Confessions and Olivia (Olivia #2) (30 page)

She takes a d
eep breath after a few moments. “Okay let me think, Calvin told you all of this?" Elise speaks with such rage and the same speedy motion as I did. She wants to know everything and fast but she will try and keep a level head.

"Yeah, he told me. Calvin and Ashton came to Chicago to ruin Mauricio. I was
part of Calvin’s plan at first so he could get closer to the family, break his way in…”

She doesn’t let me finished. “What? He used you? What the hell are you still doing with him?”

I quickly jump to his defense. “He used me at first Elise. I know how it sounds. You know your dads been having trouble for some time, and it was all down to Calvin and Ashton, slowly breaking him down piece by piece, but Calvin fell in love with me...”

“But he left you!” she protects.

“He left to protect me, he wanted to kill Mauricio but fell in love with me and didn’t want to hurt me. So he left. That night we saw him with Georgia, he was back in Chicago sorting business and your dad got hold of my cell. I lost it that night remember?”

“I remember.”

“He had it all along, he text Calvin, set him up, he got him beat up. I went to Calvin’s to see how he was and he told me everything. I couldn’t tell you Elise because you were heading on your honeymoon. Then I went home to try and get my mom to leave with me, but she wouldn’t. She didn’t know why I was all of a sudden acting crazy because I couldn’t tell her what’s happened under the watch of Mauricio. She thought it was all Calvin’s doing. Your dad hit me again, and my mom took his side. I had to leave. I had to leave her behind. Oh Elise, It’s such a mess. My world has fallen apart. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m so grateful for Calvin, even Ashton. I don’t know what I’d do without them, but you should have seen your dad before I left. If looks could kill I’d be six foot under. He knew damn well I knew something. He’s fucking insane, and now he’s after Calvin and Ashton's blood and I can’t get to my mom. God, what do I do?"

Its sounds like Elise is crying when she
finally answer which is rare. "Okay. Olivia, I know you’re talking way to fast but I can make sense of it. I think. Don’t panic. I’m going to try and help your mom anyway I can as soon as I get back, and I’m going to wring Sophia’s fucking neck for keeping this from me. And my dad... Oh he doesn’t know what’s going to hit him. I knew there was something wrong with that man, he’s fucking deranged. I hate his guts for what he’s done. Olivia, I’ll contact you soon Okay, please stay strong. I’ll sort this shit out and you can come home. But for now please stay with Calvin and do as he says. If Mauricio is trying to track you down then no doubt he knows by now what Calvin and Ashton have on him. You don’t want to come anywhere near home, you got that? I don’t want you getting hurt." Tears swim down my cheeks from hearing Elise crying but I know she’s trying to keep it together for me. She’s just been informed that her father is a murderer and she’s still trying to stay strong. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for that girl.

"Elise, I’m so sorry!" She pauses to take a breath. "Not as sorry as I am.”

She hangs up the phone and Calvin appears by my side instantly. “What did she say?”

I close my eyes to the painful thought while I replicate the conversation clutching at my hair, wal
king back and forth in despair. “Mauricio won’t let my mom leave. I’m guessing she has told him she’s leaving him and he won’t let her go. Elise didn’t know a thing. My mom couldn’t tell her anything, all she asked Elise to do was see if I was alright. I don’t know what she’s going to do now she knows what her dad is, but she did tell me to stay away until she has sorted it.”

Calvin stares into the distance, his eyes glazed from a deep thought.

“Calvin?” I question him warily.

“Mauricio is holding your mom back because of what she knows Olivia. Georgia has told him everything. I thought maybe she might have been bluffing but this confirms she wasn’t.”

I gasp in panic. I never gave it a thought to what Georgia had said, and I also thought she was bluffing for attention. Why didn’t I act on this!

“What will he do to my mom?” I don’t know why I’m asking such a question, shouldn’t I know? But truth is, I don’t. Calvin seems to know more than me.

