Yours Book 1: Losing My Innocence (21 page)

BOOK: Yours Book 1: Losing My Innocence
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Chapter Twenty-Three
The Heartbreak

am exhausted
and all I want is a hot bath, a warm bed and to be in my man’s arms. Everything has been moving so fast over this past week. We spent the entire day on Sunday packing up my place. It was bittersweet. I had only lived on my own for such a short time. I never got to live out the life I had imagined in my apartment with my roommate and best friend, but I am not complaining about the alternative.

I love waking up to Nick. In fact, I have missed him dearly over the last four days. I had to stay behind to oversee a few meetings and projects that could not be rearranged in my schedule for Nick’s trip. Believe me Nick tried.

He wasn’t too happy that we would have to spend a few days apart. I total understand why. We both have been so busy that we can barely even text each other. That is why I was so excited when my last important conference obligation decided they needed to move our afternoon meeting to the morning. I was able to get through all of my work and book an earlier flight out. Nick had wanted me to fly in on his private jet, but I insisted that I would be fine flying commercial. He had only given in once he booked me a first class seat and booked the seats next to and around me. Talk about possessive and over doing it.

I feel bad about all the money he wasted, especially since I moved my flight up, but I just have to see him sooner rather than later. I thought I was in love with Nick before he told me he loved me. I now know that it is definitely possible for me to fall in love with him even more.

I smile to myself as I look down at the itinerary in my hand. Mariah was more than happy to hand it over when I told her my plans to surprise Nick. I had just enough time to shower, take a nap, and get ready to join Nick for a dinner meeting he had scheduled. Mariah said she would handle all arrangements without Nick knowing.

I check my phone to find that she has sent me a text to confirm that a key will be waiting at the front desk for me to get into Nick’s suite. According to Nick I wouldn’t be arriving until midnight. This will be quite the surprise and I know Nick. He would have insisted on being in the car waiting when I arrived on that flight in the middle of the night. This way he can get some much needed rest and not have to worry about my arrival.

I mentally patted myself on the back. As the car nears the hotel. I smooth my hands down the grey sweater dress I changed into. I like that it is form fitting and shows off my curves, it is short too, stopping mid-thigh. I know Nick will love it and the black knee high boots I have on with it. I’ll have to take a selfie.

I laugh to myself when I pull out a mirror to check my makeup. Just think a few months ago I wouldn’t have even been wearing makeup. A few months ago, I only had a crush on Nicholas Lincoln. Now I am working as an executive for his company, I am his live in girlfriend and he has told me that he loves me every chance he can get since the first time in the closet while we were making love.

So much has changed so quickly and I couldn’t be happier. I am floating on cloud nine as I collect the key to our room. I am in such a good mood, I ignore the weird look the girl behind the desk gives me when I give her my name and ask for the key to Nick’s room. She asks me for ID which I don’t think is odd, but her confused and nervous look causes me to give her a once over before I push the thought aside and take the key she offers.

I looked at my phone for the time once again and make my way onto the elevator. I will still be able to get in a quick nap after a shower if I hurry. I want to be dressed by the time Nick returns to the room to get ready for the dinner meeting tonight.

When I get to our room, I slide my key in the door and push my way into the room. It is nothing but the best as usual. The grand chandelier in the suites’ foyer is stunning and reminds me of coming home to Nick’s or should I say our place. The thought makes me light up all over.

I pout a little as I draw near the bedroom and I can hear movement inside. I never thought about Nick’s day being rearranged like my own. It sounds like he may have returned early. I push the door open to surprise him, but I am the one that is surprised.

In the middle of the bed, I had only seconds ago thought about laying in with my man is a very naked Jillian. Her face is flush and her hair is all messy as if she has just had a great fuck. I’ve looked like that often and the thought of the same man that gives me that look, giving it to this troll of a woman makes me sick to my stomach.

My stunned eyes survey the rumpled sheets, rose petals on the floor and sheets, and clothes tossed about the floor. My eyes land on the closed bathroom door and I register that I can hear the shower running. My hand flies to my stomach as I clutch the fabric of my dress. Suddenly my clothes feel too tight and I can barely breathe. My eyes fall back on Jillian and she is smiling from ear to ear.

