Read Fake Boyfriend Online

Authors: Evan Kelsey

Fake Boyfriend (36 page)

I can't
wrap my head around it. No one is that cold hearted.
 "Why would he do that?" I ask out loud.

couldn't stomach the thought of the woman he loved happy with
another man." Ruxin answers, making me and Cindy jump.

think so?" I question, trying to understand how that could be. "If
he loved her, wouldn't he want her happy?"

"I doubt
he really even thought about it. He just didn't want her moving on
form him. That maybe one day she'd forgive him." Ruxin explains,

makes you so certain you're right?" I ask.

"He kept
a letter from her that showed nothing but her contempt for him,
he's read it repeatedly judging by the worn paper. He paid someone
to follow her movements. Its not hard to conclude, You're just in
shock and too tender hearted to see the darkness within your
father." I nod.

right about everything except not seeing my father for what he is.
William is the lowest of the low, a pathetic excuse for a man and
father. I'm glad I never called him dad and now I know the real
reason mom kept me from him. She was ashamed of him, that he was so
ruthless and unsympathetic about the damage and pain he

"He never
loved her, she was his. A possession that he just couldn't let go,
that he couldn't let be happy." I say, thinking out

"He's the
worst. I don't think he's ever been loving, he's always treated me
like I was just someone to deal with. You're lucky he was never
really your dad." Cindy states, firmly.

"I know
that, now. Thank you for bringing this to me. It answers a lot of

shakes her head, "That's not all. My mother and I opened a letter
that dad had written to your mom. It was a couple days before
the Gala that you two met at. I don't know what it said, she took
it and threw it in the fire before I could read it."

I stand
up and walk to my bedroom. The letters he wrote to my mother that I
never opened. What did they say that would upset Susan so badly?
What made her hate me so much? I drop to my knees beside the bed
and locate the bag and slide it out. I pick it up by the handles
and walk back to Ruxin and Cindy. I set it on the coffee table
and reach inside for the stack of letters, bringing them out. I
hand one letter to Cindy, one to Ruxin and take one for

them. I'm sure they all say basically the same thing."

Dearest Maggie,

I miss you. Call me and we can put this behind us. We can be

All my love, Will

I look
around wondering if anyone else had such a short letter. Ruxin
clearly doesn't have a short one, I notice as he flips the page
over. I look at Cindy who just finishes up.

begged her to come back to him, he was evidently too afraid to go
to her." She says to me.

threat to expose him was that big a deal?" I ask,

Ruxin answers, readily. "He married Susan because his father
and Susan's insisted. They were family friends. However, he
did go after her." He replies, distractedly still reading the

"He went
back to Michigan?"

"Yes, it
says here. I just wanted to see our daughter and try
to show you we've never stopped loving each other."
Ruxin, responds looking up from the letter.

I don't
know what to really think from all of this. its too much. "I should

"Are you
sure? You can stay."

"Yes, I'm
sure. I would like to confront our dad but I can't. I just wanted
you to know."

appreciate you telling me, thank you." I say, letting her keep her
reasons for not addressing William and his callous

"There is
one more thing. Not that it really matters, but dad doesn't want
you with Ruxin."

My mouth
drops, 'Is that why he is always warning me away from

don't get me wrong. He is willing to accept Ruxin, but rather get
into business with Sterling Corp. That's why he chose the apartment
building across form Xavier's."

"He works
for Ruxin though." I say, not understanding William motivation to
see me with Xavier.

shrugs. "Xavier's dad retired and his brother is useless. He thinks
he could be Xavier's vice president if you were to date him.
Landing Xavier is another one of my failures." She smirks,
wistfully. "Bye."

"Bye, Cindy. Come over anytime." I say, standing up. She
smiles a real smile and leaves quietly.

I look
back at Ruxin who smiles at me lovingly. "We need to talk,


Eva Thorpe

"Okay." I
reply, cautiously. "What do you want to talk about?"

Ruxin states, simply. My pulse picks up. He said, "us." He wants to
talk about us.

thought you didn't want to talk about us? That I shouldn't love
you." I respond, still hurt.

"I was
wrong to say that." He states, hanging his head

I run my
hands down my face. "Ruxin, every time I think I know who you are
you throw me for a loop. You're the most inconsistently-consistent
person I know."

"Inconsistently-consistent?" He asks, his eyebrows shooting

"Yes, as soon as I can count on you to be your
usual possessive, domineering self. You turn around and order
me to walk away. What is it you want, Ruxin?"

"I want
you, I love you. All I need is you but I also
have to know when I am my, "usual consistent-self" that you
won't walk away from me."

"I walked
away from you because you lied. You lied to your friends about
loving me, then you lied about our wedding. Not because you're you,
but because you lied." I emphasize. "Then I thought that maybe
I was looking, or trying to end what we had because I was scared of
becoming my mother. I second guessed myself and us."

figured it out though?"

"I have.
Have you?" I question, still unsure of his intentions.

He replies, looking at his left hand. I see the wedding
ring I picked out and smile.

it?" I ask, beyond pleased that he's wearing it.

it." He nods, "Only you would do this." He says, touching the

"Did you
just get the rings today?"

"No, I
just couldn't return them or look at them. I've stared at the boxes
for days now."

