Yours Book 1: Losing My Innocence (17 page)

Nick chuckles. “Sephora is the treat to work with. She has everyone on their toes,” Nick speaks while looking at me with a warm smile.

“Well, I hope this boyfriend doesn’t distract her from keeping up to your expectations,” my mother says pointedly to me.

Andrew snickers next to Ettie, but it is quickly cutoff by what I assume is Ettie’s elbow to his side. Nick’s hand flexes against my thigh again. I lift my head and push my shoulders back. Nick is right, I am an executive with my own team. I command the attention of my team and coworkers. I can stand up to my mother.

Luckily, I don’t have to reply as the waiter arrives to take our order. As everyone places their orders, I honed in on the couples at the table. Luke and Nina seem to be at odds, but they are still being amicable. I notice that Luke orders for Nina and Andrew does the same for Ettie without blinking an eye.

What surprises me is Nick naturally doing the same for me. “I’ll have the fresh salad and she will have the basil soup,” he starts, placing his hand on the nape of my neck absentmindedly, rubbing the tension out. “We’ll both have the herbed salmon and wild peach rice. Thank you,” Nick finishes handing the waiter both our menus. He turns to me with his eyes sparkling. “They make an amazing herbed salmon. You’ll love it.”

Oh yes, Nick is making a point and if said point was not already made he leans in and kisses me chastely on the lips. I heard my mother’s gasp of air and I beam inside. I turn to find her with her mouth flapping and Clarice absolutely failing to try to keep her smile intact.

“I…Nicholas, you can’t possibly be seeing Sephora. She still so rough around the edges. Clarice is much more suitable for you,” my mother stammers.

I stiffen at her words as they strike me right in the heart. Nick’s hand flexes around my neck, then slides down my back and around my waist drawing me toward him. You would think my own mother would be happy for me. Now Nick knows firsthand why I didn’t want to tell her.

“Sephora is made for me. She is unbelievably, undeniably gorgeous, positively brilliant and I don’t think I have laughed in my entire life as much as I have since we have been seeing each other,” Nick says all while staring into my eyes.

“Well, I wish someone would have told me. This makes this terribly awkward and embarrassing,” my mother snaps.

“Oh, as if you would have listened,” Luke snaps. “I told you that Nina and I are not together and yet here she is for lunch. I also told you, numerous times, that Nick was not interested in dating, yet here is…” Luke waves his hand in the air clearly frustrated and not able to recall Clarice’s name.

“I just thought that if we found the right one. Someone suitable for him, he would change his mind,” my mother says defensively.

“I found the one most suitable for me a long time ago. I was just waiting for the perfect timing,” Nick bends to plant a kiss on my shoulder, then another to my temple.

“You’re a very lovely couple,” Clarice finally shakes herself out of her shock to say.

“Sephora is the loveliest part of us.” Nick traces his fingers against my cheek, then tucks a strain of hair behind my ear.

“Yes, well Clarice will be in town indefinitely if you wish to know Nicholas,” my mother speaks with the straightest face ever.

Nick cocks his head to the side. “In case you would like to know Faraz, I belong to Sephora indefinitely.”

Laughs around the table are stifled behind hands and coughs, but I am sure Nick has made his point. I for one like the idea of his words, even if I know they are just to shut my mother’s trap.

Chapter Seventeen
The Playroom

he rest
of lunch goes by pretty smoothly despite my mother. Clarice even manages to keep her lusty looks to a minimum. Ettie saved the day by pulling the focus to her and the wedding.

I was comforted by Nick’s PDA throughout lunch. A kiss to the temple here, a kiss to the back my hand every now and then, his hand to my nape or on my back. It all made this relationship sink in and become so real. I hadn’t realized how much of a fairy tale I had been living in until sitting in the restaurant with others actually knowing that I am with Nick.

Nick seemed more than pleased with himself throughout lunch and the ride home. Even after a stony faced Luke pulled him aside for a private chat before we left the restaurant. We rode back to the house in a relaxed silence as I curled as close to his side as the seatbelt would let me.

