Confessions and Olivia (Olivia #2) (43 page)

It’s hard to believe that this magnificent mesmeric wedding, in the sand, along the sea, is for me.

Tyler takes me away from my mesmerized state. “Are you ready, Missy?” he smiles taking my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze.

I let out a deep breath.
“I’m ready.”

I link my arm through Tyler’s as he leads the way.

As we get closer I’m briefly aware that everybody has turned their heads. I can vaguely hear them gasping and saying how beautiful I look but my gaze is fixed on Calvin’s.

He turns his head slowly and his sparkling ice blue gaze hits me hard. Just like it did when I first met him. All I can do is stare back at him. He smiles wide and tenderly when he sees me. His eyes drift down the length of my dress as I walk towards him. I can feel my beating heart and it’s about to burst as I study my captivating fiancé. He looks completely and utterly flawless in tight fitt
ed gray suit pants, and a light blue fitted shirt with a few buttons undone at the color, I notice the cufflinks I gave him at his wrists and he’s bare feet. His unruly dark golden hair styled to the side how I like and his eyes are glowing. He looks simply cool, ravishing and everything Calvin.

Oh my god, this beautiful man is about to be my husband.

As I reach him Tyler takes my hand and places it gently into Calvin’s.

“Now you take good care of my girl or else.” He’s crying. Tyler is actually crying. The poor man. He will have a heart attack if his makeup smudges.

The thought makes me smile, but then I’m put in another Calvin trance as I look up into his eyes. They’re watery and emotional. Its sets me off. Tears softly flow down my cheeks as we stare into each other’s eyes.

“Do you like?” I inquire about my dress on a smile as he wipes my tears away gently with his thumb. He caresses my cheek with his palm while he spea
ks, his voice oozes admiration. “Words are never enough for how beautiful you are to me Olivia. You look breath-taking. As always.”

I stare at Calvin the whole time our vows are being read, e
specially when we have to repeat them. Once or twice I had to say the sentence again because I couldn’t get the words out from crying.

Our vows to one another: To cherish. To love. To worship and obey. To be there through good times and bad. In sickness and in health.

Calvin whispers. “I will love and honor you every day for the rest of my life.”

The rings are passed to each o
f us and we each slip them on each other’s fingers in turn.

“I now pronounce y
ou, husband and wife,” the reverent turns to Calvin and nods. “You may now kiss your bride.”

Calvin grins devilishly.
“Come here, Mrs. Blake.” He pulls me in for a heated passionate kiss, our families erupt in applause and cries.

I pull away from Calvin feeling dazed, extremely happy and in love.
I’m in so much love.

“I’m honored to be your wife.” I giggle as I get used to my new name.

Calvin’s grin gets even wider and he picks me up to twirl me around in his arms. I laugh along with him as he spins me around then sets me back onto my feet rubbing his nose along the ridge of mine.

He takes my hand and walks up the
sandy isle with me while everybody throws blue and white petals over our heads. It’s perfect. Just perfect.

We have our first dance under a white arch with candles scattered on the sand just as the sun is setting. They play my chosen song, Beyoncé halo, and every single word is aimed at my thoughts for my husband.

He takes my hand in his while wrapping his other arm around the small of my back. I take his hand and rest my other on his shoulder, and we dance.

Our first dance as husband as wife.

We stare into each other eyes while listening to the song. At this moment it’s just us. The two of us in our wonderful new world. Everyone is around us swaying along but at this moment it’s just mine and Calvin’s happy new bubble.

“I got my angel now.” I whisper copying the words of the song. Calvin bites his lip as he smiles trying to kick back emotion and places a loose trestle of hair behind my ear.

“Do you like it?” I didn’t tell him what song I’d chosen. I wanted something that I could surprise him with and that meant everything that Calvin is to me.

“It’s perfect. You’re perfect.” He kisses my damp cheek softly. I rest my head against his shoulder as we sway happily to the rest of the beautiful song.

The music turns into Bruno Mars, just the way you are. I pull back to look at him.

“My song for you.” He grins and swoops down to kiss me again taking me off my feet.

Tyler is in love with Bruno Mars so he comes along and takes me away from Calvin for a dance. Calvin is about to object but my mom takes Calvin’s hand diverting his attention. Now he has no choice but to let me go for a second.

I dance with Tyler as he sings his heart out to the words.

When I hear Paolo Nutini, growing up beside you, I instantly know that it was my mom who requested it. She’s obsessed with him.

I get asked for a dance off Gerald and I happily take him up on his offer while he hands Hazels his walking stick.

He has never really talked to me about Calvin so he surprises me. “You look beautiful Olivia. If I only I was ten years younger, hell, twenty years younger,” I laugh as I sway with him and he gazes over at Calvin fondly who is talking to Dante. Calvin peers over at us and tips his wine glass our way. I smile down at my feet out of knowing my husband can’t take his eyes off me.

“You see how hap
py my boy is,” Gerald continues. “And that’s all down to you. Calvin is finally in a good place Olivia. I will be forever in your debt for that.”

I shake my head.
“No Gerald you don’t have to thank me. It’s Calvin that saved me really.”

He grins adorably
. “Then you both saved each other.”

I nod agreeing,
then glance back over to Calvin. “Yes. I think we did.”

Everyone is sat at the tables on the sand with the floating candle lights as center pieces ready for speeches. My mom has insisted she go first. She’s a little tipsy and happy emotional so who knows how this is going to go.

Calvin’s lips brush over my temple, never letting go of my hand as we sit together and wait for my mom. She stands on the small stage that has been set up in front of our tables so everyone can hear her and looks over towards me. She has already dabbed her eyes with her tissue three times.

