Pleasure Bound - Complete (54 page)

She swallowed back another whimper as her body blazed beneath his hands. Her gaze wandered to the area between his thighs where she discovered he wore nothing but a small loincloth that did nothing to conceal his large arousal.

A blessedly big arousal!

Unconsciously, she licked her lips and suddenly she couldn’t wait to grab onto those powerful male legs, and press her head between
thighs and orally take his cock into her mouth.


What in the world was she thinking? She’d never thought about taking a man’s cock into her mouth before.

His one icy-blue eye caught her watching him, and his fingers stilled on her aroused nipples.

“Don’t stop,” she said hoarsely. “Please, don’t stop.”

She wanted his magical fingers to keep touching her. Wanted him to make her feel alive, to bring her out of this weakness claiming her.

The way his mouth curved downwards, she wondered what she’d said wrong. He let go of her nipples and abruptly pulled a thin sheet, which appeared to be woven out of black animal hair, over her heaving breasts.

Suddenly embarrassed at having responded so boldly to the stranger, she couldn’t stop the heated flush from spreading through her face.

His one eye narrowed warmly at her reaction. Thankfully, he said nothing as he sat down on the edge of the bed beside her and lifted a wooden bowl from the nearby twig table. Steam uncurled from it and drifted into the air.

“Taylor has gone in search for the others.”

Relief swept through her.

“Thank you. I appreciate both your and his help.”

“If these others are in the swamps, he will find them. He is a very good tracker. No one knows the swamps as good as he does.”

Pride and confidence etched his voice, and Piper found his confidence seeping into her. Yes, if this sexy stranger said his friend would find her sisters then it would happen.

To her surprise, he lifted the spoon and she tried not to make a face at the ugly-looking gray liquid on it.

He came at her mouth with it.

Sweet mercy! He wanted to spoon-feed her?

He was too close. Too sexy. It would be too intimate.

Before she could even attempt to sit up and pretend she wasn’t as weak as she felt, his harsh words stopped her cold.

“Lie still. Your wounds are still healing.”

“My wounds?”

“Both of your feet were burned.”

Her feet? She didn’t feel any pain now or earlier. But then again her legs had been hoisted over his massive shoulders while his face had been buried in her quivering pussy.

Don’t think about that

Think about how to get away from this steamy sex hunk who made her feel like she wanted to take a roll in the hay with him, like right now.

She cleared her very dry throat. “How bad are the burns?”

“The soles of your feet got infected. I had to use our entire medical supply to keep from amputating.”

Amputation? Her stomach heaved.

“Do not be alarmed. A couple of days rest and you will be fit. In the meantime, you will eat and grow strong.”

She grimaced at the earthy-smelling liquid as he touched her lips with the warm spoon.

“What is it?”

“Soup. It is nutritious. Open your mouth.”

She did as he instructed and she sipped delicately.

Earthy was her first impression as the salty fluid splashed over her dry tongue. Gooey was her second impression as it slid easily down her parched throat.

It didn’t taste bad, but it didn’t taste good either.

He dipped the spoon into the bowl again and remained quiet as he spoon-fed her.

The sight of him sitting here beside her, his torso practically naked except for that loincloth partially covering that wondrous bulge, was quickly building a lusty flush throughout her, and making her feel faint at the same time.

His thick black hair was damp and in disarray, as if he’d just taken a dip in a lake or stepped out of a shower, or better yet, stepped straight out of a Playgirl magazine. Her body trembled as she imagined the power he had over her should he decide to pull down the sheet again to bare her breasts to him.

But the sexual interest she’d seen gleaming in his eye when he’d touched her nipples earlier was gone, replaced with hostility and bold curiosity.

Speaking of curiosity, where was she, anyway?

She cast a quick gaze around the small room and noted a few big, fat candles held in hangers on the walls. They were lit, their flickering flames casting a buttery glow around the room. Shadows danced across a floor made of small, round saplings strung tightly together by vines. The walls were made of the same material and the low ceiling was obviously straw thatch.

Outside, fireflies flittered past night-darkened windows.

He hadn’t said a word while she ate, but the instant she finished the contents of the bowl, his questions began to fly.

“Why were you in the swamp? What is your mission?”

“My mission?”

“Why have you come here?”

What was with the third degree?

“I already told you. To search for my brothers, the Heros.”

“So you can kill them.” His words were so matter-of-fact she couldn’t believe what she’d just heard.

“Are you crazy? Why would I want to kill my own brothers?”

“Where do you come from?” he asked.

Good question. How did she tell this guy she came from another planet?

He’d call her insane.

Her. A kindergarten teacher who’d left a schoolroom full of cute five-year-old children so she could go on an adventure and travel across the galaxy on a top secret search for her missing brothers.

Heck! She

Carrying on a conversation with a practically nude stranger, allowing him to touch her nipples and eat her pussy? Wanting him to touch her again. Wanting to have wild sex with him.

Her face flamed yet again at the delightful thoughts.

“Did Cath send you?” The hostility in his voice when he spoke about this Cath person made her wonder what horrible things that woman had done to him. Was she the cause of the scars that lashed his chest? Was she the reason he was so suspicious?

“I…I don’t know anyone named Cath. I told you I came in search of my brothers. I have a message for them.”

