Read Torn Online

Authors: Keisha Ervin

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Literary

Torn (24 page)

"What's up?"

But Mo didn't answer. Instead, she placed the phone up close to her mouth and screamed, "
That's it, baby ... lick it
just like that!"

"Mo?!" She could hear him yell.

Oooooh ... West ... I think I'm gonna cum!"

"Cum for me, ma! I wanna taste every last drop!" West moaned, flicking his tongue even faster across her clit.

"Mo?! I swear to God if you doing what I think you're doing I'ma kill you!" Quan barked into the phone as he tried to concentrate on the road.

Yes ... ooh ... yes ... right there ... ooh I'm cumming ...

I'm cumming ... FUCK, I'M CUMMING!"
And with that being said, Mo turned off her phone, hanging up in Quan's ear.

Unbeknownst to her, as soon as she hung up he lost control of his car and ran into the dividing wall on Highway 70.


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Mo arrived home a little over an hour later. After West ate
her out and made her cum three times, she decided that that
was punishment enough for Quan.
She'd wanted to seal the deal and take it all the way, but couldn't. West eating her pussy was one thing, but him fuckin' her was another. Niggas had died for less than that and after Quan heard them, Mo knew that the both of them were in deep shit.

But she wasn't about to stick around and wait for her ass whooping. Mo had already made reservations at the Marriott.

Placing her purse down on the dresser, she walked over to the closet and pulled out one of her suitcases. Before she began to pack, something told her to check her voicemail. She had five new messages.

"Mo, this is Nicky! Pick up the phone! Quan's been in a
terrible accident!"

Mo couldn't believe her ears. Quan being in an accident was most likely her fault. Saving the message, she listened closely to the rest.

"Girl, where are you at?! I've been tryin' callin' your
phone and everything! Look, the ambulance took Quan to
Barnes Hospital! They said that he got a concussion! Call me
as soon as you get this message!"
Mo didn't even bother calling Mrs. Mitchell back. She snatched her purse off the dresser and headed out the door.

The emergency room at Barnes wasn't as crowed as usual.

Only a few people sat awaiting service. Mo hated hospitals.

Hesitantly, she rang the bell on the nurses' station, fearing the worst.

"Hi, how can I help you?" a short, pudgy nurse by the name of Wanita asked.

"I'm looking for my fiance, Jayquan Mitchell."

"Doctor Calvert is in the room with him now, ma'am. Are you his fiancee?"


"You just missed his mother. She'd been trying to reach you."

"Is he okay?" Mo questioned nervously.

"Yes, he's gonna be fine. He only suffered a mild concussion and wound to the head. We're trying to get him to stay the night for observation, but he doesn't want to. The doctor is in there with him now."

"Man, fuck what you talkin' about! I'm up outta here!" Quan yelled as he stormed out the room.

Instantly his eyes locked with Mo's. Pure hatred was written across his face as he looked at her. Quan's chest heaved up and down as he balled up his fists, he was so angry. Mo had never seen him look like that before. She felt like shit as she eyed the thick bandage across his forehead. Blood was all over his shirt, jeans and shoes. She even noticed a couple of scratches on his face and arms.

"What the fuck you doing here?!" he barked, scaring the hell outta her.

"I came to check on you." She spoke softly.

"Listen, Mr. Mitchell, you need to rest. I strongly advise that you stay the night," Doctor Calvert urged.

"Nah dude, that ain't gon' happen!" Quan turned to leave.

"Quan, where you going?! You need to listen to the doctor!" Mo said, trying to grab his arm.

"Get the fuck off me! It's yo' fault I got in the accident in the first place!"

Unable to defend herself or her actions, Mo stood there quiet.

"Yeah, that's what I thought! Now get the fuck out my face!"

"I know what I did was fucked up but please just let me take you home!" Mo begged.

"Mr. Mitchell, I don't know what's going on with you and this young lady but I would really feel better knowing that you got home safely since you refuse to stay," Dr. Calvert added.

"Whateva, just don't say shit to me!" Quan warned, putting his finger in Mo's face.

The ride home from the hospital was filled with unspoken words and the heavy air of broken promises. It was still raining hard outside. Mo could barely see out the window as she drove. The DJ on the radio said that there was a tornado warning in the St. Louis area. But a tornado warning didn't mean anything to Quan or Mo at that time.

Neither of them knew what to say or do. There was so much confusion and hatred in the air. Quan didn't even let the car pull all the way up to the house before he hopped out. He didn't want to be anywhere near Mo. Words couldn't describe how mad he was at her. If he didn't love her so much, he would've killed her by now. Following him into the house, Mo headed for the steps only to hear him say, "I want you out of my house by tonight!"

"Excuse me?!"

"Don't make this hard. Just get yo' shit and step."

"You know what, Quan, fuck you! And just to let yo' ignorant ass know, I was already leaving anyway! As a matter of fact, here!" she yelled, taking off her ring and throwing at him. "Give this piece-of-shit-ass ring to that bitch Sherry! I'm sure she'll love it!"

"You know what, maybe I will! At least she didn't fuck my friend!"

"She should have, 'cause I know I sure enjoyed it!" Mo spat as she walked up the steps.

"Oh, you enjoyed it?!" Quan questioned as he followed her.

"Did I stutter, nigga?!"

"I swear to God I should knock you in yo' muthafuckin' mouth!" Quan balled up his fist as he noticed her suitcase on the bed.
Damn, this bitch really was leaving
, he thought.

"I wish you would!"

"WHY YOU FUCK MY BOY?!" he snapped, yoking her up by the neck, pushing her up against the wall.

"How could I fuck yo' boy?! How could you fuck that bitch?!" Mo slapped him in the face.