“Well this day has just gotten better than I planned,” she purrs. “Nick and I were trying to figure out how he should break the news to you. Now we don’t have to. I’ll let him know when he gets out of the shower that you were here and he doesn’t have to worry about babysitting you anymore.

“I was certainly getting tired of pretending all this time. Nick said he needed to play this game a little longer for you and your team to give him what he wanted. Now that he is closing this Cyber Guild deal your value has diminished. Your brother will probably never forgive him, but this deal was more than worth it. A couple of casualties for the security of our future, Nick called it.”

“No,” I say weakly as my knees begin to buckle.

I had been working so hard to finish the software for this deal and to make Nick proud of me. My team had over delivered on the project and I know Nick stands to make twice as much money on the deal he will be closing this week.

“Oh Sweetheart, you actually thought your relationship was real?” Jillian cocked her head to the side, letting the sheet slip a little so that her naked breast is exposed. “I told you before Nick is a powerful man and he will do anything to get what he wants. He is very convincing too.

“I have to say, I did my best to put on as great a show as he did when he made everyone think he fired me. He just finished making it up to me for that whole fiasco. You really should go now Sophi. There is no need for you to be embarrassed any further.”

My mind is telling me to stay and fight for what is mine, but my feet are already rushing from the room. I didn’t even bother with my luggage. I clutched my purse to my chest and ran as fast as I can in my high heel boots.

I rode the elevator down to the lobby and tear out of the front doors. I jumped in the first cab I see and break down into sobs. I knew Nick would break my heart, but I never thought it would happen like this. It takes me a minute to realize that the cabbie is asking me for my destination. At the same time, I realize I have no idea. I ask him to just keep driving.

Pulling out my phone I scroll through my contacts to the one name I do not want to call. The one name that belongs to the only person I can call that will be able to fix this. I hate that I have to make this call. I wanted to show that I am an adult and I am making all the right decisions, but now look at me. My brother will have to step in and clean up my mess after all.

“Hello Luke,” I sob into the phone. “I need your help.”

“I’ll kill him,” is all that Luke growls before he gets straight to taping my world back together again.

I’ll Kill Him

here the fuck is he
,” Luke growled as he burst into Nick’s front door.

He knew Nick was back in town, he had ears and eyes awaiting his return. He had shown up a lot faster than Luke had thought he would after what his sister had told him. Luke’s blood boiled in his veins as he thought of his baby sister stranded in Seattle crying her eyes out.

He had gotten her somewhere safe and secure before coming here to deliver his promise to Nick. Luke’s rage rose as he thought of where he had to send his sister. He was no better than Nick. Just two months ago, Nick had to help him secure the young beauty he himself had ripped to shreds. It saddened him that he couldn’t put them together. They needed each other, but there was nothing he could do about that.

The crew had rules. They protected each other and the ones they loved. It was for the best. His sister didn’t need to know what a monster he had become. She just needed to know that Nick was the same type of monster, the type she needed to stay away from.

Luke shook his head to clear it. He nor Nick had a right to have either woman care for them and they had both proved it. Luke was ready to at least right the wrongs done to his sister. He felt like it was his fault for being a complete bastard. He felt like this was his punishment for the lines he himself crossed.

“Calm down, Luke,” Kevin Briggs commands as he blocks Luke’s way. “You don’t have all the facts. You’re not thinking clearly.”

“Fuck the facts, I told him I’d kill him if he hurt my sister,” Luke spits and tries to shove past Kevin.

“Luke please, listen for a minute. You have this all wrong and we are thinking Sephora does as well,” Mariah pleads as she appears with a sleeping baby in her arms. “Calm down and you can help your friend find out what is really going on.”

Luke’s shoulders sag as he takes in Mariah’s words. She always had a way with all the guys. She could soothe anyone of them out of their rage. Luke nodded and Mariah turned to head back to the living room where Nick was. Kevin watched Luke for a moment before he hesitantly stepped aside and follows after his wife.

