Confessions and Olivia (Olivia #2) (40 page)

“My family suggested we all go to a restaurant for some cocktails and a bite to eat, but if you’re tired we can go back to the hotel?”

Hmm, the thought of our luxury spa hotel that Calvin booked us into when we arrived yesterday sounds heavenly. We both received the most blissful massage from the messieurs and then took advantage of their sauna room. The thought brings a cheeky smile.

Calvin s
pots this and grins devilishly. “You thinking dirty thoughts, Olivia?”

I pretend t
o act shocked by his accusation. “Me? What do you take me for?”

Calvin’s grin splits even wider
. “I seem to remember that line is mine.”

He places a loose piece of hair behind my ear and is about to lean in to kiss me but Hazel s
tops our show, pulling us apart. “Come on now you two.” She almost scolds us.

“Public affections never hurt anyone gran.”
Calvin’s smirking but I feel mortified. I forget we are surrounded by people when Calvin is near me.

Hazel frown’s at Calvin.
“Public affections? Is that what they call it these days?”

She then looks over at me with an arched brow.
“Sweet heart, please tell my grandson to keep his hands to himself.”

I feel myself turning bright red and make a mental note of not
letting Calvin near me with those expert hands of his whist under the watch of Hazel.

Chapter Thirty Six*


May 2014:


Calvin has brought me up Hazel and Gerald’s farm this weekend as it’s a gorgeous spring day and he wanted to show me the meadows. This week has been hectic. Myself and Tyler have been rushed off our feet with so many clients wanting to see our work and have us on board. It’s a great opportunity for us and we feel utterly blessed by the response we have had since turning around Olivia James, tailors. Yes, Tyler got his way in the end.

I adore working with Tyler. He has the same dreams as I do and having the chance to share that with someone special is simplicity.

So Calvin has brought me up here with the demand that I relax.

Calvin, however has stopped playing at casino advents. He told me it didn’t feel right without Ashton. I was secretly relieved because I would hardly see him with how much he had to travel. Calvin has enough money to never have to work again, but Calvin’s mind would go crazy without having something to do so he has thrown himself into his property investments and he and Elise have joined forces in business. I was worried about whether he would get bored with having a ‘normal’ career in Calvin’s mind, but he says I take up most of his mind space so that would never happen.
I hope not.

I have since moved in with Calvin. I stay at his all of the time anyway so it made sense. He never officially asked me to move in, he didn’t have to. It just gradually became our thing and now he loves that I live with him. We love waking up to each other every morning and falling to sleep together every night
. Most nights, entwined blissfully.

I am in a wonderful place right now, for the first time in months I can say I am extremely happy with my life. More than happy, and Calvin is the one to thank. I thank him every day for just being him.

We walk through the farm land at Hazels and Calvin takes me through to the wild flower meadow. It’s beautiful. The flowers are just coming through under the spring sun. The colors of red whites and pinks hitting us from all angles. The sky is blue, the sun is warm and Calvin has already laid out a picnic blanket. This time he doesn’t have food. Just the familiar gold ace champagne bottle.

“Are we celebrating something?”

“Maybe.” Calvin is being unusually quiet but I don’t question him.

“This is perfect Calvin. Thank you.”

“I knew you’d like it. We used to ride the horses through here when we were younger.”

“It’s so peaceful.” The birds chirping are the only sound that can be heard
, it’s perfectly serene.

“Simple things.” He smiles warmly shrugging towards me but continues to lose my eye contact. He’s scratching at his neck and putting his head down quite a lot.

He looks simply divine in a white loose fitted t shirt, gray jeans and bare foot.

“Calvin? What is up with you?” He turns to gaze down at me and shakes his head claiming its nothing.

“Then come kiss me.” I demand. He smirks at my attitude and bends down to kiss me. He takes my mouth with his firmly but tender. Leaning on his one arm for support he climbs on top of me while sliding his other hand up my white dress. The dress I wore on our first date, and the dress I wore when he left me.

His soft finger tips slide up to the top of my thigh as he caresses me. I kiss him savoring the taste that his lips allow. Absorbing his everything. When we kiss m
y mind melts while my body surrenders to him. When his fingertips brush against my skin, I break out in goose bumps. I over heat and go into a world of angelic ecstasy.