“Thank you,” I purr as we reach the top of the stairs in the house. I stand up on my toes to kiss his lips.

“What exactly are you thanking me for?” Him and that sexy grin are my world. He raises his brow at me with those sparkling eyes.

“For giving me the confidence to stand up to my mother and for being such a sweet boyfriend,” I grin back as I lock my fingers in his hair pulling him in for another kiss.

“Umm, well, I plan to reward you for such confidence, but you may want to hold the other judgment for after what I have plan for your punishment for putting us both in that situation to begin with,” he says with a sinister smirk playing on his lips.

I gasp and take a step back. Just as he promised he has been taking his time with me. My mind is racing because I can tell by his words and expression that things are getting ready to change. My belly floods with warmth at the thought and anticipation of what he has in mind.

“Go to our room and take a bath. Use the bath oils I placed on the counter this morning. I’ll come for you when I am ready,” Nick orders and watches me for my compliance.

I gulp down a breath and nod my head before turning for the master bedroom. Nick goes in the other direction leading me to wonder where he is going and what he is going to do.
He won’t hurt me, he won’t hurt me,
I repeated this mantra as I undress and start the bath water.

I look in the mirror as I pile my hair on the top of my head. I really don’t recognize the woman standing before me, with her glowing skin and lust glazed eyes. Am I really so ready for Nick to introduce me to his world? My nipples are already pebbled and wanting, wanting Nick’s attention and skilled mouth.

I pour the bath oil in and climb into the warm water. I feel aroused and relaxed all at once. The anxiety melting away in the water as all I can think about is how much pleasure I know Nick will be sure to bring me. At least I hope that’s what’s going to happen.

I lean back against the bathtub and close my eyes, trying to calm my thoughts once again. Nick has never once hurt me. I don’t think he will start now. I’m not sure how long I sit there letting scenes of this morning’s lovemaking, play in my mind before a strong hand cups my face and I feel his forehead press to mine. I open my eyes to find greens staring back at me.

“It’s time,” he says after inhaling deeply. “Stand.”

I push up onto my feet as he is crouched beside the side of the tub with a towel in one hand. I lick my lips at the sight of him in just his dress slacks. He’s rid himself of everything else, including his shoes and socks. I can see his erection already straining against the fabric of his slacks.

He holds his hand out for me to take as I step out of the tub. Using the towel in his hand, he slowly dries my legs and moves up my body. It is such a turn on to watch his muscles flex under his tanned skin as he works to care for me. After drying me to his liking, he tosses the towel to the side and reaches for my hand pulling me from the bathroom behind him.

I am a little confused when we pass the bed and Nick leads me out of the master suite into the hall. I panic and reach to cover my breasts. I look around frantically hoping none of the staff will see me. Nick looks over his shoulder at me to smirk and shake his head, but his steps never falter.

He reaches the door from the tour, the one he skipped over twice. He pushes the door open, gesturing for me to enter ahead of him. I step in and let my eyes scan the room under its muted lighting. I step back and collide with Nick’s chest as my eyes land on the side of the room with a cross and a large melt sphere looking contraption.

Nick wraps his arms around my waist, holding me to his chest as I take in more of the room. There is even a mahogany whipping post in the center of the room. I gulp and shake my hands out in front of me. I am so not ready for this.

“Sephora, I know what you are doing. You are taking in all the scary things in the room,” Nick chuckles darkly next to my ear. “Relax, breathe.”

I nod and turn to face him. His eyes scanned my face and it is one of the few times I have ever I seen uncertainty in his eyes, but only for a split second. He brushes his fingers up and down my arms causing them to pebble over in goose bumps.

“Trust is important Sephora, I need to be able to trust you and you need to trust me. You will always be in control, Baby. The more you submit to me the more control you will have.

