Read Programming Python Online

Authors: Mark Lutz

Tags: #COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python

Programming Python (208 page)

f2py system,
Other Extending Tools
FastCGI extension,
Extensions to the CGI Model
FFI (foreign function interface),
Other Extending Tools
field labels (lists),
Field labels
Field labels
FieldStorage class,
Response script
Adding Common Input Devices
The Hello World Selector
Passing State Information in URL Link Parameters
Anonymous pipe basics
(see named pipes)
file descriptors,
Wrapping descriptors in file objects
Anonymous pipe basics
Wrapping pipe descriptors in file objects
Anonymous pipe basics
wrapping in file objects,
Wrapping descriptors in file objects
Wrapping pipe descriptors in file objects
file download system,
A Simple Python File Server
Using a reusable form-layout class
file objects,
File Tools
The File Object Model in Python 3.X
Using Built-in File Objects
Other open options
Output files
Output files
Output files
Ensuring file closure: Exception handlers and context
Ensuring file closure: Exception handlers and context
Input files
Input files
Input files
Input files
Input files
Input files
Reading lines with file iterators
Reading lines with file iterators
Other open options
Random access files
Wrapping descriptors in file objects
Wrapping pipe descriptors in file objects
Summing Columns in a File
alternate open options,
Other open options
Using Built-in File Objects
Other open options
close method,
Output files
File Tools
ensuring closure,
Ensuring file closure: Exception handlers and context
Ensuring file closure: Exception handlers and context
file object model,
The File Object Model in Python 3.X
input files,
Input files
Input files
output files,
Output files
read method,
Input files
readline method,
Input files
Reading lines with file iterators
readlines method,
Input files
Input files
Reading lines with file iterators
Summing Columns in a File
seek method,
Random access files
wrapping descriptors in,
Wrapping descriptors in file objects
Wrapping pipe descriptors in file objects
write method,
Output files
writelines method,
file scanners,
File Scanners
File filters
file tools,
File Tools
The File Object Model in Python 3.X
The File Object Model in Python 3.X
The File Object Model in Python 3.X
Using Built-in File Objects
Other open options
Binary and Text Files
Random access files
Binary and Text Files
Random access files
Lower-Level File Tools in the os Module
File Scanners
File filters
binary files,
The File Object Model in Python 3.X
Binary and Text Files
Random access files
built-in file objects,
Using Built-in File Objects
Other open options
file object model,
The File Object Model in Python 3.X
file scanners,
File Scanners
File filters
os module support,
Lower-Level File Tools in the os Module
File Tools
text files,
The File Object Model in Python 3.X
Binary and Text Files
Random access files
File Transfer Protocol,
FTP: Transferring Files over the Net
(see FTP)
Test data script
File name conventions
File Operation Basics
CWD, Files, and Import Paths
Redirecting Streams to Files and Programs
Coding alternatives for adders and sorters
Ensuring file closure: Exception handlers and context
Input files
Other open options
Splitting Files Portably
Splitting Files Portably
Joining Files Portably
Joining Files Portably
Usage Variations
Usage Variations
Usage Variations
Usage Variations
Editing Files in Directory Trees (Visitor)
Editing Files in Directory Trees (Visitor)
Unicode text in files
Making Sockets Look Like Files and Streams
Sockets versus command pipes
FTP: Transferring Files over the Net
Transferring Files with ftplib
Adding a User Interface
Using urllib to Download Files
Using urllib to Download Files
Installing CGI scripts
Transferring Files to Clients and Servers
More Than One Way to Push Bits over the Net
Handling private files and errors
Handling private files and errors
Persistence Options in Python
Loading Database Tables from Files
Python versus SQL
Summing Columns in a File
Summing with dictionaries
What Is Embedded Code?
(see also formatted files)
Ensuring file closure: Exception handlers and context
Input files
code files,
What Is Embedded Code?
current working directory and,
CWD, Files, and Import Paths
editing in directory trees,
Editing Files in Directory Trees (Visitor)
Editing Files in Directory Trees (Visitor)
Joining Files Portably
Joining Files Portably
Usage Variations
Usage Variations
loading database tables,
Loading Database Tables from Files
Python versus SQL
name conventions,
File name conventions
Installing CGI scripts
