Read Fake Boyfriend Online

Authors: Evan Kelsey

Fake Boyfriend (18 page)

"I don't
want to get out. I'll go with Henry and sneak inside."

coming with me." He replies seriously, caressing my cheek. "You'll
be fine. They can't cross that barricade and we don't have to
answer their questions. Just stop and smile for one picture then
we'll go inside."

He makes
it sound so simple, like my fears are irrational. I glare at him.
"Why didn't you warn me?"

He smirks
as the door opens. "It's time, Angel." He says, holding out his
hand for me. I slap it away still angry with him, but he just
laughs and holds it out again. Taking a deep breath I grab his hand
and with as much grace as I can muster, I step out to a blinding
sea of flashes.

There are
questions being fired at us, but I keep my head down ignoring them.
"Keep your head up." Ruxin whispers in my ear. I look up to him and
over to the photographers smiling slightly.

"You said
one picture." I scold. He stops walking and smiles down at

"This one
is the only photo that matters." He replies and turns to smile at
the cameras, so I do the same. After a few more flashes we start
walking again. I sign in relief, he's right this is was better then
being hounded by a swarm of them." See, that wasn't so

still in the dog house." I grumble, earning a chuckle.

We walk
into a big ballroom reminding me of the first time we met. I was so
close to not going that night, I had given up on trying to be a
family with Susan and Cindy. Just like every time before I knew
they would try controlling me the whole evening by threats of
destroying more of my mother's things. If I hadn't gone I wouldn't
of gotten my things back, my virginity would still be intact and I
wouldn't be falling in love with the impossible man beside me. My
heart starts to hammer in my chest. Knowing what I'm feeling and
giving it a name is causing a mini heart attack.

"I need a
drink." I say, noticing for the first time Ruxin was talking to
someone. I smile weakly at the man, thinking he looks familiar.
"Sorry, I'm still shaken from the entrance." I explain, knowing I
just sounded like a raging alcoholic. "I'll get you something, what
would you like?" The man asks.

you, but I'll get it." I refuse, patting Ruxin's arm and walking
towards the bar. I step up to the bartender, he smiles and I smile
back. "Darkest beer I have?" he asks, smirking.

I look at
him shocked. "Yeah, how did you know that?"

"I served
you at a charity event last weekend." He replies.

remember now. That was an interesting night." I mutter, as he set's
a glass of beer in front of me. "Thank you. Hey, can I ask you
something?" I question, looking and to make sure no one can hear

He nods.

"Am I
supposed to tip you, or is that a no-no?" I question.

laughs. "We're not asked to take them, it's part of the catering
bill." He leads in and whispers, "Rule of thumb is, If there's no
tip jar, then don't worry about tipping."

you. That will come in handy."

neat." I hear Ruxin order, stepping beside me. "I remember having a
conversation with you before we left. Do you remember regarding
what?" He asks, not looking at me.

I roll my
eyes. "Bite me, Ruxin."

I watch
Ruxin's reaction as the bartender makes a choking sound. Ruxin
tenses up and turns his narrowed eyes on me, they soften and he
says, "Oh, Angel. I plan to." He smirks, taking my hand and putting
it around his arm. I turn and wave bye to Rick the bartender, as we
walk into the crowd of people.

"I want
to say hello to Charles, he's right over there."

heads that way and Charles welcomes me warmly, kissing my cheek.
"So, your not mad that I ran through your office screaming I was
going to kill your son?" I ask, relieved.

laughs. "No, I'm sure he deserved it. You two are already missed
around the office. We're not used to such

"I'm sure
things are actually getting done with Xavier and I gone." I

"We hope
to have you back soon, Eva." He says, almost sounding like a

traveling with me to Europe for the next couple of months." Ruxin

will be nice. You better take good care of this one. She's a rare

be well cared for." He replies, pulling me closer.

is in London, he'll need a distraction from work for a couple
hours. Be sure to call him." Charles says, pointedly.

"I talked
to him already. Apparently, he's taking me on a very boring double
decker bus tour around London, that he assures me I'll

We both
laugh. "He needs someone like you to joke around with, it'll keep
him young."

Xavier I know, doesn't need help in that department. I think he's a
perpetual adolescent man-child."

bring that out of him." Charles states, as an older women joins us
and he wraps his arm around her. "Madeline, this is Eva Thorpe.
Eva, this is my wife Madeleine."

Her face
lights up. "The Eva Thorpe?" She chuckles. I'm sure she's heard
about the fights Xavier and I had.

I blush.
"Everything you heard was probably a lie and anything I did to
Xavier he deserved. I swear." I reply, truthfully.

laughs. "I'm sure he did." I nod and she turns to Ruxin. "Ruxin,
its always great to see you." She says, kissing his cheek. "Are
your parent's here?" She asks, just as I see Conrad and Andrea
coming towards us.

coming this way now." I state, nodding towards the couple. "You
look beautiful, Eva." Andrea says, happily. Then turns to
Madeleine. "Stunning as always, Madeleine."

I watch
the two women talk like old friends and Ruxin and his dad whisper a
few words to each other, while Charles turns to a man that tapped
him on the shoulder. I look around and finish my beer. When I see
William and Susan walking towards me I see the loving smile on
Williams face and I return it with one of my own. I hug him and nod
to Susan. "I have to thank you for the apartment again. I love it."
I tell him.

happy you let me do it. Did you get settled in, okay?"

