Read Fake Boyfriend Online

Authors: Evan Kelsey

Fake Boyfriend (24 page)

"Leave me
alone, Ruxin. I'm not in the mood and at this point pushing you
overboard is very tempting."

"Talk to

nothing to say." She states, firmly.

"Then you
can listen to me. I expect you to take into account my feelings
about you spending time with another man. I don't like it. I don't
like him calling you and I don't like him flirting with you. I
expect you to stop seeing him." I say, crossing my arms. There I
explained myself and what is going to happen.

I'll explain myself one last time. Why don't YOU try listening?
We're just friends. I'm not telling you who you can and can't be
friends with. I see that you're jealous and I guess it doesn't
matter what I feel for you. You're still going to see Xavier as a

I ignore
the pounding of my heart from her mentioning her feelings for me. I
won't let it sway my decision, she's done seeing Xavier. I step
directly behind her she gather her hair in one of my hands and
sweep it over her shoulder.

She says,  sounding like a warning.

I lean
down, kissing her exposed neck. She tries to pull away so I grab
her waist and turn her towards me, tilting her face up to mine.
Just before my lips are about to touch hers she turns her

can't fuck me into submission." As her words sink into my head my
rages builds.

"Is that
what you think I'm doing?" I inquire, seething.

"I know
you are." She replies.

I grab
her wrist and walk below deck to the master bedroom. I pull her
into the room and slam the door. She backs away from me, setting me
off even more. I follow her every move until the back of her legs
hit the mattress. Leaning over her, I force her onto the bed. When
she pushes at my chest I grab her hands and pin them above her head
on the mattress. I watch her glare and match it with one of my own.
"I never tried to fuck you into submission. I rather love when
you're so stubborn. I love everything about you." I say, kissing
down her neck. I hear her scoff. "You don't believe that I love
you?" I ask, stopping my assault on her neck and looking into her

"I don't
and I didn't tell you I love you just to hear it back." She states,

"I love
you." I repeat. She watches my face then it softens and I know she
believes me.

please don't make me give up on someone I care about. You have
everything. A loving family and success. I have you and one

I narrow
my eyes on her. "You only need me."


keep him. But I get to announce our engagement and no more phone
calls when you're with me."

Compromising?" She smiles widely.

I feel
myself start to harden, I love making her happy. "Yes, compromise."
I grumble earning a laugh. I start sliding up her dress when
there's a knock on the door. "The boat it docked, sir." I really
want to finish want I started, but I have to meet with Dalton Myers
tonight or I'll have to do it tomorrow.  Tomorrow I want to do
some sightseeing with Eva.

"Okay, I
have to change." I say, reluctantly standing up. I take a suit from
the closet and go to the bathroom, washing anywhere that food

"Why do
you have to change?"

having drinks with one of my business partners." I

"No, my
dress is ruined. I'll stay here and wait for you." I hate when she
does that. I want her with me, even if it's just going for

I look at
her dress seeing the food stains from my suit on her white dress.
"We'll stop and get you something on the way."

but I'm ordering an appetizer I'm still hungry." She pouts as I
dress quickly.

"You can
have anything you want, Angel." I assure her. Taking out my phone
messaging Julia to have a dress boutique near the restaurant pull a
dress for Eva.


I watch
his strong hands type away on his phone. I'm not going to lie, I'm
disappointed we didn't have sex. Sex with Ruxin is good, it's
almost addicting. We're defiantly active in that area, good thing
in on the pil- My pill! It dawns on me my period is next week and I
haven't taken my pill for the past few days. Ruxin opens the door
for me and I run out and up stairs to the dining room. I pick up my
purse rifling through it until I find my disk of pills. I take
yesterday's and today's washing it down with a glass of water still
on the table.

"What are
you doing?" Ruxin asks, concerned.

"I forgot
to take my pill two-almost three times!" I answer,

smirks, "You finally noticed."

I look at
him shocked, "You knew?"

shrugs, "I had my suspicions." I see he's not at all sorry for not
reminding me. I know I'm an adult and shouldn't need a reminder,
but I'm human I forget things.

could've mentioned it!"

"Why? If
you're pregnant it'll be fine. We'll just get married a little
sooner then you wanted." He states, sounding angry.

I feel my
eyes widen. "You don't get to be mad about anything! You should've
said something." I point out.

"And you
don't need to act like the thought of my child inside of you is a
bad thing!"

I'm about
to yell back when I realize what he said. "I didn't mean to make it
sound like bad thing. I'd just like to go about this the old
fashion way and get pregnant after we're married." I

I see his
defensive stance leave and he walks towards me. "I should have told

"Yes, you

He kisses
me softly and takes my hand as we leave the room and walk outside.
I see that we're either back at the same port or a different one.
Ruxin gets off and helps me down as well. We walk to a black
limousine with a man standing by the back door holding it out open
for us. I thank him and get in, Ruxin follows after, but not before
telling the man to stop at Lilies Boutique.


The car
stops at a dress shop and Ruxin and I hurry inside. A pretty black
haired women greets us with a smile. "Mr. and Mrs. Novak, we have
dresses pulled for you. If you'll follow me." She says, politely.
Walking us to the back of the store.