Calvin is about to pull down my panties whilst kissing me, but I smirk
when he realizes what I’ve done. “Olivia, you’re not wearing any underwear?” his face is a picture of delight but a little shocked by my promiscuous act.

“I thought it would save you the trouble.” I try to act flirtatious but I blush instead.

Calvin smirks, his eyes light up. “You are adorable.”


“And sexy, and hot, and come here…”

Calvin makes affectionate love to me, full of devotion and hot passion on top of the wild flowers in the meadow. He looks in
to my eyes with infatuation the whole time. His adoring gaze forces mine to stay open and watch him while we indulge in each other worlds. When I look into his eyes like this, I see him, all of him, and he sees me. All our vulnerability towards one another is lost, our love for each other is set free and our guards are completely burnt down.

Calvin is a blessing bestowed upon me and I love him beyond words could describe.

I lay down on the blanket and close my eyes basking in my heavenly surroundings while my breathing eases. Calvin continues to lay above me running the tip of his nose along mine smiling wide and happy.

“Always so beautiful.” He whispers then climbs off me pulling my dress back down. I wish he would lay above me all day but I’m content so I don’t contemplate it.

He sit’s up pulling up his jeans, wrapping his arms around his knees and looks across the meadow with his back to me. “Olivia. I need to ask you something.”

I place my hand on his back and query his uneasiness. “What is it?”

He sighs and turns to me, so I sit up to hear him out resting back on my palms.

“Would you...” he stops to run his hands through his hair and
anxiously gets up onto his knees.

He holds his hands out with his palms up offering my hands into his. I sit up and place my hands into his ey
eing him suspiciously.

“Would I what?” It actually makes me giggle watching his nervous behavior over heavens knows what.

He squeezes my hands and speaks in a rush. “Would you make me the happiest man or earth and… well, actually you already make me the happiest man on the planet but...”

“But what?” I butt in over his babbling. What on earth is he trying to say? Calm and collect Calvin he is not right now.

“What is it?” I urge again this time getting a little impatient.

“Marry me?”

I blink a little too fast while my heart skips a beat by his remarkable question.

Wait! What?

“Marry you? You’re asking me to marry you?” It’s a proposal?

“That’s if you want to. And I hope you do or I’ll look a complete idiot.” He speaks fast again while I try to get over what he’s just asked me.
Calvin has asked me to marry him.

Oh my god.
Marry him?

He’s waiting cautiously for my answer. So I give him one.

“Yes.” I squeal.

“Yes? You don’t want to think about it?” He’s surprised I said yes? Is he crazy?

I answer him quickly and firm. “No! There is nothing to think about.”

Jesus. He’s asked me to frigging marry him!

“Wait,” I get up to my knees so I’m the same level as Calvin. His smile drops slightly as he watches my actions. “You haven’t changed your mind?” he asks getting nervous again.

I shake my head grinning from ear to ear. “No, but… ask me again. Confidently. Being you.”

He laughs visibly relaxing. Sighing deeply on a smile and closes his eyes briefly. When he opens them, there’s that ice blue spark I always love to see, his cocky billion dollar grin and his charming posture is back.

Before wiping a tear away from my cheek with his thumb, he asks me again but this time, Calvin’s way. He takes my hands with his again firmly and loo
ks deep into my welling up eyes.

“Olivia, baby, I am completely and unconditionally in love with you. You are the one person that keeps me alive each day and I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. My life would be worthless without you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you but I want to do it with you as my wife. Marry me?”

I chock back tears savoring his unforgettable proposal for a moment then my excitement takes over. “Yes!” I squeal pouncing on him, knocking him back onto the flowers. He laughs delighted before I push my lips into his, smothering him with my love and admiration.

After I have devoured every inch of his face with my mouth, I sit back on my heels as he tells me he has something for me.

“I have a ring for you.”

My eyes shoot open in surprise. I thought he’d only just asked me spontaneously. He had been planning this if he already has a ring?

I gasp when he takes his moms ring from the necklace around his neck. He’s had it fixed since it was pulled from his neck by Mauricio. He slides the ring off the chain.

“Wait…You can’t...I can’t accept that Calvin.”