"Yep, I
got everything unpacked. I'd love to have you over for lunch or
dinner sometime."

and Susan, it's good to see you." Andrea says. "You know Eva?"
Andrea interrupts.

"She's my
daughter." William replies, proudly.

"She is?"
Andrea asks, shocked. "I didn't know you had another

"Yes, she
lived with her mother." William replies, warmly.

hopefully we'll call each other family soon." Andrea states,
smirking at Ruxin. I look at her confused then, my confusion turns
to shock when it clicks in my head.

course mother. You'd like kids and marriage as soon as possible.
You've made your sentiments known." Ruxin, responds

please." Andrea replies, cheekily.

"I'm in,
but you'll have your work cut out for you trying to convince Eva."
Ruxin, states.

I hit his
chest with the back of my hand. I'm saved from having to respond
when a passing waiter brings me a beer. I smile and gladly accept
it, giving him my empty glass. "Thank you and thank Rick for me."
He nods and walks away.

Ruxin asks.

bartender." I answer. "I must look like I need it after that last
conversation." I joke playfully, looking at Andrea.

dinner Ruxin takes me through all the items they're auctioning. He
smirks when we get to the jewelry. "Don't even think about it." I

Angel, there's an engagement ring right there." He replies, smiling
down at me.

would you ask a woman you're not in a serious relationship with, to
marry you?" I retort, snorting. "If you do ever decide to get
married I doubt you'd even ask. You'll just slap it on her hand and
beat your chest, yelling mine!"



He picks
up the ring and looks at it closely. My eyes get big, "Put that
down!" I whisper yell.

He grabs
my hand and I struggle to pull it away. "Ruxin so help me God, I'll
never let you touch me again." I warn and I keep my hand fisted. He
drops my hand as a man and woman from behind the table come over to

"Do you
have any questions on any of the items?" The woman asks

ring. Tell me about it."

"It's a
one of a kind design by Giovanni Roche. It's a four caret round
flawless solitary with two caret's on the sounding band, set in
platinum. All hand crafted."

"It will
look beautiful on her hand." The man says and I don't mean to, but
I glare at him and he looks back shocked. I smile in

would." Ruxin agrees, smirking at me.

"Can we
please stop with the teasing? I'm hungry." I whine, completely
irritated with him.

"What is
the starting bid?" He asks, ignoring me. I've had enough. I walk
away and see Edward Kennedy coming towards me with a

"You look
beautiful." He says, stopping in front of me.

you. So, do you." I reply, nervously. I really don't want Susan to
see me with him and even though I haven't seen Cindy, I'm sure
she's here. "Excuse me. I need to go get a refill."

walk you." He responds, happily. He offers me his arm, but I
pretend not to see it and walk over to the bar. I smile at Rick and
mouth, "Help." He grins back.

"I think
I need something stronger." I tell him.

chuckles. "That bad?"

worst." I grumble.

"What are
you talking about?" Edward asks.

I sigh.
"Nothing." I answer and turn back to Rick, "What do you suggest? I
need something stronger but tastes good."

girlfriend likes blueberry cirock and sprite."

I'll try it. Thanks."

"What is
Ruxin going to bid on?" Edward asks, suspiciously.

Why can't
he just go away? "I have no idea." I reply. I see Kelsey and smile
at her. "Hi, Kelsey." I greet her hugging her.

yourself! Is my brother actually looking at that Giovanni Roche
engagement ring?" She questions, excitedly.

only doing it to make me mad, trust me."

"Well, I
think he's mad at you." She warns, looking over my shoulder. I
don't bother looking and pick up the small drink Rick set in front
of me and gulp it down.

I set It
back in front of me. "Okay, that was good." I state, loving the
sweet taste.



I feel
Ruxin slip his arms around me pulling me tightly against him.
"Don't walk away from me again." He whispers. Releasing me he grabs
my hand and pulls me toward the dining room. "Dinner is being

I lift my
now full glass at Rick, "Thanks." He nods back.

follows us silent for once, obviously picking up on Ruxin's


seething I'm so angry at Eva. I told her not to leave my side and
she hasn't listened. I pull out a chair for her and she sits, I
clench my jaw tightly. She doesn't care how mad I am as she ignores
me and watches for her food. Which incidentally, makes me want to

dinner is served I ask, "What did Edward want?"

shrugs. "To follow me around. God, you'd think he could take a
hint. I think I'm just going to have to tell him flat out to stay
away from me. I don't need anyone problems with Cindy and

talk to him." Her eyes snap to mine.

"Don't be
mean about it."

not going to argue with me about it?" I ask, stunned she'd let me
do this for her.

"Yeah, I
don't want to do it." She states. I can tell she's getting tipsy.
She seems more relaxed.

auction starts after dinner. I plan on getting the ring just so I
can slap it on her hand like she expects. I can't wait to see her
face, but she deserves it. I don't know why I'm so calm about the
idea, but I know what I want. I want Eva and I'll have

I watch
her from the corner of my eye she looks bored. I pick up the
bidding schedule and see the ring is the next item. The auctioneer
starts by telling everyone about the ring, the bidding starts at
$800,000 dollars.

I see
there are five people bidding and the price quickly hits into the
millions. Once it gets down to only two people bidding I raise my

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