Read Torn Online

Authors: Keisha Ervin

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Literary

Torn (23 page)

"Quita please, I don't wanna talk about that right now."

"Umm you must have, but anyway you sure Quan ain't got no friends he could hook me up with? I'm sick of being by myself."

"Nah, not that I know of." Sherry tried her best to not to laugh. She knew none of Quan's friends would come near Quita with a ten foot pole.

"Well look, since you up and he ain't coming, I'm gettin' ready to come get my kids."

"Why? They cool. I got Versacharee, Jahquita Junior, January and Al' Walid all in one bed and Lil' Quan, Javontay and Alquita in another. They fine. Giiiirl, you better eat some of them strawberries and take yo' ass to sleep. You ain't gettin' up in here."

"Alright Quita, girl, you right."

"I know I am girl, and save me some of them strawberries!" Mo sat at the shop in the waiting area, gossiping and laughing with Delicious and Mina. She hadn't felt this alive in months. It felt so good to be laughing and having fun again.

Things with Quan were still shaky, and she still hadn't built up enough strength to clean out Heaven's room, but all in all she was doing fairly well. As long as she had her friends by her side, everything would be alright.

"So, Mina, how is my handsome godson doing?"

"Mo ... Jose is getting so big. He is the chubbiest baby I have ever seen. Victor's already talkin' about signing him up for pee-wee football as soon as he turns three."

"Hell nah. The boy ain't even two yet. I gotta come by and see my god baby though. How is Meesa doing?"

"She's good. I talked to her about a week ago. As a matter of fact, I'm supposed to be going up there to see her in September. You wanna come? She's participating in Fashion Week."

"Hell yeah I wanna come. My ass needs to get away."

"I feel you, so how are things between you and Quan?"

"Oh I know you ain't gon' sit up here and not ask me to go NY." Delicious pointed his finger in Mina's face.

"Boy, shut up, you know I was gon' ask you to go." She cracked up laughing.

"Oh, 'cause I was feena say."

"You wasn't about to say nothing. Now back to you, Mo.

How are things? You aren't still having nightmares about losing the baby, are you?"

"Yeah ... but they're not as bad as they used to be." She spoke in a low tone.

"Have you told Quan yet?"

"Nah, he wouldn't understand. Talkin' to him is like talkin' to a brick wall."

"Where is that crazy lookin' mofo anyway?" Delicious said.

"I don't know, but you know what's crazy though? Y'all gotta promise not to tell anybody." "What, we promise," Mina assured.

"Sometimes I feel like Heaven is still moving around in my stomach. And ... sometimes when I'm alone I can swear I hear her crying."

"Girl, that's normal. Well, the moving around in your stomach part is. I don't know about the crying stuff, but Jose is almost one and sometimes I still feel him moving around in me. That's natural. Ain't nothing crazy about that."

"I guess."

"She's right, 'cause sometimes I be feelin' my baby kick, too," Delicious joked.

"Shut up!" Mo couldn't help but laugh.

"For real, you should try talkin' to him," Mina continued.

"I will."

"So when are you going to start planning the wedding?

'Cause I'm ready to pick out my dress." Delicious shot her a look.

"To be honest with you, a wedding is the last thing on my mind right now. I don't even care about having a big ole fancy wedding anymore. I told Quan we can go down to city hall and get it over and done with."

"City hall?" Delicious placed his hand on his chest, appalled. "Ugh, remind to me to bring a mask, disinfectant, wet wipes, antibacterial soap and a can of Raid."

"Shut up." Mo playfully hit him in the arm. "On the real, y'all, I just wish I knew why God, for whatever reason, don't want me to have a baby."

The words weren't even good out of Mo's mouth when her cell phone began to ring. It was Quan.

"Hold up, y'all, this him right now."

"Who, God?" Delicious asked, with his eyes opened wide.

"No fool, Quan. Hello?"

"Where you at?"

"At the shop, why?"

"Nothing, I was just callin' to check on you. I might be at home a little late tonight. I gotta go take care of some business with West."

"A'ight, just call me when you're on your way home."

"Will do."

"One hundred," Mo replied, hanging up, but quickly remembering she forgot to tell Quan that they needed to have a serious conversation when he got home. Flipping her phone open, she dialed his number and placed her phone up to her ear. Prepared to hear ringing like she normally would've, Mo was instead met with the sound of voices in her ear.

"Hello?" she spoke, confused, but didn't get a reply.
must still be on my line

"Quan! Quan!" Once again she got no answer, but Mo could still hear voices and from what it sounded like, it seemed as if they were moaning, so she listened in closely.

You gonna let me eat your pussy?"

"You don't want no head first?"
Hearing Quan's and a familiar female's voice, Mo's heart stopped beating and she became enraged.

C'mon Sherry, nah, I ain't ate your pussy all week. A
nigga been feenin' for this shit, ma. Let me do what I do and
don't be screamin' while you nuttin'. You gon' wake the baby

"Mo, what's going on? Who is that?" Delicious questioned as he saw tears begin to build in her eyes.

"Shh!" She shushed him so he would be quiet.

Damn, you gotta fat-ass clit. You gon' cum in my

"Yes, baby, yes! Ooooh, I wanna cum all over you!

"Mo, who is that?" Delicious asked again.

Paralyzed, Mo sat still. She wanted to answer him but her lips couldn't find the strength to move.

"Give me the phone
! 'Cause you know I will cuss a muthafucka out!" he yelled as he yanked the phone from out of her hand.

"Hello ... hellooo ... ah uh ... oh no he didn't ...
you don't need to be hearing that shit," Delicious snapped, hanging up.

