Pleasure Bound - Complete (52 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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He lowered his head and caught her in a kiss so fierce, she had to grip his shoulders from falling to the beach. But she needn’t have held onto him because Buck was already lowering her there, onto the warm sand.

He laid her on her back and gazed down at her. She didn’t miss his massive rod bunched tight against his shorts all primed and ready to go.

Yet he hesitated.

“What are you waiting for?”

“I just thought of something. What if I hurt the babies?”

“Annie says they aren’t even the size of grapes. You can fuck me as much as you want, for a long time still without hurting them.”

Indecision brewed in those lusty eyes. “You sure?”

“Yes, please make love to me,” Virgin gasped.

She couldn’t wait any longer. Couldn’t wait until his shaft was buried deep inside of her where he belonged.


The End






Pleasure Bound Book Four

Jan Springer


Published by Spunky Girl Publishing

Copyright 2014 by Jan Springer

Discover other titles by Jan Springer at

Cover Art by: Talina Perkins of Bookin’ It Designs

Edited by Amelia S. Black

Second Edition



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This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, settings and events presented in this book are purely of the author’s imagination and bear no resemblance to any actual person, living or dead or to any actual events, places and/or settings.




Chapter One

On the planet of Paradise


United States astronaut Piper Hero drifted upwards through the thick layers of sleep and became aware of a pair of strong hands clasping her hips and a tongue sensually licking her throbbing clit. Pleasure cascaded through her every fibre and it took all of her strength to not cry out until she knew what was going on.

She opened her eyes and stared in stunned fascination at the stranger’s head buried between her her very naked legs. Legs that were curled over each of his massive muscular shoulders.

my goodness
Was this a dream
Or reality

Hot sensual lips nibbled at her slick labia, and she gasped as sharp teeth bit gently into her tender flesh.

It felt so good. So unbelievably good.

A burst of heat lashed up her vagina as his thick tongue invaded her channel.

Piper closed her eyes against the sweet agony.

Fuck me with your tongue
Do it

Her breathing grew labored. Perspiration dashed across her fevered skin but it did nothing to extinguish the pleasure-fire coursing through her veins.

In and out of her pussy, his tongue plunged as if it was a miniature cock. Her vaginal muscles eagerly grabbed at the thick intruder trying to suction him deeper inside. Her legs tensed, her pussy trembled and she dug her fingernails into the mattress beneath her as her climax drew closer.

She tried to gather her thoughts. Tried to figure out whom this stranger might be but she needed to come so badly.

Weakly she reached out. Her fingers sifted through his silky black hair as she grabbed the back of his head and pulled his sweet mouth deeper into her pussy. Her legs moved off his shoulders and tightened around his neck. She squeezed hard. Real hard.

Rough beard stubble raked her sensitive inner thighs making her spin quickly toward her orgasm. The intense way his fingers dug into her hips made her realize he wasn’t a dream.

He was real!

was naked in a strange room with a man tongue fucking her, her body yearning for release.

Despite her sudden understanding of the situation, she could do nothing but lose her self-control.

She ground her pussy harder into his face. The sweet agony of his mouth sucking the cream from her body made her shudder. Made her cry out.

He continued thrusting his tongue into her, stretching her opening with each powerful plunge until hot lust consumed her. Convulsions raged.

She twisted against his powerful hands. Sexual tension burst and intense pleasure spread outward like an explosion.

Her thoughts splintered as a sexual inferno took hold of her senses.

Powerful spasms slammed into her one after another until she was crying out over and over.

His hot tongue continued to fuck her. The delicious torment was endless.

She thrashed her head back and forth on the pillow, and rode the brilliant waves as he continued to suck.

When the climax ebbed, she lay gasping for air, her arms falling limply from his head to her sides, her entire body was covered in a blissfully cool perspiration. She was dazed as his hot tongue slipped from her quivering vagina and his face moved away.

Uncurling her trembling legs from around his hot neck, he gently placed them upon the mattress.

“Are you eating her again?” came an amused chuckle from somewhere to her right.

Piper’s blood ran cold. Another man was in the room.

“She came out of the fever sex dream for a few moments. Then her climax hit and she must have gone under again.” The man who’d just tongue fucked her sounded deep and dark, unleashing another shiver of lust through her.

Who were these two men? Where was she? Why had this stranger just given her the best orgasm of her life?

She tried to ignore the wonderful sparks grazing the inside of her thighs as a pair of tender hands used a warm, damp cloth to intimately wipe away her lust-induced stickiness.

She was too weak to be ashamed at being splayed out naked in front of two strangers. Too weary to stop him from touching her, not that she wanted him to stop, his hands were being so gentle with her, she couldn’t believe any man could be so caring.

“Perhaps you should let me try fucking her with my cock, Jarod?” came his companion’s eager reply. “I’ve been known to fuck women out of sex fevers before.”

Sex fevers? What in the world was that?

A cool palm splayed over her warm forehead.

“Fever is almost gone. But she is too weak for a proper fucking, Taylor.”

