Read Fake Boyfriend Online

Authors: Evan Kelsey

Fake Boyfriend (32 page)

"I did."
She replies. I smile into her hair. If she won't wear my ring
she'll wear my necklace. That's something at least.

"I love
you." I say, hugging her tightly.

you, too." She replies.

not a, "but" to that "I love you"?"

scoffs, "There's no, "buts" in love. I can be unhappy with you and
still love you." She rubs the arm I have laying across
her chest.

"I'll be
better. I promise." I state, hoping I can be.

chuckle's. "Words, Mr.Novak are very pretty things. Show me

"I will."
I reply.

"Do you
know, Esmeralda Stern?" She questions, making me wince. She is
far too smart, not that I was expecting anything less.

"I do." I
admit, hesitantly.

"Did you
get me that job today?"

helped." I say, uncomfortably.

I feel
her tense up. "I thought you didn't want me to work? Yet it was
okay for you to get me this job?" She questions, not happy with

"I just
want to make you happy. When Ronan told me where you were applying
it occurred to me you'd be perfect for Esmeralda. She needs the
help trust me. Her husband died three years ago and the shop
is her life. But she's getting older and her daughter is useless
when it comes to the store."

doesn't say anything for a few minutes and I am certain she's
going to kick me out. "Were you going to tell me?"

"Yes, but
in a very apologetic way. Flowers, chocolates and a candlelit

wouldn't have worked. I'm still really mad. Why couldn't you have
talked to me before you called her?"

"You said
you didn't want to talk to me."

huffs, "Yet here you are."

"This was
necessary. I couldn't stay away, I even flew commercial." I reply,

"You flew
commercial?" She asks, laughing hysterically.



I wake up
after a full nights rest, smelling coffee and smiling for the first
time in days. Then it occurs to me, I have work! I scramble out of
bed and look at the clock, sighing in relief when I see its only 8
in the morning. I can hear Ruxin in the kitchen so I get the
shower, washing myself quickly and getting out. I wrap a towel
around me and walk back into my room.

I decide
to wear a thigh length teal jersey dress with black flats. I pull
my hair into a ponytail and leave the room. Ruxin is on the phone
at the dining room table and I blush thinking about how we last
used it together. When he's eyes scan my face I see them
darken, he knows exactly what I am

I look
away and go to the refrigerator grabbing a water. I hear a
knock at the front door and hurry answer it. I open the door
and see both Ronan and Dave, I give Ronan a dirty look. I can't
help it! I'm still mad at him about yesterday. I grab my purse and
just as I walk out the door Ruxin calls after me.

"What?" I
ask, poking my head back in the door. He gets up from the table and
walks towards me.

time is dinner?" He questions.

o'clock." I answer as he leans in closer. I raise my eyebrow at
him, knowing what he wants.

"Do I get
a kiss goodbye?"

"Nope." I
reply happily, shutting the door on his face.

I just
get on the elevator when Dave steps on as well. "You didn't think
you would be going by yourself, did you?"

"I had
high hopes." I mutter back.


When I
walk into Esmeralda's Books the lights are still off. Its only 8:30
am and the store doesn't open until 9. "Good morning, Eva."
Esmeralda says, coming out from behind a shelf.

morning." I reply. I walk towards her. "Esmeralda, I just have
to say, I know that Ruxin called you and I'm sorry if you felt
obligated to hire me out of friendship with the

smiles widely. "You're over qualified for the job, but I would have
hired you anyway. I can't keep this store up by myself. Ruxin may
have spoken in your favor but he didn't tell me to hire


"No, he
told me you were coming and that you are a hard working and that I
could trust you." She explains.


"Although, I have to admit the fact you earned Ruxin Novak's
trust is what sold me. That boy is notorious for being untrusting
and his opinion of people always seems spot on."

thank you for giving me the chance regardless." I state.

pleasure. So, lets get started. I have a shipment to bring out and
I want the display changed in the front window."

passes quickly and Esmeralda and I share lunch and a similar family
stories. She is such a wonderful person and funny too. Her dry
sense of humor reminds me a lot like Ruxin's and my
mind wander's  to him throughout the day. I don't want to
be mad at him, I wish we could start over but I cant budge on this.
The fact that he tried to plan our wedding behind my back crosses a
line. He does seems genuinely sorry, which from Ruxin is a lot. I
just can't fall for the "I'm sorry" that happens continuously and
never changes. He needs to show me that my opinion's matter to him
and that we're a team.

At five
o'clock the bell chimes over the door I look up to see Ruxin coming
in. I can't help but smile when I see him. "Are you looking for
something in particular?" I ask, politely.

with a lot of dirty pictures." He replies, walking towards

"Its not
that type of store." I whisper, playfully.

"Are you
sure you don't have a backroom filled with illicit

sure." I state, amused.

then I'll just take you."

"I'm very
expensive." I warn.

"And a
pain in the ass, but I think I can handle it. Are you ready for the
Prescott's?" He asks, seriously.

anyone really be prepared for them?" I question back.

"We could
take precautions and bring a crucifix and bible."

"Why not
a catholic priest too?" I add.

"Lets not
get ridiculous." He replies, winking.