Luke follows them both silently, still seething. When his eyes landed on Nick he wants nothing more than to wrap his hand around his neck. However, something about the atmosphere made him stop to examine his friend more closely.

Nick sat with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. His shoulders were slumped and he looks utterly defeated. This was not Nick and it did not fit the situation that Sephora had spelled out to him. Luke pulls in a deep breath through his nostrils and blows it out.

Nick looked up at the sound of Luke’s heavy breathing and Luke could see his red eyes and the dark circles around them. Nick looked like complete shit. Luke balled up his fists and took a seat across from him. He already knew he wasn’t going to like one word that came out of Nick’s mouth so they might as well go ahead and get right to it.

“Okay, someone tell me what the fuck is going on,” Luke rumbled.

“Well, since you are here it only settles what I just confirmed. Sephora was not kidnapped,” Kevin starts.

Luke snorts. “Why the fuck would you think that?”

“I returned to our hotel suite to find her luggage in the room, but she was nowhere to be found. I tried calling her phone and she hasn’t answered,” Nick said with a grimace.

“Well, if you thought my sister was kidnapped, why are you not still in Seattle looking for her,” Luke grunts through clenched teeth.

“The girl at the front desk said that two women requested the key to my room. Both claim to be Sephora Emilsson. The stupid girl gave the first woman the key without asking for her ID.”

“In her defense, she said her manager insisted she do so after having a private conversation with the woman,” Mariah interrupts.

“The girl said she noticed Sephora rush out of the hotel about fifteen minutes after she gave her the second key. She thought it was all odd, so she went to report it to the same manager, but he told her not to worry about it,” Nick grumbles.

“Still doesn’t explain you being here when you have no idea where my sister is,” Luke hisses.

“I’m here because my gut is telling me that someone is trying to fuck me over. My business meeting just happens to blow up in my face and not even an hour later the woman I love disappears and a cab driver shows up with her collar saying she paid him to make sure I got it.

“I watched the maid come in to my room to make the bed before I left for my meeting. I tipped her to place rose petals on the bed for Sephora’s arrival. When I got back to the suite the bed was a fucking mess. I now think I have a good idea of where to point fingers here. I just need to find Sephora and find out what the fuck happened,” Nick finishes tiredly.

“The hotel video just arrived in my email. You were right, the other woman leaving your room looks to be Jillian in the flesh,” Kevin sighs.

“I’m going to kill that bitch,” Nick roars.

“Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you what dear Jillian did to my sister. I think you are going to need a drink,” Luke shakes his head.

* * *

lue Collection Character Tree

Legally Bound 1

Bobby Mairettie and Paige Kemble–Mairettie
father and mother of:

Peyton and James Mairettie (
Twin Boys

Sydney Mairettie and Maria Lynn Mairettie (
Twin Girls

Legally Bound 2

Marcus Mairettie and Rita Briggs–Mairettie
father and mother of:

Daniel Mairettie

Hannah Mairettie

Legally Bound 3

Nathaniel (Nate) Briggs and Pamela (Pam) Kemble–Briggs
father and mother of:

Tiffany and Tracey Briggs (
Twin girls

Nathaniel Briggs Jr.

Legally Bound 4

Jasper Briggs and Marie Mairettie-Briggs
father and mother of:

Clay Briggs

The Mairettie Family

Grandpa Marcello Mairettie and Grandma Marie Ann
father and mother of:

Marcello Mairettie Jr.

Andrew Mairettie

James Mairettie

Jessie Mairettie

Lynn Mairettie

Gianna Mairettie

James Mairettie and Minnie Mairettie
father and mother of:

Bobby Mairettie

Sam Mairettie (Ellen Kensington–Mairettie,

Marcus Mairettie

Marie Mairettie

he Briggs Family

Thomas Briggs and Raquel Marinos -Briggs (
father and mother of:

Nathaniel Briggs

Rita Briggs

Earl Briggs (
Younger Brother of Thomas
) and Caitronia Marinos–Briggs (
Twin sister of Raquel
father and mother of:

Kelly Briggs–Fecteau (Alexie Fecteau,

Jasper Briggs

The Kemble Family

Peyton Kemble and Davina Kemble
father and mother of:

Paige Kemble

Pamela Kemble

Other Important Legally Bound Characters

Camille (Cam) Mc Wien - Carter (Seth Carter,
Soon to Ex-Husband
father and mother of:

Seth Carter Jr.

