Read Programming Python Online

Authors: Mark Lutz

Tags: #COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python

Programming Python (214 page)

PIL (Python Imaging Library) extension
Python GUI Development Options
tkinter Extensions
PIL Basics
Displaying Other Image Types with PIL
Displaying all images in a directory
Creating Image Thumbnails with PIL
Scrolling and canvases (ahead)
Using images in toolbars, too
Scrollable Canvases and Image Thumbnails
Graphics and gaming toolkits
animation and,
Graphics and gaming toolkits
basics overview,
PIL Basics
creating image thumbnails,
Creating Image Thumbnails with PIL
Scrolling and canvases (ahead)
displaying other image types,
Displaying Other Image Types with PIL
Displaying all images in a directory
Python GUI Development Options
tkinter Extensions
images in toolbars,
Using images in toolbars, too
thumbnail support,
Scrollable Canvases and Image Thumbnails
pipe character (|),
Chaining programs with pipes
Pipe object (multiprocessing),
IPC Tools: Pipes, Shared Memory, and Queues
Interprocess Communication
Interprocess Communication
Anonymous Pipes
Anonymous Pipes
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Named Pipes (Fifos)
Named pipe use cases
multiprocessing pipes
Adding a GUI As a Separate Program: Command Pipes
Other uses for threaded pipe GUIs
Sockets and pipes: Compare and contrast
Buffering in other contexts: Command pipes revisited
Sockets versus command pipes
Interprocess Communication
Anonymous Pipes
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
Adding a GUI As a Separate Program: Command Pipes
Other uses for threaded pipe GUIs
Buffering in other contexts: Command pipes revisited
Sockets versus command pipes
Anonymous Pipes
multiprocessing module and,
multiprocessing pipes
Interprocess Communication
Named Pipes (Fifos)
Named pipe use cases
sockets and,
Sockets and pipes: Compare and contrast
unbuffered modes,
Output stream buffering revisited: Deadlocks and
playfile module,
Playing the Monty Python theme song
Plone website builder,
Python Internet Development Options
plotting points on a circle,
A Quick Geometry Lesson
A Quick Geometry Lesson
PLY parsing system,
Advanced Language Tools
Pmw (Python Mega Widgets) extension toolkit,
Python GUI Development Options
tkinter Extensions
Scrolling and canvases (ahead)
Python GUI Development Options
tkinter Extensions
scrolling support,
Scrolling and canvases (ahead)
Redirecting Streams to Python Objects
POP (Post Office Protocol),
POP: Fetching Email
Mail Configuration Module
POP Mail Reader Script
POP Mail Reader Script
Fetching Messages
Fetching Email at the Interactive Prompt
POP Message Numbers and Synchronization
POP Message Numbers and Synchronization
Reading POP Email
Escaping Mail Text and Passwords in HTML
Deletions and POP Message Numbers
Alternative: Delete on load
POP Mail Interface
Rolling your own encryptor
fetching email at interactive prompt,
Fetching Email at the Interactive Prompt
mail configuration module,
Mail Configuration Module
POP Mail Reader Script
mail reader script,
POP Mail Reader Script
Fetching Messages
POP: Fetching Email
PyMailCGI and,
Reading POP Email
Escaping Mail Text and Passwords in HTML
Deletions and POP Message Numbers
Alternative: Delete on load
POP Mail Interface
Rolling your own encryptor
PyMailGUI and,
POP Message Numbers and Synchronization
POP Message Numbers and Synchronization
poplib module,
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Unicode in Python 3.X and Email Tools
POP Mail Reader Script
A Console-Based Email Client
Implementation Overview
The Message View Page
Python’s Internet Library Modules
Unicode in Python 3.X and Email Tools
mail reader script,
POP Mail Reader Script
pymail script and,
A Console-Based Email Client
PyMailCGI program and,
Implementation Overview
The Message View Page
popmail script,
POP: Fetching Email
POP Mail Reader Script
Fetching Messages
port numbers,
Machine identifiers
Port number rules
Talking to Reserved Ports
Binding reserved port servers
Machine identifiers
protocol rules,
Port number rules
Talking to Reserved Ports
Binding reserved port servers
pprint module,
Dictionaries of dictionaries
Scanning the Standard Library Tree
Regular expression parsing
SAX parsing
displaying databases,
Dictionaries of dictionaries
regular expression parsing and,
Regular expression parsing
SAX parsing and,
SAX parsing
scanning directory trees,
Scanning the Standard Library Tree
print function,
Paging Documentation Strings
Standard Streams
Redirection Syntax in Print Calls
Debugging CGI scripts
CGI scripts and,
Debugging CGI scripts
Paging Documentation Strings
Redirection Syntax in Print Calls
standard streams and,
