Read Torn Online

Authors: Keisha Ervin

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Literary

Torn (20 page)

"I know. I won't."

"Love you."

"Same here," Quan replied, hanging up.

"You in trouble?" Sherry teased as they all sat on the floor.

Wrapping paper was everywhere. Lil' Quan had more baby toys than he could play with. Quan even bought Sherry's six year old daughter Versacharee a few things.

"Man, don't play wit me."

"What? Don't be gettin' mad at me 'cause yo' boo know you out cheatin'. She'll be a'ight 'cause I know you spent a couple of grand on her for Christmas. What you get her? A chinchilla or some VVS stones?" "Did I get you something?"


"Well that's all that matters. Play yo' position. Don't worry about what I got her."

Dumfounded, Sherry sat looking stupid, knowing she had stepped out of line. Finished with the conversation, Quan continued to open gifts with his son.

"Come here, lil' man. Come to daddy." Quan's nine-month-old son Jayquan Junior did exactly what he was told and came crawling toward his father. Lil' Quan was the spitting image of his dad. He possessed the same sweet caramel skin and oval-shaped eyes. Quan didn't know he could love a mere human being so much. Besides Mo, his mother and his boys, his son was the only other person he held close to his heart, so when Mo made the claim that none of his friends cared about him, it had infuriated Quan. He would give his last to any one of his friends, so for one of them to cross him would be worse than hurtful, it would be deadly. On the other side of town, Mo lay in bed in sheer agony.

The pain in her lower back was getting worse by the minute.

Having had this pain before, she figured after a while it would go away, but the more time passed, the more awful she felt. It felt like she was having menstrual cramps in her back. An hour had already gone by and Quan still wasn't home. Picking up the phone, she called him again, but he didn't answer.

"Where is this nigga at?" she said out loud. Right after the words slipped through her lips, the phone rang. It was Quan calling her back.

"Hello?" she groaned as the pain intensified.

"You call?"

"Yeah I did! Where are you?"

"I'm on my way, man. Chill out," he lied, trying to stifle a moan.

Quan was still at Sherry's house and at that very moment while talking on the phone to Mo, she was about to give him a professional.

"Come on, Quan, I ain't playin'! You gotta come home! I ain't feelin' good!" Mo whined.

"A'ight, a'ight, here I come," Quan hung up, not waiting for a reply.

Pressing the power button, he turned his phone off. He would deal with Mo later. Nine times out of ten she was over-exaggerating her pain anyway. Right now he had to handle his business. The kids were in the back playing and lust was written all over Sherry's face as she placed his member inside her warm mouth.

Since becoming pregnant, Mo hadn't been as frisky as she used to be. There was a time when all Quan would have to do was look at her a certain way and she would be all over him.

Now she barely wanted him to touch her, so instead of pressuring her for sex, he got it elsewhere. Getting sucked off was one of Quan's weaknesses, and Sherry used that to her advantage every time.

She knew he had to get home to his girl, but each time Quan tried to leave, she would persuade him to stay by giving him some mind blowing, toe curling head. It was Christmas and she wanted him there with their son as long as possible, so she was gonna do whatever she had to do to make him stay.

It wasn't like she could spend the entire day with him. Mo could have him back later. Right now he was hers.

Quan couldn't even keep quiet. Sherry was sucking the hell out of his dick. His entire penis was coated with spit. After she deep throated his dick, Quan couldn't take it anymore. He wanted some pussy.

Pushing Sherry back, he lifted her up and threw her body down onto the couch like she was rag doll. With her legs pushed up to her chest, Quan spit on his fingers and lubricat-ed her asshole. Once she was ready, he rammed his dick into her ass and began to grind roughly. He didn't even have to perform oral sex on Sherry. To her, the ultimate pleasure was giving pleasure.

That was one of the reasons he liked her so much. With Mo, he had to stimulate her clit in some kind of way just to make her cum. Quan fucked Sherry's ass with no remorse by thrusting his hips in a circular motion. The feeling was so good all she could do was scream out his name. In a matter of minutes they both were cumming.

"Damn, that was a good nut."

"It was, wasn't it?" Sherry said as she got up.

"Hell yeah," Quan replied, spent. "Yo, what time is it?"

"Umm, almost ten."

"Shit! I gotta get home!" "Why the fuck ain't this nigga answering the phone?" Mo exclaimed as she dialed Quan's number again for the fifth time.

Each time she called, his voicemail would click in.

Unbeknownst to Quan, while he was enjoying busting a nut with his other woman, his fiancee was in the bed, writhing in pain. The pain was no longer just in her lower back, it had spread into her stomach as well. Mo's worst fear was coming true. She was having another miscarriage. All the praying and planning she'd done in the last two and a half months were in vain.

After three previous miscarriages, Mo knew the drill. She knew that undeniable pain like she knew the back of her hand.

Her precious baby girl was dying and there was nothing she could do about it. In her mind, it was all Quan's fault. If he had come home like he said he was, she wouldn't be in this position. She could have been at the hospital by now, but no, she was still lying in bed waiting on her so-called fiance to come home. Mo was so mad that she didn't know what to do. She wanted to cry, but crying wouldn't help her any.

What she needed to do was get out of there. But she couldn't. All of their cars were in the shop being detailed except for the one Quan was driving. Mo was stuck. Her only choice was to dial 911. The phone didn't even ring a good one time before a dispatcher picked up.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hi my name is Monsieur Parthens. I'm home alone and I'm having a miscarriage!"

"Okay, what's your address?"

"3505 McPherson. Lord, why are you doing this to me? I can't believe this is happening to me again!"

"You've had a miscarriage before?"

"Yes! I just don't know what happened this time, everything was supposed to be fine!" Mo wailed into the phone.

"How many months are you?"