But he tells me different. “Yes you can. This ring means so much to me. I shopped around for rings but they meant nothing. They mean nothing. They are all the same. This ring,” he looks down at the ring affectionately, “is special to me. My mom told me to keep it with me forever, so, if it’s with you then I have to keep you forever.” He grins and shrugs adorably.

I close my hand over my mouth to stop my gasp. He takes my hand and effortlessly slips the
small ring onto my finger.

“Then you have me forever.” My voice letting tears of joy loose.

“I have you forever.” He whispers.

Calvin pops the champagne open, after all, now we do have something to celebrate. This man is remarkable. Just when I think he can’t beat anything amazing that he has already done for me. He proves me wrong.

I am actually going to marry the man of my dreams. The man I was too scared to get involved with when I first met him on my birthday. I am extremely glad he continued to pursue me, even if it wasn’t with the best intentions at first. His last intentions mean everything. Oh, and this dress I have on, I can add to my list of emotional days it has been on with me. Calvin has asked me to marry him and I’m wearing his white favorite dress.

Chapter Thirty Seven*


When we get back to the barn, Calvin gathers his grandparents into the sitting room. Gerald wakes up from his nap yawning and Hazel places her knitting into her lap and eyes me up

“We have some news, and we wanted to share it with you guys first.” Calvin beams towards me kissing the side of my head making me blush.

“You’re not pregnant, Olivia?” I almost choke on thin air at Hazel’s suspicious question.

“No gran she’s not.” Calvin rolls his eyes then looks towards me worried. “You’re not right?”
“No I am not. Jesus.” I scold them both for being ridiculous.

“Oh,” Hazel sighs.
“I could have knitted a lovely blanket you know.”

“No more baby talk.” I demand getting panicked and flustered.

“Then what is it?” she ask concerned.

“Gran, granddad, Olivia has said yes to becoming my wife.”

Hazel gasps as Gerald cheers. Her eyes fill up as she rushes over to us both dropping her knitting all over the floor.

“That’s wonderful, wonderful news.” She brings me into her arms joyfully, and kisses my forehead. “Olivia, sweet heart. You’ve made me so happy.”

I’ve made her happy? “You’ve made me happy because you’ve made my boy happy. And that means a lot to me. Come here you...” she brings Calvin joyfully in her arms.

When she pulls away from him again Gerald stands trying to come between us, Hazel isn’t letting him have any room. It’s comical. “Get away of the way Hazel, I want to congratulate them.” She swats him with her hand and eventually lets him pass. He brings Calvin into a man hug first and then takes my hand to kiss my knuckles. “Congratulations to both of you.” He smiles fondly at us both almost filling up.

“I must cook us something, something to celebrate.” Hazel proposes and scurries of into the kitchen.

I call Tyler to tell him the news after Hazel’s celebratory dinner. I want to tell my mom and Elise face to face, but I need to tell someone else right now before I shout it from the roof tops.

“Hey honey,” he answers on the first ring. I swear he has his phone glued to him.

My voice is ru
shed when I finally get it out. “Tyler, Calvin’s asked me to marry him!”

Tyler is eat
ing something and almost chokes. “W…what? He’s proposed. Don’t shit me Olivia my heart can’t take it.”

giggle then continue to rush on. “Tyler, Calvin has asked me to marry him and I said yes. I’m getting married.”

Tyler screams down the phone so I pull it away from my ear dancing around as I know he’s doing the same. I hear Nana Joyce in the background wanting to know
what Tyler is screaming about. “Olivia, Nana, she’s getting married.” Joyce screams out of joy and I bet Tyler is hugging her all around the house. It’s a good few minutes before Tyler’s comes back to the phone.

I laugh when he’s back, hoping he’s calmed down; he hasn’t.

“So when did he ask you? What’s your ring like? How did he propose? Was it on one knee what? Tell me?”

I would if he gave me chance.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror before I answer Tyler and it feels like I’m glowing. I can’t stop smiling and I’m not even married yet.

“Ty, it was just…perfect. The ring, the way he asked me, all perfect.”

Tyler sighs deeply like he’s in love himself. “I’m so happy for you I can’t believe he asked you. Really, it was only a matter of time before he did. Oh god, we have a wedding to plan.”

