Confessions and Olivia (Olivia #2) (34 page)

Not Hazel and Gerald. He can’t hurt them.

Calvin’s cursing brings me back to earth. “Everything I care about. Every fucking thing I love he’s going to pull away from me.”

He suddenly lashes out and punches the
wall mirror, sending shattered broken glass scattering into pieces. Calvin’s knuckles split in two. Blood oozes from his cuts.

I rush
over to Calvin and stand in front of him, pushing him away from hitting anything else.

“Calvin. Stop. You need to stop this. It isn’t helping. Look what you’ve done.”

I gesture with my head towards his blooded knuckles as I hold his chest away with my palms. The fury in his wake, in his blackened eyes, dim, as I gaze at him. My expression is hurting but so worried.

His eyes come back into focus. That rage sent him into an irate trance. He looks around the room, then flops down onto the bed in a sitting position. He looks spent, exhausted and hollowed.

Without any hesitate I climb onto his lap and throw my arms around his neck, pulling him into me. He wraps his arms around my lower back embracing the warmth of me. His one hand then finds its way into my hair. He holds me tight against his chest while I sob for him. I feel so selfish. I feel wretched for crying but I have no other emotion to give.

“I’m sorry Olivia. You don’t need me to be an asshole right now.”

I pull away from him, looking into his blue pain stricken eyes. They’re not the sparkly ice blue eyes I’m used to. There bloodshot from lack of sleep, dark, gloomy and so tired some.

When I try to speak, it’s mumbled and whimpering, but I try anyway.

“You have every right to feel frustrated Calvin. I don’t know why he would send someone to your grans house. Maybe if I went home, he will stop looking for us?”

Yes that’s it. He wants me doesn’t he?

Calvin shakes his head, looking sympathetic. It’s more like he feels sorry for how little I know.

“He wants to ruin everything I love and care for Olivia. That’s what I’ve done to him. I’ve ruined his perfect family life. So now, he’s going to return the gesture. I started this. Now he thinks he’s going to finish it.”

“But if I go home I can tell him…”

“Tell him what? You’re something I love. Very much. And he wants to destroy everything I love and that means you. Do you see?”

I do see. He wants to destroy Calvin just like he has done Ashton and everything that Calvin adores. I know this. Whether I wanted to admit it is completely different.

But now I have. An
d it hurts like a sharp dagger to my heart.

“Calvin, what are we going to do? We can’t keep running. We can’t keep hiding. I need to get to my mom. You need to get to your grandparents.”

Calvin forces me to look at him. He caresses my cheek as I cry softly looking at him through blurry vision.

“Olivia, we’re not hiding. I’m protecting you. If anything happened to you…” He closes his eyes and inhales sharply at the thought.

“It won’t because I know you won’t let it. But Ashton has died. He has men waiting outside your grans house. If we went to him. He might stop.” Or, I could try and make him.

“What if we separate? You go to your grandparents. I go home...”

Calvin shakes his head once, firmly. “No. Not happening.”

I try to fight my corner. “But...”

“But nothing. How can you ask me to separate from you? I’m protecting you. I can’t do that if you’re not with me, Olivia.”

I see his point, I do. But if I went to sort things out back home then Calvin could concentrate on his family. Ashton’s funeral. How can he do that when he’s running with me? The police will protect us.

My tone becomes distressed. “I’m glad the police know everything now. They will help us won’t they?”

Calvin bows his head down in exasperation. “The cops won’t do fuck all Olivia.”

“But my uncle Jason knows everything about Mauricio. He can tell them.”

Calvin sh
akes his head still exasperated. “He won’t tell them fuck all either. He’s only in on it now because he wants Mauricio sent down, he senses he’s vulnerable. Before he was scared, now he’s got his chance he’s going to take it. He’s not doing this for anyone except himself.”

“Why didn’t you tell the police Jason

“Because Jason would have already made sure nothing will come back to bite him on the ass. He will get away with being on Mauricio
’s side because he can. He didn’t become head of police for nothing. He’s not stupid. I didn’t hang him dry because I didn’t see a point.”

The thought of Jason having anything to do with Mauricio is ludicrous. I don’t know why he should get away with this, but if he’s helping us now, then maybe he’s turning a new corner.