He shakes his head pointing with his finger thoughtfully. “No. If he was going to hurt your mom he would have done it by now.”

“You want to hear my guess?” Mine and Calvin’s head snap towards Ashton, almost forgetting he was here. I nod, giving him the go head.

“My guess is that he’s keeping your mom tied down because he knows he’s losing her. He’s falling apart, with everything coming down around him. The last person he wants to loose is his trophy wife. She obviously knows everything and she’s the one who could rat him out. He won’t allow that to happen so he’s threatened her, blackmailed her. It must be with something big if she hasn’t tried to break free.” The way Ashton glances at Calvin is a tell-tale sign they know what he’s bribed her with. I think I know and the bile rises from my stomach.

“He'll have to go through me first.” Calvin stiffens up, his body tenses in anger.

“Me?” I squeak. “He’s bribed her with... me?”

Calvin stands firmly in front of me so my attention is on him. I can’t look at him even t
hough he is trying to get me to. My stomach is cramping. “He will never hurt you Olivia, you got that? I won’t let him. Ever.”

I exhale through my nose, putting my hand up to my mouth in fear. I know Calvin will protect me but at what cost?  Mauricio would threaten my mom with my wellbeing? I know my mo
m would never put me in any danger if she could help it. I bet he’s playing her like a puppet on a string. He will be loving every second of my mom being at his beck and call. Answering to his every whim and there is nothing I can do.

“You know, it’s lucky that I sent gran and granddad on a getaway. I have no fucking doubt they would have called there.” Ashton adds making my whole body tremble when he mentions Hazel and Gerald. My ears prick up. I turn on my heel slowly to face him as I pale. “What do you mean?”

Ashton face turns bitter, not towards me but to accommodate his choice of words. “Mauricio will want to make sure everything that me and Calvin love, is destroyed. You know that don’t you?” His eyes flicker towards Calvin quickly but I stare straight ahead. My chest rises up and down heavily. No. He wouldn’t. Would he?

“He wouldn’t touch your grandparents Calvin. Would he?” I ask hoping that Calvin would give me a positive answer. Thinking of Mauricio ever hurting his grandparents is excruciating.

“Olivia, my grandparents are fine don’t worry about them.”

“But have you called them? Call them now. Make sure they’re alright.” My voice is rushed and panic stricken.

Ashton speaks first, his voice is calming. “I speak to them almost every hour Liv’s. I’m actually getting on their nerves. Don’t worry yourself.”

That statement makes me feel a little better, but not fully.

“I’m going to go grab us some breakfast before we leave. I won’t be long.” Calvin nods to Ashton as he closes the door behind him but I get irritated. “Can’t we just grab something on the way?” I ask in haste pulling on my red duffel coat.

“When Ashton’s stomach calls there’s not stopping him.” Calvin shrugs apologetically.


Ashton’s back quicker than expected. I stand from the bed in haste noting the way he bolts through the door leaving it open. He doesn’t look at me but straight to Calvin, his eyes are wide with rage, but he reigns it in for my expense.

“You want to grab something on the way instead?” he says what I was thinking all along, but he gives Calvin a secretive gesture of his head. Almost like he was saying:
We need to go. Right now.

Calvin nods in acknowledgment and grabs hold of all our things. Both men’s demeanor have changed. I know they’re hiding something. The tension has changed. Their body language more alert, but th
ey’re trying to keep their features soft for me.

We walk fast
paced out to Calvin’s car. He never lets go of my hand, grasping it tightly. My heart is thudding because of the amount of urgency they’re walking and talking with.

“What the hell is going on Calvin?”

He glances from me to Ashton with his mouth in a compressed line, giving nothing away. I narrow my eyes at the pair of them.

opens the door for me to climb in, he’s quietly rushing me because I know Calvin opening the door for me is rare.

Now, I need to know what’s going on.

I slam the car door shut before getting in and turn back to Calvin folding my arms. "You want to tell me what’s going on before we leave?"

