Read Fake Boyfriend Online

Authors: Evan Kelsey

Fake Boyfriend (21 page)

such a big boy." I tease taking the piece of paper and putting it
in my purse. Deciding to mess with Ruxin, I take my phone out and
save the number. Then hit dial.

It rings
twice before I hear. "Sterling."

"It's me!
Have you missed the other half of your soul?" I ask,

How did you escape hell?" He whispers, in horror.

I can't
help but laugh. "Are you kidding? I own that place."

laughs. "Right. So where are you?"


means your with Ruxin, right?"

chuckle. "Yeah, we're on our way to the hotel."

"I'm in
my room right now. Call me when you're ready for your bus

"How do
you know we're staying at the same hotel?" I question.

He scoffs
and laughs. "You're so adorable."

the second person to call me adorable today and for some reason it
makes me sound stupid, not adorable." I state, irritated with both

being stupid and I won't call you adorable. You're staying at The
Landsborough, the Royal Suite. Ruxin always books it for this time
of year, leaving me to live like a peasant in one of the other

Oliver. Just don't ask for more." I reply, jokingly.

"But I'm

greedy then hungry-" My phone is snatched from my hand. Ruxin hits
end and puts the phone in my purse. "What was that?"

here." He grumbles in reply. As the car stops.

could've said goodbye the old fashion way." I murmur as the door
opens and he steps out. He holds out his hand for me and I take it,
stepping out in front of a tall white stone building with pillars,
screaming "I'm snooty!" Great I'm going to be afraid to touch
anything for the next few weeks.

Taking my
hand in his we walk into the building passing richly dressed men
and women. I feel very out of place in my dark grey yoga pants and
black tee shirt. A man in a light gray tailored suit, with a lined
face, white hair and an air of importance walks towards

Novak the royal suite is ready for you, sir." He says, holding out
a key card to him. I look at the spotless lobby, loving the detail,
it looks warm and inviting. It's not what I expected.

need another made for my fiancee."

"Certainly, sir. Right away, sir." He replies walking towards
the front desk.

"Certainly, sir! Oh, of course sir. Just turn around, sir and
I'll wipe your ass, sir." I mimic the man in my best English

laughs, making us the center of attention. I dip my head to avoid
the stares. I elbow him as the man comes back to us handing me a
key card this time. "Thank you, I'm Eva Thorpe." I say, holding out
my hand.

Stanley. It's a pleasure madam." I smiling. I'm about to respond
when arms wrap and my waist pulling my from Ruxin and spinning me

No one panic! I got her, I'll send her back to the depths of hell
from which she came!" Xavier bellows.

I hide my face in my hands. Xavier sets me down laughing and I slap
his chest. "You idiot." I state.

"I may be
an idiot, but your adorable." He says, tapping the end of my nose,

har har. Very funny."

grouchy. Will someone please get this woman some coffee! Before she
kills us all!"

yelling!" I whisper, feeling Ruxin's arm wrap around my

don't you have anything better to do then harass my

nothing better." He smirks then adds more seriously. "You know I
heard of your pending nuptials, congratulations. I believe my
father said, 'He didn't even ask, just slid the damn thing on her
finger.'" He says, changing his voice to sound like his dad. "Way
to show her who's boss, Novak. She needs a firm hand every now and
then, she thinks she can run wild." He states, jokingly. Making a
tisking sound and shaking his head.

I chuckle
and Ruxin's grip tightens. "We're going to the room, now. If you'll
excuse us." He says, to Xavier.

thought you were leaving? We have bus tour planned." Xavier asks,
following us.

come with us. I need to change then we can go. Ruxin is leaving
shortly anyway."

The ride
on the elevator is slightly uncomfortable only because Ruxin is
tense, making Xavier smirk happily. The door opens and we go to the
only room on the floor. Ruxin opens the door holding it open for
me. I walk in and just as Xavier is about to go In after me Ruxin
pushes him out of the way and walks in.

knock it off." I scold.

"Do you
promise to spank me if I'm not?" Xavier asks, looking around
curiously. "This place is nice. Champagne anyone?" He asks, lifting
up a green and gold bottle from a silver bucket filed with

open that. It's for later." Ruxin orders.

will our bags get here do you think?" I question.

"Go to
that room and look in the closet. They're all hanging up or in the
dresser." Ruxin answers, concentrating on his phone. I roll my eyes
at his curtness and walk into the room. It's massive, everything
looks old yet new at the same time. I open the set of dark wood
double doors and see a huge walk in closet with our clothes hanging
up. I take a pair of dark skinny jeans and a red dressy top. I
dress quickly and go to the bathroom. I put on make up and redo my
messy bun, deciding this is as good as it gets I leave the bathroom
and go back to the two idiots.

I stop
stunned at what I see, Ruxin is lecturing to Xavier about my
safety. "Don't let her out of your sight and don't let any guys
approach her."