“I will unlock all your fears and give you strength in return. I will give you more pleasure than you can ever imagine in the process. I am going to teach you how to please me in ways no one else can. That alone, my little butterfly is going to relinquish to you all of me. Do you understand,” he brushes a stray hair behind my ear.

Suddenly, I feel so small and vulnerable standing naked in this room before him. But somehow it feels right, like if I have to be vulnerable before anyone it is always meant to be this man. It feels like being vulnerable to him is safe.

I’m panting with want, want for him, for this. Never have I wanted…no needed him so much. If this is a part of having Nicholas Lincoln, then I want it all.

“Yes,” I answer breathlessly.

He nods and pulls my body closer to his. “You’re trembling,” he murmurs against my temple. “Relax Sweetheart. I need for you to give me a safe word.”

“Fantasia,” I blurt out.

Nick pulls away from me and tilting his head to the side. “Can I ask why?” he is calculating in that brain of his. It is a look I have come to know well.

“Wh-when I used to play, it was a piece I loved to play
,” I stammer. “Bach’s works brought me peace and confidence I didn’t have, but it also challenged me. My father would praise me for playing well and that made me eager to please.”

Nick nods his head thoughtfully. “I see…but I need you to remember Sephora. If at any time, if anything we do in here is too much for you, don’t think you are pleasuring me with your discomfort. Use your safe word.

“I will not be happy if you push yourself beyond your limits. I need to trust you to let me know your limits. I will master reading you, but I want to trust you just the same,” he bends his head and plunges his tongue into my mouth for an all-consuming kiss.

“Okay,” I breathe when he releases my lips.

He nuzzles my nose with his. “Okay Sir, would be the correct response now, my butterfly.”

“Yes Sir,” I reply.

His grip on my waist tightens as a satisfied smile lights his face. He groans and grinds his hips into me. I release my own moan, letting my fingers bite into the skin on his back.

“There is so much I want to do with you, but we don’t have the time for it now. Luke has insisted on joining us for dinner tonight,” Nick laughs, then runs his hands up and down my sides. “On your knees before me, Baby. Place your hands behind your back.”

I drop to my knees somewhat awkwardly, but this is me we are talking about. I place my hands behind my back and look up at him expectantly to see if I pleased him. Nick licks his lips and rubs the budge in his pants.

“Eyes to the floor little one,” Nick rasps huskily.

My breath hitches, does he know what those words mean to me. “Sorry Sir,” I say a little above a whisper.

“Good girl,” he groans.

I watch as his bare feet disappeared from in front of me. My chest is heaving and my thighs are already so slick from my own juices. I smile to myself. Nick will be very pleased when he finds my soaked sex. He loves when I am extremely wet for him. I furrow my brows when I realize that the rules may change here. I squirm at the thought, hoping not to disappoint him.

“You’re so perfect,” Nick rumbles as he returns in front of me. I can see the long silk fabric hanging in his hands. It is a bright red and so much longer than the one he used the first night I slept over.

“I had plans for rope, but as your brother is already on the edge, I don’t want to push him over by leaving marks on your pretty skin. I’ll have to be as delicate as possible with my beautiful new toy this time,” Nick chuckles.

He starts with wrapping the silk around my neck, creating a loop in the back with the fabric. From there he brings it back to the front and down the valley of my breasts. Next he wraps the silk under my breasts and up through the loop at the back of my neck before bonding my hands together behind my back, creating a bow at my wrists.

“Perfect,” he mutters to himself and plants a kiss to the top of my head. “Stand.”

He places his hand under my arm to help me to my feet. I stumble a little, but he holds me tight to lift me up. I am unsure again, maybe I’m not ready for this just yet.

“Nick,” I start.

“Shh, not in here my butterfly. You speak when spoken to, unless you need to use your safe word,” he says gently.

I take a deep, calming breath. “Sorry Sir.”