He groans irritant.
"Just get in and I’ll tell you on the way, but we need to go. Now." He points with his hands enunciating the word
. I dig my heels in and lean against the car door not budging until he tells me.

"Olivia, please stop being stubborn and get in the god damn car." Calvin’s demand turns into a shout. I stare back at him impassively hating the tone he has taken. Why is he getting so mad all of a sudden?

He runs his hands through his hair getting frustrated while I glare at him for information. It’s so unlike him.

Ashton pl
eads me with supporting Calvin. "Trust us Liv’s, we just want to do what best for you. Now stop being stubborn and get in." He adds playfully trying to lighten my mood.

I sigh giving in, swinging the car door open myself. Calvin sighs deeply and reli
eved. He’s worried about something and he’s not telling me. I hate it.

As I put my seat belt on Ashton climbs in the back. Calvin puts the car into ignition and continues to head down the freeway. I have
no idea of the destination and I don’t recall ever being on these roads before.

"Calvin where are we going? Why are you both acting shady? Stop keeping things from me. Jesus!" I’m angry with him now. I don’t like being kept in the dark about things, he knows this so why does he continue to do so.

He puts his foot down on the gas speeding up and tells me through gritted teeth and a tight jaw what I want to know. “They’ve found us Okay! So we need to move fast before they tail us."

Found us? Every hair on the back of my neck stands on end. My whole head prickles instantly. I feel the blood drain from my face as I pale in fear and fall cold.

"Who? Who have found us?" I manage a whisper.

“The bastards that work for your fucking dad." Calvin barks at me not taking his eyes off the road. My blood boils at the mention of Mauricio.

"He’s not my fucking dad." I scream making it crystal clear. I don’t want that asshole being associated with me any longer.

He has been following us? Has he no limits? How has he found us?

"Okay guys calm down, there is a time and a place for this shit and this isn’t it." Ashton tries to be peace maker but his tone is a command. I close my mouth not saying another word. I need to register what’s happening. We’re being followed so that can only mean one thing. It’s clear to me now that Mauricio has shunned me out of his life, which is fine by me, but what I don’t understand is why he can’t just let us be. Hasn’t he caused enough pain?

“He’s never going to leave us alone is he?” Tears spring free at the harrowing thought. My fear is made worse by the silence that comes over Calvin and Ashton confirming I’m right.

I hate that because of me, it’s causing the situation to become intensified. I know it must be extremely hard for Calvin and Ashton to be put in this circumstance, with me especially. I hate that they’re holding back because of me, not carrying on with their plans to ruin Mauricio because of me. Well, Calvin is doing it for me, and Ashton is protecting Calvin. So there for it’s for me and my pathetic life. I know Calvin says with me in his life it eases the pain, it gives him something else to focus on in life, rather than avenging his parents and acting bitter but how can he ever get away from the fact Mauricio is still alive and he is the one who has caused all this. Why do I care if he’s dead or alive anyhow? He’s making our lives hell.

I keep looking back out of the rear window past Ashton in panic. Aston advises me to turn around and try to relax.
How can I relax when I know we’re being followed?

"What if they catch up to us what do we do?"

Calvin speeds the up going over one hundred mph ignoring my question. He's swerving his way in and out other cars on the freeway while receiving quite a few honks and curses.

I hold on to the hand rail above my head, terrified for my life. My heart is speeding faster than the car. I am terrified of the situation we are in.

All of a sudden Calvin curses making me jump. "Fuck!" he yells,

immediately turn to the back window to see what he sees. My stomach instantly swirls at the sight of a random black car that has suddenly appeared out of nowhere, it’s not far behind. It’s approaching with speed.

“Is that the car? Are they following us?” I’m panicking. I feel sick. My skin is burning up. Ashton looks
from the back window towards me. “Yeah, it looks like. Get ready for a bumpy ride.” He smirks. What! A bumpy fucking ride. Is he kidding me?

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