Read Fake Boyfriend Online

Authors: Evan Kelsey

Fake Boyfriend (19 page)

Novak is bringing the bid at one million seven hundred." Eva turns
to me, horrified her mouth hanging open. I put my finger under her
chin and push up. The spot light comes on us and the bid rises. I
lift my arm again and Eva stands up trying to pull it down with
both arms. Everyone laughs and I raise my other hand. She gets in
my lap trying to get my other arm. I smile, she is completely
unaware of the spectacle she's making of herself. Not that is a bad
thing, the whole room is amused.

Stop!" She begs when I bid again.

"No, I
plan on slapping that ring on your hand."

I'll do anything you want!"

I raise
my eyebrow at the possibilities. "Oh, really?"


of answering her I bid again. "You better name

stick to your side like glue." She says, desperately.

I shake
my head. "Not good enough." I reply, raising my hand.

"I'll use
my mouth on you anytime you want, I'll give you morning sex,

Novak are you done bidding?" The man asks. I look at Eva and her
tempting mouth.

"I don't
know. I'm in the middle of negotiations." I respond, loudly making
everyone laugh.

"May I
ask what the ring is up against?" The man questions, earning more

course. E-" I start but Eva covers my mouth.

you dare. Or the only time I'll be using my mouth is to bite it

I laugh
under her hand and raise my arm, bidding again.

Aldrich?" The man asks in question.

"Let him
have it. I know if I was putting it on her hand, I wouldn't stop
either." He jokes.

"Sold to
Mr. Novak for 2.4 million." Eva groans, dropping her head on my
shoulder. I take out my black card from my jacket pocket and hold
it out to the woman collecting the payment. She walks away with it
and minutes later she comes back with the small wooden box holding
the ring and my card. I set both on the table and take out the
ring. With her head still on my shoulder no doubt pouting
beautifully, I pick up her left hand without protest and slid the
ring of her ring finger. She doesn't move, just growls. I chuckle
and whisper, "Mine." In her ear.



I feel
him take my left hand and slide the ring on my finger. I laid my
head under his chin on his chest. I hear the hoots and hollers of
people clapping and laughing. The man on the stage laughs into the
microphone, "I'm assuming she said yes?"

I feel
Ruxin shrug.

Novak, did you even ask?" The man questions and the room erupts in

"No." He
answers making everyone laugh harder.

"What the
hell are you thinking?" I groan lifting my head and seeing the
amused faces of the other guests.

thought this is what you wanted, Angel? I mean if I were going to
propose, this is how I'd do it, right?"

I gasp.
"Really? What the hell is this? Are you making some kind of point?
I was joking, you know I was. No one knows that you're joking." I
hiss back now completely irritated. He always has to prove
something to me. The fact that he doesn't ask for anything and
won't makes me mad. I bring my head all the way up and sit straight
up in his lap. "You're explaining this to your parents." I warn. He
holds my hips as I'm about to go back to my chair. I hear the man
on stage talking but I don't listen. I'm staring into Ruxin's cold

He cups
my chin firmly but gently and leans forward kissing me hungrily at
first and then softly. When he pulls back, I hear the clapping of
the other guests. I look around confused and Ruxin's hands cup the
back of my head. I turn my attention back to him.

"I wasn't
joking." He states firmly standing up and setting me on my

I know my
cheeks are red, but for once it's not from embarrassment, I'm
seething. Out of all the arrogant men in the world, I had to start
falling for the one who is also possessive, high handed and a
spoiled brat!

He takes
my hand and we walk to the entrance of the building. I pointedly
look to the ground avoiding any well wishers as we leave. The car
is waiting for us and Ruxin hugs me to his side as cameras flash
and questions are shouted at us. Henry has the door open for us and
I climb in and slide to the next seat making sure I'm as far from
Ruxin as I can get. The door shuts after Ruxin gets in and he turns
to me.

"You can
pout all you want, it won't change anything."

gets in and I lean forward. "Drop me off at my apartment


"No, go
to my place." Ruxin orders Henry.

"I want
to go home." I argue.

"That is
your home."

you're really pushing it."

leaving early in the morning for London."

haven't even packed. I have to go home."

packed." He states bored.

I can't
even look at him. "Do you have any idea how irate I am right

"No, why
don't you tell me." He replies smirking.

"I was
angry at you for not asking me to date you properly and then you go
ahead and tell me I'm marrying you, too. Not to mention, the
roomful of people you did it in front of! I don't have to date you
and I certainly don't have to marry you! You can't just demand
those things, why can't you see that?" I ask, my anger totally
justified in my eyes.

you rather I resort to other measures?" He asks pushing the button
for the partition making it go up.

what? More blackmail?"

"If I
have to."

what's it going to be? Are you going to blackmail me with my own
things or threaten me another way?" I huff.

tell your father what his wife and daughter were doing to

I glare
at him. "You all ready used that one, remember? I all ready agreed
to Christmas with you." I state angrily.

don't you want to marry me?" He asks.

I can't
help but look at him in complete disbelief. "Haven't you been
listening to anything I've been saying?"

trying to." He replies adjusting his crotch. I'm mad beyond measure
and he's turned on! He smirks at me.