I can imagine a thousand over the top things that are all prancing around in Tyler’s mind right now. Horse drawn carriages, fireworks a ten tear cake…

“Tyler we do, but I want it simple. I just want to marry the man I love, not the extravagance of a wedding day.”

“Of course.” Tyler fails miserably at acting like he’s fine with the idea.

“And I have two things to ask you.” I breathe and I
almost feel his ear’s prick up.

“Well, yes Olivia, sure I’ll be bridesmaid.”

I chuckle at the thought of him in a dress, even though he still would look damn good.

“No not that.” He groans acting disappointed.

“Would you design and make my dress for me?”

You could almost hear a pin drop, but instead I think I heard Tyler’s jaw hit the floor.

“Really? You would want me to do that for you?”

I grin at how he’s taking it. I can’t wait to see how he’s going to react at my other question.

“I would love for you to do it Ty. You know me better than anyone. You’re brilliant at what you do and I trust you.”

“Well in that case, yes! It would be my pleasure. You don’t have to ask me twice. What’s the second question?”

“I’ll keep that one for my wedding day.”

“What? Olivia me and suspense, I can’t deal with it. Ask me now.”

“No Ty. I want to ask you when I’m ready. But the dress, I trust you with it.”

“What? You’re not going to tell me how you would like it?”

“I want it white and simple, the rest is down to you. I know you won’t let me down.”

The image of my mom’s face when I tell her Tyler has full control of my wedding dress is going to be priceless.




When we got back from Hazels and Gerald’s I took no time in telling my mom and Elise about my news. Elise was jumping for joy and my mom turned into an emotional happy wreck.

Calvin told me to plan our day whichever way I wanted to. He didn’t want a say at all, all he asked was for me to be there on the day.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I smiled sweetly at him after his one and only request.  Oh, and to make it quick. He wants me to be his wife, yesterday! So I have already set to work in organizing it.

Tyler has helped me with almost everything. I plan to get married on a Caribbean island.

The beach is one of mine and Calvin’s favorite places. It’s our safe haven so I had no doubt for destination where that was concerned.

I have completely left my wedding dress is the hands of Tyler. All my requests were; white and simple. I’m not a princess so I don’t want a princess dress. I don’t want anything over the top.

“You cannot possible leave your wedding dress in the hands of Tyler, Olivia, that’s absurd. What if you don’t like it on the day?”

I roll my eyes at my mom. This is the hundredth time she’s scolded me about this. But I won’t get into it now. Today I have summoned Elise, Macy and Ruby for bridesmaid fittings. My mom is faffing about, I swear you’d think it was her wedding.

“Mom, it will be fine. Tyler is a genius, stop panicking.”

“We'll see. Now let’s see what these bridesmaid dresses are like.”

Oh yes, my mom is well and truly back to herself. Veronica Grace. As she is now. Back to being elegant, out spoken and yes, a pain in my ass. I love her for it, but why the hell did I ask her to come along to this fitting?

When the girls have finished getting measured, my mom takes me for a quiet coffee. So much has gone on since Mauricio's death, we really haven’t spent much time together.

I order my milky coffee and a chocolate muffin and my mom orders a cappuccino.

She frowns upon my muffin as I pop some into my mouth. “You know, you should watch what you eat before your wedding.”

“Mom, it’s a chocolate
muffin. I'm not going to gain a hundred pounds.”

She stiffens her shoulders and takes her cappuccino to her lips. “Do you think it was bad of me to miss his funeral?” The way she hisses his, I know she’s referring to Mauricio. I stare at my muffin, loosing appetit
e, then shake my head on a sigh. “Mom, none of his family wanted you there. Besides,” I morbidly chuckle and whisper, “You killed him. Why would you want to go?”

Mauricio's funer
al was held it Italy and myself and my mom was forbidden to attend. Not that there was a chance in hell I would have gone anyway, but my mom, she feels somewhat guilty. She thinks she should have gone to sort of apologize. It’s her all over. Thinking of others before herself. “Did that man apologize for all the pain he caused? All the lives he ruined? Ashton's life? Calvin’s parents lives?”