"What are you talkin' about?!" Quan tried to restrain her.

"Don't play stupid!" Mo snapped back, pushing him off of her. "I heard you and that bitch fuckin' on my phone!"

"I wasn't fuckin' her! I was over there visiting my son!" The fact that he would lie to her face and the mention of the words
seemed like a knife stabbing Mo in the heart. Without thinking of the consequences, she hauled off and right hooked the shit out of Quan. Concussion or no concussion, she was gon' fuck him up.

"You lied to me! You said the baby wasn't yours!" she yelled, hitting him repeatedly in the face.

"So you gon' go and fuck my boy, Mo!" he said, trying his best to restrain her again.

"How long you been fuckin' that bitch?!" Mo tried her best to slap him.

"Yo, chill!" he barked, grabbing her by the neck and slamming her down. Mo's head hit the floor hard. With her finally pinned he yelled, "And you say you love me! Bitch, you just like all these other hoes!"

"Get off me!" she screamed, trying to get up.

"Not until you calm yo' ass down!"

"I said get off me! Let me go!"

"Mo, when I get off of you yo' best bet is to leave this muthafucka straight up," he warned, letting her go.

gotta go when you been fuckin' that bitch! This shoulda been wrap! Nigga, you should've been told me to leave! I would've left!" Mo began to cry uncontrollably.

"Oh so you gon' cry now, Mo? Like straight up? You cryin' for real?"

"Why you have to go and fuck that girl?! What, I wasn't good enough?!"

"You good enough for the hood now, ma! How many times have you forgiven me?! Huh?! Yo ... I know I fucked up! I know the way I was livin' was wack! But it is what it is! I wasn't gon' tell you I had a baby wit that chick 'cause I knew it was gon' hurt you! I loved you too much to do that to you! But now ... after you done fucked my boy ... I ain't got nothing but hate for you!"

"First of all ... I didn't fuck him! Yeah, I could've, but I didn't! And second, how the fuck you gon' say you hate me after all the shit you've put me through?! All those nights you sac-rificed our relationship just for some pussy ... I was the one home alone wondering where the fuck you was at and who you were with! I was the one who stood by yo' side through it all! So don't blame me for all of this ... it's your fault, not mine!"

"Yo, save it, ma, 'cause I ain't even tryin' to hear you right now. You fucked my boy, and there ain't no turning back from that!"

"Whateva, Quan! I'm wrong, you're right, whateva!"

"It's a wrap, dude, just step."

"I swear to God I should've left yo' ignorant ass a long time ago!" Mo yelled, standing up.

"Whateva, Mo."

"I mean damn, take the time out to see how I feel! I just lost my fuckin' baby, then I turn around and learn this shit!"

"Yo' baby?" Quan looked at her like she was crazy. "It was my muthafuckin' seed! All you was doing was carrying it, but you couldn't even do that right!" Taken aback, Mo stood paralyzed and unable to breathe.

Finally her throat allowed the words she wanted to say to come out. "How could you say some shit like that to me?"

"Here you go wit that dramatic '
' bullshit. You too into yo' feelings for me. Just pack yo' shit and go, Mo!"

"I swear to God I hate you," she hissed.

"What else is new? It's your fault Heaven's dead anyway! I found yo' stash, Mo! I know all about you sneakin' and eatin' sweets and shit!"

Knowing a part of him was halfway telling the truth, Mo spat, "Fuck you! I hope yo' stupid ass rots in hell!"

"Yeah well, you'll be right there wit me! As a matter of fact, let me help you get a head start!" Quan declared, pulling her clothes off the hanger and onto the floor. Mo just stood there in complete silence. She was tired of arguing with him.

"What, you ain't gon' help?!" he asked sarcastically.

"Fuck you! I'm out! You can keep all that shit!" Quan knew no matter how much shit he talked that he didn't want Mo to leave. He couldn't be without her if he tried.

He couldn't even imagine her not being in his life. She was his rib.

"Where you think you going?!"

"I'm leaving! That is what you want, isn't it?!" Mo quipped with an attitude, as she placed her hand on the door knob.

"It's up to you, ma. I don't give a fuck whether you stay or go."

"Sometimes I wish I never met yo' sorry ass!" she screamed as she opened the door.

But as soon as she stepped foot outside, all the lights on the block went out. Turning around, she saw that the lights inside the house went out as well. The wind was blowing with so much force it almost knocked her over. And on top of that, rain and hail were falling from the sky. Mo wasn't going anywhere in that kind of weather.

"I thought you said you was leaving?"

"You know I can't go nowhere in that storm!" Mo slammed the door shut.

"After I find this damn flashlight I want you gone!" Quan barked as he searched for a flashlight. It was pitch black inside, so he really couldn't see where he was going.

"Fuck!" he yelled as he bumped into the corner of the coffee table. Rubbing his knee, Quan continued his way into the kitchen. Ten minutes passed by and he still hadn't found the flashlight. "Where the fuck is the flashlight?!"

"Maybe if you were home sometime you would know where it was at!" Mo yelled back as she lit a few candles that were placed around the living room.

"Well since you here all the time, come help me find this muthafucka so you can step!"

"So you gon' send me out in that storm, Quan?" "Whateva, Mo, just don't say shit to me. Just help me find the flashlight!" he yelled, coming back into the living room to find it lit by candles.

"Kiss my ass, Quan! Why don't you go upstairs or something?!"

"Don't tell me where to go! This my goddamn house!"

"Whateva, stand yo' stupid ass there then," Mo replied, opening the linen closet.

It was cold as hell since the heat was no longer on. Finding a blanket, Mo made her way back into the living room. Quan tried his damnedest not to stare, but she looked so miserable.

Her face was dry and stained with tears.

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