Now the cops are on our side though, it will be alright for us to separate wont it?

“They will give us protection Calvin.”

But he’s not having it. “You have protection. Your boyfriend. You don’t need any other.”

My features soften to his protest. I love that he wants to be the only one protecting me I really do. But this is out of our hands now.

“Calvin, we’ve been defeated. We need their help.”

Calvin shoots me a look of disbelief. “You think we’ve been d
efeated? Oh no we haven’t. I will never be defeated by that man. He’s killed my brother. He’s going after the only family I have left and you think I’m going to lie down and take it with a pinch of salt?”

I stand up out of Calvin’s hold and turn my back on him. When I speak again, I throw my hands up into the air to try and talk some sense into him.

“Calvin, you’re not taking this seriously. There are so many of him. And one of you...”

“That didn’t stop me before. You think me and Ashton had help doing wh
at we did to bring him down? Maybe the odd help of Georgia and Ryan but other than that, we did it together. It’s crazy what a man with a vendetta can do. Mauricio? He doesn’t do it alone. He has an army of fucking minions. That how much of a cowered he is.”

“That’s not my point.” I throw my arms up in the air again and let them fall back down to my sides.

I go to speak then suddenly pick up on something. “Wait? Ryan? As in, Sophia’s Ryan?”

Calvin rubs his forehead before answering me. “Yes. That Ryan.”

I scoff refusing to believe it. He has to be joking. “Ryan couldn’t organize a piss up in a brewery. How could he help you?”

His eyes burn into me when he talks. “Ryan, is a very, very clever man
, Olivia. He organized more than a piss up in a brewery. He got contacts from all over the world. He used to work for human intelligence but got fired for using resources inappropriately. I met him at my first poker match. I knew what he did might come in useful so I kept him close. He helped us with the drug shipment. He acted as spy. He put his life on the line for me and Ashton.”

I feel my eyes narrowing, my forehead creasing out of confusion. “Spy? What are you taking about?”

“There were drugs being shipped by cargo. He took down the driver. Drove the drugs elsewhere. Then Ashton planted the whole load with poison. I’m not sure which, then he drove the batch back himself.”

I don’t understand Ryan’s involvement in all this and it shows. “Why would he do that? Why would he help you? For money? You said he was your friend?”

Calvin stands and sighs heavy. “And he is. He was helping a friend out Olivia. He was one of a few that we could call a friend. Someone we could trust. He didn’t know Mauricio, but he thrived of what he did and took any chance he could get to help. We didn’t tell him why and he didn’t ask.”

“And Sophia? He’s messing with her?” Calvin’s non apoplectic shrug confirms it.

“He wanted to break her heart? Bring down another one of Mauricio’s daughters? Is that it? Have you lined someone up for Elise?” I’m now shouting by this point. That’s nothing more than spineless.

“No of course not. I didn’t tell him to get with Sop
hia. It was a game to him. He helped me out and met Sophia along the way. He played around. That had nothing to do with me.”

“The cruel bastard.” How could he do that to her? I knew there was something I didn’t like about him.

“You no Mauricio will kill him if he breaks her?”

“That’s his problem. Besides, Ryan’s moving to Spain. He’s probably already left.”

I need to tell Sophia. In case she’s still with the spineless prick.

“Olivia, you know you can’t call anyone.” Calvin voice is now back to being concerned. How can he switch personalities so well? I get that when he speaks about Mauricio his whole body tenses, his eyes turn black and he seems cold. But it doesn’t make it any easier for me.

“You called your gran.”

“But she isn’t with Mauricio. Sophia’s cell could be with him.”

I shake my head not listening. “I need to call her. How can I let Sophia carry on with him when he’s been playing her all along?”

“Well where is she Olivia? Where is Sophia now? Has she called you? Do you think she’s helping your mom back home? I can bet your bottom dollar the last person she is thinking about right now is you.”

I refuse to believe it. Sophia wouldn’t betray me like that. Would she?

My mind answers for me.
Yes she would.

