lines (or Less)
“Hello World” in Four Lines (or Less)
Making Widgets
Geometry Managers
Running GUI Programs
One More for Old Times’ Sake
Adding Buttons and Callbacks
Widget Resizing Revisited: Expansion
Adding Buttons and Callbacks
Widget Resizing Revisited: Expansion
Adding User-Defined Callback Handlers
Binding Events
Adding Multiple Widgets
Using Anchor to Position Instead of Stretch
Customizing Widgets with Classes
Common appearance
Reusable GUI Components with Classes
Standalone Container Classes
Attaching Frames
Configuring at construction time
Independent Windows
Independent Windows
Running Programs
Coding for reusability
Using Threads with tkinter GUIs
Using Threads with tkinter GUIs
ShellGui: GUIs for Command-Line Tools
Room for improvement
Reloading Callback Handlers Dynamically
Reloading Callback Handlers Dynamically
GUIs, Threads, and Queues
GUIs, Threads, and Queues
Thread exits in GUIs
More Ways to Add GUIs to Non-GUI Code
Other uses for threaded pipe GUIs
Updating GUIs within threads…and other nonsolutions
Where to Go from Here
Building the GUI
(see also tkinter module)
adding buttons,
Adding Buttons and Callbacks
Widget Resizing Revisited: Expansion
adding callback handlers,
Adding User-Defined Callback Handlers
Binding Events
adding callbacks,
Adding Buttons and Callbacks
Widget Resizing Revisited: Expansion
adding multiple widgets,
Adding Multiple Widgets
Using Anchor to Position Instead of Stretch
adding to non-GUI code,
More Ways to Add GUIs to Non-GUI Code
Other uses for threaded pipe GUIs
additional information,
Where to Go from Here
attaching frames,
Attaching Frames
Configuring at construction time
basic functionality,
GUI Basics
GUI Basics
building for PyCalc,
Building the GUI
coding techniques,
Coding the GUI
“Hello World” in Four Lines (or Less)
GUIs, Threads, and Queues
GUIs, Threads, and Queues
for command-line
ShellGui: GUIs for Command-Line Tools
Room for improvement
Using OOP for GUIs
customizing widgets with classes,
Customizing Widgets with Classes
Common appearance
development options,
Python GUI Development Options
Python GUI Development Options
geometry managers,
Geometry Managers
Hello World program,
“Hello World” in Four Lines (or Less)
One More for Old Times’ Sake
independent windows,
Independent Windows
Independent Windows
inputting user data,
Getting Input from a User
making widgets,
Making Widgets
OOP considerations,
Using OOP for GUIs
Using OOP for GUIs
programming suggestions,
Future directions
Future directions
GUI Programming Topics
reloading callback handlers,
Reloading Callback Handlers Dynamically
Reloading Callback Handlers Dynamically
reusable components,
Reusable GUI Components with Classes
Standalone Container Classes
running programs,
Running the Examples
Running GUI Programs
Running Programs
Coding for reusability
shelve interface,
A GUI Shelve Interface
Future directions
threads and,
Preview: GUIs and Threads
Preview: GUIs and Threads
Using Threads with tkinter GUIs
Using Threads with tkinter GUIs
Thread exits in GUIs
Updating GUIs within threads…and other nonsolutions
toolkit suggestions,
Future directions
GuiMaker tool,
GuiMaker: Automating Menus and Toolbars
GuiMaker: Automating Menus and Toolbars
Subclass Protocols
GuiMaker Classes
GuiMaker Self-Test
BigGui: A Client Demo Program
BigGui: A Client Demo Program
BigGui client demo program,
BigGui: A Client Demo Program
BigGui: A Client Demo Program
classes supported,
GuiMaker Classes
GuiMaker: Automating Menus and Toolbars
GuiMaker: Automating Menus and Toolbars
GuiMaker Self-Test
subclass protocols,
Subclass Protocols
GuiMixin tool,
Automating menu construction
GuiMixin: Common Tool Mixin Classes
Widget Builder Functions
Mixin Utility Classes
Mixin Utility Classes
Running PyCalc
Automating menu construction
GuiMixin: Common Tool Mixin Classes
mixin utility classes,
Mixin Utility Classes
Mixin Utility Classes
PyCalc program,
Running PyCalc
widget builder functions,
Widget Builder Functions
GuiStreams tool,
GuiStreams: Redirecting Streams to Widgets
GuiStreams: Redirecting Streams to Widgets
Using Redirection for the Packing Scripts
GuiStreams: Redirecting Streams to Widgets
GuiStreams: Redirecting Streams to Widgets
redirecting packing scripts,
Using Redirection for the Packing Scripts

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