Pleasure Bound - Complete (50 page)

“Easy Virgin, I haven’t even started yet,” he laughed.

“You best get to it then,” she breathed with a sudden impatience. She ached to be filled with his hard flesh. Ached to have his cock thrusting into her. She desperately wanted to be his woman.

A sharp smack against her left ass cheek made her cry out in surprise.

“What was that for?” she gasped.

“Just a little prelude of your punishment.”

Another blow heated her right ass cheek.

“Buck what are you doing?” If he thought spanking her was going to be her punishment he was seriously mistaken.

“I’ve been wanting to do this all day. Indulge me. I’ll make it worth your while.”

Another smack quickly followed. The fiery heat spread through her ass cheeks making her gasp in shock.

The finger rubbing her pleasure nub increased with speed and pleasure. A large hot finger impaled her.

With a strangled moan she writhed against the pleasure shooting like lightning up her vagina.

He chuckled softly, “Your pussy is already soaked. I’m glad to see my spanking pleases you.”

He withdrew his finger and a hand slid a scorching trail over the curves of her blistering ass cheeks with such a gentle caress that Virgin quivered beneath his soft touch. The pressure against her clitoris increased and the storm building deep inside her roared to life. Perspiration sprouted over her body.

“Your shapely ass is so hot and so pink, so silky smooth.”

His fingers slid lower and inward.

Her eyes widened as his long fingers speared her ass cheeks apart. Holding her breath she forced herself to relax and he was able to slip inside her anal channel.

Her muscles clenched tightly against his sensual insertion. The position of his finger felt so good as he massaged tenderly inside her preparing her for his entry. Slowly he slid out, but before he totally withdrew he thrust his finger deep inside her ass again. A rush of pleasure pain made her wince. It quickly disintegrated as his finger began a seductive thrust in and out of her.

A second and then shortly after a third finger penetrated her.

By the time he was finished preparing Virgin her legs were trembling the arousal was screaming through her body in a fever pitch.

When the head of his swollen cock slid smoothly into her pussy instead of her ass, she was slightly disappointed. She’d wanted to experience more of those wonderful sensations in her ass.

Perhaps this was another phase of her punishment? Keeping her off balance?

He drove his cock deep into her in one violent thrust making her inhale sharply.

Closing her eyes, she gave into the wonderful fullness his thick rod created as he slid in and out of her wet vagina in torturously slow strokes. Her hands tightened on her ankles as riotous desire screamed through her soaked vagina.

Suddenly he withdrew and pressed the thick bulging head of his cock between her ass cheeks.

Finally! He was finally going to impale her ass with his cock.

She remembered his cock was much bigger than the dildo he’d used on her when he’d double-penetrated her back at the shelter.

Would she be able to handle his size?

A slither of fear tingled up her spine as he slowly pushed inside.

The pressure of his thickness in her ass was strange.

A finger slid against her clit once again. The arousing sensations brought her quickly to the edge of a climax. But he wouldn’t let her explode. Wouldn’t allow her to dive into the inferno threatening to claim her.

He was a master at pleasure. He knew exactly when to back off in order to prevent her from achieving satisfaction.

She writhed in agony at the denial of fulfillment. Her body became flushed with desire, her mind tense with anticipation.

She moaned in her protest as he continued to glide his cock in and out of her ass in achingly slow thrusts. He was going too slow. Not deep enough.

She wanted to be fucked harder, deeper, rougher. Wanted relief from this throbbing need he created that had her gasping and whimpering.

This must be part of his punishment for her. But how long would he keep her hovering at the edge before he would give her the satisfaction she craved?

He eased his cock deeper into her ass, burying himself halfway.


Her anal muscles tightened around the thick intrusion making him groan with pleasure. He probed deeper with his cock, while his finger began a frenzied pump against her swollen clit. A finger slipped inside her wet vagina making it harder for Virgin to keep holding onto her ankles. Each penetration into her anus became deeper, more filling, driving her closer toward that something wild she craved.

She pumped her hips backwards, encouraging him to bring her to full satisfaction.

“You seem to be ready to have the final phase of your punishment administered.” Buck chuckled.

He speared his cock deeper into her ass. The length and pressure of his hot flesh sinking into her was almost unbearable. The pain was both beautiful and dangerous as it intermingled with the scorching pleasure.

His hips pumped faster. His hard balls slapped against her flesh. Perspiration beaded her body. His fingers moved frantically against her clit.

Oh Goddess of Freedom

She was going to climax!

Her instincts kicked in and she thrust her hip back full force, meeting his every violent plunge. His cock seemed to be on fire as he impaled her over and over again.

The pace of his thrusts grew more determined. More fierce.

It pushed her over the edge.

Throwing her head back she cried out as exquisite agony burst like a dark tornado straight though her lower belly. Both her vaginal and anal muscles spasmed in a magnificent rhythm.

His long hot cock continued to stretch and fill her with his solid swift thrusts. Her breathing came hard and fast. Her mind tingled under the brilliant release.

Buck groaned and his cock swelled larger inside of her.

He bucked against her. His groans increased and his hot seed filled her insides and streamed down her inner legs.

With the completion of their release and with his semi-flaccid cock still buried inside her ass, Buck gently lowered them to the ground.

Exhaustion from their mating claimed them and their breaths intermingled through the warm evening air. His arms trembled as they slid around her waist spooning her against his front.

“That was fabulous,” Buck whispered into her ear.