I scream out of frustration and copy Calvin’s earlier actions going into a frenzy but Calvin stands to stop me. He pulls me in by my waist as I fight him to let me go. “Everything is fucked up!” I scream but he doesn’t give in. He’s not going to let go. Instead of fighting him, he has me at his mercy.

I push myself into Calvin vehemently smacking my lips against his, taking him completely off guard. I push my tongue into his mouth absorbing his taste like it’s my will to live. My fingers curl into his hair allowing me to grip him like a vice, allowing me to hold him like I want to with desire and rage.

Not rage against Calvin but built up, stemming rage that I need to let out. Not by smashing things but let it out on to Calvin.

Before I know it Calvin has me pinned against the wall with his hips. He suddenly overpowers my control and starts to undress me. Ripping at my clothes like it’s their fault that they aren’t coming off quick enough. He discards of my bra and rips off my panties, like he did in Vegas. I do the same to him, greedily fumbling with his jeans until they’re down past his knees.

My naked breasts feel so good a
gainst Calvin’s rock hard torso even though he’s still dressed from the waist up. I whimper into his mouth. I always crave his touch, his contact, but it’s like I never remember how much until it actually happens.

We’re both exposed,
kissing the hell out of each other, feeding our need with wild desire.

Calvin picks me up and slams me up against the wall. Quick and hard he pounds into me on a raspy moan, making me call out wildly, sending my mind and body soaring.

Chapter Thirty One*


“I needed that. I so needed that.” I breathe raggedly against Calvin’s parted steamy lips while he still has me up against the wall. He completely drew all of my anger out of me. I’m sore and paying it for now though.

“It’s better than throwing things around. Next your time you’re angry let me know, I will happily assist you.”
Oh, next time I will undoubtedly let him know.

I watch his smug smile spread across his face as his forehead rests against mine. We wait for our heart rate
’s to come back to earth.

When he sets me down, I notice his cut hand again. “
You should get your hand seen to.”

He shrugs nonchalantly.
“There should be a first aid kid in here somewhere. I’ll bandage it up.”

“You might need stitches Calvin.” I scold his laid back approach. His unconcerned manner is ridiculous.

“Let me.” I search around for the first aid kit still naked and sore. I try to ignore that my legs are little wobbly.

I find it in the bathroom and go sit next to Calvin on the bed.

“We should really get going.” He tells me pulling up his jeans as he eyes up my body. I know this so I sigh instead of answer him. I need to tend to my boyfriend first. I raise my eyebrow, warning him to be still and quite. His luscious full pink lips curve. “If I get to have my girlfriend playing naked nurse, I will sit here all day. I didn’t know you where into role play, baby.”

“Oh shut up,” I swat him with my hand.

I take the relevant bandage out along with some antiseptic wipes. While I wipe off the old blood and bandage his hand up, I tell him again to get it seen too when he travels back to the hospital but he tells me he has bigger fish to fry.

I glance up at him when I’m done and smile while he studies my handy work. I think
he’s pleased. He kisses my temple. “I love you.” He smiles adorably.

I bump shoulders with him. “I love you more.”

“Impossible.” He whispers.




We drive back down the same freeway Ashton was murdered and end up going to Calvin’s aunt Claire’s house driving in our hire car. I argued the toss with Calvin about coming here. He needed to be at the hospital but he won’t let me tell him any different.

We arrive a couple of hours or so later in a small warm looking neighborhood. Every house is detached with pretty front yards, small driveways and shrubbery and foliage along the qu
iet paths in the streets. It seems safe and family orientated.

I have been watching over my shoulder for a cop car to follow us but I guess they have to be discreet. They won’t be happy with us leaving that hotel I know that for sure.

The small home is white and wooden with a big American flag flowing outside in the wind.

We walk up the steps towards the front door hand in hand, but Calvin stops before we enter.

“I really don’t know how I’m going to do this Olivia.”

He turns and los
es grip of my hand to take a seat on the steps, placing his head in his hands.

I sit beside him, rubbing my hand up and down his back. Obviously trying to comfort him but I don’t think it makes a difference. He has to go inside with his family and tell them that his brother, their grandson and nephew has been shot. How can anyone prepare for that? He hasn’t come to terms with it himself and now he has to tell them.