"A little over five!"

"Are you home alone?"

"Yes! My fiance is supposed to be on his way but I don't know where he's at!"

"Are you experiencing any bleeding or are you just in pain?"

"I'm just in pain! I've been having back pain for the past hour and half! At first I didn't think nothing of it ... oww ...

but then the pain went into my stomach! Oww, oww, oww, it hurts! Please get somebody over here to help me!"

"Okay, ma'am, just stay calm!"

"I can't!" Mo rocked back and forth, holding her stomach.

"Yes, you can. Just breathe."

"I can't! I can't do it! It hurts too bad!" she cried hysterically.

"Ma'am you have to calm down. An ambulance will be there any minute now."

"Oh my God ..." Mo screamed as she looked down between her legs in shock.

"What? What?" the dispatcher yelled.

"I'm bleeding! Oh my God, I'm bleeding! Help me, please!

I'm losing my baby!"

Blood was everywhere. It was all over Mo's thighs, legs and the sheets.

"Ma'am, the ambulance has just pulled up. Is there any way you can let them in?"

"No! I'm upstairs by myself!"

"Please, you have to try or they're not going to be able to help you."

"Okay, okay! I can do it." Mo encouraged herself. "Get it together, Mo. You can do it. Okay I'm gettin' ready to go now," she announced before placing the phone down.

Mo scooted off the edge of the bed and slowly crawled onto the floor. Gushes of blood were streaming out of her vagina as she made her way toward the spiral staircase. For the first time in the two years she and Quan had been living there, Mo hated her house. There was no way she was gonna make it down the steps. Hell, she had barely made it out of bed.

Sitting on her butt, she scooted down the stairs one step at a time. With every move Mo made, her vision became more and more blurry. The pain in her stomach was so unbearable that she could hardly breathe. Mo prayed to God while holding her stomach that this time he would spare her child. She just couldn't lose another baby. Halfway down the steps, as if on cue, she heard the sound of a key entering the lock. God had answered her prayers. Quan was there to save her. A sec- ond later he and two paramedics burst through the door.


"Quan," she whispered, before passing out and tumbling down the stairs. Hours later, Mo reopened her eyes to find Quan and a room full of worried faces staring back at her. Using all the strength she had, Mo tried her best to remember where she was and what had happened. It seemed like she had been asleep for days. For a minute she couldn't figure out where she was, but when she glanced down at her hand and noticed two IVs stuck in her right arm, she realized that she was in the hospital. Instantly the memory of being pregnant and falling down the steps ran through her mind. Sick from the thought of losing her baby, Mo hesitantly placed her hand on her stomach and realized that the bulge that once filled her lower abdomen was gone.

"Quan ... where is my baby?" she questioned nervously.

But Quan couldn't say anything. Nor could his mother or Mina. The entire room was filled with silence. Everyone was at a loss for words. No one could fix their mouth to give her the bad news.

"Why y'all lookin' at me like that? Where is my baby?"

"Mo," Mina's voiced cracked as she looked around the room. "Umm ... I don't..."

"Umm what, Mina?" Mo said, becoming frustrated.

"Sweetie please ... calm down. You just woke up. You need to rest," Mina pleaded, rubbing her shoulders.

"No! I don't wanna rest! I wanna know where my baby is and why y'all ain't tellin' me! Quan?! Where is Heaven? Where is my baby?!"

"Boo ... they had to do an emergency c-section on you ...

and umm ... yo, I'm so sorry ... but she wasn't strong enough to make it," he whispered, barely able to look in her big brown eyes.

"Quit lying! Why would you lie like that? My baby ain't dead! Mama, where is my baby? Where is Heaven?"

"Mo, she's gone," Mrs. Mitchell responded with tears in her eyes.

"Why y'all doing this to me?! Quan, just tell me that y'all lying! Just tell me that my baby ain't dead! That's all I want you to do! I promise if you do that I won't ask you for nothing else! I PROMISE!" She begged with pleading eyes.

"I want to, but I can't ma," he replied as he broke down and cried.

"What you mean you can't? GET YO' ASS UP AND GO GET

HER!" Mo wailed hysterically as tears streamed down her face, past her chin and down her neck.

"Mo, how am I supposed to do that?"

"It's mighty funny you can do shit for everybody else but when it comes to me,
you can't never do nothing

"But baby--" Quan interjected, taking her hand.

"Don't but baby me! As a matter of fact, don't even touch me!" she snapped, snatching her hand away. "You hear me?

Don't you ever ... FUCKIN' ... touch me again! It's your fault my baby's dead in the first place! So don't sit here ... and try to pretend like you give a fuck when you don't!"

"Mo, why would you say something like that?" Mina asked, taken aback by her hateful words.


"Mo that ain't even fair," he replied, feeling as if she drove a steak knife through his heart.

"Fuck fair! Is it fair that I should have been in the bed takin' care of my baby but I was all over town lookin' for yo' ass? Is it fair that you've been cheating on me this
whole fucking time
? Is it fair that my fuckin' baby is dead because of you?

NO! So save all that bullshit you talkin' 'cause you don't know shit about fair!"

"But baby, we gotta go through this together!"

"Together?? Who you together with? Me or Sherry? 'Cause the last time I checked, it take two people to be together, not three!"

"Why you gotta go there? That shit ain't even necessary right now! Heaven was my daughter, too! Don't you think I'm hurtin' just as much as you are? I thought we were supposed to be a family?"

"I thought you was fuckin' faithful! I thought you was a fuckin' man! Thinkin' ain't got me shit but laying up in the fuckin' hospital with a dead-ass baby!"

"I have heard enough!" Mrs. Mitchell interjected, throwing up her hands. "This don't make no damn sense! Quan, you have done nothing but cause this girl grief from the moment y'all got together!"

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