Piper let out a slow breath of relief wondering what in the world was going on here. Where was she? What had happened?

“You are right,” Taylor chuckled heartily. “But I can hope, can I not? By the way, how does she taste?”

There was a brief silence. To her shock, she realized she craved to hear his answer.

“Sweeter than the sweetest fruit,” came Jarod’s husky whisper.

Oh, my gosh! The man was a poet. Not.

She wanted to open her eyes and study the face of Jarod, the man who had brought her such intense pleasure, but while he’d been seducing her clitoris and bringing on that mind-blowing orgasm, she’d been too busy with her pleasure to check out his features.

She didn’t dare open her eyes now and let them know she was awake.

At least not until she could gather her chaotic thoughts and think straight.

“I’ve almost got dinner cooked. Are you coming down?” Taylor asked.

He was further away now.

“Be there in a minute.”

The intimate wiping of her body stopped, and she waited anxiously for them to leave.

The set of footsteps further away slowly faded as one of them left but the other man, the one named Jarod, was staying behind.

She could hear him.

His breath sounded rapid and shallow. As if he was aroused. As if he wanted to take her again.

Maybe this time with his cock! If his cock was half as good as his tongue…

Piper trembled at that delicious thought.

She could literally
him watching her. Could feel his scorching stare drift over her breasts.

Her nipples trembled in anticipation, and she ached to have his mouth feast upon her flesh. To have his hot kisses graze across her abdomen and dive between her legs.

Her tender clit swelled yet again. Moistness accumulated inside her channel readying herself for his penetration. She clenched her teeth as pleasant sensations rippled through her at the thought of being fucked senseless.

And he wasn’t even touching her!

Was he waiting for her to awaken? So he could mouth fuck her again? Not that she didn’t want him to…

Piper inhaled sharply at the way her thoughts were heading toward sex again.

What in the world was wrong with her? She’d never been sexually attracted so blindly to a stranger before. Could it have to do with the orgasm he’d just given her? Could it be because she’d been without a man for so long that it had affected her body?

“You’re awake.”

It was the voice of Jarod.

Goodness! What should she do?

“Open your eyes, woman. Open them,” he coaxed softly.

He was very near to her now. His body heat slammed into her exposed skin. His mouth hovered so close that his warm breath fondled her earlobe causing it to tingle erotically.

She savored his clean masculine scent. Loved the way his gentle fingertips touched her chin. She couldn’t stop herself from opening her eyes.

The instant she saw him a wonderful fluttery feeling slammed into her chest.

Dangerous warrior was her first thought about him. Sexy as sin was her second.

His hair shone midnight black. It was parted in the middle and fell down to his shoulders like a dark waterfall. He had a sun-darkened face with strong angles, his nose seemed slightly off-center as if it had been broken and hadn’t healed properly.

Hot blood heated her when she noted the sexy, black pirate patch covering his left eye. The patch did little to hide the jagged scar that ran out from under it. It curved in a half-moon, the raised skin climbed over the top of his flushed cheekbone and ended beneath his earlobe.

The scar gave him a threatening appearance but it was a direct contrast to the warm way his one eye looked at her.

Piper’s gaze drifted to his sensually shaped mouth. She remembered how her thighs had trembled as his soft lips eagerly suckled her pussy.

Sweet heavens
Get a grip

This was no time to be sexually aware of a strange man who’d just orally fucked her without her permission.

“How do you feel?” he asked.

A tanned finger eased up along her jaw line to tenderly caress her cheek. His touch sent tingles through her. What in the world could she say, other than please tongue fuck me again?

From this vantage point, she could tell he was sitting on the floor right beside her. It gave her an up close and personal look at the thick welts and healed scars lashed across his broad, naked chest and wonderfully wide shoulders.

Whip marks

She bit her bottom lip. What had happened to him? And what in the world had happened to her?

“W-where am I?”

“You’re in The Outer Limits,” came his soft reply.

“The Outer Limits?”

He cocked his head slightly to one side with curiosity. Mercy, he looked so cute when he did that.

“What…happened to me?”

“I was hoping you could tell me. We found you in the Fever Swamps near the Acid Zone while we were out hunting.”

Piper frowned. The Outer Limits? The Acid Zone? Fever Swamps? What was with these weird names?

“You drank too much of the swamp water. I’ve done my best to suck out the poisons. Now that you are awake you should be fine.”

Suck out the… What was he saying?

“Poisons?” she whispered.

His forehead furrowed in puzzlement.

“You’ve had fever sex dreams from ingesting the brown water. You act as if you have no idea what I mean.”

“Fever sex dreams?” Was this guy serious?

“If I hadn’t made you orgasm constantly, you would have died.”

No way. This guy was kidding her—looking for an excuse to have his head between her legs.

Without warning, visions and feelings swept over her.

There was darkness, the silhouette of a man somewhere nearby, watching her. The need to be sexually penetrated, the pulsing agony of wanting to climax but not being able to. Her desperate cries, her agonizing screams as she’d begged to be fucked.

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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