“I’ll be here with you Calvin, every step of the way.” I try to come across strong but my voice fails. I’m a wreck.

I must keep it together.

So much has happened over the last week that I can’t comprehend. The worst imaginable. I ask myself. How are me and Calvin not broken? How haven’t our bodies shut down? The only adequate answer I can come up with is because we have each other. We are holding each other together.

“I need you with me
, Olivia, I really do. But can I break the news by myself? I can’t imagine how they’re going to take it. I don’t want you to get upset by their reactions.”

Emphatically, I understand. I do want to be there to support Calvin but I abide by his wish.

“Whatever you want.” He nods leaning over to kiss my forehead.

’re welcomed in with open with arms. I met Claire at Hazel’s barn party and Ruby her daughter. They’re just as I remembered. Warm and loving. Claire's black bob has grown since the last I saw her it sitting just above her shoulders, it suits her.

We’re ushered into the modern plum color kitchen. Hazel instantly perceives Calvin’s grave expression. “Sweet heart? Whatever is the matter?”

Calvin gaze’s towards me and I know he’s silently asking me to leave.

“Can I use your bathroom real quick?” I ask.

“Up stairs to the left.” Claire points out the direction but her concerned eyes are glued to Calvin.

I nod and leave them to it, shutting the kitchen door behind me.
I go into the bathroom, I think, to hide.

I’m about to shut the door when I hear the most spine tingling scream. It’s Hazel. Oh no. He’s told them. Her
mournful sobs are loud and piercing. I instantly feel queasy. I quickly shut the door to try and block out the sound, putting the lock on and sink to my knees. My own sobbing doesn’t even block out Hazels.

Calvin was right, her reaction from way up here has brought me to my knees. I don’t think I would have coped if she was in-front of me. The scene would have been harrowing. She has just been informed that her grandson has been shot. The boy she brought up as her own. The young courageous boy she had watched grow into a brave and loving man has been killed. It’s too much for anyone to take in.

It seems a lifetime has passed and all I can hear is Hazel crying, it would seem into Calvin’s arms as I can hear him trying to calm her down. I have no idea how the others are taking it.

I decide to stand and make my way outside. Its tearing me apart hearing Hazel in so much distress.

I shut the front door as quietly as possible, and sit down on the front steps. I’m oblivious to the late January cold. My body and emotions are numb, how could I possible feel the weather?

I sit with my arms around my knees and close my eyes. This poor family have had the worst luck that I could ever recall. Why has life been ruthless to them? This family are the nicest, warmest loving family I have ever met. They do not deserve this.

As I sit and think, I watch a florist van pull up outside the house. I don’t take much notice of him until he begins to walk towards me. I swipe my tears away from my eyes and stand.

“Can I... Can I help you?”

“Olivia Fahoney?”

I nod and regard him cautiously.

“Well, these must be for you mam.”

He pushes a bunch of flowers into my hand and gets me to sign a clipboard. I
mindlessly take the flowers from him as he scurries away down the steps. It’s only then I notice they’re red roses.

Wait. Roses for me? I don’t live here. Maybe Calvin sent them to cheer me up? No he wouldn’t, I don’t like roses. But then, he calls me his delicate rose just like my mom used to. She called me it so much when I was little, that, or her little red rose. I used to love them. My first painting was of a rose and I become somewhat attached to them, but my mom stopped calling me her rose when I begin to act up for Mauricio in middle school. I think then, my love for them died.

I spot a card attached so I take a seat on the steps and pull the card from the envelope and read.

As I read, my face loses all sense of color. My hand begins to shake before I’ve read the sentence.

*Flowers of your delight. For Ashton’s burial.*

I gasp aloud. My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. My head shoots up to look around, seeing if I can see him. He knows where we are?

“You bastard.” I throw the flowers to the ground, screaming as I do. I run into the road looking up and down frantically. Where the fuck is he? Why don’t he just come and get me.

I find
myself screaming into thin air. “Come and get me if it’s me you want.”

I can’t cry.
I’m too furious at the situation. He’s forced me to feel venomous. How could he know where we are!

Am I scared anymore? I don’t think I am. I’m not scared for myself. I’m scared for everyone around me.