Other open options
persistence options,
Persistence Options in Python
Handling private files and errors
Handling private files and errors
redirecting streams to,
Redirecting Streams to Files and Programs
Coding alternatives for adders and sorters
sockets looking like,
Making Sockets Look Like Files and Streams
Sockets versus command pipes
Splitting Files Portably
Splitting Files Portably
Usage Variations
Usage Variations
summing columns in,
Summing Columns in a File
Summing with dictionaries
system scripting and,
File Operation Basics
transferring over the Internet,
FTP: Transferring Files over the Net
Using urllib to Download Files
Using urllib to Download Files
transferring to clients/servers,
Transferring Files to Clients and Servers
More Than One Way to Push Bits over the Net
transferring with ftplib,
Transferring Files with ftplib
Adding a User Interface
Unicode text in,
Unicode text in files
FileVisitor class,
Visitor: Walking Directories “++”
Visitor: Walking Directories “++”
File filters
Ideas for Improvement
file scanning and,
File filters
Ideas for Improvement
find module,
Rolling Your Own find Module
The fnmatch module
find shell command,
Greps and Globs and Finds
flash method,
Using the after Method
Flex framework,
Python GUI Development Options
FLI format,
Graphics and gaming toolkits
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
deadlocks and,
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
output stream buffering and,
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
fnmatch module,
The glob module
The fnmatch module
The fnmatch module
font input dialog,
Font dialog
foreign function interface (FFI),
Other Extending Tools
forking processes,
“Telling the Monkeys What to Do”
Forking Processes
Forking Processes
The fork/exec Combination
Spawned child program
os.exec call formats
Spawned child program
Process Exit Status and Shared State
Process Exit Status and Shared State
Forking Servers
Why multiprocessing doesn’t help with socket server
fork/exec combination,
The fork/exec Combination
Spawned child program
“Telling the Monkeys What to Do”
Forking Processes
Forking Processes
obtaining exit status,
Process Exit Status and Shared State
obtaining shared state,
Process Exit Status and Shared State
os.exec call formats,
os.exec call formats
server considerations,
Forking Servers
Why multiprocessing doesn’t help with socket server
spawned child program,
Spawned child program
formatted files,
Test data script
Data format script
Data format script
Utility scripts
data format script,
Data format script
Data format script
test data script,
Test data script
utility scripts,
Utility scripts
Laying Out Input Forms
Going modal again
Grid Basics: Input Forms Revisited
Submission page
More on form tags
More on form tags
More on form tags
More on form tags
Using Tables to Lay Out Forms
Debugging CGI scripts
Changing Input Layouts
Keeping display and logic separate
Passing Parameters in Hidden Form Fields
Hidden Form Input Fields
The Hello World Selector
Step 1: Sharing Objects Between Pages—A New Input Form
Step 1: Sharing Objects Between Pages—A New Input Form
Step 2: A Reusable Form Mock-Up Utility
Step 2: A Reusable Form Mock-Up Utility
action option,
More on form tags
changing input layouts,
Changing Input Layouts
Keeping display and logic separate
HTML tags,
Submission page
More on form tags
Laying Out Input Forms
Going modal again
Grid Basics: Input Forms Revisited
input fields,
More on form tags
laying out with tables,
Using Tables to Lay Out Forms
Debugging CGI scripts
method option,
More on form tags
mocking up inputs,
The Hello World Selector
passing parameters in hidden fields,
Passing Parameters in Hidden Form Fields
Hidden Form Input Fields
reusable form mock-up utility,
Step 2: A Reusable Form Mock-Up Utility
Step 2: A Reusable Form Mock-Up Utility
sharing objects between pages,
Step 1: Sharing Objects Between Pages—A New Input Form
Step 1: Sharing Objects Between Pages—A New Input Form
FORTRAN language,
Other Extending Tools
forward slash (/),
The Module Search Path
Frame widget class,
Using OOP for GUIs
Adding Multiple Widgets
Attaching Widgets to Frames
Reusable GUI Components with Classes
The End of the Tutorial
Frame- and Menubutton-Based Menus
Using Menubuttons and Optionmenus
adding multiple widgets,
Adding Multiple Widgets
attaching widgets to frames,
Attaching Widgets to Frames
The End of the Tutorial
GUI considerations,
Using OOP for GUIs
Reusable GUI Components with Classes
Frame- and Menubutton-Based Menus
Using Menubuttons and Optionmenus

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