Eddie Carter

Aiden Carter

ustin Mc Wien
Camille’s father

aroness Olivia Kontos
(Baron Kontos’ widow.
Ex–Lover of Jasper/ Thomas Briggs new love interest

anessa (Julissa) Smith
- Mims (Patrick Mims,
now deceased

Hush 1

Uri Donati and Valentina Caprisi–Donati
father and mother of:

Vita Khayla Donati

Nori Donati
Introduced in Ballers 1

Inzo Donati
Introduced in Ballers 1

Eva Donati (In the womb in Ballers 1)

Hush 2

Luca Donati and Shannon Caprisi–Donati

The Donati Family

Angelo Uri Donati (
) and Donatella Manzo–Donati–
father and mother of:

Uri Donati

Nico Donati–
Reese, his girlfriend in Ballers 1

Annabella Donati–
Twin sister

Michael Donati–

ncle Nicholas Donati
Brother of Angelo Donati
) and Ava Donati
father and mother of

Luca Donati

The Caprisi Family

Vincent Caprisi and Khayla Grant– Caprisi
father and mother of:

Valentina Caprisi

Lissette Caprisi

**Shannon Caprisi (
Vincent’s daughter

Other Important Hush Characters

Uncle Valentine Caprisi (
Vincent’s Brother
head hitter

Iman Grant (
Khayla Sister, **Shannon’s Mother,

Roberto Donati–Zuko (
Donatella’s current husband

**Posed as Dale the accountant from Legally Bound 3

Brothers Black 1

Wyatt Black and Lanelle (Nellie) Byrant–Black
father and mother of:

Baby Nora Black

The Black Family

Joseph Black and Cassidy Black
father and mother of:

Wyatt Black

Noah Black

Johnathan Black

Felix Black

Toby Black (Kamara
, Baby mother.
TJ and Lulu
, son and daughter, twins.

Braxton Black

Ryan Black

The Lockhart Family

Lockhart Brothers

Rob Lockhart

Steve Lockhart

Chase Lockhart

Rob Lockhart and Faith Lockhart
father and step–mother of:

Heather Lockhart

Steve Lockhart and Nora Bryant – Lockhart

father and of:

Lanelle (Nellie) Bryant–Black

Chase Lockhart and Jennifer Lockhart
father and mother of:

Rebecca (Bean) Lockhart (
Noah’s best friend and love interest.

Yours Series

Nicholas Lincoln and Sephora (Sophi aka Soph aka Lilla du) Emilsson

The Lincoln Family

Dean Lincoln and Shelly Lincoln
Both Deceased
) father and mother of:

Nicholas Lincoln

The Emilsson Family

Liam Emilsson
and Faraz Emilsson
father and mother of:

Lucian Emilsson

Ettie Emilsson

Sephora Emilsson

Other Important Yours Characters

Kimberly Ann Clove (aka Kimmie) (
Lucian’s girlfriend and the mother of his child. Sephora’s best friends

Mark Fienberg (
Sephora’s Best friend

Ivana Graves (
Nick’s ex-girlfriend-

Bianca (
Liam’s mistress -

Winton (Nick’s Driver and Security)

Jillian Carver (
Nick’s ex-temporary PA-

Harvey Carver (
Jillian’s father and Nick’s family friend

ick’s crew

Wyatt Black

Kevin Briggs (
Mariah Briggs-
Nick’s PA

Craig Hilton

George Ligal

Lucian Emilsson

Andrew Connor (
Ettie’s Husband

BOOK: Yours Book 1: Losing My Innocence
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