She opens
a dressing room for me and I go inside seeing the dresses. I
instantly like the light pink almost white dress. "Put that one
on." Ruxin orders, pointing to the pink dress. I roll my

sir. Right way, sir." I reply, overly sweet and batting my
eyelashes. I close the door on his face and take off my stained
dress, putting the light pink dress on. My dark brown sandals look
okay with the long flowy dress, so that's a plus. I open the door
and Ruxin nods his approval and hands his card to the sales

She walks
away and he holds out his hand to me. I pick up my dirty dress and
slide my hand in his as we make our way to the cash register. Ruxin
signs the sales slip and we leave the store. The driver holds the
door open at the car and we climb back in.

minutes later we pull up to a swanky looking restaurant. Ruxin gets
out and stands by the door, offering me his hand. I take it and
stand beside him. "I'm not even going to be able to read the menu,
am I." I ask, knowing this is going to be so high class I didn't
even know what half the stuff is.

chuckles, "Do you speak French?" I give he a dirty look. "I'll
order for you. Don't worry."

I nod and
we walk to the entrance. Two doormen are standing in front of the
doors and as we get closer they open both sets at the same time. I
thank them while Ruxin, stays silent. I think most rich people
could use a lesson in politeness. The hostess recognizes Ruxin and
smiles. "Good evening Mr. Novak. Mr. Truman and Mr. Sterling have
already been seated. This way, sir."

here?" I ask out loud.

ma'am." She answers, nicely.

I look at
Ruxin, he doesn't look happy. "You didn't know he was going to be
here did you?" I question, amused. I can't help it I like a sullen
Ruxin. I know he's the type of person that hates surprises.
Especially, in the form of Xavier Sterling.

I see
Xavier and another man, not missing Xavier's triumphant smile. I
give him a scolding look, but I can't help but nearly laugh when he
says, "Oh, T.H. Don't act like you haven't missed

right." I respond.

"Ruxin, I
can't believe it. I heard you were engaged. Now I get to see it
with my own eyes." The man Mr. Truman says, I believe the hostess
called him. He's around thirty-five with thick blonde hair and soft
gray eyes.

nods, "Jeff this is, Eva Thorpe. My fiancee."

I smile
politely and shake his hand."Nice to me you."

"It's a
pleasure, Eva. You know Xavier as well?"

"Vaguely." I answer, smiling.

"Eva and
I are butt buddies." Xavier explains quietly to Jeff. I snort and
start laughing.

"Just how
many times were you dropped on your head as a baby?" I

chuckles. "Don't lie about our beginning, T.H."

I shake
my head and Ruxin pulls out my chair for me. I sit and the three
men sit after me.

"I didn't
know you were going to be here, Xavier." Ruxin says.

"I wanted
to surprise you. I thought we needed to spice up our relationship."
He states, smirking.

waiter comes and Ruxin orders a bottle of wine for the table. "What
do you want to eat?" Ruxin asks.

"Something deep fried." I say smiling at myself. He chuckles
and nods.

thought you just ate?" Xavier inquires confused.

I'm still hungry." I reply. If I tell him what I did, he'll never
let me live it down. He looks at me suspiciously.

threw her plate of food at me." Ruxin states, smirking. I close my
eyes. "Right after she told me she loved me. So, I forgave her." He
continues and kisses my cheek.

deserved it." I mutter.

Xavier to laugh and make fun of me, I look across the table. When
my eyes meet his he asks, "What'd he do?"

"He was
just being so...Ruxin." I say, snapping my fingers not finding the
right word.

laughs. "Well I guess you can expect a lot of plates thrown your

forward to it." Ruxin states.

I huff.
"You're a stick man, Mr. Novak."

"Love you
too, Angel." He replies, smirking down at me as the writer comes
back to the table with the wine. He pours a sip into the bottom of
a crystal wine glass and Ruxin drinks it. He nods to the waiter.
The waiter pours wine into all of our glasses with such precision
that makes me wonder just how he managed not to spill a

you like to order?" The waiter asks.

Paulo deep fry a few things for the table." Xavier

waiter looks stunned, but covers it up quickly. "Certainly,

"I think
he's horrified."  I observe watching the waiter walk to the

"Yep, low
class is always horrifying." Xavier jokes. "Don't worry. I make
Paulo do this all the time. You have to try the deep fried


delicious. You'll love it."

I'm hungry."

will teach you to throw a plate of perfectly good food." He
replies, smiling.

I narrow
my eyes. "I knew you were too quiet about that."

laughs. "Please, tell me if I'm being too Ruxin."

I reply, sarcastically.

we keep the silverware away from you as well?"

"Are you
done yet? Because you don't want to see what happens when someone
is being too, Xavier." I warn.

sits up alarmed and pretends to hold the table down. "Try it I dare
you." He challenges.

Jeff and
I laugh. Ruxin tries to act like it's not funny, but I see the
telltail sign of his lip twitch. "You just had to tell him, didn't
you." I scold Ruxin who just shrugs.

waiter bring out a couple dishes and sets them in front of us. "Can
we get a plastic or paper plate for her, please?" Xavier asks,

waiter looks confused but nods his head yes. "This is fine, thank
you. Xavier. I swear-"

call me, Xavier." He tells me putting fried ravioli and fried
cheese on my plate.

"I'm not
calling you T.H.W."

Jeff asks.

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