Standard Streams
Printing Unicode Filenames
Printing Unicode Filenames
Printing dialog results and passing callback data with
Printing dialog results and passing callback data with
dialog results,
Printing dialog results and passing callback data with
Printing dialog results and passing callback data with
Unicode filenames,
Printing Unicode Filenames
Printing Unicode Filenames
Process class (multiprocessing),
The Basics: Processes and Locks
process forking,
“Telling the Monkeys What to Do”
(see forking processes)
program execution,
Other Ways to Start Programs
The os.startfile call
Automated Program Launchers (External)
Running GUI Programs
Running Programs
Coding for reusability
Cross-program communication
SMTP: Sending Email
Running the pymail Console Client
Running the pymail Console Client
Running the pymail2 console client
Running the pymail2 console client
Running PyMailGUI
Running Server-Side Examples
Viewing Server-Side Examples and Output
Installing CGI scripts
Persistence Options in Python
Running PyCalc
automated program launchers,
Automated Program Launchers (External)
CGI scripts,
Installing CGI scripts
cross-program communication,
Cross-program communication
GUI programs,
Running GUI Programs
Running Programs
Coding for reusability
launching email programs,
SMTP: Sending Email
launching methods,
Other Ways to Start Programs
The os.startfile call
persistence options,
Persistence Options in Python
PyCalc program,
Running PyCalc
pymail console client,
Running the pymail Console Client
Running the pymail Console Client
Running the pymail2 console client
Running the pymail2 console client
Running PyMailGUI
server-side scripts,
Running Server-Side Examples
Viewing Server-Side Examples and Output
threads and,
program exits,
Program exit with child threads
sys Module Exits
sys Module Exits
os Module Exits
Shell Command Exit Status Codes
Exit status with subprocess
Process Exit Status and Shared State
Thread Exits and Shared State
Thread Exits and Shared State
with child threads,
Program exit with child threads
os module,
os Module Exits
process exit status and shared state,
Process Exit Status and Shared State
shell commands and,
Shell Command Exit Status Codes
Exit status with subprocess
sys module,
sys Module Exits
sys Module Exits
thread exits and shared state,
Thread Exits and Shared State
Thread Exits and Shared State
programming Python,
Step 1: Representing Records
Dictionaries of dictionaries
Start-up pointers
Step 2: Storing Records Persistently
Using Shelves
Step 3: Stepping Up to OOP
Other Database Options
Using Classes
Using Classes
Adding Behavior
Adding Inheritance
Augmenting methods
Alternative classes
Adding Persistence
Adding Persistence
Other Database Options
Step 4: Adding Console Interaction
A Console Shelve Interface
Step 5: Adding a GUI
Future directions
Getting Input from a User
Step 6: Adding a Web Interface
Future directions
“Hello World” in Four Lines (or Less)
One More for Old Times’ Sake
Coding for reusability
Coding for reusability
Python Internet Development Options
Python Internet Development Options
Socket Programming
Binding reserved port servers
But What About That Bottleneck?
Python Fosters Hybrid Applications
adding behavior,
Adding Behavior
adding GUI,
Step 5: Adding a GUI
Future directions
adding inheritance,
Adding Inheritance
adding persistence,
Adding Persistence
Adding Persistence
adding web-based interfaces,
Step 6: Adding a Web Interface
Future directions
alternative database options,
Other Database Options
class considerations,
Using Classes
Using Classes
coding for reusability,
Coding for reusability
Coding for reusability
console interaction,
Step 4: Adding Console Interaction
A Console Shelve Interface
Hello World program,
“Hello World” in Four Lines (or Less)
One More for Old Times’ Sake
inputting user data,
Getting Input from a User
Internet development options,
Python Internet Development Options
Python Internet Development Options
OOP considerations,
Step 3: Stepping Up to OOP
Other Database Options
programming pointers,
Start-up pointers
rapid development features,
But What About That Bottleneck?
Python Fosters Hybrid Applications
refactoring code,
Augmenting methods
Alternative classes
representing records,
Step 1: Representing Records
Dictionaries of dictionaries
socket programming,
Socket Programming
Binding reserved port servers
storing records persistently,
Step 2: Storing Records Persistently
Using Shelves
Changing Shell Variables
Redirecting Streams to Files and Programs
Coding alternatives for adders and sorters
Chaining programs with pipes
Sockets and independent programs
Starting Independent Programs

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