The ringing on my cell startles me. I’ve ran quite a way from Claire’s house so it must be Calvin calling me asking where I am.

What do I say? Do I tell him? Hasn’t he been through enough?

When I don’t recognize the number my breathing picks up rapidly. I know who it is from the gut-wrenching, nauseating feeling I have gained.

I answer not saying a word.


All the hairs on the back of my nape stand to attention in response to Mauricio’s quiet, cold voice. I can’t breathe. It’s like there is no oxygen in
the air, I feel suffocated.

“You know, you should really be more careful. Running out onto the road like that. A car might come speeding out of nowhere and…run you down.”

I hold my breath, panicking and do a full turn, looking everywhere, but there is no one. Every car that passes me I freeze, but it’s not him. I get myself to walk on the side walk and stand panic stricken.

“What do you want from us?” My voice is low and steady.

A million things go around in my head that I need to say to him but I can’t pin point a thing.

“I want you to do as I say
, Olivia. That’s all I ever asked.” Mauricio’s tone is ice cold. He speaks slowly and haunting.

“What do you want me to do?” Now I’m crying. The cruel reality of being on the opposite end of Mauricio’s life has just hit me. You’re either with him or against him. I get that now. Is this what people get if they go against him?

Mauricio’s vindictive laugh down the other end of the line sends cold goose bumps across every particle of my skin.

“You’re going to leave that ‘boy’ Olivia. You’re going to come home. Forget this ever happened. You’re going to do as you’re told like the good little girl you once were and be a part of my family.”

What! He wants me to come home and be a family again? No. No way. I’m not buying this shit.

“You’re crazy if you think I will ever come home to you. You’re more insane than I thought you were.”

I hear him inhale deeply, like he's deciding what to do with me. Then he begins to talk again. This time his tone is threatening.

“You wana see what happens if you continue to disobey me
, Olivia? You know that ‘pretty’ little white house over there with the American flag hanging outside? It will be burnt to the ground before you get another chance to tell me no.”

“No!” I scream at him. “Leave them alone Mauricio. They haven’t done anything to you. Why are doing this to them?”

He sighs disagreeing. “Oh no Olivia. It’s not me hurting these people. It’s you. The longer you stay with them, the more danger you’re putting them in. Don’t you see? That Blake boy didn’t have to get killed, but he did because he was protecting you,”

No. It wasn’t like that was it? Mauricio would have killed him anyway wouldn’t he?

Tears stream down my face at the possibility of Ashton still being alive if I never ran away in the first place. He’s right. They are protecting me. I’m keeping them in danger.

I bite down on my quiver l
ip, closing my eyes and in give. “What do I have to do?”

I sense his merciless grin down the phone. “You meet one of my men tonight at the bar you passed coming here. You don’t say a word to Calvin about this. You don’t tell him you’ve spoke
n to me. If you have to. Be heartless. Tell him you don’t love him anymore if you have to. Tell him you’re leaving. But whatever you do, come alone.”

I press my hand over my mouth to stop myself for crying. I’m inconsolable inside. He wants to me to leave the man I love. The man who has been protecting me throughout all this. How can I leave him heartbroken after everything?

My voice speaks before I think. “And then you’ll leave them alone?”

“Yes. You have my word.” I don’t know why but I believe him. If this is the only chance of Calvin and his family having any further future then this is what I will do.

“Then you have mine.” I clench my eyes shut after that sentence. Tears swamp my face as I hold my heavy chest.

“Eleven o’clock Olivia.” The line goes dead. My chest heaves in and out to accommodate my heavy uneasy breathing.

I have to leave Calvin. I have to leave him heartbroken. He loves me. I’m the only thing that keeps him going and I have to pull that away from him? His family are falling apart because of Mauricio and now I have to brake him even more?

If it’s to protect him. Then I’ll do anything.

I walk back to Claire’s house after wondering around the neighborhood by myself. I’ve been walking around contemplating this outcome. My life is going to be ruined either way. I leave Calvin and I have lost the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’ve lost my reflection. I’ve lost the other half of me. If I go home I can be with my mom, but I have to live with that spineless bastard. But I keep telling myself;
it’s to protect Calvin.
I have to do this.

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