“It was a perfect punishment,” she agreed.

Although her ass was sore she knew she wanted to try this again. And soon.

But not tonight. Tonight she wanted to be with him. To smell his strong masculine scent and feel his powerful body heat snuggle into her every pore.

In the cheerful rays of the late afternoon sun they lay there on the warm ground for a long time, neither of them saying anything.

Eventually they fell asleep.

It was Virgin who heard Joe calling them from somewhere far away. Her eyes popped open and she realized it had gotten late in the day. Wiggling free from Buck’s warmth she warned him of their unexpected visitor.

He cursed quietly as they quickly dressed.

A moment later Joe darted into the clearing.

His face was grim enough to set off Virgin’s internal alarm.

“What’s wrong?” Buck asked as he too sensed something major had happened.

“Ben came back from exploring. He saw something that he wants the two of us to see right now.”

“Like what?”

“He didn’t say. But whatever it is it has him shaken right down to the bones. Hurry, we have to get back to camp.”

* * * * *

“Where do you think they went?” Virgin asked as she paced around the small campfire rubbing her cold arms trying to break the chill that had claimed her ever since the three brothers had left camp.

“You’ve asked that question twenty times in the past hour,” Jacey mumbled from her perch on a nearby fallen log.

She looked worried. Just like Virgin felt.

“But it’s going to be dark soon. They might get lost.”

“You heard Ben. He said not to expect them back until late. Maybe even in the morning,” she whispered as she continued to stare into the fire.

Another night without Buck Hero lying beside her? It was almost too much to bear.

“Did they hint at where they were going?” Virgin asked again.

She didn’t like the uneasiness that had plagued her ever since seeing the worried expression on Joe’s face when he’d come to fetch Buck. She needed to know why the three brothers had left so quickly without even a backward glance.

“You were with Ben, Jacey. What happened? Where did you two go to explore?” Virgin prodded.

“I led him to the edge of Freedom Sea to show him the Goddess of Freedom. He took one look at her and I thought he was going to pass out. He said he needed to get his brothers right away.”

“Didn’t you ask him why he was upset?” Virgin asked.

“Of course I did. But he’s a Hero. Stubborn and secretive.”

“And the best lovers,” Annie laughed as she emerged from a makeshift shelter of branches the brothers had made to keep the baby’s delicate skin protected from the elements.

“Guess who’s awake and looking for his mamma.”

Virgin’s uneasiness slipped away the instant Annie handed her the soft baby bundle.

Her son peered up at her with his fantastic blue eyes and his rosebud lips pursed into a smile.

“He drank all his milk?” Virgin asked.

“Every last drop. There’s enough left for only one more day. But don’t worry Joe says we’ll reach the spaceship tomorrow mid-morning. And they have plenty of milk on board.”

The spaceship.

She still couldn’t believe that Buck and his brothers were from another planet. When Jacey had told her all about it while Buck had recuperated Virgin had been shocked to say the least considering she’d never believed there was life on other planets.

But now that she looked back on it, she should have recognized all the signs that Buck wasn’t from The Outer Limits.

He knew how to speak. He was educated and didn’t have a clue about her world or about The Outer Limits. But she’d been so preoccupied with curing him of the passion poison she hadn’t really had time to think about his strange behavior.

“He’s so cute,” Jacey admitted as she played with the baby’s fingers. “I’ve never been seen a baby this up close before y’know. On our field trips to the prisons we were never allowed to go into the nursery. Remember, Virgin?”

“I remember. Now I know why after I had one. It seems it is a female instinct to nurture them. “ A surge of emotion ripped through Virgin at the memory of waking up in her cell one morning to discover her baby gone. He’d been taken in the dead of night, while she’d slept.”

“They’d drugged my food that day,” Virgin said. “Drugged me so they could take him without a fight. They must have known I’d fight to keep him. I know it happened to some of the other prisoners.”

Annie nodded. “While I was a resident learning to become a doctor, I had to treat several women who’d been released from prison after completing their sentence of giving birth. Most had been severely depressed at having their babies taken from them. One woman in particular had a three-baby sentence. I treated her once when she tried to kill herself after they’d released her from prison. I heard that she eventually succeeded.”

Dead silence hung through the camp for a few minutes as Annie’s news sunk into the three women.

Virgin grew cold at the thought that she’d almost been separated permanently from Kiki. Perhaps she might have killed herself too if she’d been unable to get him back into her arms.

“The laws of our land need to be changed,” Virgin replied firmly.

“How? We’re all fugitives now,” Jacey said as she tickled the baby’s wiggling feet. “Besides, Ben asked me to go with him, back to his planet. He says he has a place for us to live.”

“Joe wants me to go back with him too,” Annie said with sheer excitement.

“We don’t need their stupid laws,” Jacey chattered gaily.

Virgin swallowed at the sudden lump of dread lodged in her throat. Buck wanted her to go with him too. But could she leave Jarod behind without knowing his fate?

A cold feeling wrapped itself around her shoulders as she peered into the twilight.

Jarod was out there somewhere. She wondered how he was faring. He’d never been away from the hub before. He probably didn’t even know where The Outer Limits was.

What if he was re-captured by Cath?

What would his fate be?


Chapter Fifteen


“Kind of seems like the ending of a classic movie I once watched when I was a kid,” Buck whispered as he stared at the very tall statue hugging the jagged coastline.

“This is reality, not a damned movie, Buck,” Ben snapped.

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