"Mo, what's wrong?!" Mina urged, trying to shake her friend from the trance she was in.

"That was Quan," Mo whispered as her entire world seemed to come to an end. All of the air in her lungs had left.

The room was spinning and tears of sadness streamed down her face.

"What happened? Did something bad happen?"

"He was with another
," Delicious answered, knowing Mo couldn't get out the words.

"How you know?"

"'Cause I heard them in the background fuckin'," Mo finally spoke up in a daze.

"Oh my God."

"Look, I gotta go. I gotta get outta here. I can't breathe." She jumped up, frantically searching for her keys which were already in her hands.

"Uh ah, Mo, I don't think you should be driving like this."

"I gotta go, Mina! Just let me go!" Mo rushed out of the salon and ran to her car. Inside, she slammed the door shut and placed her head on the steering wheel. The tears that pelted her skin felt like heavy rain drops as they fell from her eyes. At that moment Mo felt as if she had died all over again. There was nothing in the world that could make her feel better or ease her pain. She was tired of playing the fool for Quan over and over again. She was tired of fighting with herself over whether she should leave or stay.

Staring out the window, Mo watched as rain poured from the sky. She had never been so hurt and confused in her life.

How could he do this to me? He said he loved me,
were the words that continued to play over and over again in her mind.

For weeks, Mo noticed the phone calls Quan would get where he had to leave the room just to talk. She knew he fucked other women and hated it.

She tried to be blind to his cheating ways but now that it was smack dab in her face, she knew she had to do something.

Trembling, she adjusted the rearview mirror and wiped her eyes. The only thing on her mind at that moment was revenge. Mo had to make Quan hurt just as much as he'd made her hurt over the years, so she scrolled through her phone and called West.


"Hey West, how you doing?"

"Good. What's up, babygirl? You don't sound too good."

"Oh, I'm fine. Is Quan with you?" She just had to reaffirm what she had heard.

"Nah, I ain't seen that nigga since last night."

"Oh, okay, so what's up wit you? What you doing?"

"Nothing, chillin'. Gettin' ready to head over to Tropicana to play some pool. Why, what's up?"

"Is it okay if I meet you over there?" she asked, already knowing his answer would be yes.

"Yeah you can slide through."

"A'ight, I'll be there in like ten minutes."



It really took Mo fifteen minutes to get there due to the severe thunderstorm that plagued the afternoon sky. Mo didn't have an umbrella with her, so she ran as fast as she could to the entrance. But running didn't help any. Her clothes were drenched.

Searching the place for West, she tried to spot him. The pool hall was so dimly lit it was hard to see anything at all.

Then suddenly she felt a hand grab her shoulder. Turning around, she found West. The dude looked better and better every time she saw him. West was rocking the hell out of a white Ralph Lauren jogging suit and Tims. The man looked good, damn good. Suddenly Mo didn't feel as guilty about what she was about to do.

"Damn, shorty, the rain really got you," he said, eyeing her wet top which did nothing to hide how hard her nipples were.

"Yeah it did." Mo blushed, running her hands through her wet hair.

"I'm surprised you called me. What's the deal? What my man do now?" West asked as he grabbed a cue stick from off the wall.

"Look ... I didn't come here to talk about Quan. I came to see you."

"Oh, really. What you wanna see me for?"

"Don't make me say it," she whispered, slightly embarrassed.

"Nah, say it." West got into her face. "I wanna hear you say it." His sweet breath tickled her nose.

"I want you to fuck me."

Seconds later, Mo and West were in the back of her truck getting it on. His lips enveloped hers as she unbuckled his pants. Mo knew that what she was doing was wrong but at that point she really didn't care. Quan's thoughts or feelings no longer mattered to her.

The fact that it was raining only seemed to intensify her pleasure. She could hear raindrops hitting the windows and thunder striking the sky. Mo couldn't wait to feel West inside her, and he couldn't wait to get her clothes off. He had imag- ined for years what it would be like to sex Mo. She didn't know it, but he'd planned on putting her in every position imaginable. Pulling up her shirt, he unsnapped her bra and took one of her swollen nipples into his mouth.

"Damn," Mo moaned as he licked, sucked and pulled her nipple in and out his mouth like he was a newborn baby boy.

Caressing and sucking her breasts, he used his free hand to unbutton her jeans and pull them down. West used his fingers and plunged them deep into her vagina.


"You like that, ma?" West whispered as he finger fucked her and thumbed her clit simultaneously.


Not wanting to waste any time, he told her to scoot up.

"I wanna taste you," he groaned as he pushed her legs all the way up to her chest. Mo's pussy was directly in his face.

"Damn, ma, you got a fat-ass pussy." He smiled devilishly as he planted his face in between Mo's thighs and went to work.

"How it taste? Tell me how good it taste!" she moaned, arching her back.

"Yo' pussy taste good as hell, ma. It taste just like strawberries."

"Well taste me, baby! Lick my pussy until I cum!" Doing as he was told, West held both of Mo's thighs in his hands and feasted on her kitty. His tongue tantalized and assaulted her pussy with every lick. Mo was in absolute bliss.

West could almost eat pussy as well as Quan.
I guess the saying is true, birds of a feather do flock together
, she thought.

The nigga was working her pussy over with his tongue.

Every lick felt sinful and soft to the touch. Rubbing and squeezing her nipples, Mo called out his name. She could feel an orgasm nearing, but before came she had something she needed to do. Mo reached for her cell phone on the floor of the car and dialed Quan's number. West was so into what he was doing that he didn't even notice. For the first time in a long time, Quan picked up on the first ring.

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