I laugh
and finish setting the rest of the books on the shelf. I flatten
the cardboard out and walk to the back office to say goodbye to
Esmeralda. I pitch the cardboard in the trash and knock on her
office door. "Come in."

headed out. Is there anything else you need done before I leave?" I

thanks for staying so long and helping me catch up." She says,

Bye, Esmeralda." I wave.


I close
the door and make my way back to the front of the store. Ruxin is
holding my purse and waiting by the door. "You look eager to get to
dinner." I tease.

"Its like
taking off a band aid. I rather just rip it off

stop at a bar and take a couple shots before we get there." I

laughs. "We may needs our wit's about us. You never know what those
two are planning and they've had all day." He says ominously,
holding open the door. I walk out and smile at a waiting Henry,
Dave, completely ignoring Ronan.

you're still mad?" Ronan asks, clearly finding it funny.

"Yep." I
respond, getting in the backseat. Ruxin gets in after me with a
question on his face. "He told on me to you. He's in the dog house
with you." I answer.

smiles. "He was doing his job." I shrug. I don't care if he was
just doing his job, he didn't need to interfere. "How was your
first day of work?" He questions, instead.

"Great, I
really love Esmeralda."

"I knew
you would. You two are very similar." He states, looking out the

I take
that as a complement, Esmeralda is a strong capable women a lot
like my mother. I see the familiar buildings tell me we're getting
closer to my fathers home and my stomach flips. Why do I torture
myself with things like this? I need to learn to say no to William
and his invitations. At least Ruxin is with me. Then again that's
another thing I'm going to have to explain to William. Ugh, why
didn't I think about that part! The car stops and Ruxin get out and
holds out his hand for me. We're a half hour early and I am
dreading this encounter. I grab his hand to pull myself out and we
stay silent until we get on the elevator.

knows about our break up." I admit.

rather you not say that again. It was a break, not a break up." He

I roll my
eyes. "It is what it is. I just don't know how I'll explain your

simple our break is over. End of explanation." He says,

I glare
up at him. "For a smart man you really are stupid."

belong together, Angel." He responds, pulling me to his side. My
heart melts a little because I feel the same way.


on the Prescott's door I am resigned to the fact I have to spend
the evening with them. I love my father, he's a good man. However,
I don't know if I can put up with Susan and Cindy much longer,
without saying something. I won't tell William about them
destroying my mothers things, but I will tell him we simple don't
get along. He understood why I had to move out, he'll understand
why I need to avoid "family" dinners.

"I think
I feel a headache coming on." I grumble, earning a chuckle from

not the only one." He replies, as Lucinda opens the door smiling

"Miss Eva
and Mr. Novak, its good to see you." She greets us.

"You too
Lucinda." I reply, walking into the foyer.

father is in the great room with Mrs. Prescott and Miss Cindy."
Lucinda tells us.

I nod.
"Thank you. I forgot to call, but I invited Mr. Novak. I hope it
won't be a problem."

"No, Miss
Eva, its no problem. This way." She states. I smile in relief.
Lucinda is such a great women and an excellent house keeper. She
walks towards the great room and we follow. I wish I could look as
confident and unaffected as Ruxin does, but I don't have that
skill. I tighten my grip on his arm as we enter the room and see
Cindy and Susan on the sofa and my father on a fashionable leather
chair. William stands up as we come in his smile somewhat forced
and I instantly feel guilty for not telling him that Ruxin was

"Ruxin, we're happy you could make it." William
says, holding out his hand. Ruxin nods and shakes his hand in

"Sorry, I
should have called." I apologize.

fine. As they say the more the merrier. Although, I would
have thought you'd still be in London." William says to

"I got
back early this morning. I am officially Eva's lap dog. Isn't that
right, Angel?" Ruxin replies, smirking at me.

worse things to be." I point out. Not at all liking how he used the
term "lap dog" and implying I made him come to me. I don't remember
calling him home.

"I'm not
complaining." He retorts.

I narrow
my eyes at his obvious attempt to get me irritated. "Saying you're
my lap dog isn't exactly flattering. I'm not trying to be your
master and I highly doubt it would be possible to tame you." I
mutter. I can see his lips lifting in a smile. I roll my eyes. I
see Mr. Novak is back to normal, teasing me as always. Damn, I
made that easy for him. I have to be careful not to let him draw me
into too many petty arguments, I know he gets off on

couldn't stand to be a part? Because I heard the opposite." Cindy
questions, rising from the sofa.

"I hated
being away from her. After she tried to end things, I followed her
home to assure she wasn't going anywhere." He states, sounding
completely serious. Yet, I know he's teasing me again because of
the smug look on his face. His hand slides from my waist and he
pinches my butt playfully.

I chew on
my lower lip itching to fight with him, but restraining myself and
nodding my head yes. I can see his eyes narrow upset I
didn't take the bait. If he's trying to entertain himself while
he's here, I won't let it happen. He is going to be miserable, like
I am. Feeling better knowing I can thwart his game, I smile
brightly. Game on, Novak.

you're back together then?" Cindy asks, clearly

"Eva was
just mad at me." Ruxin answers, winking at me.

good reason." I say, defensively.

Prescott, dinner is ready to be served." Lucinda states from the

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