“What message?”

“It’s personal. Just tell me where they are. Or at least, bring them here.”

“Tell me the message and I will see they get it.”

Piper felt herself relaxing into the softness of the bed. “So you do know where they are.”

“They are safe and that’s the way they will stay.”

Obviously, her brothers had found a steadfast friend in this guy. She just wished he’d be a little more cooperative with her. And she wished her bladder would stop filling up so quickly.

She wiggled her bottom a little trying to alleviate the mounting pressure. As if understanding her movements, he reached under the bed.

“I have a bowl you can go in.”

“I don’t think so!” She wasn’t going pee in a bowl with him around. Talk about embarrassing.

“No thanks. Just point me into the right direction and I’ll manage.”

“That is not possible. Your wounds are still recovering.”

“I don’t feel a thing. Really.”

He frowned. “I will carry you outside.”

“Don’t sound so thrilled, mister,” she muttered.

He stood and his arms reached out to her. She waved him away. “I can walk. Really.”

In one fluid motion, he bent over and picked her up, and snuggled her against a broad wall of sculpted chest muscles.

Holy heat wave! It really was getting hot in here.

To her shock, the sheet fell off her body revealing her nudity to him.

Oh, shit!

She looked up and jolted. Heat flamed in his eye as he scrutinized her bared breasts. If looks could make love, he’d be doing it to her right now.

And she wouldn’t resist either.

Piper shivered with excitement.

“Are you cold?” he asked quietly.


He had the most amazing blue eye.

She wondered what had happened to his other one? How had he lost it? And once again, she wondered how he had gotten all those scars on his gorgeous chest? Especially the scar that raked across his left nipple, leaving it damaged and puckered, and aching to be sucked.

It wasn’t until they were surrounded by darkness that she realized he hadn’t bothered to cover her and that he’d carried her outside. Mild air washed against her skin but it did little to douse the arousal shimmering throughout her.

Swiss Family Robinson
came instantly to mind as she glanced up at the dark outline of an amazing building nestled snugly amongst pine trees.

“We’re in a tree house?”

“It is where we live.”

“Your friend and you?”


He began to descend and she peered over his shoulder noting the small torches that lit a buttery glow down a set of steep wooden stairs.

Once they cleared the steps, they were plunged into semi-darkness. Her eyes quickly accustomed to the new lighting, and she noted moonlight splashing onto a tiny meadow ahead.

A moment later, he placed her feet gently on a patch of moist, cool grass.

Pain shot through her feet and she wavered. She hated the weakness spilling into her limbs and didn’t have any choice but to reach out and dig her fingers into his muscular arms.

She could feel the outline of his long, thick cock pressing against his loincloth and into her skin. Her breath caught in her throat and she couldn’t halt the whimper of want from escaping her lips.

“Are you not well?” His voice sounded strained, his body tense.

“I’m fine,” she lied, as the shape of his hard cock head seared against her lower belly.

Please fuck me

“You can go here.”

His voice sounded cold and detached again, urging her to quickly pull away from him.

He wanted her to go here? In front of him?

He made no move to leave. Made no move to look away from her nude body.

And she didn’t have the strength to get into an argument with him.

Squatting down, she was quite thankful for the darkness that drifted around them while she tended to business. When she was finished, he handed her some soft leaves to wipe herself, and then quickly swooped her up in his massive arms again.

As they ascended the stairs, she enjoyed the intimate touch of his muscles flexing against her breast and she loved how his body heat seared her flesh.

As they entered the room she’d been in earlier, light spilled over his tanned face. At the sight of his lust-blazed eye and the fact his head was lowering toward her, every nerve ending jumped to attention.


The instant his hot lips brushed against her mouth, her pussy jerked, unleashing a magnificent heat between her thighs.

He groaned. It was the most sensual sound she’d ever heard in her life, and she eagerly opened her mouth accepting the hungry thrust of his tongue.

Sensations rocked her.

By gosh, the man sure knew how to kiss.

His rough tongue clashed with hers, finding erotic zones she never even knew existed.

His kisses left her breathless and so hot for sex she couldn’t even think straight.

Without his hot mouth leaving hers, he lowered her until her feet shakily hit the floor. He crushed her against the sapling wall and his knees prodded her legs apart. She whimpered as his thick shaft, restrained by the loincloth, pressped intimately against the apex of her thighs.

Her legs weakened at the fierceness of her arousal, and her arms quickly encircled his neck to prevent herself from falling.

He continued to kiss her and her body hummed with approval at the lusty idea that she wanted this stranger to make love to her. His fingers slid around her waist to her backside where he massaged her ass cheeks. She rubbed her swollen breasts against his hard chest sparking a beautiful friction into her nipples.

His teeth nipped gently at her lower lip making her gasp at the pain. His tongue once again thrust into her mouth clashing violently against her tongue, dominating her, overwhelming her.

Her breath crashed into her lungs as she fought to keep up with his fierce tongue thrusts, to absorb the sensations ripping through her.

Hell’s bells! The man knew how to kiss.

When the massive length of his bound cock nestled boldly near the entrance to her pussy, her legs grew weaker, barely supporting her.

His cock felt so unbelievably huge!

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