My mom purses her lips mindles
sly turning her mug in her hand. “No, I no. And I hate him Olivia, I really do. It’s just sometimes, when I think about it too much, it hurts to feel I have taken a life.”

“A fucking disgraceful life mom. Who cares?”

“Olivia watch your language.” She winces. I know it’s easy for me to say. I never killed him. What my mom is silently going through, is torture. She also tells me on a day to day basis how sorry she was for never telling me about my real dad. Now I understand the reason she didn’t want to talk about him. I was extremely hurt at first when it came out but she is beating herself up over it enough without me adding to her pain. She has to meet with her therapist twice a week to try and keep her on an even keel. But she will get there. Me and my mom have each other now.

“I can't believe you’re getting married. My precious rose has blossomed into a beautiful young women.” She changes the subject on a happier note. Tak
ing her perfectly ironed napkin out of her sleeve.
Who has napkins anymore?

I smile fondly her way. She's so emotional. “I know it’s crazy. If you told me I would be doing this a year ago I would have called you insane.”

My mom sniffs and smiles. “I was always waiting for you to come out lesbian.”

I scoff and roll my eyes. “Mom I wasn’t that bad don’t be dramatic. Anyway, Tyler had already warned me, there can’t be two gays in our group.”

Just then my mom’s eyes flicker to someone behind me. I turn casually to see who it is and spot Madison standing sheepishly in her gym gear. Today is Sunday. Of course she has been to the gym. “Hey Olivia, I hear congratulations are in order.” I stare a little shocked to see her.

My mom
stands offering her seat to Madison. “Madison? I better be going anyway, I have lots to do. Flights to book.” She sings.

Madison hesitates.
“Um, sure.”

My mom kisses me on my head and says goodbye. I don’t know whether to kill her or thank her.

I don’t know why it has come to how it has with me and Madison. But we have both been acting distant. Or was it me? I have had so much going on I haven’t made time for her. I immediately feel guilty.

I watch her as she brushes past m
e to take a seat. Settling her gym bag on the floor. She bites the side of her lip nervously and doesn’t look at me. I push my hair behind my ear, then sigh. “Look, Mads, I'm sorry for not being around but I hate this, you know. We're meant to be best friends aren’t we?”

“Are we?” She asks a little uneasy.

I scowl a little, b
ut she sighs shakily and speaks. “Olivia, it’s been my fault too. Since you got with Calvin I felt pushed out. It was the same when Tyler came on the scene. And I know how stupid that sounds. Maybe I'm just a bitter person who can’t be happy for others.” She shrugs, not the least bit apologetic but that’s Madison. You either know how to take her brashness or don’t. And I do. Tyler doesn’t. “I thought, now you’re getting married, it was my chance to try and make a mends. Even though I think you’re a bit too young to get married, you’re only twenty three, well, twenty four next month.”

I pout my lips to stop myself from scolding her, instead, I smirk at how I've missed her attitude. Really
, she is just a misunderstood girl with a big mouth, but she has a kind heart.

“Sorry, it’s just my opinion
.” She chuckles and waves a weak hand towards me.

“And you have many of them.” I add sarcastically.

She ignores me and speaks on. “I also wanted to confess something to you Liv's,”

I tip my cof
fee mug towards her, urging her. “Go on.” After all, these past couple of months have been about confessions.

She takes
a deep breath to brace herself. “You remember when I told you I saw Calvin with another women?”

“You lied.” I simply say not surprised at all.

“I...” she hesitates, then realizes what I've just said. She blinks. “Um, yes. I'm sorry. I was jealous. I was losing you. I felt pushed out.” She hurries out her explanation.

I pick at my muffin while I contemplate what to do. What can I do?

“Mad's, I never pushed anyone out. I had the same conversation with Tyler, but he never tried to ruin my relationship.”

“I know
and I'm sorry. I really am. But I've grown up a lot since then. I have kept myself to myself. I don't go out. I work hard at my job and go home. Now I want to make a mends with you and put all my wrongs right. I miss you Liv's.”

I move my mug aside and rub my face in my hands. It’s hurtful, of course it is. I know what Madison can be like but purposely trying to split us up?

“Olivia, say something.” She leans over to take my hands away from my face.

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