"Why did
you open them today?"

and Julia have made me realize how moronic I've been. That by
pushing you away I was hurting you not setting you free, like I
thought I was doing. I'm sorry."

I tilt my
head to the side. Pretending to look for injuries as I say, "Did
they have to use a baseball bat to get through to that thick

smiles. "I'm sure they wanted too."

"I was
just as bad. I was stupid and I'm sorry." I apologize, sitting on
his lap. "However, If you ever kick me out of your office like day
old trash again, I really will buy a baseball bat." I tease, but
thinking of earlier makes me think of what I have to tell

feisty." He reply's, kissing my neck.

I hum my
approval. When his hand travels up my leg to my thigh, I moan.
"Wait, Ruxin. I have to tell you something."

doesn't stop, naturally. I roll my eyes as he keeps kissing my neck
and his mouth moves down my chest I tug at his hair. "Hum?" He
finally responds.

this is serious." I say, firmly. Getting his attention, he stops
and leans back looking at me.

"What is
it?" He asks, soberly. I can tell by his tone he's expecting
something horrible. "If that asshole touched you. I will kill him."
He states, getting red.

Who?" I question, confused my his anger.

He replies, distastefully.

"No, he
didn't do anything. Ruxin, I'm pregnant." I blurt out to him, not
liking where his thought process is going or how angry he's making

When the
news finally sets in, he goes from rage, to shock, to
happiness in the span of a few seconds. Its the most emotion I've
ever seen on his face. I smile when he gets to

"Pregnant?" He asks, a little breathless.


He looks
away, lost in thought. "You found out today?"


"And you
came to tell me?"

I nod. "I

what Robert and Dave were keeping from me." He states, in
conclusion. My guard's weren't being honest with him and now he
knows why.

"I wanted
to tell you. It was only right that I would be the one to
tell you." I explain.

"I guess
I'll have to hire Dave back." He grumbles.

Dave Bac- Ruxin you didn't!" I yell, horrified that I got Dave

He holds
up his hands "I'll hire him back. I didn't know why he was lying.
Just that he was."

call him." I demand.

He states. His eyes on mine he grips my hips, bringing me
closer and more firmly on his lap. "You've lost so much
weight." He says, feeling my hip bones with his thumbs.

morning sickness. Don't worry, I got a prescription to help

"Is the
baby alright?"

"I think
so." I say, truthfully. "I have to set up a appointment for an
ultrasound to figure out when I conceived and to check if
everything is normal so far."

have Julia set it up."

I reply, as he pushes my dress up my thighs.

missed you." He says, kissing me while he stands up. When he sets
me down on a hard surface seconds later. I open my eyes,
realizing I'm on the kitchen table he smirks down at me
devilishly. "Let's break it."

"Ruxin! "
I yell, laughing hysterically as he lowers the zipper on the back
of my dress. "No, way. I like this table."

"It won't
go in my condo anyway." He responds. Unclasping my bra and pulling
if forward, he lets it fall to the floor. Then lifting me
up he pulls my dress down over my hips.

bedroom." I state, as serious as I can. I can't help but
smile at his disappointed face.

He begs, pouting a little.

make it up to you." I say, suggestively. Sweetening the


He picks
me up right away and carries me to the bedroom setting me
down on the bed. He starts undressing
without a ounce of grace and I laugh when he almost
falls. When he's completely naked he leans down capturing my lips
with his and forcing me onto my back.

He kisses
down my body lighting a liquid fire within
me. My breathing changes into sharp and rapid moans when
he lowers my underwear and places his mouth on me. I come off
the bed, my fingers digging into his hair. I grip his
hair, bringing his head back up. Wanting to show him how much
I love him. I push at his shoulders and he complies laying down on
the bed. "Now." He demands, pulling me on top of him.

don't wan-" I start to ask, but he pulls me up and places himself
at my entrance. He guides my hips down until he is fully inside me.
We both moan as I start to move and his hands tighten on my hips.
The way he watches me as I move above him just adds to my
need for him.

He moans and closes his eyes, rolling us over 
taking over swiftly. Holding my hips up as he repeatedly moves
within me. I come apart, tightening my legs around his waist,
earning a low groan from him as he finds
his release.


collapses beside me, "I love you, angel."

I smile.
"I love you too."



runs me a bath after our "make-up sex", as he so
romantically put it. Soaking in the warm water I start to relax for
the first time in weeks. I'm still very tired, but I'm happy.
Another plus is that I haven't thrown up since taking the

I'm just
glad that ruxins here, I want to make this work. I know what I want
and Ruxin is nothing like William. I'm ashamed I even compared the
two, Ruxin would never do what William did. I close my eyes and
lean my head back.  I stay in for another fifteen minutes and
stand up, wringing my hair out. I pull the curtain back and
grab my towel off the towel bar and wrap it around me.

the door I notice the curtains in the living room have
been closed. Soft romantic music is playing and the coffee
table is pushed against the wall. I walk closer and see
that there are candles lit all around the room and rose petals
on the floor. What is this?  I turn towards the kitchen table
and there is a glass of champagne and a glass of orange juice.
Ruxin comes up behind me and puts his arms around me caressing my
stomach. I lean into him. "What is all of this?"

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