I take a
deep breath. "I want to be asked." I say slowly to him.

would I ask? You'll only say no and I'll make you do it anyway. So
why fight me?" He questions like I'm the unreasonable

"Do you
really have no regard for my feelings at all?" I ask

course I do. I'll make you happy in every way. It's been my goal
since I first met you." He says looking hurt by my

The car
stops and Dave opens the door for us. I don't see anyone which is a
good sign we weren't followed. I don't know how to deal with Ruxin.
He won't ask because I'll say no. Then he'll have to make me do it
anyway. What am I supposed to do with that? He helps me out of the
car and we walk into the building. Bernard, his manager, hands him
a couple of slips of paper which he puts in his jacket pocket and
keeps walking. He waves Dave off as we get in the

Top of


of Form

I can
feel both of our frustrations hanging over us like a heavy cloak.
I'm drunk and tired, two very bad things to be around Ruxin. My
hand is still in his and he plays with the ring on my finger. I'd
give anything to know what he's thinking right now.


She will
marry me. I won't have it any other way. She'll have to deal with
my lifestyle. The press, the money, the events, the busy schedule,
all of it. I know she doesn't want this life but I'll give her
everything. My time, money and fidelity. I don't want another, she
is the one person I'll never get tired of seeing every night and
waking up to every morning.

I spin
the ring around her finger, making sure she doesn't take it off
will be a fight but I'll be ready for it. As much as I don't want
to force her compliance, I'll do what I have to. I've never felt
such pleasure as I did when I slid my ring on her finger. It feels
good, it feels right. I'm not stupid enough to ask a question I
won't like the answer to. Why can't she feel what I do? What is
holding her back? I know it's not all because I won't ask

elevator stops and I release her hand to use my thumb to open the
door. It clicks and I open it for her and she walks ahead of me,
taking off my ring.

"Put it
back on now." I demand.

"No." She
replies stopping and turning to me.

"If that
ring doesn't go back on your hand in five seconds, you won't like
what I'll do." I respond, my temper showing.

She sets
the ring on the entry table and crosses her arms. "Do your worst."
She shrugs.

I pick up
the ring and look at it. I raise my eyes to her. "If this won't tie
you to me, I know another way that will." I warn, my loins
tightening at the thought.

I can see
that she has no clue what I'm hinting at. I know she didn't take
her birth control last night. I'll make sure she doesn't again
tonight and the night after that for as long as I have

"What are
you talking about?" She asks her arms flying in

I step
forward and grab her left hand. "Put it on."

"Ask me."
She says stubbornly.

you will put this on. Don't make me do this."

I can see
she's struggling with herself. "I want to know what you'd

"I'll do
what I must. Don't test me." I state seriously. I look in her eyes
letting her know I'm not letting this go.

sighs, taking the ring and putting it on her finger. "You'll do
anything but what you should do. Fine, I'll wear it. I'm not happy
with you." She pokes my chest walking past me.

I laugh.
"You're drunk!" I accuse.

nearly drunk enough." She walks to the wet bar and takes out a
bottle of rum. She pours herself a drink and I watch her gulp it
down, her face scrunched up from the taste. When she attempts to
pour another and spills more than she pours into the glass, I stop

I place
the glass in the sink and start taking her dress off. Pulling it
down past her shoulders and sliding it over her waist to the floor.
She steps out of it in her nude stockings, high heels and matching
nude color bra and lacy panties. I groan, blood flow increasing at
a certain part of my body. I pull her against my chest, kissing
down her neck. Her hand reaches back to cup and stroke my manhood
and I moan. Then she steps out of my arms and walks away. I watch
her go to the bedroom without looking back. I stand, too stunned to

I finally
come around when I hear the shower turn on. I walk to the bedroom
and try to open the bathroom door, it's locked. Is she denying me
sex? I start getting undressed. I wait for her to exit the
bathroom, which takes so long I start to pace. Finally, the door
opens and the steam from the shower enters the room along with a
bundled up Eva. I raise an eyebrow at her oversized sweatpants and

honestly think that would be a deterrent?" I question.

She shrugs and gets in bed, rolling over and closing her eyes.
I turn off the light and enter the bathroom to brush my teeth. I
finish and walk back to the bed and slide in. I decide not to fight
with her about this tonight. I could tell she was tired and tipsy,
she needs her sleep. Tomorrow, I plan on making use of the airplane
bedroom. I wrap myself around her and find her hand making sure she
kept my ring on. It better not come off ever again.



nudges me awake. "We have to go." He says quietly.

You're a liar." I grumble.

we have to get moving. You have twenty minutes. I just sent Ronan
to get you a big coffee for the ride." He chuckles.

"You told
me we would leave on Monday!" I groan.

meeting got moved up." He replies. The blanket is ripped away from
me and my pants come down.

"What are
you doing?" I ask keeping my eyes shut and trying to fall back
asleep. I feel my underwear go on and then a pair of stretchy
pants. My sweater is pulled off, making my head pound from the
movement. Flipping me onto my back, my bra straps slide up on my
arms and he pulls me up, holding me in his arms as hooks the clasp.
Still pissed off and grumpy, I sit slumping forward and pouting
until a shirt comes over my head and I stick my arms through the
arm holes. Flip flops are put on my feet and I stand up. My head
spins so I sit back down and slowly open my eyes. Ruxin goes to the
bathroom and comes back with a glass of water and two Tylenol. I
take the pills and wash them down with the cool water. I notice the
sun is just rising. Why does it have to be so early?

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