He nods with satisfaction. He circles me once and reaching to pinch my nipples between his fingers, rolling them and bringing my already stiffen tips to hard knots of need. Slipping his fingers underneath the silk between my breasts he clenches his fist around it, leading me to the right side of the room to an oddly shaped chaise. I giggle as I recognize the piece from Ettie’s new bedroom. She had it specially ordered. When I’d commented about it, she’d said that it was more than furniture, but said nothing more. Now that I know the nature of her kinky relationship with her fiancé it makes sense.

“Something amusing you, Sweetheart?”

“No Sir,” I shake my head.

Nick tilts his head to the side. “Mm, lies don’t suit you. Don’t make it a habit to lie to your Sir,” he says sharply.

Swiftly, before I can reply, he flips me over the arm of the chaise so that my rear is in the air, open and exposed to him. My protruding nipples strain against the leather of the chaise. I can’t hold in the moan of pleasure from the sweet friction. Nick kicks my legs apart from behind me, spreading me more to his view.

I am so wet I can feel my juice dripping down my inner thighs. All thoughts of changing my mind are now lost to lust once again. Nick squats behind me as his hand glided up from my ankles slowly making their way to my core where I need his touch most. His finger grazes my swollen lips before traveling up to my cheeks and spreading them.

“I love your ass,” Nick rasps. “I wanted to take you like this the first night, but I needed to take my time. Now I’m going to taste you like this and then I’m going to fuck you like this.”

I love when he talks dirty. I start to squirm with the thoughts of what he has planned for me. Dipping one finger into my sex he draws out my juices and trailing his finger to the other hole that I never even imagined him entering. I tense and jerk away at the slightest touch there.

“Relax Baby. I will be gentle, but I will take you here as soon as I get you ready,” Nick soothes.

I take a deep breath to relax and allow his probing touch. I moan loudly when I feel his tongue brush against my sex. It is just one long stroke of his tongue, but it leaves me wanting more.

I whimper when both his tongue and his hands leave my body and he stands. I don’t dare look back, something inside tells me he wouldn’t like that. All I have to rely on is my hearing and my awareness of all things Nick. I feel more than hear him move further away from me. Then I hear rustling across the room.

There is more noise, of something clinking and the pads of his feet as he returns to me. Standing behind me he lets his erection poke at my opening, but doesn’t enter. I wiggle my hips and he hisses, placing a hand on my back to still me.

“Be good,” he chides then leans over me. He holds his hand out beside my face. He is holding a shiny metal looking object. It is shaped sort of like a tube of lipstick, with an oval tip. The base has a small ring attached and a beaded chain is linked to it, dangling between his fingers as he shows it to me.

“This is going to help you get ready for me here,” he punctuates his words by running his finger down my crack and poking my puckered hole. My breath hitches and I swallow as best as I can.

His hand disappears from my sight and his weight lifts from my body. The next thing I know his mouth is attacking my core in the best imaginable way. Nick is pure magic with his tongue. You would think he was trying to eat his way to my heart, and of course it doesn’t take long before I give in. I feel my first orgasm hit me and take all the strength from my legs.

He won’t let up though. His hands press into my cheeks and he spreads them to dive deeper with his tongue sopping up all my cream like the sweetest nectar he has ever tasted. He is literally growling into my pussy. My mind won’t stop spinning and I can’t believe my next orgasm is barreling down on me so quickly.

My mind is so numb from orgasm one and two that I barely notice the cool sensation of the lube he squirts between my cheeks. As his finger pushes at the tight ring it is almost too much. I am just too spent to protest and I am not entirely sure that I want to. His finger works my tight hole while his tongue and three other fingers show me no mercy. I can hear myself crying out his name and I am sounding so wanton even in my own ears.

I am officially a slave to this man and his desires. I don’t know how I have lived without him or how I ever will after he decides this is no longer what he wants. Right now I would do anything to keep him as the master of my body. Well, almost anything, because as soon as I feel the cool metal of the toy he revealed to me, I buck away from him as far as the chaise will allow.

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Homecoming by Janet Wellington Copyright 2016 - 2024