“I want to take this time to say how stunning my daughter looks. I have never seen such a beautiful bride,”

“Thanks to me.” Tyler shouts out interrupting from his table.

My mom throws him daggers while we all laugh at his comment.

Her eyes are welling up again. “I also want to say a big thank you to my new son-in-law Calvin. You make my daughter undoubtedly happy and I owe you incredibly for that. You are a blessing to my daughter and I have every faith in you. I know that you will take good care of her. I know you will protect her and love her every day for the rest of your lives together. You have already proved yourself to me and even though you both have been through so much,”

She dabs
her eyes again with her tissue. “I know your love for each other will only grow. Olivia loves you deeply and you have made her dreams come true. Thank you for everything.”

Oh, Mom. I put my hand to my chest after her speech then blow her a kiss. I mouth ‘thank you’ to her as she sits back down trying her best to gain composure.

Calvin’s gran and granddad point out how proud they are of Calvin coming so far. Elise also makes a point of thanking Calvin for my happiness and welcomes his family into ours and that was beautiful coming from her.

Now Calvin confidently stands from where we’re sat. It’s only then he gently releases my hand. First he looks out towards everybody in front of us.

“Thank you to all of you for coming. You all mean the world to myself and my wife and you have made our day very special, so thank you.”

I don’t think I will ever bore of him addressing me as his wife.

Calvin continues while everyone suddenly remains silent. All can hear is the waves crashing upon the shore. It’s heavenly.

“I want to say how beautiful my wife looks today even though she has always been so beautiful to me since the first day I met her,”

The day we first met flashes through my mind. I will never forget how he came out after me, with his navy jacket in tow. Maybe it was planned but really, I’m glad it was.

“I also want to take this time to tell her how much she means to me,”

He turns me and takes my hand and looks directly into my eyes. I’m already a blubbering mess. “Olivia, when I’m with you, you make me forget all the bad times because you are all my good times. I never searched for love, but I found it with you and I will love you with everything I have, every day and every moment that I share with you I will cherish. You will never know how much you mean to me, but I can only try and make you understand by telling you each and every day. I love you as my wife, my best friend and soul mate and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. The first half of my life seems wasted because I didn’t have you in it, but now I do, I will be grateful for every second that you grace me with. You have brought me out of a life of pain, a life of nothing and made my life everything. We have been through a lot together, circumstances that have tested our love, but there is no denying, we will never be broken. Olivia, you are my sunrise and sunset. You are my beginning, and you will be my end. ”

I hear my mom balling her eyes out as my own tears stream from my face. That was the most heartfelt, romantic, bold, meaningful statement he has ever said to me.

To mean that much to him is a treasure-able thing to keep and behold. I used to have so many doubts about whether I deserved Calvin, whether I would be enough for him. I would doubt that he could ever have feelings for me, but now, all that has disappeared. I now know what I mean to him and any insecurities I had are long gone.

I stand to kiss Calvin after the round of applause his receives.

“That was so beautiful. Thank you. I love you so much.”

He wipes away my tears and kisses the damp patch of my cheek.

“I meant every word. I love you too.”

After I get over Calvin’s incredible speech, Tyler stands to make his own speech. Most of it is how much he is going to miss me even though we work together. He’s drunk and getting emotional, but by the end of his speech he straightens up and raises his glass to me.

“So, Olivia, I guess I just want to say, you are my best friend and my sister all in one. I love you with all my heart, and you look absolutely stunning. I done a fucking good job with that dress.”

I hear slight gasps as a result of Tyler’s swearing but I watch on with Calvin laughing at his antics, but he’s not done yet.

He loves a good speech.

“I hope you have had the best day of your life coz I know you will have the best night. Especially when Calvin’s sees what’s underneath that dress.” He wink’s over at me as I cringe inwardly. Calvin turns to face me looking down the length of my body with that suggestive glint in his eyes.

I point to him with my perfectly polished nail and warn. “No. There is plenty of time for that.”

“Can’t I just have a peek? How about I take your garter off?” he bites down on his bottom lip grinning. Tyler has overheard him and jumps out of excitement. “Yes! Its tradition.”

I could kill him. I could actually kill him. He damn well told Calvin about that.

I glare at Tyler and throw Calvin a warning look. “Don’t even think about it.”

Before I know it everybody has heard Calvin and Tyler’s suggestion. It seems I’m the only one who thinks it’s a bad idea. I don’t have enough time to object, everyone is suddenly hurled around us and Calvin gets to his knees in front of me laughing at my embarrassed actions.

Calvin never feels embarrassment so having all this attention and encouragement is something that doesn’t faze him.
It’s not that I’m prude but this sort of thing is for us couples alone time isn’t it?

Oh, what the hell.

I finally relax giggling at Calvin as he ruffles up the material of my dress. I place my hand over my face feeling myself burning bright red. Everyone is making ooh noises and laughing along, Tyler being the most enthusiastic.

Calvin finds my garter put there by Tyler and pulls it down over the flesh of my thigh with his teeth. I can’t help but think how good it feels to have his mouth so close to my skin, his fingertips grazing, but I keep my thoughts at bay.

Calvin tosses the garter aside only to be caught by Tyler who rushes over to Jamie. “You know what that means?” I burst out laughing as I think Jamie is about to faint.

Calvin also suggests to Tyler playfully that we need to change the name of our Olivia James business to Olivia Blake. Tyler places
his hands on his hips wobbling.

“Oh no, she might be your lawful wedded wife but she’s my unlawful wedded wife. Got that?”

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