I see
that Xavier is trying hard not to smile as he looks at me and back
to Ruxin. "Yes, sir." Xavier replies, rolling his eyes.

turns to see me, "Call me of you need anything. I put my card in
your purse, use it." He walks over to me and kisses my lips softly.
"I'll be back as soon as I can."

worry. I'll be fine." I reassure him straightening his

He nods.
"I'll see you tonight. Keep your phone on you."

dear." I reply, watching him leave.

really going to marry that?" Xavier asks.

probably." I shrug.

wearing his ring. I think that makes it a, yes." He

"No, it
makes it a maybe. He just insisted I wear this." I say, holding up
my hand.

you're telling me there's a chance?"

don't even start that crap. He's already convinced your dad wants
us together. I don't want to have to keep telling him there's
nothing like that between us." I say, grabbing my purse and walking
to the door. "What are we doing today?"

He seems
to be lost in thought, when he notices me looking at him he snaps
out of it. "I believe I promised you the most exciting bus tour
money can buy." He replies hitting the elevator button.

"I don't
know. It could be dangerous, I may die of excitement. After all
Ruxin did warn you, you have to keep me safe."

"Has he
told you he loves you?" He asks, abruptly.

right." I huff. "He will though. There's no way I'll marry someone
who can't tell me they love me. Why do you want to

"I was
just curious." He explains, shrugging. "Now, the tour will last an
hour. We have a whole day? Did you bring your swim

"No, are
we going swimming?"

"Why not?
Ruxin said I'm not allowed to take you to the sights, he wants to
take you himself."

"Yeah, he
did promise."

"So, that
leaves shopping, eating and lounging at the pool."

good to me, but don't you have work?" I question as we get on the
elevator going down to the lobby.

"I do,
but I'm taking a couple of days off. I fixed the problem anyway."
He replies, sadly.

happened?" I nudge him with my elbow.

he hasn't been overseeing anything. An accountant took off with
five million dollars. We're trying to locate him."

wouldn't he do his job? Isn't he already in enough trouble with
your father?"

"I think
he did it so my father had no choice but to bring him back

"What a
slime ball." I mutter as the doors open and we walk to the front of
the building.

"He's one
of a kind. We have twenty minutes to get there."


"That bus
stop." He points to down the road. We start walking in

"How long
do you think you'll have to stay here?" I question.

"A few
more weeks. My cousin is going to take over the operations. She's
learning the ropes, I think she'll do great. Speakk of the devil
and he shall appear." He smiles down at me. I look at him
curiously, but he looks up. "Sammy!" He calls to a woman about to
go into a coffee shop. She waves and walks towards us.

"How's it
going at the office?"

Where have you been?"

Top of


of Form

Eva." He says pointing to me.

She looks
at me, "The Eva?"

I shrug
remembering Xavier mother's reaction being similar. "You're going
to have to take my word for the fact he deserved every beating I
gave him." I smile holding out my hand.

"Tell me
that's not in anyway sexual." She cringes, shaking my

no!" I respond, laughing.

"You look
so familiar." She says, looking at me intently.

"I don't
think we've ever-"

you with Ruxin Novak?" She asks.

I stop
myself from groaning. "I think I'll always be known as the girl
with Ruxin Novak."

there are worse things in life." She replies, noticeably

gross. Really Sammy? Novak?" Xavier questions,

"Shut up,
Xavier." She huffs turning around and going back to the coffee shop
she was going into. I watch her completely, jealous. This must have
been one of Ruxin's many one night stands. That was fun, I really
hope I never have to do that again.

about that. I didn't know." Xavier says, uncomfortably. "I
shouldn't have said anything, I was just shocked. She unusually has
more self respect then to be Novak's play thing fo-" He stops

I turn to
him. "What were you going to say? His play thing for the night? I
knew of them I just didn't expect to meet one, you

He nods.
"Sorry, I really am." I can hear he's being sincere, but it doesn't
stop my heart from hurting. I know it was all before me, but it
still makes my gut clench and my heart slam in my chest. I don't
know if it's jealousy or rage, either way it feels

"Okay, no
bus tour. Let's go buy you a swim suit and grab a snack, then swim
and relax at the pool."

I nod.
"Yeah." He takes my hand and we walk a little further to a
boutique. A sales representative in all black with black hair and
pink lips smiles at us. "Can I help you find anything."

please. She needs a swim suit, something skimpy and eye catching."
Xavier tells her, making me blush.

"No, not
skimpy." I correct, narrowing my eyes on him.

shrugs. "It was worth a try."

"We have
a few options." The women says and we follow her. The first one she
shows us can't be considered a bathing suit. The triangles could
barely cover half my boobs.

the one." Xavier states.

"No." I
say, looking at the others. Next is a simple white halter-top and
what looks like a simple bottom. "I'll take that one."

else for you today."

that's it. Thank you." I reply. We follow her to the check out and
I open my purse to take out Ruxin's black card. It just doesn't
feel right to use it. Especially, because I'm angry about his past
and meeting one of his conquests.

"Let me
buy this for your two days of work." Xavier says, holding out his
own black card to the woman.

"Are you

"Yes." He
replies, signing the slip. He takes the bag and we leave the shop
walking back to the hotel.

"I don't
have a right to be mad at Ruxin do I?" I ask, confused by my

He shakes
his head. "I have no idea."

You need to help me." I plead.

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